How to write to a person if he restricted access to VK? How to send a message to VK if access is limited.

You have the ability to edit the privacy settings for your Vkontakte page. You can choose what information to hide, or vice versa, make it available to all users. In this way, you can completely or partially restrict access to the page and other personal information in the contact. How to do this, read on.

Why is it needed

The provision of privacy features is intended to preserve your personal information. You have the right to choose to whom and what personal materials will be available.

Let's say you don't want any user to see your photos (see ). They should only be available to your friends. Or you do not want to enter into correspondence - then you can block the ability to send you private messages.

For what data and materials can privacy settings be configured

You can partially close or completely block access for the following items.

  1. My page
  2. Entries per page
  3. Contact me
    • Writing messages (text and audio calls)
    • Call through applications
    • Community and App Invitations
  4. Other
    • Page Visibility
    • My updates

How to work with privacy settings

To do this, we need to go to the privacy settings menu. We open our page, and in the menu block we find the link "My settings". We click on it.

In the top menu, click on the item "Privacy". A menu will open where we can block access to our VKontakte materials.

Now you can go directly to the settings.

In the menu list you will see all available options for which we can set the privacy mode. As you can see, to the left of each of the items is the current option (in the form of a clickable link). If you click here, a drop-down list will appear in which all options will be available for selection. restrictions/openings access. They are duplicated below.

  1. All users
  2. Only friends
  3. Friends and friends of friends
  4. Only me
  5. Everything except...
  6. Some friends
  7. Some lists of friends

Let's take a look at an example. Let's say we want to completely block access to groups in which we participate. To do this, we find the point "Who sees the list of my groups", and set the parameter "Only me" for it.

Similarly, you can specify access restriction settings for any of the items. If you wish, hide your VKontakte videos, lists of friends and groups (see). Disable the ability to send you messages and invite you to groups.

How to restrict access to your page in contact

If you want to prevent other users from viewing your page, you should do the following.

In the page settings, go to the tab "Blacklist". Here, in the input field, we indicate the name of the user for whom we want to completely restrict access to our page, or a link to his account. Then we press the button "Add to blacklist"(cm. ).

Now if he wants to view your page, he will see this message.

If you subsequently decide to partially or completely open access, check the appropriate boxes in the privacy settings.

Update. Added private profiles feature

The other day, Vkontakte added a new feature - a closed profile. Now any user can hide their personal data and limit the viewing of their profile. It is enough to configure one parameter in the privacy settings.

This is done in the following way. Open the page, go to the menu in the upper right corner, then the item "Settings".

Open the tab "Privacy", and go to the end of the list. Here, set the value "Closed", for the item "Profile Type".

Now a visitor to your page who is not your friend will not see your personal information, but will receive a warning that this profile is closed.


A fairly large number of options are available for you to restrict access to your page and personal information. You can quite flexibly set up privacy so that only selected people can view one or another of your VKontakte data.

Vkontakte can write to anyone and everyone. This is open communication. But all users have the opportunity to close their page. So people get rid of various spam. But how to write to a VK person who has restricted access to the page? Of course, you can add him as a friend. Then the correspondence will become available. But you can try to go the other way.

How does a person restrict access to a page?

Many people do not want to see various spam in their personal messages. Then they impose restrictions. That is, each person can view the page of this user, but there is simply no “write a message” button.

At the same time there is a button "add to friends". And if you do not add a person as a friend, then the restrictions will not be removed.

Also, you can not write any messages to those who are blacklisted. Such a sanction is removed by itself when a person removes you from the black list.

It is important to note that without adding friends, you cannot write more than 20 messages to one person at all. Therefore, in any case, you will have to make virtual friends with the object of communication.

The person has restricted access to the page. What to do?

If you can’t add friends, then you can try to write to such a person in the comments. Write what you wanted to say and he will read it.

When comments are also closed, you can leave a post on his wall. There are even special pictures in the form of "Add to friends". But the truth of the wall can also be closed to access.

In this case, you just have to like and repost the photo of the object of your attention. He will see this, and will take you out of subscribers. Many girls are affected by such virtual attention.

Pirate methods

On many forums dedicated to VK, it is proposed to write to a person if he has restricted access using special programs.

You can be immediately banned forever for such a move. However, these tricks come at a high cost. You can pay from several hundred rubles. And whether there will be a result, it is not clear.

Among other things, many pirated programs contain viruses. They can provide attackers with your password and other personal data. Then you will lose more than you gain.

It is important to remember that everyone has the right to close their page. And do not knock on the door where you are not expected. And in general, if someone does not want to add you as a friend, then there is no point in hanging in subscribers. Don't give credit to someone who doesn't deserve you.

To avoid intrusive SPAM messages and communication with unwanted users, the VKontakte social network allows a person to block access to personal correspondence with him, limiting the circle of people who can write to him, for example, only to friends or to friends and their friends. This is an important and convenient feature that should be present in every social network, but it can lead to some difficulties. If a user who is not your friend urgently needs to contact you, and you have such restrictions, he may have difficulty with this. However, they are quite easy to overcome, and in the framework of this article we will consider how to write to a person in VK if his personal is closed.

Table of contents:

Send a message along with a friend request

No user can turn off the ability to add himself as a friend, and this can be used if you need to send a message to a person. In order for your message to be sent along with the application for friendship, you need to do the following:

After that, when the user sees your friend request, it will be displayed along with this message.

Please note: This method is not the most effective, because not all users regularly check the list of friend requests, often doing this once every few days, weeks or months, due to which your urgent message may not be read by the addressee out of time.

Contact the user through notifications

Another way to contact the user is to send him a notification. You can do this from any group or from your personal page, just mention the user in the message as follows:

The person whose ID was used in the message will receive a notification. By clicking on it, he will be able to read the message that was sent.

Contact the user through group dialogs

Perhaps the best way to contact the user is to use group dialogs. You need one of your mutual friends to create a dialogue in which they would add both of you, after which you can correspond with each other.

If you need to contact a person whose personal messages are closed, and you do not know any of his friends, you can try to find such a friend of his who has private messages open. Contact such a friend and describe the situation to him. Ask him to add to your dialogue a person with whom you need to talk.

Despite the fact that it is most likely to get in touch with a person in this way, since VKontakte users regularly check their messages, this method is still very complicated and requires the ability to negotiate with strangers who will unite you with the addressee in one dialogue.

Send a message along with a gift

Another way to contact an unknown user is to send him a message along with a gift. This will require:

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to contact the user if his private messages are closed. If you urgently need to "get through" to a person, you can use all the above options.

How to write to a person in VK who has restricted my access to his page?

    Why write to the person who blocked you, then he does not want to communicate, block him and that's it. Well, if you want to write to him like that, then create a new page and write to him, just think about whether you need him or her. Good luck!

    From your page no, you can try from a friend's page or create a new one

    You cannot write to the person who blocked you on the Vkontakte social network. Alternatively, you can create another page on the site and write to this person, apologize, resolve the conflict, if there was one. You can also ask your friends and acquaintances to write to the person who banned you and ask to be unblocked. Or, if there is a phone number, just call and talk about the reasons for this behavior.

    As far as I understand, we are talking about the Black List?

    Then the answer is - absolutely not. The person does not want you to write to him. This is a useful option against spammers, by the way.

    But you have such an option to write from another page, ask a friend for example.

    If you have limited access, then do not write from your page. That's why this function is needed in order not to receive messages from someone from whom you do not want to receive them.

    You can write to a person who has restricted your access to his page on the Vkontakte social network with the help of your true friends.

    First you need to tell your friends the whole truth and the reason why you want to do this. Next, send your friends the text of the message, which should be read by the person who has restricted your access to his page.

    There is a chance that the enemy will respond. It all depends on what text the message will contain.

    The blacklist exists for that, to limit all contacts with a specific user. You can't send messages to him.

    The only option is to ask another user who is not blacklisted to write and send a message.

    Well, firstly, I want to say that you should never run after anyone, only if you yourself are not to blame for the reason why you were blocked. I speak from my personal experience. I used to run, calling it I don't run, I achieve. Such a girl is an achiever. By the way, the other person can not be targeted.

    Naturally, she was blacklisted. What did I do? I sent a gift to VK, and you can attach a message to the gift, or deleted it from friends, subscribers and added it again. In the social network in the contact there is a button - Add to friends - attach a message.

    Having met my husband, I sang, what a great value mutual love!

    Restricted access allows friends to write messages. Become his friend, send the person a request. If access is limited to a former friend, then you can write to a person through mutual friends. You can ask a stranger to send your message.

    Faced a similar problem... If you have mutual friends, then you can ask to forward the message, or to be removed from the blacklist. Or you can just create a new page and write from it.

    1. Click the My Friends button.
    2. Next to any person, click the Write a message button.
    3. Click the Add + button.
    4. Now we select a friend from the list from the list, no matter who.
    5. Right-click on the name of the selected friend and select Inspect Item.
    6. We replace the ID of the person who was added with the ID of the person we want to write to.
  • In order to write to a person on Vkontakte when you are on his black list, you must at least have mutual friends, unless of course there are mutual friends.

    You can ask mutual friends to invite that person to a group conversation, but remember, mutual friends will read your correspondence.

    There is, of course, another option, to create just another page, and write to the same person, but it’s not a fact that you will be able to write a message to this person, so everything is possible.