How to change the orientation of one page in Word. Writer: Changing the orientation of individual pages

By default, in the LibreOffice editor, the page looks exactly the same as a regular sheet of A4 paper and has a portrait orientation. This is necessary because for most office documents, abstracts, coursework and theses This is the default orientation.

But there are a number of documents that need to be placed in landscape format, for example, wide tables or some kind of diagrams. IN Microsoft Office It's all very easy to do, but Libre is a little different. In this article we will look at how to make a landscape page in LibreOffice in different ways.

How to make a landscape page in LibreOffice

The easiest way is when you need to make all the pages in your document landscape. Then it's relatively easy. Just open the menu "Format" -> "Page" and then go to the tab "Page":

Here you can move the switch from position "Book" V "Landscape":

In addition, in the same window you can configure the fields. The following methods not much more complicated than the first one, but they tell you how to do it in libreoffice album sheet only one of the set. To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph on desired page, then click on it right click mouse, select "Page…", then switch to the tab "Control":

LibreOffice has several page styles. The default is Basic. But besides that, there is a style "landscape", in which the landscape page orientation is set. After this, the page you selected will become landscape.

Another way to do landscape orientation LibreOffice pages. In LibreOffice there is such a thing as breaks. It is similar to the same term in Microsoft Office. The program sets a separate style for each section.

First create new section in front of the page you want to make landscape, to do this, open "Insert""Break":

Select here "Break", and as a style - "Landscape" or you can set the style later, as was done in the first option. Next, you can insert a new break at the end of your new landscape page to return to portrait orientation. So that you can see where the breaks are located, turn on the display of non-printing characters. Then the breaks will appear as a blue dotted line between the pages.


In this short article we looked at how to make a landscape page in LibreOffice. As you can see, everything here is not much more complicated than in Microsoft Office. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

IN table processor and table editor OpenOffice And LibreOffice You can configure two types of page orientations: portrait orientation, that is, vertical (the usual page view), or landscape orientation, that is horizontal arrangement pages. To configure the page orientation, you must sequentially select the following items: Format/Page... Next, in the “Page Style” dialog box that appears. Normal”, you must select the “Page” tab. On this tab, in addition to setting the page orientation, you can also set margins, that is, margins from the edges, and also configure the page numbering format. In particular, when numbering pages you can use latin letters(A, B, C), page numbering in Roman numerals, etc.

Setting page orientation in text Writer editor in OpenOffice and LibreOffice

In a text editor office applications The page orientation is set using identical commands. The Format/Pages… After selecting these commands, the “Page Style: Normal” dialog box will appear. The appearance of this window is identical to that in a text editor LibreOffice, and in a text editor OpenOffice, which is due to the fact that LibreOffice is a fork of the freely distributed office suite OpenOffice.

Setting page orientation in the Calc spreadsheet editor in OpenOffice and LibreOffice

In the table editor Calc both the LibreOffice office suite and the OpenOffice office suite, setting the page orientation, that is, setting either the vertical (portrait) display of a page or the horizontal (landscape) display of a page in a document occurs in an identical manner and coincides with setting the page orientation in a text editor Writer. That is, in order to change the page orientation, for example from landscape to portrait or vice versa from portrait to landscape, you need to select the “Format” item in the main menu and select the “Pages” item in the drop-down list of commands. Next, after the “Page Style: Basic” dialog box appears, you need to select the “Page” tab and in the “Orientation” item, check the box next to either the “Landscape” item or the “Portrait” item.

Changing page orientation occurs automatically throughout the document.

1. Changing the page orientation in Writer

2. Changing the page orientation in LibreOffice Writer

3. Changing the page orientation in Calc

I confess honestly - in office programs I'm not very good at it ;)
But since at work I often have questions about programs like Microsoft Office or OpenOffice, I decided to look into these issues better.

Change the page orientation of an entire document

1. Click on the menu Format -> Page

2.In the dialog box Page Style: Regular select a tab Page, check the box for the desired orientation ( Book or Landscape)

As a result, the orientation will change on all pages of the document.

Changing the orientation of a single page

But here I suffered a lot, because it’s not as easy and convenient as in Word))
The method I used is more than clumsy... but it still works.

This method is based on the use styles.

1.Open your document in OpenOffice Writer

2.Open the styles menu: Format -> Styles ( or F11)

3.In the dialog box Styles and Formatting select icon Page styles

4.Click on the icon Create style from selection and select item Create style from selection

5.Enter the name of your style to be created, for example: My style

6.Right-click on the created style ( My style) -> from context menu choose Change

7.Actions in the dialog box Page style:My style
tab Controls -> Next Style -> Normal

The next style - Normal - is necessary so that the next page after the changed one remains the same.

8.On the tab Page -> Orientation -> Landscape -> Ok

Typically, the entire page orientation is set to the same page orientation. But in some cases it is necessary to make one or more pages of a different orientation.

I suggest several ways to do this. As an initial condition, we take the situation where two landscape pages need to be inserted among the portrait-oriented pages.

Along the way, the article answers the following questions:

  • How to make the title start on a new page
  • How to change page numbers
  • How to insert a break
  • How to remove a gap

Manual method

To change the page orientation, you must first insert Page break and set the page style to follow.

  1. Open the document and place the mouse cursor on the page behind the text. Those. if we have some text, then the cursor must be located behind it, otherwise part of the text after the cursor will jump to the next page.
  2. Because we need insert gap, therefore go to the tab "Insert → Break".
  3. The “Insert Break” dialog will open, in which we place a marker opposite "Page Break", and in the list "Style" choose "Landscape". Click "OK".

The landscape page is inserted. A break is indicated by a blue stripe above the page. Now press the Ctrl+Enter key combination on your keyboard. We will have another landscape page. Instead of using a keyboard shortcut, you could insert a break again.

So that after the landscape pages there are again pages with portrait orientation, we repeat steps 1-3, but only in the list "Style" choose "Base"(or the one you created).

There is nothing complicated. But it’s worth keeping in mind if you changed the page parameters outside the style (i.e. simply through the dialog "Format → Page"), then most likely after inserting the style "Base" you will have pages with other parameters.

To avoid this, it is better to create the page style you need in advance or change an existing page style to suit your requirements. You can read about what styles are and how to work with them.

The wrong way

Many forums and blogs give an erroneous solution to this issue. There you are prompted to open the Page Options dialog "Format → Page" and on the tab "Control" choose "Next Style".

This approach leads to confusion. This is a completely different function. Let's say you have a page with a style "Base" and this is the main style of all pages in your document. Behind every page with style "Base" a page with the same style automatically follows. If you ask him "Next Style", For example, "Landscape", then you will start alternating pages. Every time after a page with a style "Base" the page with the style will automatically follow "Landscape". As soon as after landscape page you insert the base page, after the base page the landscape page will go again and this will happen every time.

So you shouldn't do that. A page break is used to disrupt the normal flow of pages, since usually only one or two different pages need to be inserted.

Pager extension

Eat convenient extension Pager (, which is used for quick insert pages. In particular, it can be used to quickly change the orientation of individual pages.

Page Options

LibreOffice is all about styles. Even if you don't explicitly use them, you are still using styles. Every page has its own style. IN standard template by default the page with style is used "Base".

If you just go to the tab "Format → Page" and change the page parameters there, you do not change the style itself. You make changes only for specific page. Therefore, if you need to change page settings, change the page style.

More information about styles is written:

Don't be lazy to study styles. In MS Office, everything is also based on styles. Large documents It is impossible to correctly design without using them.

Header from new page

Using a page break, you can, for example, make all chapter headings automatically start on a new page.

To do this in the header style on the tab "Page Position" must be set "Breaks". You don't have to specify a specific page style, then the page style used throughout the document will be applied.

Change page numbering

You can use page breaks and page styles to change the numbering next page, for example, the 3rd page may be immediately followed by the 8th. The insert break dialog is also used for this.

Removing a gap

To delete a break, just place the cursor in front of the break and press the Backspace key on your keyboard.

And again about logic

Again I want to talk about logic. I keep saying that the LibreOffice interface is very logical. But sometimes logic requires certain knowledge.

It is quite logical to try to change the page orientation using a dialog "Page Options" ("Format → Page"). But it cannot achieve the desired result, since it changes the settings for all pages in the document.

Programs cannot read people's minds. It is quite convenient that the portrait page is automatically followed by a portrait page. After all, in most cases separate document is issued in uniform style. It would be extremely inconvenient to tell the program which page should follow each time. But even for this case a mechanism has been invented with "Page Break".

However, page break is a paragraph setting. Not everyone can follow this logic. The fact is that programs like LibreOffice operate in paragraphs. The paragraph is primary, without a paragraph there is no page. It is impossible to create a completely blank page in either LibreOffice or MS Office. Always on new page there will be a blinking cursor and will be automatically done empty string. Yes, an empty line is also a paragraph.

Programs that are used to create printing products(Scribus, Inkscape, CorelDraw, Illustrator and the like) on the contrary operate with pages. For them, the primary page is where you can post images, text blocks etc.

Therefore, in LibreOffice, page breaks are a paragraph attribute. Take a look at the picture below.

Paragraphs are marked with blue marks. By making a page break, we seem to be telling the program that the next paragraph should start on a new page.

So, the logic is still there, but to understand it you need to know the basics.

Breaks in Microsoft Office

In Microsoft Office, the page break is a special character. Inserted from the menu "Insert → Break" or inserting a special character with code 012.

In Libre/Open Office, the page break is a paragraph property.

LibreOffice Writer is a program included in the LibreOffice package, which is gaining popularity every year. For most, this package has become a replacement for MS Office, it is especially attractive to owners of commercial enterprises, since the software ( software) is distributed absolutely free of charge.

How to change orientation in LibreOffice Writer?

However, this is far from the only advantage of Libra - a responsive interface and wide functionality will help solve any tasks assigned to the employee. In addition to Writer, the package includes five more programs: spreadsheet editor Calc, Impress's presentation creation and presentation tool, vector editor Draw, Math formula editor and Base database management system. As you can see, there are programs for a wide variety of tasks.

However, let’s focus our attention on LibreOffice Writer, because working with text in electronic form has become an integral part of any work process, from studying to working in the office. The program has a nice and responsive interface. A person who has not previously worked with text editors, will quickly get used to it. Otherwise it's powerful word processor, which will allow you to perform all possible operations with text (typing, editing, etc.).

A common problem when using Writer is changing the orientation of the sheet. Sometimes it is necessary to change the usual portrait view to landscape view to better present information, such as graphs or tables. There is nothing complicated about this procedure.

Go to the Format menu, then Page. Next, in “Paper Size”, select landscape, click OK.

ATTENTION. Don’t be scared when you see an orientation called “Portrait” - it’s the same book orientation, only under a different name.

However, such settings will change the appearance throughout the document, if you need to apply landscape orientation only to some sheets, then follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the menu "Format" - "Styles and Formatting".
  2. Then click on "Styles".
  3. Now you need to create new style, to do this, select “New” and go to the “Management” tab, where you can enter a name for the style.
  4. Go to the Page tab, check the Paper size Landscape checkbox and click OK.