Must be at least 8 characters. Lowercase and uppercase letters for iPhone passcode

Any person who uses the Internet has probably more than once encountered the need to come up with and set passwords: for logging into mail, for an account on a forum, for online banking. And in almost every registration form you are advised to come up with strong password. After all, the confidentiality of your correspondence and the safety of your cash, and the security of your computer in general. The question arises: how to come up with complex password?

How to come up with a strong password

Length. The recommended minimum length for a strong password is 8 characters. It is believed that cracking passwords of 8 or more characters by guessing is a too long process and the chances of an attacker finding such a combination are too small.

Register. A good password should contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.

Special characters. An extremely secure password, along with letters and numbers, also contains special characters. For example #, ~,+, _

In total, the ideal option would be a combination of upper and lower case Latin letters, numbers and special characters with a total length of at least 8 characters. For example:


Which should never be used as a password

Never use: as a password or secret word:

  • dates of birth
    The biggest stupidity is to set your own date of birth in the format 12071992 as a password for your VKontakte page, where the same date is indicated in the information :)
  • phone numbers
    A password consisting of your phone number will not be cracked only by the lazy. And here it doesn’t matter how many numbers there are :)
  • names, surnames, animal names
    It's funny when people think magically reliable protection maiden name mother. ...which the whole yard has known for 50 years :)
  • and of course, all sorts of nonsense like “qwerty123”, “password”, “password”, “********”, “123”, “12345678”, “fyva”, “asdf”, etc. By the way, the leader among secretaries’ passwords is “one”, i.e. one single digit “1” :)


In conclusion, I want to say - do not neglect your safety. Do not use the same secret words for authorization on different sites and services, no matter how complex and reliable they may be. If you have one password for everything, everywhere, then by hacking one site, attackers can gain access to all your online accounts, which means they can see information on yours, use saved credentials in the browser and other information. And remember: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, do not be lazy to come up with strong combinations and set complex passwords straightaway- don’t put this matter off for later. Let your information be available only to you! Good luck!

When asked, the Password must be between 8 and 16 characters, including at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number. given by the author Dagestan power the best answer is Not necessarily. I have a set of 8 numbers and a letter. Good luck!

Reply from Anya Korytnik[newbie]

Reply from Eurovision[guru]
You need the numbers at the bottom, turn them on, and at the same time include special characters if necessary
I succeeded

Reply from Become aware[active]
Already registered?

Reply from tales[newbie]

Reply from Sergo baby[newbie]
Your password must be 6-12 characters long and contain a combination of letters and at least one number (*@#?$%, etc. is not allowed).
Hello guys, can you tell me what password I can’t come up with?

Password: SXGgfsndfhj654
Password: HGDFHuufhgsdf
And this can go on forever...
Or your date of birth or year of birth :)

Reply from Kirill Perdunov[newbie]
sort of yes or kind of no

Reply from Lbvf t,frjd[newbie]
come up with it yourself, otherwise someone will say it yourself, you will do it and they will slap you

Reply from Pasha Pidr[newbie]
Nada vadit whatever is good wholesale

Reply from Kirill Starikov[newbie]
Capital letters, numbers, and symbols should, in general, be full stuffing from the password, and only then the field will turn green

Reply from Sergio00o[guru]
Not necessarily!

Reply from ЀА[guru]

Reply from CAHR[guru]

Reply from ZLOBNYI XOXOL[newbie]
A password is the only and most important protection for your registration. Take this seriously! If you think someone has access to your data, change your password. Do not use simple passwords, like “12345”, “qwerty”, “password”, etc. Do not write your first name, last name, birthday or passport number, just names or nouns as a password! Such passwords are very easy to guess. The password must: contain at least 6 characters; contain uppercase and lowercase latin letters; contain numbers or punctuation elements; do not match the login; be easy to remember so that you yourself do not forget it.

Reply from Igor Cheryomukhin[active]
prince who am I

Reply from Dimentiy S.[newbie]
The password must contain several characters, including a minimum of: one string of letters, one string of numbers, and one string of symbols. Here... For reliability, you can add a line of spaces.

Reply from Kawaii Girl[newbie]
Hello! I can't register. Help please?! They write to me: Attention! Your registration has NOT been accepted! The nickname and password must consist of at least 6 characters and only letters and numbers!

Reply from _ginger_[guru]
An example of such a password
There are uppercase and lowercase letters, and there is also 1 number.

Reply from Victoria Gizatulina[guru]
Specialists in computer security are unanimous in the opinion that a brute-force password should consist of at least eight characters of different case (lowercase and capital letters) including numbers and/or special characters. Only such a password can be partially considered reliable.
Why partly? According to statistics, in the vast majority of cases when committing network attack The victim's computer is attacked on average more than 2,000 times a day - this is enough for after some time - depending on the attackers' available capabilities - to even find a complex password of 8 characters. Therefore, it is advisable to change the password at least once a month.
There is nothing more to add - add letters
Finally, it is extremely important to use different passwords for different sites and services. Significantly simplify the process of use large quantity creating different combinations will help own system memorization. So, as an example of a convenient mnemonic technique, Stanislav Shevchenko, head of the education department at Kaspersky Lab, recommends adding alphabetic (numeric) characters to the secret word, which will help associatively associate the password with a specific site. For example, if we're talking about about the Odnoklassniki website ru", the password can start or end with the letter "o", if we are interested in the social network "VKontakte", we can add the letter "v" to our code word.

Hi all! Today I would like to discuss with you one rather banal, but at the same time, very important and necessary thing. What kind of thing is this? It's about about the password for your Apple ID account. Why even talk about this? Because this is perhaps the most important thing in an iPhone or iPad - only the device itself is more important than it. And even that is not a fact.

Let's see together what a high-quality and reliable password should look like, what you need to pay close attention to, what to consider before and after creating it, why we need to come up with and use our imagination... Stop. Too many questions, but not a single answer yet. Disorder. I'll fix it now. Let's go! :)

The Apple company is quite sensitive to the problems of security of personal data of users of the devices it produces, therefore, when, requirements for Apple password IDs are quite strict, here they are:

  • It must contain at least one capital letter.
  • And by at least at least one number.
  • You cannot enter identical characters in a row.
  • Does not match the account name.
  • Minimum 8 characters.
  • Should not coincide with the old one, if there was one.

So if Apple ID does not accept your password, pay attention to this list; most likely, not all points are met. This means that it is necessary to come up with another, more suitable one.

Here is an example of an incorrect password:
Despite the fact that it fully complies and fits the rules, it is clear that there is not much reliability in it.

Exemplary correct password looks like this:
Agree, much better, more complex and reliable than the previous version.

What to do after creation? Protect it like the apple of your eye. Never give it to anyone. After all, knowing it you can (photos, videos, contacts and messages) absolutely without your knowledge.

And, of course, do not forget (remember, highlight in your head separate place, write it down on a piece of paper, after all), otherwise there will be a long and meaningful conversation with those. support Apple. And it’s not a fact that the outcome of this conversation will suit you.

By the way, it is no less important to protect mailbox specified during registration. After all, if you gain access to it, then everything written in this article is unlikely to help you.

Let's summarize. So, we save it and don’t give it to anyone:

  1. The email used to create your account.
  2. Apple ID password.

Subject to these conditions, the information on the iPhone and iPad will be securely stored, and your personal data will never fall into the hands of third parties.

P.S. Do you want to come up with the most best password? Press the buttons social networks below the article, get +10% to resourcefulness! Still have questions? Be sure to write in the comments - I will try to help!

Let's say that the user needs to create account Apple ID. This process is simple, but sometimes misunderstandings arise. For example, for a password you need to enter a lowercase or uppercase letter, as required by the system. What does this mean?

It's actually simple. Lowercase letters are those letters that are written in lowercase. In other words, these are small letters: a, b, c, d, e, etc.

Capital letters are those letters that are written in uppercase, that is capital letters: A, B, C, D, E, etc.

If with lowercase letters everything is clear, then what about capital letters? Let's show an example at iPhone keyboard. If you want one capital letter, press the arrow key once and select the desired letter, it will be written in upper case, further letters - in lower case.

If you need to write several capital letters, click on the arrow twice, then all letters will be capitalized. To disable the function, click the arrow again.

What about computer keyboard? To write a capital letter, click on Shift key. Here it is:

To write multiple capital letters you can press the key Caps Lock- in this case, all letters will be written in uppercase, or hold down the Shift key.

Some tips for creating a password. They are simple, but it’s worth sticking to them so that no one can find out your data.

  • The password length should not be less than 8 characters, and preferably at least 12 characters.
  • The password must contain numbers.
  • The password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • Try to use different letters and numbers rather than the same ones.
  • Do not use dates that are relevant to you in your password. For example, you should not use your year of birth.
  • Do not tell anyone your password under any circumstances.
  • Change your password periodically - at least once every few months.

How to understand: passwords must contain at least 8 characters, including numbers

  1. Dirzhi 15dfgf61989
  3. What's incomprehensible here? 8 characters must contain at least one digit...
  4. passwords usually consist of Latin letters and numbers, for example R111d222g333
  5. The password should not contain more than 5 numbers
    Password must contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric characters
  6. scribe... it looks like this: dfcz1234
  7. this is what it looks like: poiu1234
  8. The password must contain no less than 8 and no more than 12 characters. The password must contain only Latin uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
  9. The password must contain both numbers and letters, but no more than 8 characters in total
  10. You just need to make sure that 1 letter is with caps lock
  11. Your admin has written a rule for entering passwords, i.e. the scheme is something like this, for example qwer-123, or asdf*321 or 123qweASD
  12. The password must contain both letters and numbers. it's better encrypted
  13. Moy8paroL Here
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