What does private group mean? How to view a closed VKontakte group? How to make an existing group private

How to make a VK group closed? How to close a group in contact? There are times when it is necessary to make a community private, or simply block access to your community, for what this is necessary, the answer is in this article.

Hi all!
Today I’ll tell you how to cover up the VKontakte community or, temporarily.
If you think about it, everyone strives to have a large army of subscribers in their community.
If you close the VKontakte community, subscribers will not see content in your community, nor will they subscribe.
Those who want to join your public can only send an application to join your community.

How to make a VK group closed

Most interesting question, why make the VKontakte group closed?
Everything is actually very simple.
Firstly, there are programs such as “grabber.”
What is the principle of such programs?
These programs track the most popular posts (by likes, reposts, comments) and upload these posts to your group wall.
Of course, if you promote your group not only on VKontakte, but also search engines, your content may not be unique if search robots They will be the first to find a post not from you, but from a competitor.
By the way, this is not the worst thing).
There are much more compelling reasons to make it closed.
More about this below

Secondly, and more importantly, your competitors may merge you, i.e. your public will be blocked.
How is this done?
Yes, very simple!
You know, I have had cases where competitors tried to merge my VKontakte communities several times.
They weren't blocked only because of mine operational actions.
What helped me?
I quickly remade them, i.e. closed them).
What is the essence of the method, how do competitors do it?
There are services on the Internet for boosting VK groups with subscribers.
Of course, they were made specifically for promotion, i.e. for good purposes.
IN in capable hands- this can be a killer weapon for draining competitors.
If you put high price to join any group, then people will join it en masse, and if you connect more than one such service, there will be 50 - 100 entries per minute.
If you do not suspend your group in time, i.e. If you don’t make it closed, 5 minutes will be enough for the contact filters to work and your brainchild will be blocked for cheating subscribers.
This is the kind of sad thing that can befall your public VKontakte page if you fail to switch it to private in time.
I think you understand why you need to cover the introduction of the group.
In general, I don’t recommend keeping it closed all the time, but sometimes you just need to do it for a while.
Let's get down to business now.

You don't have to allow people to join right away.

For this group type, select closed.

That's all for today.
Bye everyone!

The social network VKontakte is so widely popular among users not only because of the opportunity to communicate, listen to music or watch videos. Interests are what unites people, and different thematic groups in this social network give people a chance to find someone with the same passions as themselves.

There are different types of communities: open, closed and private. Each has its own pros and cons, which are discussed in more detail below. After describing the advantages and disadvantages, many may be interested in how to change what has already been created, i.e. how to make a group closed if it was open before, or vice versa.

By the way, according to statistics, people often change the type of communities. For example, the question of how to close a group interests users quite often. Well, let's start analyzing communities.

Open group on VK


  • An opportunity for potential participants to preview content and see if it is suitable.
  • You can join a group without the prior consent of the community administrators.


  • The influx of trolls and spammers trying to push advertising everywhere can not always be controlled due to the absence of community administrators and moderators in VKontakte at the time of the attack.
  • Some people may bookmark the group, which will cause the number of members to grow a little worse.

Closed group on VK


  • Administrators can choose who is worthy of being in their group and who is not.
  • The influx of trolls and spammers is easier to contain.
  • Some mystery associated with complete ignorance of what will happen in the group.
  • Joy after being accepted into the community. The feeling of having joined some secret organization.


Private group on VK

There will be no pros and cons here. It is rather a separate type of community. You can only invite friends to private groups. It will not be possible to “shove” left-wing people here. Moreover, when searching for a particular group, private communities are not displayed for users.

So, from the above we can conclude that this type of group is ideal for those who do not like to advertise content, but just want to share it with friends. Some users create a private group in order to be in splendid isolation and repost interesting things from various public pages, without cluttering the main page.

How to change group type in "VK"

The community can be made closed, private, or public at any time. Due to latest updates the opportunity has arisen to turn the community into a public one, but that’s a different topic.

The example will show how to close a VKontakte group, but in the same way you can open it or turn it into a private one. The point is that everything is resolved on one page.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. My gaze once again fell on social networks. I decided to tell you something interesting about VKontakte groups.

Very soon I will dispel one of the common myths that novice administrators firmly believe in. It is he who is the reason why the promotion of the group increases significantly or stops altogether.

It is likely that the same error awaits you. To prevent this from happening and you can learn from other people’s mistakes, in a few seconds we will begin to discuss in detail how to make a contact group closed and whether it is worth using this feature. Let's start with this question. After all, it can cost you your most valuable resource – time!

Shall we get started?

Newbie misconception that hinders VKontakte promotion

Many novice administrators, and developers in general, are inclined to believe that the whole world was just waiting for the release of their new project. This is not surprising; a person turns into a mass media.

Add to this healthy self-esteem, and we get the very effect that harms promotion. Some still believe that after the “Field of Miracles” game, all participants become city celebrities, and after the blog is published, the crowd begins to recognize you on the streets and wait for your autograph.

One of my clients seriously wanted to use the most difficult to perceive colors on the site and for images of posts on social networks, in the hope that the audience would spend more time while trying to read white text on light background. Of course, this is nonsense. Fortunately, I managed to convince the customer.

In fact, whether on the Internet or in life, you have to fight for the consumer. And until businessmen understand this, the level of quality will remain low.

Many subscribers find it easier to refuse to join a community than to wait to be added. I can’t imagine how they need to be lured so that people actually click and subscribe to the news. It's more difficult than gaining an audience in open community.

To close a page, to make it elite, the audience must really want to be among the elite, the community must meet fairly high requirements. In the list below they are ranked by importance.

  • The group should already consist of many people, at least several thousand.

If a community has 1,000 or fewer subscribers, then few people will join the open community. Not to mention closed. Some may even think that the public is purely “for their own people” and will pass by.

  • At first glance, a person should understand what he will get from you unique information, which you won't find anywhere else. You are a worthwhile community.

Recently I had a situation happen. My friend and I are following the release of new episodes of Vikings. In one of the communities the video appeared very early and he sent me the link (I think this is not the only case, given the popularity of this series). Unfortunately, the group was closed and while I gained access to it, the only person who saw the series was the man with bananas in his eyes.

By the way, I remained in the community, but the attitude towards it was negative. Think several times before deciding. Do you really need to make your page inaccessible to strangers?

  • The title and picture should be catchy.

This is a difficult point to implement; experience and practice are needed. “Vasya Pupkin’s Group on Web Design” is unlikely to interest a great many people who want to be involved in this elite closed community. But, as they say, especially on the Internet, nothing is impossible.

I don't think this point is as significant as the first or second. Do you have people, do you have something interesting and unique? Experiment. Try it. Test it. You can open a group at any time, but now we are more interested in the opposite task.

A simple method that will make your group unavailable

Closing a group if it has already been created and you are its administrator is not problematic at all. Open your page, go to the “My Groups” section, and then to the “Management” tab. Open the desired public.

Go to "Community Management".

You will be taken to a new window, scroll down a little and you will see “Group Type”. There are three possible options to select, you can learn about each of them from the pop-up menu. I will not repeat what you can see for yourself in the picture below.

Well, at the same time, how to make it impossible or limited to add news

By the way, while we are here, I strongly recommend limiting the possibility. In this case, you will check what exactly readers want to publish and allow the information to reach the audience, or refuse.

If the first method didn't work

If you have problems closing a group, then most likely they are due to the fact that you cannot find the desired value in the list at all; there is no group type anywhere. When you scroll down, you see this menu.

This means that you initially created a public page and, of course, it is impossible to close it. Otherwise it wouldn't be called that.

What can you do? Transfer her to the group. To do this, you will need to log into it from the creator's account. I recently wrote an article about . The publication can be easily found on my blog.

If you are the absolute owner, then home page, under the picture, you will see a sentence: “Transfer to group.”

After that, you can close the community from outsiders.

Well, that's all. Think about whether you really should make your group inaccessible or whether there will be more subscribers if you leave it open.

If time goes by, and the decision is becoming more and more difficult to make, I can recommend you a video course « « . Thanks to it, you will learn to see your audience, predict the future attitude of the crowd towards a particular decision, and also plan the best promotion strategies.

This course is for those who want to learn the most. It will take very little time and you will learn how to lead groups on Instagram, VKontakte, Pinterest, Vimeo, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, you will do popular channel on YouTube and you will learn a lot more interesting things.

While you are in doubt, you can watch one of the videos, which was created and recorded as part of the training at this very school.

Well, that's all. All I have to do is invite you to subscribe to my blog newsletter so you can receive more interesting publications about making money on the Internet and say goodbye to you.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Do you want to close your VKontakte group? In fact, you can change the type of community after it has been created. Today we will talk about how to make a group on VK closed. It’s not at all difficult and you can even make the necessary settings from your phone.

And although in the new VK design everything has changed a little. This won't stop us. Now you can open and close your community at least every day.

Many when creating own group They don’t even think about her type. Quickly created a community and you are happy. It doesn’t matter how open or closed it will be. By at least at the initial stage. And now, when the group has already been created and a little promoted, the question arises, how to make the group on VK closed. Is such a change even possible, does a person think? And in the new contact, not everyone has yet figured out what’s what.

How to make a VK group closed after its creation.

To close a group in contact, you first need to enter it. You can do this not only from your computer, but also from your phone. But not everyone knows where to look for these same settings. Now I will clearly show you everything.

Below the band's logo you see three dots. We move the cursor over them and click. In the window that appears, select the very first item “Community Management”.

Will open new page"Basic Information". Here we can change all the settings again. You will have the opportunity not only to make the group in contact closed. Feel free to edit the title, description, theme, and so on. But since we need to close our VK group, we’ll do just that.

In the window that opens, you will see a setting such as “Group Type”. If you have “Open”, then click on this word. And then simply select the “Closed” type in the window that appears. Then feel free to click Save.

After saving, go back to our community. And now below the photo there will be an inscription. It was for her that we did all this. simple changes. Congratulations guys, your group is now closed!

Let me remind you that at any time, even immediately, you can return everything to the way it was. To make the group public again, you need to return to the edit page. Well, now, when creating a new community, you can immediately decide what it will be like. Or change its type as needed. Moreover, go to the settings and see what else you can change. Perhaps you missed something when creating your group.

Tell your friends how to close a group on VK. What if they would also be interested in this information?

Please repost!


How to make a group closed on VK?

If you decide to create a community for a specific group of users, for example, only for your school friends, you will need to close the group after it is created. Today we’ll talk about how to do this in practice.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of.

Perhaps the most important thing is that you can make a group private, but not a public page! After all, that’s why it’s a public page... Therefore, if you want to close your public page, you will first need to transfer it to a group. This is not difficult to do.

Go to the public page. On the right side of the screen you will see a menu. In it, select the “Transfer to group” item.

A small window will appear. Read the terms and conditions for transferring the page to the group and, if you are satisfied with everything, click on the “Transfer” button.

The action itself will need to be confirmed with a code that will be sent to your mobile phone.

If you have a group and not a public, then you don’t need to do everything described above. Let's start closing the group.

Go to your group and click on “Community Management”.

Staying on the "Information" tab, scroll down to the bottom of the page. There is a “Group Type” item here. You can choose one of three types of group:

  • Open (everyone can join).
  • Closed (you can join by invitation or by submitting an application).
  • Private (you can join only by invitation of the manager).

What type of group to choose, closed or private, is up to you to decide. If the group is closed, the user will see this:

That is, he, the user, will be able to submit an application to the group. But this is what he will see if the group is private:

As you can see, everything is very simple. You can ask your questions about the article using comments.


How to quickly make a VKontakte group private, even if it has already been created

Good day, dear readers of my blog. My gaze once again fell on social networks. I decided to tell you something interesting about VKontakte groups.

Very soon I will dispel one of the common myths that novice administrators firmly believe in. It is he who is the reason why the promotion of the group increases significantly or stops altogether.

It is likely that the same error awaits you. To prevent this from happening and you can learn from other people’s mistakes, in a few seconds we will begin to discuss in detail how to make a contact group closed and whether it is worth using this feature. Let's start with this question. After all, it can cost you your most valuable resource – time!

Shall we get started?

Newbie misconception that hinders VKontakte promotion

Many novice administrators, and developers in general, are inclined to believe that the whole world was just waiting for the release of their new project. This is not surprising; a person turns into a mass media.

Add to this healthy self-esteem, and we get the very effect that harms promotion. Some still believe that after the “Field of Miracles” game, all participants become city celebrities, and after the blog is published, the crowd begins to recognize you on the streets and wait for your autograph.

One of my clients seriously wanted to use the most difficult to perceive colors on the site and for images of posts on social networks, in the hope that the audience would spend more time trying to read white text on a light background. Of course, this is nonsense. Fortunately, I managed to convince the customer.

In fact, whether on the Internet or in life, you have to fight for the consumer. And until businessmen understand this, the level of quality will remain low.

Many subscribers find it easier to refuse to join a community than to wait to be added. I can’t imagine how they need to be lured so that people actually click and subscribe to the news. This is more difficult than gaining an audience in an open community.

To close a page, to make it elite, the audience must really want to be among the elite, the community must meet fairly high requirements. In the list below they are ranked by importance.

  • The group should already consist of many people, at least several thousand.

If a community has 1,000 or fewer subscribers, then few people will join the open community. Not to mention closed. Some may even think that the public is purely “for their own people” and will pass by.

  • At first glance, a person should understand that from you he will receive unique information that he will not find anywhere else. You are a worthwhile community.

Recently I had a situation happen. My friend and I are following the release of new episodes of Vikings. In one of the communities the video appeared very early and he sent me the link (I think this is not the only case, given the popularity of this series). Unfortunately, the group was closed and while I gained access to it, the only person who saw the series was the man with bananas in his eyes.

By the way, I remained in the community, but the attitude towards it was negative. Think several times before deciding. Do you really need to make your page inaccessible to strangers?

  • The title and picture should be catchy.

This is a difficult point to implement; experience and practice are needed. “Vasya Pupkin’s Group on Web Design” is unlikely to interest a great many people who want to be involved in this elite closed community. But, as they say, especially on the Internet, nothing is impossible.

I don't think this point is as significant as the first or second. Do you have people, do you have something interesting and unique? Experiment. Try it. Test it. You can open a group at any time, but now we are more interested in the opposite task.

A simple method that will make your group unavailable

Closing a group if it has already been created and you are its administrator is not problematic at all. Open your page, go to the “My Groups” section, and then to the “Management” tab. Open the desired public.

Go to "Community Management".

You will be taken to a new window, scroll down a little and you will see “Group Type”. There are three possible options to choose from, each of which can be found in the pop-up menu. I will not repeat what you can see for yourself in the picture below.

Well, at the same time, how to make it impossible or limited to add news

By the way, while we are here, I strongly recommend limiting the ability to add posts to the wall. In this case, you will check what exactly readers want to publish and allow the information to reach the audience, or refuse.

If the first method didn't work

If you have problems closing a group, then most likely they are due to the fact that you cannot find the desired value in the list at all; there is no group type anywhere. When you scroll down, you see this menu.

This means that you initially created a public page and, of course, it is impossible to close it. Otherwise it wouldn't be called that.

What can you do? Transfer her to the group. To do this, you will need to log into it from the creator's account. I recently wrote an article about how to find who created a VKontakte group. The publication can be easily found on my blog.

If you are the full owner, then on the main page, under the picture, you will have a shining sentence: “Transfer to group.”

After that, you can close the community from outsiders.

Well, that's all. Think about whether you really should make your group inaccessible or whether there will be more subscribers if you leave it open.

If time passes, and the decision is becoming more and more difficult to make, then I can recommend you the video course “Powerful flow of clients from VKontakte.” Thanks to it, you will learn to see your audience, predict the future attitude of the crowd towards a particular decision, and also plan the best promotion strategies.

This course is designed for those who want to learn the most about making money on the Internet. It will take very little time and you will learn how to create websites, lead groups on Instagram, VKontakte, Pinterest, Vimeo, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, make a popular channel on YouTube and learn many more interesting things.

While you are in doubt, you can watch one of the videos, which was created and recorded as part of the training at this very school.

Well, that's all. All I have to do is invite you to subscribe to my blog’s mailing list so that you can receive more interesting publications about making money on the Internet and say goodbye to you.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.


How to make a VK group closed

When creating a group, you can make it public or closed. Anyone can join open ones, but closed ones can only join after the application has been approved by the administrator. With such strict moderation, you can carefully control all participants and create a trusting atmosphere in the group.

It is not at all necessary to immediately close the group, because there is a way to make a group on VK closed, even if it has already been created and is functioning.

First, let's look at the option of creating a closed group. To do this, go to the Groups section and click Create a community at the top right.

Enter a name (you can change it later), leave a checkmark for Group and click Create community.

Now you have pops this group, and it's time to make it private. You are immediately taken to a menu with basic settings. Required item is at the very bottom:

Next to Group Type, click Open and select Closed from the drop-down menu. Scroll down a little and click Save. Great, now every subscriber must go through manual moderation before they can become a member of the group.

How to make a VK group closed if it has already been created

But there are situations when the initial group is conducted in open form, and then the policy changes and it urgently needs to be closed. This usually happens due to large quantity advertising, aggressive users who insult other participants and start fights. To create and maintain a friendly atmosphere in a group, you need to close it.

To do this, click on the ellipsis under your avatar and select Manage community.

In these settings, again go down and select Group Type from the drop-down menu - Closed.

What to choose: open, closed or private?

If you nevertheless decided to make the group closed, then you had reasons for it. But maybe you are making a decision too hastily? Of course, you can change the group type back at any time. But let's compare the features of these types:

  • An open group - any user can freely join it at any time. Subscribers can repost and share information with their friends on the wall and in news feed. In principle open group not much different from public page- no privacy.
  • Closed group - users can invite friends to it, it is searchable by name and only basic information about the group is displayed (avatar, number of subscribers, description), and posts on the wall are hidden. You personally approve all applications for membership, and when subscribers want to leave the group, a warning appears “if you leave the group, you will not have access to the information in it.” Subscribers cannot share posts from the group on the wall - only send DMs to friends.
  • A private group - it cannot be found in a search, you cannot invite your friends to it, and even if a person ends up accidentally on the group page, they will only see the inscription “This is a private community. Access by administrator invitation only." Subscribers cannot invite other users and share posts on their wall, but can send messages to friends via DM.

Choose the type of group depending on your desires. You can experiment with different formats to find the perfect option for you. You can afford this, because now you know how to make a VK group closed if it has already been created.


VKontakte allows you to create communities. They are used for a variety of tasks - uniting users by hobbies and work, promoting a new business, and others. The creators of the social network allowed group administrators to choose whether the content in them would be available to every user or only to those who were accepted.

Depending on your goals or preferences, you can create an open or closed community. IN the latter case information and functionality will become available after administrators manually accept the user after submitting an application. And some people immediately have a question: “How to get into closed group in VK without submitting an application?

Sometimes it happens that moderators reject a request to join, but the information from it is very much needed. You should find out if you can bypass the restrictions.

How to get into a closed group on VK or view it

If you just want to view the content posted in a closed group, you will only be able to see the standard components:

  1. information about what this group is about and its name;
  2. avatar;
  3. list of subscribers;
  4. button to join the community;
  5. contact block.

But the main content will be hidden. What is the easiest way to join a closed VK group? Quick solution submission of an application for membership is considered. You just need to wait a little and it will be approved. To do this, click on “Submit an application” and wait for the administrator or group owner to enroll you in the ranks of subscribers.

Most public sites need an influx of new subscribers, which means they quickly accept new applications. This process can even be accelerated by writing to the administration with a request to accept your request. The link to the owner's page can be found in the contact section.

So, to gain access to hidden materials, you need to have a VK page and subscribe to the required community.

The same goes for users. If you know the link to a person’s page, but when you go to it the service writes that access is limited, then how can you view the page in this case?

There are two options. If access is limited to everyone, including friends, then you will not be able to find out information from his page. But if the content is available to friends, then you can send a friend request to the person, and if he approves it, the information will become available.

Are there working services and programs for viewing closed groups on VK?

While searching for such services, I came across this service: vk-open.ru. It prompts the user to provide a link to the community - and the site will immediately display all materials from it. But in fact, when you enter the link, the service writes that “We currently do not have access to this group, try again later.” It turns out that programs or services that allow you to watch private public pages for free are not working!

Pay attention! Often, the service of viewing materials from a closed group is offered by scammers with the goal of hacking your account.

What needs to be done to get into a closed VK group?

If the content located in closed community, is very much needed, it is best to write to the administration and explain why it is so important for you to gain access to their information and argue for this so that approval is received.

Almost all VK public pages want other users to be able to see their publications, which means that with a high probability you will be able to gain access to almost any community.

What problems might there be when joining a closed VK group?

Despite everything listed methods, see materials from closed groups, situations still arise when this is impossible. For example:

  • The administration refused to approve the application. Solution: if you desperately need information, but the moderators do not accept it, you can try writing to one of the community members and asking him to send reposts of publications in private messages. Often people do this calmly, only if the group is not “very secret”.
  • Application is not approved for a long time. Solution: it may be worth asking the administration if the community is working and, if so, whether you can join the group after receiving approval. Or find a similar community that is actively developing.

In most cases, information hidden from the eyes of unsubscribed readers is in open access online. So if in right place Don’t just get there - you can try to find the information yourself.