White screen after loading a page in Yandex. What to do if the white screen on the tablet

Modern gadgets allow you to constantly keep abreast, be always in touch, contact with family and friends. successfully replace computers. Having them available, users can easily surf the Internet, regardless of their location. Unfortunately, such faithful companions of modern man as tablets can sometimes present an unexpected and very sad surprise. No one would want to see a white screen on a tablet and not understand what to do in this case. However, many users still have to face such a problem. If you encounter a similar problem, we will help you deal with this trouble.

Solving the problem with a white screen.

White screen - technical problem

So, if you once noticed that your tablet, instead of the traditional launch, welcomes you with a white screen, it is useful to figure out what caused such a failure, as well as what to do to eliminate such a technical problem.

Reasons for failure

Understanding why the problem occurred is important enough. This will allow you to bypass the circumstances that provoke the occurrence of a white screen in the future. Stripes with shades of white when you turn on the tablet or a completely white screen often occur through the fault of the owner himself. If you neglect the rules of careful use of gadgets, such unpleasant surprises will become constant companions of a person. A white screen can occur due to mechanical damage when the tablet is dropped, or something falls on it. Even minor mechanical damage can cause the cable to disconnect. Due to poor contact, the tablet display is not able to function successfully, and therefore “greets” its owner with “crystal whiteness”.

Such a nuisance is typical for gadgets that have undergone corrosion or a short circuit. This happens when the equipment accidentally gets into the water or stays in a space with excessively high humidity for a long time. A white screen will be inevitable if the tablet is used actively, but in dusty rooms. In this case, a large amount of dust settles on all its internal components, which adversely affects their performance and prevents contact. The reason for the white screen may be the installation of some new application. During installation, a system failure is often provoked, respectively, the system cannot boot normally in the future.

Most modern users strive to have up-to-date ones, so they cannot resist the temptation to install a new product on their own. In principle, such actions are quite justified, but subject to the availability of relevant practical experience. If there is none, and the recommendations for the firmware have not been thoroughly studied, such actions lead to sad problems. Wrong is the cause of the white screen.

How to fix the problem

After you managed to find out what caused the white screen, we suggest you figure out how to fix the display problem, fix the technical failure. If the problem happened after installing a new application, we suggest you wait a bit, let the gadget “work” with a white screen. If after some time it still miraculously starts, be sure to check how many processes are running, how many applications are running at the same time. It is recommended to clean the desktop, since extra shortcuts, widgets are also often the culprits for such a problem. It will not be superfluous to uninstall the application, after the installation of which the problem arose. It is useful to move individual applications to the SD card, as well as turn off the animation. Removing the extra load from the RAM and the processor, sometimes it is possible to remove the problem of a white screen.

If you dropped the tablet, then you need. The most common cause of the failure is the disconnection of the loop. It is enough to reconnect it. Unfortunately, things don't always turn out so well. Often, falls provoke serious damage to the matrix or other important components. In this case, it will not work on your own. You will have to seek help from a service center and prepare to incur financial costs. Better take care of the tablet, do not let it fall, then there will be no problems, and no extra costs either.

If the contacts are oxidized, it is also better to entrust the solution of such a problem to experienced craftsmen who have not only practical experience, but also the necessary materials. It is especially important to contact a service center if your tablet is under warranty. If we persistently remove the problem in all the ways described, but it still remains, then you need to restart the tablet. Rebooting can be done in the traditional way or by removing the battery. Only in this case, do not forget to remove the SD card.

Unfortunately, even a forced reboot does not always fix the problem. Then we recommend to bring down the settings, return them to the factory state. Of course, you will have to put up with the loss of data, but there is still a chance to restore the normal functioning of the tablet.

To roll back the settings, return the gadget to the factory state, you need to perform several sequential steps:

Well, if the rollback worked, and the tablet worked. If you were disappointed this time too, then there is nothing left to do but go to the professionals for help. Specialists will understand the problem of the gadget and prescribe the necessary “treatment”, if necessary, they will “operate” on it and bring it back to life to your delight.

Many of you must have noticed that the update to Google Chrome 32 is frankly late, despite the fact that some users have already received this version as part of testing. With what it is connected, someone probably knows, but does not tell us. In the meantime, at least in RuNet, problems with synchronization began, which recently simply stopped working for many users.

Users cannot sign in to the browser. They get a white screen instead of a successful sync. Can't pull up their extensions or bookmarks. It turned out that this problem is connected with the Russian language. Apparently, some extremely strange bug has occurred in the browser, which does not allow using synchronization if Google Chrome is in Russian localization. Solving this problem is simple:

2. Turn on the display of the browser in English.

3. Restart.

4. Turn on synchronization.

This is such a funny situation. Did the problem get you? Did the advice help? Tell your friends.

UPD. The problem has hooked all versions of Google Chrome of all channels. Depending on the localization, chrome sends us to the appropriate server. In our case, google.ru, which is currently behaving inappropriately. By changing the language to English, we will go to their server, where authorization is successful.

UPD 2. Solution for Linux (thanks to Mikhail Kozyrkin):

Found a solution for linux. Tested on debian wheezy, kde, chromium 31. In the terminal as root, enter the following command:

# dpkg-reconfigure locales

In the window that appears, use the arrows and the spacebar to select the required localization (an asterisk means that the item has already been selected). I have en_US-UTF-8 and ru_RU-UTF-8. Then press "ENTER". In the next window, select en localize by default (in my case, en_US-UTF-8). Then press "ENTER". We enter the command:

After the reboot, launch chrome (chromium) and log in with your account. To return the localization, again in the terminal we enter:

# dpkg-reconfigure locales

In the first window, press "ENTER", and in the next window, select the Russian localization (for example, ru_RU-UTF-8). After all the procedures done, enter the command

Note: On newer versions of ubuntu, checking all locales may simply fail when you enter the "dpkg-reconfigure locales" command. In this case, the language can be changed in the system setup (localization settings or language settings). The effect is the same.

Maybe you erased it, or tried to beat the crap out of it with improvised means, or reflashed it - anything can be the cause. Once again I say - if you don’t know exactly what the reason is, it’s unlikely that you will be able to fix something.

After physical injury

If a white screen began to appear after trying to “re-educate” the tablet using the cuff method, or you accidentally dropped it on the floor, on asphalt, then there is nothing surprising at all.

The matrix, or some kind of microcircuit that is responsible for controlling the display, could be damaged. Such parts are usually not repaired, but replaced with new ones. The matrix is ​​usually expensive, so in order to avoid such cases, it is better not to beat your tablet.

If you're more lucky, and it turns out that nothing broke, and during the fall, only the cable came off - you just need to attach it back. If you are afraid to fix it yourself, trust the work to a specialist. If the hands are very itchy, to help, where it is described how to disassemble the tablet.

Also, some experts argue that getting the tablet wet, getting moisture inside the case can cause rust, corrosion and oxidation of some cables or metal components of the boards. If you clean them, then perhaps everything will fall into place. I think you understand that it is better to entrust such a procedure to a specialist.

After an unsuccessful firmware

If the screen “turned white” like a wall after the firmware, then the tablet is terribly scary because of what you did to it. Most likely, either you installed the wrong firmware, or you did something wrong. Remember what you did wrong, and carefully, very carefully read the instructions for the firmware, and flash again. And if the firmware is “not correct”, you need to look for the correct one on another site, preferably on the official resource. Flashing a tablet with anything is like putting coal or firewood into the gas tank of a car, and puzzling over why my car won’t start and won’t drive. Find a normal firmware, so “sew” your device with it.

Without any reasons

You just held the tablet in your hands, rebooted it, or left it on charge. And then just bang! Look, the screen of the tablet turned white for no reason. For example, during power on. Perhaps there is nothing to worry about. Try experimenting. For example, completely turn off and turn on the tablet. If there is a “Reset” button on the tablet case, you can use it. If the tablet does not turn off, you can wait until the battery runs out and it will turn itself off. Then turn it on and look at the result. Sometimes, in rare cases, this helps the tablet “come to its senses”, because it, like a person, can sometimes get stuck.

If all these manipulations did not help, then the problem is much more serious, and the problem must be solved by flashing the device. If it is indeed a software glitch, flashing will fix the problem. You can read more about flashing here, as well as.

I don't know anything, I gave the tablet to someone and got it back with a white screen

A common problem is when a person does not know exactly what happened to the tablet, and the one who did such a dirty trick does not admit what he did with the device. I'm sorry, but it's unlikely that you can fix something by typing. It's easier to take the tablet to a service for diagnostics (to a normal service, not a basement), where the specialists will see what's wrong with the tablet and tell you what needs to be fixed, and how much it will cost.