State search engine. Russian browser "Sputnik": user reviews

Sputnik Browser - fast and secure browser, built on Chromium. The Sputnik browser was developed by Rostelecom for family use.

Rostelecom first created the Sputnik search engine, and then its own browser of the same name. The search engine positions itself as focused on interaction with social services, for the provision of public services. Similar purpose family browser Satellite.

The Sputnik browser has built-in protection against harmful and dangerous content, with filtration system, quick access to the government services portal, child mode, no advertising.

The main advantages of the Sputnik browser according to the manufacturer:

  • Simple - the browser is easily and quickly installed on your computer
  • Convenient - when you start the browser, a panel opens with the “Satellite” search and specially selected widgets
  • Useful - the widget panel provides direct access to useful information: “Government Services”, “My Home”, “Medicine”, “Maps”, etc.
  • Smart - the browser uses a smart search bar to quickly access sites
  • Secure - the browser is protected from spam, pornography, viruses, fraudulent sites, etc.
  • Child - a special children's mode in the browser that will protect the child from most threats on the Internet
  • Mobile - Satellite browser is installed on mobile devices under Android control, iPad, iPhone

The smart browser bar allows you to quickly access the sites you need. As you enter a search query, suggestions appear based on the text you enter. By default the browser uses search engine Satellite. In the browser settings, in the “Search” section, you can change the search engine to another: Yandex, Google, @MAIL.RU, Sputnik, Sputnik.Children.

The Sputnik browser can be downloaded from the official website for operating systems Windows systems, Android, iPad, iPhone.

download satellite browser

To install the browser on your computer, run the downloaded file. Installing the Sputnik browser is very simple.

Convenient access in Sputnik

The Sputnik browser will open the “Easy Access” page, which contains widgets for quick access to the most popular everyday information: weather, exchange rates, news, TV programs, government services, my home, maps, medicine. You can open the easy access page using the “Go to Sputnik services” button, which is located in the left corner of the panel.

On the "Easy Access" page, you can change the background by uploading an image from your computer, select your location. By default, after entering a query in the search field, the search will be carried out using the Sputnik search engine. In the browser settings, the search can be changed to another search engine.

After clicking on the “Medicine” widget, the “Satellite / Medicine” page will open, where you can get a lot of useful information.

In the “Pharmacies” tab, the addresses of the nearest pharmacies with contact information: telephone numbers, opening hours, pharmacies are displayed on the map.

After entering the “Medicines” tab, you will have access to a description of the medications. Select the name of the drug, after reading the description, click on the “Prices and Availability” button. If this drug is available, you will see the price of the drug and the address of the pharmacy where it can be purchased.

In the “Articles” tab, by section you can get information about diseases, treatment methods and recommended medicines with this disease.

On the State Services portal you can get government services: pay traffic police fines, pay for housing and communal services, file a tax return, make an appointment with a doctor, get information about tax debt individuals etc.

After clicking on the “My Home” widget, the “Satellite / My Home” page will open. Enter in the search field full address, in order to obtain the necessary information about organizations: management companies, MFCs, schools, kindergartens, clinics, post offices, tax inspectorates, police department, pharmacies, ATMs, and much more.

On the “TV program” page you can familiarize yourself with the program schedule, get additional information, look online broadcasts TV channels.

Safe search in the Sputnik browser

The Sputnik browser has built-in search filters: « Light filter", "Moderate filter", "Strict filter". Depending on the selected filter, sites with dangerous and prohibited information will not be shown in the search results. Family filter in the browser protects the user’s computer and personal data from viruses, spam, pornography, fraudulent sites, etc.

Using the “Setting filtering search results” icon (in the form of a shield), which is located in address bar browser, you can adjust the filtering level search results. The icon image will be changed after selecting the appropriate filter.

The browser has a built-in “Advertising Blocker” that blocks pop-ups and advertising blocks on web pages. In the Sputnik browser, you can block all advertising after activating the “Block all advertising” option. The Advertising Removal module does a good job of blocking ads.

The browser has a built-in “Stalker” security system that warns the user of danger. If you mark a site as “bad”, then the next time the browser will not allow you to open this site.

The Sputnik browser has a built-in “Invisible” mode. In the "Invisible" mode, the browser will not remember the browsing history, in order not to save user data while surfing. You can launch the “Invisible” mode after entering the “Satellite Main Menu”. To do this, you need to select context menu"New window in invisible mode" item. After this, a new browser window will open.

To exit Stealth mode, close the browser window in this mode.

The Sputnik browser is protected from changes using special protection. Protection protects against changing the search engine, changing the default browser, and changing browser settings third party programs. The built-in Sentinel tool stands guard over the browser, protects the browser from unauthorized changes, protects against changes hosts file on the computer.

Children's mode in the Sputnik browser

The Sputnik browser has a “Children's mode”. To enter children's mode, click on the “Duck” image. Then enter and confirm your password. The browser has a mode one-time passwords, although you can enter the same password each time.

After this, the Sputnik browser window will open running in child mode. In children's mode, the Sputnik.Children search engine is activated, which filters search results to those that are suitable for a child audience.

Please note that you will not be able to disable child mode without entering a password. If you close the browser window and then relaunch it, the browser will open again in child mode.

To exit child mode in Satellite, click on the “Duck” icon and then enter the password.

Sputnik browser extensions

Extensions created for the browser are suitable for the satellite browser Google Chrome, which are available in the Chrome Web Store. The satellite blocks the installation of extensions from the store, citing the fact that they have not been verified. Only a few extensions that have been tested and approved by Sputnik are available for installation in the browser. Frankly speaking, there is practically nothing to choose from.

You can select an extension in the Chrome store, and after blocking the installation, submit a request for approval of this extension.


You can enter the browser settings from the “Satellite Main Menu” after selecting the “Settings” context menu item.

Sputnik browser settings are similar to those Google browser Chrome. In the settings you can change the quick access page, search engine, add a new user, change other browser settings.

Conclusions of the article

The Sputnik safe browser protects the user from spam viruses, harmful and fraudulent sites by filtering traffic, blocks advertising, the browser provides quick access to government services, and parents can use “Children’s Mode” for their children.

Sputnik Browser (video)

May 22, 2014 at Russian Federation A presentation of a new search system took place - Sputnik search engine Rostelecom. It provides many conveniences to the user when searching necessary information thanks to its versatility.

Search engine originality

The search engine has several sections called “Search”, “News”, “Maps”, “Convenient Russia”, “Medicines”, “My Home”, “Finance”, “More”. Searching for the necessary information is done using the “Search” menu. To do this, you just need to enter the question the user is interested in and the search engine will return many answers.

To download and install the Sputnik browser, click on the picture below

System cognition

You can learn about new events and study the map of the country in more detail in the “News” and “Maps” sections.

  • The "News" section will help the user find out interesting facts about the life of the country. Here are notes about the latest events that occurred in Russia and in the world.
  • The “Maps” section will help you understand the location of various administrative facilities, highways, etc. When entering the name of the required settlement the Sputnik search engine will show its map, which shows the names and locations of streets.

To use the Sputnik search engine from Rostelecom, follow the link

Posting useful information

Information useful for citizens of the country is posted in the sections “Convenient Russia”, “My Home”, “Medicines”. The “Convenient Russia” section contains links to the most frequently asked questions of citizens of the country. This includes the topic of insurance, deferment from the army, maternity capital, technical inspection, etc. Using the “My Home” section you can find absolutely all the information about organizations that provide maintenance to residential buildings. Using the Sputnik search engine, you can find out a variety of information about medications, as well as the number and location of pharmacies that are located near the user’s place of residence. To do this, you just need to go to the “Medicines” section.
Photo: search engine screenshot

Search engine advantages

The search engine was developed by Rostelecom.

It was worked on by highly qualified professionals who are masters of their craft. The uniqueness of the Sputnik browser is explained by its focus on the Russian contingent. In it you can find absolutely all the answers to questions from citizens of the Russian Federation. What makes the search engine attractive is its original layout. A random picture depicting a landmark of the country is placed on the screen. The only drawback is that Sputnik is only available within the Russian Federation. Russians who live abroad cannot use it.

Video: about the search engine and its capabilities

On May 22, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a presentation of the beta version of the new Russian search system “Sputnik” took place. It is focused on socially important Internet services and filters illegal content.

On home page"Sputnik" posted search string, weather information, news headlines, TV listings and links to useful queries.

At the bottom of the page there is a photograph of a randomly selected place on the territory of the Russian Federation. Below it there is a link leading to a corresponding search query - for example, users can learn more about Lake Baikal, the Kotuykan River or the Avachinsky volcano.

On the “About the project” page it is indicated that the search engine is designed to simplify access to official information or public services and services.

The service will provide answers to questions related to the state, the work of important services and institutions, and will help you find official information and its sources. Sputnik will be useful to young families - for example, it will tell you how to apply for benefits and avoid paperwork, and help you find a job. "Sputnik" can be made home page on home devices - this will help children explore the world, but will protect them from indecent materials. “Sputnik” will be useful for grandparents - the search can be recommended to elderly parents who are not particularly versed in technology, so that they can find a reliable assistant in daily affairs and at the same time not pick up unnecessary things on the Internet. Sputnik will tell you the contacts of services and organizations or show TV directly on the site.

In Sputnik itself there is a section “Convenient Russia”, which contains links to search queries related to maternity capital, insurance, technical inspection, deferment from the army and other social significant issues. In other sections of the service you can search for pictures, videos, information on news, medicines, finances, weather, or use a map. The “My Home” section helps to find all the information about organizations serving the user’s home, and the “Medicines” section provides nearby pharmacies and descriptions of medications.

Site sections other than search by keywords offer to use nearby useful services: for example, in the “Finance” section there is a currency converter, a graph of exchange rate dynamics, a list of nearby exchange offices, gasoline prices at nearby gas stations.

Thanks to integration with the Zabava service, users can watch TV programs online.

Search filtering includes three levels of security. Even with the “lightest” filter, the CPU editors were unable to find any illegal content through Sputnik.

The project is being implemented by a Rostelecom subsidiary, Sputnik LLC. According to experts, the creation of Sputnik cost $20 million. at the moment on Russian market In search engines, three companies are leading: Yandex (market share 62%), Google (27.6%) and (7.7%).

Not long ago Russian company Rostelecom has developed own remedy Internet access combined with a search engine. Of course, this is the Sputnik browser. Reviews about the new software are, in principle, quite contradictory: some like it, others don’t. Let's try to figure out what's good and what's bad about it.

Sputnik browser: official introduction

So, what is the new Russian Sputnik browser? Reviews of his work from the creators are trying to convince the Internet community that this is latest system, which combines a means of access to World Wide Web, and a search engine.

It is also stated that this browser is designed to simplify the work on the Internet for people who are completely far from knowing the principles and means of accessing the Internet, for example, children or pensioners. Rostelecom specialists claim to constantly saturate the browser with new content and support the most popular social networks. But is this really so? Let's look at the Sputnik browser itself (Rostelecom). Reviews about him will clearly not leave anyone indifferent. Although the company that created it expects a constant increase in the number of users and fans, alas, the number of downloads is just over 50 thousand. As they say, popularization failed, and this has absolutely nothing to do with marketing strategy developers. Rather, it refers to the application itself and some aspects of its functioning.

Sputnik browser: description

Let's try to consider the new product without bias, based on the opinion of specialists specializing in the development and testing of this kind software products. What is the Sputnik browser? Reviews from experts, not to mention the opinions of people who have tried it in practice, indicate that this is yet another “Chrome-like” application.

Yes, yes, that's right. It is based on famous browser Chromium version 41, which served as a platform for creating the same Yandex Browser and Amigo. In turn, Chromium itself is based exclusively on technologies used in one of the most powerful and popular products, Google Chrome.

That is, one must assume that the creators of Sputnik took the path of least resistance and cost, borrowing technology so as not to rack their brains. On the one hand, this may be good. The browser does not seem to slow down, opening pages is quite fast. On the other hand, this is reminiscent of some plagiarism used to create the Sputnik browser. User reviews, unfortunately, only say that the copy, although slightly revised, turned out to be clumsy. And here's why.

Sputnik browser for Windows 7 and higher: first look

Now let's try to look at the desktop version of the program. As an example, we’ll use the Sputnik browser; let’s leave it alone for now, and just launch the application and look at the interface.

Frankly speaking, nothing special. Standard panel with tabs, plus - built-in bookmarks, the content of which raises legitimate doubts about the advisability of their presence. Well, tell me: why search for instructions for medications and study shutdown schedules? hot water or use maps to look for notaries? Is there really no other suitable topics for search? But there is a weather widget and the main news.

Not in the best possible way The “My Home” tab also looks like this. It would seem that there are a lot of links, but if you take a closer look, you will immediately notice that they all have a narrow focus on the topic: pharmacies, libraries, schools, shops, post offices, kindergartens, churches, etc.

With the release of the G8 version, the interface has clearly changed to match the system itself. An “eight” tile has appeared here, which presents the main sections of news, TV programs, weather, exchange rates, electronic cards, the “My Home” tab and again, for some unknown reason, the medicine search section. What is this? Sore subject?

By the way, is it necessary to explain that the search engine does not use popular and advanced engines, but works on own principles? And these principles, as it turns out, are far from perfect.

Search content filtering

Moreover, filtering of sites and their content, even in the search section, is very strict. Although you can dig around in the settings and find changes in the security level, there will still be such restrictions that sometimes you simply won’t find the things you need.

Please note that this is not filtering content, but rather search results. And here’s another thing: it’s unclear why this setting was moved outside the search engine, but in the same Chrome or Yandex browser you can change the security level directly in search service. In general, it's inconvenient.

Ad blocking

Now another look at the Sputnik browser. Reviews of the ad blocking system are also divided. True, it’s hard to disagree that the browser does a good job of filtering too annoying advertising, however, this thing is called “Advertising Tap”! Here!

But the level of settings can be changed, up to complete blocking. On Rutreker, taken as an example, almost everything was blocked. But there is also a rather fat minus. The fact is that the browser does not allow you to install add-ons in the form of the same AdBlock Plus(and in general, any other add-ons, although there is a corresponding section in the settings). However, judging by user reviews, because of this blocker, some sites do not want to open at all.

Kids mode

Let's move on to the so-called children's mode. Why is he interesting? When activated, the tab that appears when the browser starts turns into a real children's entertainment portal.

True, it is absolutely incomprehensible why it is immediately suggested to watch all the episodes of “Well, wait a minute!”? On the other hand, access to some settings is lost from the menu, absolutely all resources with abstracts are blocked, social media, torrent trackers, not to mention the rest of the content.

The children's mode itself password protected, which you can’t just turn off. This is a clear plus. Apparently, such a precaution was introduced solely for the reason that the browser was supposed to be installed as the main browser in schools. However, as evidenced by reviews from experts on the Internet, many still find ways to bypass the blocking.

As for sites with questionable content, the browser relies on own base, which includes quite a lot of resources. However, many experts believe (and not without reason) that the list is based on the Roskomnadzor database, supplemented by what was found on the Internet in manual mode. That is, we are not talking about any automation.


Finally, a few words about the program settings section. As soon as you enter it, you immediately see full copy“Chroma” (this can be seen even in To be absolutely frank, at least for the sake of appearance something could be changed.

By the way, one of the control parameters is specified in the initial group setting home page"Sputnik/Start". Why he is needed here is unclear, because, according to by and large, the user still cannot disable it.

As already mentioned, there is an extensions section, but nothing can be installed. So its presence in the settings is also not justified.

The browser also, as it turns out, also has a function for creating own account, however, as numerous reviews say, registration codes They arrive as soon as two months later, or even later.

General impression

In general, if we sum it up based on the considerations of specialists and users, the results are very disappointing. Despite all the advertising moves, the popularity Russian development at zero. Some, evaluating the application’s performance on a 5-point scale, give the new browser almost a score with a minus. Here, however, many do not take into account the specifics of the program, but it must be assumed that it was developed specifically for school institutions.

Then it’s not hard to guess why it has such strict filtration search queries, ad blocking and unavailability of many resources. However, the speed of work is clearly not too bad. To be objective, this development is suitable specifically for children's institutions, but not for the average user who would like to use this browser in daily work. And if you consider that it is also state-owned... You understand.

By the way, it was not considered here mobile version application, since it is clearly inferior in popularity to the desktop one. And reviews of the new Sputnik browser clearly do not tip the scales in its favor.

". For me, as a person closely associated with web technologies, SEO and search engines, in particular, this event cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, I decided to write a mini review of this “miracle” that was given to us by national telecommunications company OJSC Rostelecom.

What is noteworthy is that this search engine is available only to residents of Russia. Similar restrictions have been made to protect information space RF. As practice in Ukraine has shown, there is something to protect against.

I’ll get ahead of myself a little, I live in Ukraine, so I couldn’t immediately access the site, however, after some manipulation with the proxy, I managed to access the new Sputnik search engine.

If the problem with logging into the Sputnik search engine for users from other countries is relevant, then I will post detailed manual on installing and configuring a proxy connection. Residents of Ukraine should probably be interested in this.

So, what interesting things did I see on the website of the Rostelecom search engine

Well, for starters, I paid attention to the search results:

The new search engine, unlike other search engines, has the ability to configure filtering of search results (search results). There are 3 types of obscene filters available: light, moderate and strict.

Sputnik has its own, enough convenient map, with the possibility quick search notaries, fitness clubs, pharmacies and other things. I recently wrote about the integration of Yandex and Google maps on my website. Perhaps I’ll write about this one, since it’s definitely of interest to webmasters. Although it is not a fact that the developers will provide the ability to insert a map on the site.

The search engine of OJSC Rostelecom has its own searches using pictures and videos.

Detailed information on exchange rates includes a currency converter, graphs of currency price growth and decline, and a map with exchange offices.

The medicine search will allow you to find a medicine by name on the map. When you click on the label, addresses and phone numbers will be indicated.

First of all, let's find a suitable IP. For this we will use filters:

We indicate the country: Russian Federation.

Anonymity type: high.

Click “Apply”.

Pay attention to the “Type” column, some indicate HTTP, HTTPS, and some SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

This is important! If the type is HTTP and/or HTTPS, in the proxy server parameters you need to specify the IP address and port in the following fields:

Leave the 4th field empty.

If the type is SOCKS4 or SOCKS5, then fill in only the 4th field, the remaining 3 must be empty.

There is a certain probability that you will not be able to find a suitable proxy the first time. I'll have to try a few.

After each, check whether you can go to the website of the Rostelecom Sputnik search engine -

For that. To return everything to initial state, it’s enough just to return the checkbox “ Automatic detection parameters".

Like this in a cunning way you can easily get into the Sputnik search engine, even if you are not in Russia.