What is cpu overclocking. Information programs and utilities

Overclocking various computer hardware components (also called overclocking) is both a hobby and a professional necessity for a wide range of IT professionals. Each chip accelerates according to special algorithms. The processor, as the main chip of the PC, too.

Overclocking the processor, on the one hand, is easy. As a rule, the matter is limited to making just a few changes to a certain kind of settings. However, determining what kind of numbers and indicators should be present in them sometimes requires almost engineering, professional knowledge. It is no accident that overclocking is the prerogative of not only amateurs, but also experienced IT specialists.

Among IT experts, there is a version that the most overclocked microcircuits are produced by the Canadian company AMD. Therefore, chips of this brand are especially popular with overclockers. Of course, the noted point of view has ardent opponents who believe that the eternal competitor of the Canadians is Intel(by the way, while confidently winning in terms of global sales volumes) - it is able to produce microcircuits that are compatible with overclocking procedures just as well. However, according to many experts, AMD chips have the ability to overclock by at least 20%, or even more. Perhaps, they admit, microcircuits from Intel are capable of showing best result, however, AMD's guaranteed acceleration regardless of the specific chip brand will most likely look preferable.

How to overclock an AMD processor and achieve optimal performance at the same time? What are the nuances of chip acceleration to consider? What programs to use?

Why overclock your processor?

As we have already said, overclocking is a way to artificially increase the performance of the processor (and after it, also the entire computer as a whole). This operation is carried out, as a rule, by making appropriate changes to the settings of the main PC chip. Somewhat less often, overclocking is carried out by hardware methods (it is understandable - there is a chance of damaging the processor). Change software settings one way or another connected with the increase in the values ​​of the clock frequency of the chip. If in the factory state the processor operates, say, at 1.8 GHz, then by overclocking this figure can be increased to 2-2.5 GHz. At the same time, the computer will most likely continue to work stably. Moreover, it is quite possible that games and applications will be loaded on it that the processor would not have pulled in the factory state. Thus, overclocking is also a way to increase the functionality of a PC.

The fastest AMD processors

The best AMD processor for overclocking - what is it? Experts recommend paying attention to the following microcircuit models. Among inexpensive chips - Athlon processor 64 3500. Despite the fact that it is single-core and far from the most modern, its architecture, as experts admit, is well compatible with overclocking. If you take more expensive chips, you can pay attention to the Athlon 64 X2 chip. However, according to many experts, the AMD FX processor in a wide range of modifications has the greatest overclocking ability. Of course, each of the models has different compatibility with acceleration. It often happens that chips of the same series, but with different indexes, show completely different results during performance testing in an overclocked state. There are even cases when chips of the same brands, the capabilities of which are being studied in parallel on individual computers, behave very differently.

Many IT specialists try to compare the performance of AMD processors after overclocking. But regardless of the results obtained (which, as we said above, may differ even for chips of the same brand on different PCs), experts note a pattern: as the manufacturability of microcircuits grows, the Canadian manufacturing company, as a rule, expands the possibilities for overclocking its chips .

Preparing for overclocking

Before you start overclocking the processor, you should do some preparatory work. Conventionally, it can be divided into two stages - hardware and software. Within the framework of the first the main task- acquire quality system cooling. The fact is that overclocking the processor is almost always accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the microcircuit (this can result in instability of its operation and even failure). There is a high probability that the standard cooler will not be able to cool the chip efficiently enough. Therefore, if we decide to do overclocking, we buy a good fan for the processor.

Regarding the software stage preparatory work it should be said that it is important to acquire the appropriate software. We need a good program for overclocking the processor. In principle, you can get by with a regular tool in the form of a BIOS interface (especially since a significant part of our work will be carried out in it). But experienced experts still recommend using also third party software. What is the best overclocking software for AMD processor? According to many experts, this AMD Overdrive. Its main advantage is versatility. It is equally well suited for overclocking most processor models from the Canadian brand.

We also need a program for measuring the temperature of the processor in real time through Windows. A utility like SpeedFan is quite suitable. It, like AMD OverDrive, can be easily downloaded through simple queries in search engines.

The most important parameter is the frequency

As we said above, the performance of the processor is determined mainly by its frequency. But this is far from the only parameter of this kind. There are also other important frequencies:

North Bridge;

HyperTransport channel (used in most modern AMD processors).

Basic rule regarding frequency ratio: value for north bridge should be identical to what is set for HyperTransport (or a little more). With memory, everything is somewhat more complicated (but we will not overclock it in this case, therefore, we do not take into account the nuances associated with RAM now).

As such, the frequency for each of these components is calculated using a simple formula. The multiplier set for a particular microcircuit is taken, and then the product of it and the so-called base frequency is calculated. Both parameters can be changed by the user BIOS settings.

Having completed a short theoretical digression, we move on to practice.

We work with the OverDrive program

As we said above, AMD OverDrive, according to many experts - the best program for overclocking the processor under the Canadian brand. At least, according to experts, it is ideal for the typically overclocked series of AMD 700 chips. There are no problems with how to overclock an AMD Athlon processor in most modifications, experts believe.

Having opened the utility, you immediately need to transfer it to the operating mode, which is called Advanced. Then select the Clock/Voltage option. Check the box next to Select All Cores. After that, we can start increasing the processor frequency through a multiplier. The characteristics of AMD processors, as a rule, allow you to immediately set a number from 16 (with a default base frequency of 200 MHz). If the computer is stable, the chip temperature does not exceed 75 degrees (measured using speedfan programs or its equivalent), then you can try to increase the multiplier to 17 or more units.

Should I increase the voltage?

Some overclockers talk about the usefulness of changing not only the frequency of the chip, but also the voltage. The AMD overclocking utility we use allows you to do this. Experts recommend: it is better to increase the voltage in extremely small portions. You need to add literally 0.05 volts, and then measure the stability of the system and the temperature of the chip. If all parameters are normal, then add as many more.

Working with BIOS

The program for overclocking the AMD processor, the possibilities of which we studied above, is not the only tool for accelerating the operation of the chip. No less opportunities, as many experts admit, are provided by the BIOS interface. It is known to be in every computer. No additional software needs to be installed. How to overclock AMD processor through BIOS?

First of all, we go to software interface this system (usually this is done by pressing the DEL key at the very beginning of the computer boot). The names of the menu items are very different, depending on the specific model of the motherboard. Therefore, it is quite possible that some values ​​in instructions below will not coincide in location with the actual ones. In this case, the user should look at factory manual to the motherboard - it is usually included with the delivery of the computer.

Options related to overclocking the processor are usually located in Advanced section main menu. The item containing the frequency settings in many cases sounds like JumperFree Configuration. In order to set the desired values ​​manually, set the AI ​​Overclocking line to Manual. After that, the user will be able to change the frequency and multiplier settings.

The rules for setting values ​​for each of the parameters are the same as in AMD program overdrive. You should not get too carried away with large numbers for multipliers and a sharp increase in voltage. You also need to keep in mind that if we increase the performance of AMD processors through the BIOS, then to activate the settings you have set, you need to reboot every time (after saving the values ​​\u200b\u200b- as a rule, for this you need to return to the main menu and press the F10 key). This, as many users rightly believe, is less convenient than through the OverDrive program.

At the same time, according to some experts, the BIOS interface allows in some cases (it all depends on the specific model of the motherboard) to work with advanced settings for the processor frequency and multipliers. In particular, the BIOS can disable power-saving modes, which can limit the intensity of the cooler speed, which should be just the maximum during overclocking.

How to reach the maximum frequency?

One of key points overclocking - search for limit values ​​for the chip frequency. How to overclock an AMD processor to the maximum? The main thing here, experts say, is to identify the limit values ​​for all components of the formula, which we described above. That is, the overclocker will have to experiment not only with the multiplier, but also with the base frequency. Experts recommend revealing its limiting value very gradually. At the same time, it is not recommended to increase the multiplier (as well as the voltage). Achievement criterion maximum value base frequency - the overall stability of the system while maintaining, of course, the temperature of the processor within the normal range.

Frequencies of other components

As we said above, in addition to the frequency of the chip, there are other parameters that are important in terms of the overall performance of the computer. What are the patterns here? How to overclock an AMD processor and other hardware components at the same time - such as memory, northbridge and HyperTransport channel?

Experts note that it is RAM that lends itself best to increasing the frequency. In particular, modules with a nominal value of 800 MHz can be overclocked to 1000 MHz and higher. In turn, the frequency of the northbridge is effectively increased by increasing its voltage. At the same time, by the way, the performance of some controllers may also increase. The frequency of HyperTransport, as we said above, is better not to make it too high. Let it be equal to the values ​​set for the north bridge. Experts note that you can not change it - the fact that the HyperTransport frequency is lower than that of the north bridge, as a rule, does not affect the overall performance of a computer running on an AMD processor.

Overclocking the FX processor

As we said above, the AMD FX chip, according to many experts, is one of the best for overclocking. What are the characteristics of its acceleration? How to properly overclock AMD FX processors?

At the very beginning, we talked about the stages that precede acceleration. This rule is also relevant for working with FX. As for the hardware stage, apart from installing a powerful cooler, it is necessary to carry out one more procedure highly recommended by many experts - replacing the factory thermal paste with fresh one. To do this, we have to remove the case cover system block and remove the processor from the motherboard connector. This must be done very carefully - the surface of the chip is very sensitive to external influence. Thermal paste should be applied in a thin, even layer.

The software stage of preparation for overclocking FX will include slightly different procedures compared to those that we described at the beginning of the article. AMD OverDrive this example we will not use. However, we need another useful utility- CPU-z - it is designed to monitor CPU frequency values ​​in real time. You can download it at in large numbers portals. The request is simple: "download CPU-z".

So, we go back to the BIOS. A lot of motherboard models on which the FX processor is installed have a modern UEFI interface. Therefore this small instruction designed to work in it. Having entered the UEFI BIOS, the user should select the Extreme Tweaker item. In the window that opens, you need to find the line CPU Ratio. The default value should be changed to 24.

A little lower is the NB Voltage line. There you need to activate the Manual option, which will allow us to set the voltage manually: we set the number to 1.5 volts. The next setting of interest to us is Power Control. It is slightly above NB Voltage. Selecting it, set the value of Ultra High for Load Line Calibration there.

We return to the main UEFI menu. We find the item CPU Configuration and select the line Cool and Quiet. Set the value to Disabled. We save the changes in the BIOS settings by pressing the F10 key. We reboot.

We are waiting Windows boot and run CPU-z. We study the logs of the program. If the frequency set by us (calculated it should be approximately 115-120% of the factory one) is maintained at stable values, then the overclocking was successful.

Overclocking is the forced increase in the clock frequency of the processor above the nominal. Let us immediately explain what these concepts mean.

A clock cycle is a conditional, very short time period during which the processor performs a certain amount of instructions program code.

And the clock frequency is the number of cycles in 1 second.

The increase in clock frequency is directly proportional to the speed of program execution, that is, it works faster than not overclocked.

In a word, overclocking allows you to extend the "active life" of the processor when its standard performance no longer meets the user's requirements.

It allows you to increase the speed of your computer without spending on the purchase of new equipment.

Important! Negative sides overclocking is an increase in computer power consumption, sometimes quite noticeable, an increase in heat dissipation and accelerated wear of devices due to abnormal operation. You should also be aware that by overclocking the processor, you overclock the RAM along with it.

What should be done before overclocking?

Each processor has its own overclocking potential - the clock frequency limit, the excess of which leads to the inoperability of the device.

Most processors, such as intel core i3, i5, i7, can only be safely overclocked by 5-15% of the original level, and some even less.

The desire to squeeze the maximum clock frequency out of the possible one does not always justify itself, because when a certain heating threshold is reached, the processor starts skipping cycles in order to reduce the temperature.

It follows from this that for the stable operation of the overclocked system, it is necessary good cooling.

In addition, given the increased power consumption, it may be necessary to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

Just before overclocking, you need to do three things:

  • Upgrade your computer to latest version.
  • Make sure that the installation is correct and secure.
  • Find out the original clock speed of your processor (look in the BIOS or through special utilities, for example, CPU-Z).

Also useful before overclocking test the processor for stability at maximum load. For example, using the S&M utility.

After that, it's time to start the "sacrament".

Overview of programs for overclocking Intel processors


SetFSB is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to overclock your processor on the fly by simply moving the slider.

After making changes, it does not require restarting the computer.

The program is suitable for overclocking both old models of processors like Intel Core 2 duo and modern ones.

However, it does not support all motherboards, and this is an absolute necessity, since overclocking is carried out by increasing the reference frequency system bus.

That is, it affects the clock generator (PLL chip or, as it is called, clocker) located on the motherboard.

You can find out if your board is included in the list of supported ones on the program website.

Advice! To avoid processor failure, it is recommended to work with SetFSB only advanced users who understand what they are doing and know about possible consequences. In addition, an unprepared user is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the model of his clock generator, which must be specified manually.

So, to overclock the processor using SetFSB, you need:

  • Select the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard from the "Clock Generator" list.
  • Click the "Get FSB" button. After that, the SetFSB window will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and the processor.
  • Carefully, in small steps, move the slider in the center of the window. After each movement of the slider, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the processor. For example, using the Core Temp program.
  • Having chosen the optimal position of the slider, you need to press the Set FSB button.

The plus (and for some minus) of the SetFSB utility is that the settings made in it will be valid only until the computer is restarted. After a restart, they will have to be reinstalled.

If there is no desire to do this every time, the utility can be placed at startup.


CPUFSB - the next overclocking program in our review Intel processors core i5, i7 and others, which can be downloaded from the developer's website.

If you are familiar with the CPUCool utility - a comprehensive monitoring and overclocking tool for the processor, then you should know that CPUFSB is an overclocking module extracted from it.

Supports many motherboards Intel chipsets, VIA, AMD, ALI and SIS.

Unlike SetFSB, CPUFSB has a Russian translation, so it's much easier to understand how to use it.

The principle of operation for these two programs is the same: increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

Operating procedure:

  • Select the manufacturer and type of your motherboard from the list.
  • Select the make and model of the PLL (clock generator) chip.
  • Click "Get frequency" to display the current frequency of the system bus and processor in the program.
  • It is also necessary to increase the frequency in small steps, while controlling the temperature of the processor. After selection optimal setting click Set Frequency.

CPUFSB allows you to set the frequency of the FSB bus at the subsequent start of the program and at exit. Current Settings are also saved until the computer is restarted.

Hello dear readers. Many want to feel great speed computer work. It's good if you recently bought yourself a brand new computer with new hardware, and you have no problems with downloading and application speed. And what about those users whose iron friend is obsolete, but there is no money to buy a new one. Then you have come to the right place. One way to improve the performance of a computer is to overclock its processor. Today we will teach you how to overclock the processor through BIOS. This article will be useful, first of all, for users with an Intel processor, since good programs overclocking from Windows environments not for them (not counting those made by the manufacturer for a particular processor).

But this does not mean that users with AMD processor will not be able to overclock their processor through BIOS. It’s just that for them there is a very convenient and useful utility that works with Windows and which you can read more about. It is much more convenient and practical.

Important Digression: Before you start overclocking the processor, read the article. This will help you correct the situation if the computer stops turning on after overclocking.

Well, let's go to overclock)) We will overclock the processor by increasing its clock frequency. The processor frequency consists of the product of the frequency of the generated signal (formed in the generator) and the core multiplier. In order to find these parameters, we need to enter the BIOS. Everything that is described below is done for the BIOS version F1. You may also have another BIOS installed. But this will not affect the principle of overclocking. the only thing is that the layout of the tabs may differ.

To start the BIOS, you must restart the computer and press the Del or F2 key during the reboot. After that, you will see working window Bios. Here we will need to enter the tab "MB Intelligent Tweaker".

You can change the frequency by changing the multiplier, which is indicated by point 1. Select point 1 with the arrows and press Enter. Item 2 is the current processor frequency. To change the frequency on the generator, select item 3 and set it manual settings(Manual), after which item 4 will be available for editing - changing the frequency of the generator.

When changing the generator frequency in step 4, a window will open in front of you, in which you can set the range from the minimum to the maximum value.


Now let's start overclocking the processor itself. As noted above, we will overclock by increasing the multiplier and the frequency of the generator. Overclocking with a multiplier: Go to point 1 and increase the multiplier by one point. That is, we moved the multiplier one position higher, save the BIOS settings and reboot. If everything works stably and without brakes, monitor flickering and freezes, continue to gradually increase the multiplier. Make sure that the frequency step does not exceed 200 MHz ( shown in the figure above in paragraph 2).

That is, at first I had 2800 MHz, then we set the multiplier so that it would be 3000 MHz. If you ask a lot at once, then the computer may stop turning on. And you will have to reset BIOS settings.

Overclocking by changing the clock frequency of the generator: In order to change the oscillator frequency, you need to set the manual settings in step 3 (Change the position "Auto" to "Manual"). After that, in paragraph 4, we gradually set the values, starting from the very minimum. Select the values ​​in such a way that the step for the total processor frequency (indicated in paragraph 2) does not exceed 200 MHz. Do not forget after each such exhibition to save the BIOS settings, reboot and control its stability, as in the previous case. This is what the frequency settings look like on my BIOS.

Let's look at how much the processor frequency has changed after increasing the generator frequency.

As you can see from the figure above, the processor frequency has increased by about 150 MHz, which is an acceptable step. To overclock the processor, you can use both the first method and the second. You can even combine them, but this should be done only when you cannot significantly increase the processor frequency above the standard operating level.

Remember: I do not recommend increasing the processor frequency by more than 1 Hz. Believe me, if you achieve even such indicators, then this can be considered a success. And remember one more thing - if you do not have a good cooling system, then I do not advise you to play hard with overclocking. Otherwise, you can simply break the processor. Here is another note: After each increase in frequency during overclocking, monitor the temperature of the processor, which you can find on the "PC Health Status" tab: it should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius when the processor is already overclocked. The processor can withstand, of course, and high temperature, but do not forget that you will still load him with various kinds of tasks, the implementation of which will warm him up even more. Therefore, you need to leave some margin.

Finally, we suggest you watch a video on the relevant topic.

Summing up: Today, dear friends, we have learned how to overclock the processor through BIOS. There is nothing terrible and supernatural in overclocking, you just need to be careful and not mess anything up.

Leave your wishes and comments below the article. Your opinion is important to us!

Computer overclocking will be relevant for those who do not have the opportunity to upgrade or purchase new equipment. With proper overclocking of the processor, the overall performance can increase by an average of 10%, a maximum of 20%. However, it is important to remember that not always overclocking can give a tangible result. For example, if your computer has 1 GB of RAM installed, then a simple increase to 2 GB can give a more tangible increase. Therefore, it is possible to determine the real increase only experimentally. Below we will tell you how to properly overclock, but first about the precautions.

Precautionary measures

Attention! Processor overclocking can damage the processor. If you do not have overclocking skills, then we strongly do not recommend overclocking yourself. Before you get started, check out the specification for your processor, and also visit the thematic forums dedicated to overclocking.

Here are some tips to help you safely overclock:

1) If you are a beginner, only increase the frequency of the processor. It is better not to change the core voltage.

2) Increase the frequency in stages, by 100-150 MHz. This will avoid critical errors and overheating of the processor.

3) Perform a system test after each upgrade. This includes a stability test and constant temperature monitoring. The temperature must be controlled throughout the overclocking process! If you exceed the allowed frequency, the protection will work and the settings will be reset. As the frequency of the CPU increases, its heat dissipation also increases. Prolonged exposure to critical temperatures can damage the processor chip.

4) If you decide to also increase the core supply voltage, then you should do it with the most minimal possible step(usually 0.05V). However, the maximum limit should not exceed 0.3 volts, since increasing the voltage is more dangerous for your CPU than increasing the frequency.

5) Overclocking should be stopped after the first failed stability test or if the allowable temperature. For example, there is a processor with a frequency of 2.6 GHz. His stable work was observed at a frequency of 3.5 GHz. At 3.6 GHz, the first failures appeared. In this case, acceleration stops and the last stable frequency, i.e. 3.5 GHz.

Note: if at maximum frequency your computer is stable, but the CPU is overheating, you should consider adding additional cooling or to replace an existing one.

Note 2 A: Laptops are not very good candidates for overclocking as their cooling capabilities are quite limited. In this case, it would be more expedient to replace the components with more powerful ones.

Now we can go directly to overclocking.

CPU overclocking

Step 1. Download necessary utilities. You will need benchmarking and stress testing programs to properly evaluate overclocking results. It is also worth downloading programs that allow you to control the temperature of the processor chip. Below is a list of such programs:

cpu-z is simple program monitor that will allow you to quickly see the current clock frequency and voltage.

Prime95 is free program benchmarking, which is widely used for stress testing. It is designed to run lengthy stress tests.

LinX is another stress testing program. A very convenient and flexible program for stress testing the processor. This program loads the CPU at 100%. Therefore, sometimes it may seem that your computer is frozen. The most optimal for stability testing.

CoreTemp is a free program that allows you to monitor the temperature of a CPU die in real time. Can be used on permanent basis along with the CoreTemp gadget. It also displays in real time current frequency processor, FSB bus and its multiplier.

Before you start overclocking, run a basic stress test. This will give you baseline data to compare and also show if there are any stability issues.

Step 2 Check your motherboard and processor. Different boards and processors have different capabilities when it comes to overclocking. The first thing to look at is if your multiplier is unlocked. If the multiplier is locked, then overclocking will most likely not work.

Step 3 Open BIOS. It is through it that your system will be overclocked. To start it, press the "Del" key in the first seconds of starting the computer (when the POST screen appears).

Note: Depending on the computer model, the BIOS entry keys may vary. Basic: "F10", "F2", "F12" and "Esc".

Step 4 The tabs may differ between newer and older BIOS versions. Typically, older computers have BIOS version AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) and Phoenix Award.

In Phoenix AWARD, open the "Frequency / Voltage Control" tab. This menu may be called something else, such as "overclock".

In AMI BIOS, this tab is called "Advanced" - "JumperFree Condiguration" or "AT Overclock".

Preinstalled on new computers BIOS version UEFI with full GUI. To find the overclocking menu, go to advanced mode and look for the "AI Tweaker" or "Extreme Tweaker" tab.

Step 5 Reduce the memory bus speed. This is necessary in order to avoid memory errors. This option may be called "Memory Multiplier" or "Frequency DDR". Switch the option to the lowest possible mode.

Step 6 Increase the base frequency by 10%. This corresponds to approximately 100-150 MHz. It is also referred to as the bus speed (FSB) and is the base speed of your processor. Typically, this is more low speed(100, 133, 200 MHz or more), which is multiplied by the multiplier, thereby reaching the full core frequency. For example, if the base frequency is 100 MHz and the multiplier is 16, the clock frequency will be 1.6 GHz. Most processors can handle a 10% jump without issue. A 10% increase in frequency will correspond to an FSB frequency of 110 MHz and a clock speed of 1.76 GHz.

Step 7 Run operating system and then a stress test. For example, open LinX and run it for a few cycles. At the same time, open the temperature monitor. If there are no problems, you can move on. If the stability test fails, or if there is a sudden increase in temperature, then you should stop overclocking and reset the settings to default. Don't let your processor reach 85°C (185°F).

Step 8 Continue steps 5 and 7 until the system becomes unstable. Run a stress test every time you raise the frequency. The instability will most likely be caused due to the processor not getting enough power.

Increasing the frequency through a multiplier

If your motherboard has an unlocked multiplier, then overclocking can be done with it. Before you start increasing the multiplier, reset the base frequency. This will help you perform more fine tuning frequencies.

Note A: Using a lower base frequency and a high multiplier makes the system more stable, a higher base frequency with a low multiplier gives a greater performance boost. Here you need to experimentally find the golden mean.

Step 1. Reset base frequency to default.

Step 2 Increase the multiplier. Once you've lowered the base frequency, start raising it in the smallest increments (usually 0.5). The multiplier may be called "CPU Ratio", "CPU Multiplier" or something like that.

Step 3 Run the stress test and temperature monitor exactly as in the previous section (step 7).

Step 4 Keep increasing the multiplier up to that limit until the first crashes appear. Now you have the parameters on which your computer works stably. As long as your temperatures are still within safe limits, you can start tweaking the voltage levels to continue further overclocking.

Increasing the core voltage

Step 1. Increase the processor core voltage. This item may be displayed as "CPU Voltage" or "VCore". Increasing the voltage beyond safe limits can damage not only the processor, but also the motherboard. Therefore, increase it in steps of 0.025 or the minimum possible for your system board. Excessive power surges can damage components. And once again we remind you: do not increase the voltage higher than 0.3 volts!

Step 2 Running a stress test after the first increase. Since you left your system in an unstable state with a previous overclock, it is possible that the instability will disappear. If your system is stable, make sure the temperatures are still at an acceptable level. If the system is still unstable, try lowering either the multiplier or the base clock.

Step 3 Once you have managed to stabilize the system by increasing the voltage, you can return to increasing either the base frequency or the multiplier (same as in the previous paragraphs). Your goal is to get maximum performance from the minimum voltage. This will require a lot of trial and error.

Step 4 Repeat the cycle until the maximum voltage is reached or Maximum temperature. Eventually you will reach a point where you can no longer achieve performance gains. This is the limit of your motherboard and processor, and it's likely that you won't be able to get past that point.

If you are not satisfied with the performance of the PC, then upgrade it. First of all, install more modern processor. But it is not the only way. Get more powerful computer possible without replacing its components without spending money. To do this, they overclock the processor, which means in slang - “overclocking”. How to overclock the processor through BIOS, we will tell in our article.

Why overclocking is possible

The power of the machine depends on the number of operations performed per unit of time. It is set by the clock frequency, the higher it is, the greater the performance. Therefore progress computer science accompanied by a constant increase in this characteristic. If in the first computers, assembled on relays and lamps, it was a few hertz, today the frequency is already measured in gigahertz (10 9 Hz).

The standard value, which is automatically set by the generator on the motherboard, is set by the manufacturer for this processor model. But that doesn't mean it can't run faster. Reinsurance of 20–30 percent is always given so that all microcircuits in the batch work stably even in adverse conditions. The frequency can be raised, and this is done in hardware, without making changes to the electrical circuit.

What, besides the speed of work, changes during acceleration

More intense work requires more energy. Therefore, when overclocking a laptop processor, it should be borne in mind that the battery will drain faster. For desktop machines, you need a spare power supply. The heating of the microcircuit also increases, therefore, if you decide to overclock, make sure that powerful system cooling, your computer's stock cooler may not be able to handle the increased temperature.

From the above, we can conclude that more powerful block power supply and cooling system, it is necessary to control the temperature and stability of the equipment.

Is overclocking dangerous?

Early BIOS and processor models did not include temperature control. By overclocking the machine, it was possible to burn the processor, so few people took the risk. Today, such a probability is small, if overheating occurs, the system itself switches to standard values clock frequency.

Overclocking with the help of programs and through BIOS, which is better

Processor overclocking can be done in two ways:

How to enter BIOS

Let's try, although it's a little difficult, since BIOS versions differ for different motherboards, give the most detailed instructions:

Overclocking by raising the bus frequency

This way is more profitable. It is also the only method for Intel processors that do not support multiplier upscaling. At the same time, not only the processor is accelerated, but also the rest of the system components. But there is one thing, but not always RAM can operate at an increased frequency, and the machine will be disrupted not because the processor is not stable at an increased frequency, but because of a memory failure. True, many motherboards allow you to adjust the clock speed of the RAM.

Now more about what to do:

Overclocking with a multiplier

The operating frequency of the processor is a multiple of the bus frequency. This parameter is set by the hardware multiplier. For example, the bus operates at 133.3 MHz, and the processor at 2.13 GHz - the multiplicity is 16. Changing the multiplicity to 17, we get 133.3 * 17 = 2266 - 2.26 GHz - operating frequency processor. By changing the multiplicity, we do not touch the bus, so only the processor is overclocked, all other elements of the system work stably, just like before overclocking. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS in this way somewhat limits the frequency range that can be set, but this is not critical.

In order to do this operation, you need to find this parameter in the BIOS settings. His signatures are different - " CPU Clock Multiplier», « Multiplier Factor», « CPU Ratio», « CPU Frequency Ratio», « Ratio CMOS Setting". Similarly, we increase this parameter and look at the stability of work and temperature. It is not necessary to conjure with frequency random access memory. The only pity is that this method does not work for all processors.

How to cancel overclocking

If something went wrong, then you can reset the BIOS settings through the menu item " Load Optimized Default". If, due to the settings, the BIOS itself has stopped loading, then exit to standard mode can be done with the following operations:

What else to consider when overclocking

Let's talk about the small nuances of overclocking:


This article talks about overclocking the processor, which can be done in two ways: through the BIOS or using special utilities, about which read our article about. More attention has been paid to overclocking through the BIOS by increasing the bus frequency or multiplier. This must be done gradually. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the processor and check its stability. That's all we wanted to talk about overclocking. We hope our article will help you increase the performance of your system.

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Article authors: Gvindzhilia Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey