Complex sentence Unified State Exam task 18 theory. The most effective ways to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Changes in assessment of knowledge

Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence" No. 1

Beginning of the form

1. In a sparse spruce forest (1) in front of the estate, three motorcycles (2) were rushing about in the grass, machine guns (3) of which (4) were hastily hitting somewhere upward.

2. D The road ran in a recess (1) on both sides (2) of which (3) sandy slopes with pine trees rose.

3. Here began the ancient count's park (1) in the dense greenery (2) of which (3) beautiful dachas, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered.

4. N Adya turned her head and saw a silk curtain (1) and a window (2) through (3) which (4) the winter twilight was already turning blue.

5. Rose (1) the first mention (2) of which (3) dates back to the 5th century BC. (4) described in ancient Indian legends.

6. Login sat with Anatoly Petrovich Andozersky in the office (1), the decoration (2) of which (3) exposed futile claims to taste and originality

7. The shallow swampy lake (1) along the shore (2) of which (3) we made our way (4) was still white between the trees.

8. For a long time we were driving along a narrow path (1) two or three tracks (2) which (3) slightly cut into the green virgin soil of a luxurious meadow

9. The hours of (1) painful waiting (2) during which (3) Mishka unsuccessfully tried to forget all his troubles (5) seemed to drag on forever.

10. A little further away, a dense cloud (1) hovered in the depths (2) of which (3) red sparks lit up and went out.

Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence" No. 2

Beginning of the form

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

    In the treasury of Russian art (1) one of the most honorable places (2) belongs to I.I. Shishkin (3) whose name (4) (5) is associated with the history of the Russian landscape of the second half of the 19th century.

    When painting silk (1), a special coloring composition is applied to the fabric in the form of a closed contour (2) within (3) of which (4) the product is painted with special paints (5) in accordance with the sketch (6).

    The scientific interests of S.M. Bondi (1) were formed during his studies at Petrograd University (2) after graduation (3) from which (4) he was left at the department.

    Zhuravlev rushed to the gun (1) near (2) which (3) a battery with a broken arm was fumbling.

    IN In the 18th century (1) at European imperial palaces (2) there were orchestral and choral chapels (3) for the leadership (4) of which (5) outstanding musicians were invited.

    The sons of Johann Sebastian Bach (1) and other musicians trained by him (2) from among whom (3) many serious professionals (5) emerged testify to the talent of Bach as a teacher.

    The fashion for German resorts (1) was explained by the desire for Eden (2), the outlines (3) of which (4) appeared in the landscapes of the Rhine Valley.

    Raskolnikov (1) is more fond of Sennaya Square (2) in the vicinity (3) of which (4) the poor eke out a miserable existence.

9. Now a young bright green forest (1) was growing towards us above the tops (2) of which (3) the chalk cliffs were already disappearing.

10. Science fiction (1) many forms (2) of which (3) can be found even in Gogol’s “everyday” works (4) permeates the entire work of the writer.



1 option

Option 2







2 5


1 4



2 5


1 4

End of form

In task 18 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, you work with complex sentences consisting of a main clause and a subordinate clause. You know that there must be commas at the boundaries of simple sentences within a complex sentence. What difficulties may be encountered in defining these boundaries?

Task formulation:

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

There must be commas in the sentence.

has more than sixty thousand works of art (4) reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century.

Let us remind you what you need to know to determine the boundaries between the main and subordinate clauses.

The subordinate clause is attached to the main clause with the help of conjunctions or allied words, which, as a rule, are located at the border of sentences, i.e., they begin the subordinate clause. But there are some sentences in which the conjunction or allied word does not appear after a comma at the sentence boundary, but inside subordinate clause.

The subordinate clause can come before the main clause, after it and inside him. We put commas at the borders of sentences:

1) , (conjunction or allied word) 2) (union or allied word),

3) [ , (conjunction or allied word), ]

What syntactic structures appear most often on the exam? Complex sentences with a subordinate clause, which is located inside the main sentence (see Diagram 3) and joins it with the help of a conjunctive word which.(Remember that this word is inflected and can have a preposition.)

How to complete such a task? Read the sentence expressively; semantic pauses will indicate to you the boundaries of the sentences. Read each simple sentence (remember that you need to connect the two parts of the main clause if the subordinate clause splits it). Make sure you correctly identify the conjunction or connecting word that connects the sentences.

Let's complete the task:

State Tretyakov Gallery (1) collection (2) of which (3)

has more than sixty thousand artistic

works (4) reflects the development of Russian art since

XI century.

Let's read expressively, making semantic pauses.

Let's read the main thing separately: The State Tretyakov Gallery reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century.

Changes in assignments and assessments Unified State Examination in Russian not many, but they are significant. Let's look at the main ones.

Changes in CMMs

The CMM includes a task basic level(No. 20), which will become the main one when testing knowledge of lexical norms of the Russian language. Students will need to edit one sentence to remove extra word.

You can find a sample at. The peculiarity of such tasks is that they require deep knowledge of vocabulary or brilliant intuition.

Helpful hint: As a basis for the material for assignment No. 20, the compilers will take the most common speech errors.

Another change in the Unified State Exam assignments in the Russian language is an increase in their number. In 2018, graduates will have to complete not 25, but 26 tasks. The difference of one can be significant, both in terms of execution time and quality.

Changes in assessment of knowledge

Due to the increase in the number of tasks, the primary score for the entire work also increased - from 57 to 58.

Minimum points:

  • to obtain a certificate – 24;
  • for admission to university – 36.

What to take with you to the exam

Everyone necessary materials to pass the state exam - 2018 you will be provided with an audience. Students are only allowed to take a pen with them.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Russian language 2018

Analytical tasks related to understanding the text – from 1 to 3.

Task for checking spelling norms (correctness of stresses) – 4.

Paronyms - task 5.

Task 7 contains a huge amount of information on parts of speech, their declension and cases.

Syntactic norms – 8.

Spell checking - tasks 8-14.

Punctuation – 15-19.

The most effective ways to prepare for the Unified State Exam

Ongoing training is a mandatory item in the graduate/entrant program. And here are the methods you need to use to get high grades:

  1. Please read carefully theory and assignments(demo version on the FIPI website).
  2. Provide yourself with the necessary literature - find textbooks on the Russian language from grades 5 to 11 and all kinds of manuals, both in printed form and online.
  3. Take advantage of the tasks posted on the pages of our website - up-to-date material, selected by professionals - theory and practice in all areas preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Thanks to classes with us you will be able to:
  • recall the material studied within the framework of school curriculum;
  • identify and address knowledge gaps;
  • quickly navigate the structure of CMMs and determine which task is simple for you and which is difficult, and pay maximum attention to it;
  • bring to automation solution some parts of the task or the whole task, and thereby make it easier for yourself to work on the exam;
  • pay attention to assignments with answers- sometimes they are repeated on the Unified State Exam.

Read as much as possible ( fiction, periodicals – it doesn’t matter) and try to present what you read in writing. This old proven method has never failed in an exam. in Russian.