What is displayed in the right pane of Explorer. Expanded Explorer window

Explorer allows you to browse your computer's file system. You can launch this program from the main menu using the Start > All Programs > Accessories > Explorer command or by right-clicking on the Start button and then selecting it in the window that opens. context menu Explorer commands.
Explorer window
The Explorer program window consists of two panels (Fig. 3.1). The left pane displays the structure of the computer's drives and folders, and the right pane displays the contents of the selected folder or drive.
The toolbar located at the top of the window has Back and Forward buttons that you can use as if you were browsing sites on the Internet. The Up button allows you to move up one level. file structure. When you click the Folders button, the left pane of Explorer appears on the screen with the hierarchical folder structure of your computer. The View button allows you to select the type of display of files and folders on right panel.
You will see many folders on the SE drive. They are designated with a special icon as a folder yellow. The files also have next to the name graphic image. It shows which program the file was created in. Examples of icons for Excel files, Word, WinZIP, WinRAR and Notepad are given in table. 3.1.
The left pane of Explorer shows the hierarchical structure of the computer's file system. At the top of the hierarchy is the Desktop folder, which stores your computer's desktop items. At the next level of the hierarchy (lower and slightly to the right) in Explorer there are folders H! computer, Network environment, Trash, V$X:2$:X78Y;amp;2:2, etc. Use the cursor keys and mouse to navigate through the folders. The selected folder is highlighted in blue and its contents are displayed in the right pane.

Task 1

  1. Open Explorer and highlight the SEE drive in the left pane. If the drive name is not visible in the window, use the scroll bar.
  2. Get acquainted with the file structure of the S drive. Select the Desktop folder. The contents of the selected folder will be displayed in the right pane. In it you will see all the programs and folders located on the desktop.
Techniques for working with files and folders
To see the contents of a folder, you need to open it. The folder opens with a mouse click.
Some folders have a icon next to them). It says that this folder has subfolders. Hover your mouse over this icon and click on it. Subfolders will appear below the selected folder, and the ) icon will change to ~. This way you can display all subfolders in the left pane. Viewing the contents of the My Documents folder is illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
Explorer also allows you to view the contents of a file. To do this, double-click on the file name in the right panel. The selected file will be opened in the corresponding application.

Rice. 3.2. Viewing the My Documents folder
You can also delete files and folders in File Explorer. Once deleted, they remain in the Recycle Bin until it is emptied or removed from the Recycle Bin.
To delete a file or folder, select it and then press c:;:X: or select File > Delete.
You can also use File Explorer to move and copy files or folders from one location on your disk to another. These operations are available both in the main menu and in the context menu.
To use the main menu commands, do the following:

  1. Select the file or folder you want to copy or move.
  2. Copy the selected object to the clipboard using Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut.
  3. In the left pane, select the folder into which you want to paste the copied object.
  4. Choose Edit > Paste.
Sometimes you need to copy, move or delete several files or folders at once. In order to select several adjacent files or folders, you need to click on the first selected object, and then, while holding down the key, click on the last one. If it is necessary to highlight separate files, you need to click on the desired files while holding the SX2 key.;
Working with context menu commands is carried out as follows:
  1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to copy or move.
  2. Copy the selected object to the clipboard by selecting Copy or Cut from the menu that opens.
  3. In the left pane of Explorer, right-click on the folder into which you want to paste the copied object.
  4. Select Paste from the menu that opens.

More on the topic: Why do you need a conductor:

  1. 8.1. Why does a company need a knowledge management process?
  2. What target audiences are most typical for exhibition stands, what information about them is needed by future exhibitors and why is it collected?
  3. How, when and why brainstorming sessions are held; what technical and organizational issues need to be resolved in advance; what third-party contractors may be needed to implement the exhibition project, why and how to hold tenders for them

Purpose of the work: become familiar with the file structure created by the operating system Windows system; master the basic techniques of working with the program Conductor.

2 . Basics

2.1. File structure, files, folders

The Windows operating system provides the creation of a file system designed to store data on disks and organize access to them. File system is a method of storing files on computer disks.

File is a named area of ​​the disk in which a sequence of an arbitrary number of bytes of homogeneous information is stored.

In other words, a file refers to a named area external memory personal computer (hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drive, floppy disk). Any file has the following three features:

– the file has a name;

– the file contains homogeneous information, i.e. it contains components of the same type;

– length (in bytes) again created file is not specified and is limited only by the capacity of external memory devices.

File name is a sequence of alphanumeric characters. You can use any of the 256 keyboard characters (except the nine special / \ : * ? ) to create meaningful file names.< >|), including symbols of the Russian alphabet.

The file name is followed by the character ‘.’ (decimal point), followed by type file, often called the file name extension. Type file indicates the nature of the information stored in the file, and, by convention, for operating system, is defined by three (or four) characters of the English alphabet.

For example:

Report1.docx – a file named Report1 stores the document. Type docx file determined by the first three letters of the English word doc ument, the translation of this word is document;

Book1.txt – a file named Book1 stores text. Type txt file defined by three letters of the English word t ext;

Unit1.exe – a file named Unit1 stores a program in the microprocessor language – this is the so-called executable file. Type exe file determined by the first three letters of the English word exe cute, the translation of this word is to execute;

Rice. 1.1 Explorer program window.

Unit3.pas – a file named Unit3 stores the program on Pascal language. The pas file type is determined by the first three letters of the English word Pas cal.

Many software packages that run under the Windows operating system (in particular Microsoft Word, Excel, Delphi, etc.) and called applications, prompt the user to select only the file name, and The file type is assigned automatically.

The principle of organizing the file system is tabular. The surface of a hard disk is considered as a three-dimensional matrix, the units of which are surface, cylinder and sector numbers. File location data, i.e. information about where on the disk a particular file is recorded is stored in a special (so-called systemic) disk area in the form of a file allocation table (FAT32 table), consisting of 32-bit fields. However, for personal computer users, data about the location of Windows operating system files is presented in the form of a hierarchical structure, which is convenient for them.

Hierarchical structure is a multi-level structure, characterized by orderliness and organization of interaction between individual levels, with the subordination of elements of lower levels to elements of higher ones high levels.

Hierarchical structure, in which Windows displays files and their locations (folders), is called file structure.

Folders (directories) are important elements hierarchical structure necessary to provide convenient access to files.

Catalog– this is the location on the disk where the file name and its properties are stored.

Each file is registered in a specific directory, and the file is said to be stored in the directory. The terms 'folder' and 'directory' are usually considered equivalent: each directory of files on the disk corresponds to a Windows OS folder of the same name. Files are combined into folders according to the criteria specified by the user of the personal computer: by purpose, by type, by affiliation, etc. Directories at lower levels are nested within directories at higher levels and are nested for them. Top level hierarchical structure is disk root directory. Name the directory is specified by its creator; the rules for naming a directory by a user are no different from the rules for naming a file without specifying its type. Formally upon recording access paths (routes) to a file passing through a system of subdirectories, all intermediate directories are separated from each other by the ‘\’ character (backslash). For example,


D: – root directory logical drive D;

Faculty, Groups, PE-08-1 – names of intermediate directories (folders).

2.2. Working with the program Conductor

Conductor- This standard program, which is designed to search necessary files and file structure folders (they say for navigating through the file structure of the computer) and its maintenance.

Explorer belongs to the category file managers and is an integral part of the Windows operating system.

Explorer starts when you select:

– <Start>→<All programs>→<Стандартные>→<Проводник >, or

- at double click left mouse button (2-click) on the program shortcut Conductor.

Program window Conductor is presented in Fig. 1 and contains:

1 – title line. It contains a name open folder(For example, Local disk(WITH:)) and located 3 standard buttons: Minimize, Minimize window and Close;

2 – menu bar, which has standard view and contains 6 points: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help. When you click the left mouse button (CLC) on one of the items in this menu, it opens 'drop-down' menu, the items of which contain commands that implement certain operations with the contents of the window or with the window as a whole;

3 – toolbar contains command buttons. Clicking on one of them leads to the execution of the most common command in the program Conductor;

4 – address bar, which displays the access path (route) to the file or folder;

5 – work area, which is divided into two so-called panels: the left one, called folder panel and right - content panel folders;

6 – scroll bar, with which you can ‘scroll’ the contents of the folder panel. Scroll bars appear in the folder pane and/or folder content pane automatically as needed. Vertical or horizontal stripe Scrolling has a slider and two end buttons. Scrolling is done in three ways:

– Click on one of the end buttons;

– by ‘dragging’ the engine;

– CLICK on the scroll bar above or below the slider.

Using the program Conductor You can perform a number of operations with the file structure, let's get acquainted with some of them.

2.2.1. Navigating the file structure

The purpose of navigation is to provide access to the desired folder and its contents. Navigation through the file structure is performed in the left panel Conductor, which displays the folder structure. Folders can be deployed or rolled up, and also revealed or closed. If a folder has subfolders, the left pane next to the folder displays knot, marked with a '+' sign. Clicking on the node expands the folder, and the node icon changes to ‘-‘. CLICKING on the ‘-‘ icon collapses the folder.

To expand a folder, you need to CLICK on its icon. Content open folder appears in the right panel. One of the folders in the left panel is always open. It is impossible to close a folder by clicking on its icon - it will close automatically when you expand any other folder.

2.2.2. Launching programs and opening documents

This operation is performed by 2-clicking on the program icon (i.e. a file of type .exe or .com) or on the document icon in the right panel Conductor. If desired icon program is not shown in the right panel, you need to navigate in the left panel and find the folder in which it is located.

2.2.3. Creating folders

To create new folder first follows on the left panel Conductor expand the folder in which it will be created.

After this, you need to go to the right panel, right-click (right-click) on a space free from icons and sequentially select the following items in the context menu:


A folder icon with the name will appear in the right pane New folder. The title is highlighted and can be edited in this state. After the folder name is edited and the Enter key is pressed, the folder will be created and will be part of the file structure displayed in the left pane.

2.2.4. Copying and moving files and folders

The folder from which the copying occurs is called source, and the folder into which the copying occurs is called receiver. Copying files and folders can be done in 2 ways.

With the first method copying is performed by dragging the object icon (folder or file) from the right panel Conductor to the left. Let us remind you that drag and drop(drag-and-drop, trans. drag and throw) is one of the techniques for controlling the Windows operating system using the 'mouse', performed by moving the mouse while the left button is pressed and is accompanied by moving the object (folder or file) on which the pointer is placed ' mice'. When using this method, first find and expand the source folder in the left pane so that the copied object is visible in the right pane. Then the destination folder is found in the left pane (without opening it) and the item is dragged from the right pane to the left, placing its icon on the destination folder icon. This operation is done carefully to accurately place one icon on top of another.

If the source folder and destination folder belong to the same drive, then when dragging moving, and if different, then copying.

With the second method(it's much simpler) the clipboard is used. Windows OS creates and maintains an area of ​​memory that is invisible to the user, called clipboard. At any given time, the clipboard can only store one object. Copying using this method is performed in the following sequence:

1. Open the source folder in the left panel, then select the desired folder or file in the right panel;

2. Copy or cut the object to the clipboard. These operations are implemented in different ways:

– ShchPK on the object and select the item in the context menu Copy or Cut;

Copy or on the command button Cut;

– by pressing a keyboard key combination:

<Ctrl>+<C> – copy to clipboard, or

<Ctrl>+<X> – cut to buffer.

3. In the left panel, open the destination folder by moving the mouse pointer and CLICKING on free space right panel, paste an object from the clipboard using one of 3 methods:

– ShchPK on the right panel and in the context menu select the item Insert;

– CLICK on the command button of the toolbar Insert;

– press the keyboard key combination:

<Ctrl>+<V> – paste from the buffer.

2.2.5. Deleting files and folders

In the left panel, open the folder containing the object to be deleted, then in the right panel, select desired object(CLICK on it) or a group of objects, and delete it using one of the following methods:

– by pressing a key Delete keyboards;

– ShchPK on the object to be deleted and select the item in the context menu Delete;

– CLICK on the command button of the toolbar Delete.

When copying, moving and deleting, you often need to select not one object, but several (a group of objects). To select a group while clicking, you must hold down the key Shift or Ctrl. To highlight arbitrary group objects, keep the key pressed while clicking Ctrl. If the selected objects are located in a row, then you should hold down the key Shift. In this case, CLICK on the first selected object of the group and while pressing the key Shift Click the left mouse button on the last selected object.

2.2.6. Creating file shortcuts, object representation

On the right panel Conductor folders and files are represented graphically icons. The operations (copy, move, etc.) that the user performs on icons are actually performed on objects. For example, deleting a folder icon deletes that folder and its contents.

Label is only a pointer to the object and a copy of its arrow icon in the lower left corner. It takes up very little disk space.

Most often, shortcuts are used for launch programs(stored in files like .exe or .com) or for opening documents double-click the left mouse button on them (2-click).

The techniques for working with shortcuts are no different from the techniques for working with icons. Removing a shortcut removes the pointer, but not object. The presence of a shortcut provides convenient access to the object associated with it from different places in the operating system with minimal memory consumption for its storage.

Object shortcuts can be created in two ways.

1. Manually – using a special dragging technique, which is performed by moving the ‘mouse’ while holding down right button. The object is selected in the right panel of Explorer and dragged with the right mouse button pressed onto the icon of the desired folder in the left panel. When you release the button, a menu appears on the screen in which you need to select an item Create a shortcut.

2. Using Masters, that's what they call special program, working in dialogue mode with the user. This method can be found in.

Conductor – a Windows OS program designed to navigate the file structure of a computer. The work area of ​​the Explorer window has folder tree panel(left panel) and folder contents panel(right panel).

To view folder contents , you need to click on the folder icon in the left pane or double-click on the folder icon in the right pane. To upload an application or document , just double-click on the icon of the corresponding file.

Creating, deleting and renaming folders

Create a new folder :

1) in the folder tree panel, select the folder in which you want to create a new one;

2) select a team File/New/Folder . The folder contents panel will display new icon folders with text field on the right (highlighted by a rectangular frame);

3) enter the folder name in the text field;

4) press the key Enter .

Change folder name:

1) in the folder tree panel, select the folder whose name you want to change;

2) select a team File/Rename or click on the folder name;

3) enter a new name in the text field to the right of the icon (highlighted by a rectangular frame);

4) press the key Enter .

Delete folder:

1) in the folder tree panel, select the folder to be deleted;

2) select a team File/Delete or press the key Delete ;

3) confirm deleting the folder in the dialog box.

Commands for renaming and deleting a folder can be called from the folder's context menu.

Selecting files

File selection is performed only in the folder contents panel.

Select one file– click on its icon.

Select multiple files nearby:

1) click on the first name in the list;


3) click on the last name in the list.

Deselect– click outside the area of ​​the selected group of files.

Select multiple files located in different places :

1) click on the name of the first file;

2) press and hold the key Ctrl;

3) click on the names of all the necessary files one by one.

Along with files, folders can also be selected.

Nearby icons You can also select with the mouse:

1) press left key mouse in any free space (this will be one of the corners of the future rectangular area);

2) without releasing the mouse button, move the pointer (a rectangular area will be drawn on the screen, and everything inside will be highlighted);

3) when all the necessary files are selected, release the key.

Creating, renaming and deleting files

Creation file: team File/New ® select desired type file.

Renaming the file: team File/Rename ® enter a new name.

Deleting a file: team File/Delete or Delete key.

Commands for renaming and deleting a file can be called from the context menu.

Copying and transferring files

Copying a file– this is getting a copy of the file in a new folder. Files are always copied from one folder to another.

Transferring a file is moving a file from one folder to another.

1 way– copying and transferring are carried out in the standard way via the Clipboard.

Method 2 – transfer is carried out by dragging (moving) the selected file (group of files) using the mouse.

If you hold down the key while dragging Ctrl, then copying will occur.

Search files

Search files done using the command Tools/Find/Files and folders... or using the command Main menu/Find .

Enable a checkbox View subfolders will allow you to search required file and in subfolders of the selected folder. If the folder you need is not in the drop-down list, you can select it manually using the button Review....


Label- This special file, which stores the path to this file. The label is usually placed in a location convenient for the user.

Create a shortcut:

1 way – select the command in the context menu Create shortcut ® move shortcut to right place ;

Method 2 - by menu command File/New/Shortcut ® move the shortcut to the desired location.

Task No. 5.

Study the structure of the EXPLORER program window, diagram it and label all the elements of the window.

Task No. 6.

Fill out the table:

1. Launch the EXPLORER program using the main menu. Specify which folder is open in the left pane of EXPLORER.
2. In the right panel of EXPERIMENT, create the Experiment folder.
3. In the left panel, expand the My Documents folder by clicking on the “+” node icon. Make sure that the Experiment subfolder is created in the left panel in the My Documents folder.
4. Open the Experiment folder. Specify the contents of the right panel of EXPLORER.
5. Create a new folder GROUP NUMBER inside the Experiment folder on the right panel of EXPERIMENT. In the left panel, make sure that a “+” node has formed next to the Experiment folder icon. What does it testify to?
6. On the left panel of the EXPLORER, find TEMP folder, but do not open it.
7. Using the drag-and-drop method, move the Experiment folder from the right panel of EXPLORER to the left - to the TEMP folder.
8. In the left panel of EXPLORER, open the TEMP folder. In the right panel, make sure there is an Experiment folder in it.
9. Find the Recycle Bin on the left panel of EXPLORER and drag the Experiment folder onto its icon.

Task No. 7. Answer the questions:

Task No. 8. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 14

Explorer program.

Windows Explorer is a program that contains everything necessary funds to work with file system computer. It allows you to save, rename, delete, move, copy, and place files correctly so that they can be quickly found if necessary. To run the program Conductor just run the command Start Programs Explorer. If on the list Programs no menu item Conductor, you need to find the application Explorer.exe and run it for execution. Program icon Conductor looks like this:

Program Conductor opens at standard window Windows(Fig. 3.20), and information part windows, unlike most windows Windows, is divided into two parts ("panels"):

- left "panel"- allows you to view the directory tree (folder nesting structure and hierarchy) of the entire computer;

- right "panel"- provides viewing of the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "panel".

It becomes possible to simultaneously work with files and folders on the left and right sides of the window.

Appearance program windows Conductor depends on the settings user installed. You make these settings (manipulating the status bar and toolbar, changing how files and folders are displayed, sorting, and changing other viewing options) just as you would in any other standard window Windows.

The user can control the width of the left and right "panes" of Explorer using the mouse. For example, you can make the left "pane" wider if there is not enough space in it in order to display a hierarchical view of the file structure. To do this, you need to place the mouse pointer on the strip dividing the panels (in this case, it will take the form of a double arrow), and, while holding down left button mouse, drag the bar in the desired direction (left or right).

In the right "panel" of your window Conductor displays the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "pane". If, for example, you select the disk icon on the left WITH:, its contents will be displayed on the right. For discharge You need to left-click on the desired folder or use the up and down arrow keys.

Rice. 3.20 - Fragment of working with the Explorer program

Maybe disclose And hide individual branches hierarchical tree. If there is a "+" sign next to the folder icon on the left side of the window, it means there are others inside that folder. To view them, you need to click on the "+" sign or double-click on this folder. After this, the “+” sign will turn into “-”, and the folders contained inside will be displayed on the screen. Some of them may also contain folders within themselves. By repeating the same steps, you can view their contents. To hide folders inside another folder, you need to click the minus sign next to it or double-click. In Fig. 3.20 you can see that the folder My computer contains other folders inside, but they are hidden. Folder My documents is open to view its contents, and the folder Basket contains no subfolders at all.

Conductor is a standard program that is designed to search for the necessary files and folders of the file structure (they say to navigate through the file structure of the computer) and maintain it.

Explorer belongs to the category file managers and is an integral part of the Windows operating system.

Explorer starts when you select:

- <Start>→<All programs>→<Стандартные>→<Проводник >, or

When you double-click the left mouse button (2-click) on the program shortcut Conductor.

Program window Conductor is presented in Fig. 1 and contains:

1 - title line. It indicates the name of the open folder (for example, Local disk (C:)) and there are 3 standard buttons: Minimize, Minimize window and Close;

2 - menu bar, which has a standard form and contains 6 items: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help. When you click the left mouse button (CLC) on one of the items in this menu, it opens 'drop-down' menu, the items of which contain commands that implement certain operations with the contents of the window or with the window as a whole;

3 - toolbar contains command buttons. Clicking on one of them leads to the execution of the most common command in the program Conductor;

4 - address bar, which displays the access path (route) to the file or folder;

5 - work area, which is divided into two so-called panels: the left one, called folder panel and right - content panel folders;

6 - scroll bar, with which you can ‘scroll’ the contents of the folder panel. Scroll bars appear in the folder pane and/or folder content pane automatically as needed. A vertical or horizontal scroll bar has a slider and two end buttons. Scrolling is done in three ways:

Click on one of the end buttons;

- by ‘dragging’ the engine;

Click on the scroll bar above or below the slider.

Using the program Conductor You can perform a number of operations with the file structure, let's get acquainted with some of them.

2.2.1. Navigating the file structure

The purpose of navigation is to provide access to the desired folder and its contents. Navigation through the file structure is performed in the left panel Conductor, which displays the folder structure. Folders can be deployed or rolled up, and also revealed or closed. If a folder has subfolders, the left pane next to the folder displays knot, marked with a '+' sign. Clicking on the node expands the folder, and the node icon changes to ‘-‘. CLICKING on the ‘-‘ icon collapses the folder.

To expand a folder, you need to CLICK on its icon. The contents of the expanded folder are displayed in the right pane. One of the folders in the left panel is always open. It is impossible to close a folder by clicking on its icon - it will close automatically when you expand any other folder.

2.2.2. Launching programs and opening documents

This operation is performed by 2-clicking on the program icon (i.e. a file of type .exe or .com) or on the document icon in the right panel Conductor. If the desired program icon is not shown in the right panel, you need to navigate in the left panel and find the folder in which it is located.