How to determine the coordinates of a Beeline subscriber. Advantages and negative factors of the service

The Beeline “Coordinates” service is necessary for those under whose care there are elderly parents, grandparents or minor children. Just connect it, and you can track those you care about, know where they are, and not worry even when they don’t answer their calls. The option can be used more widely: husbands will be able to monitor their wives and vice versa; demanding bosses now have the opportunity to monitor their subordinates during working hours.

You can figure out how to apply such an addition to communication services yourself. The main thing is that you are given this function. Whether it is needed or not, decide for yourself.

Beeline made sure that the service does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation and does not violate the rights of citizens. Its main characteristics include:

  • Only those who consent to it can be tracked;
  • the location of exclusively Beeline subscribers is controlled;
  • the check can be carried out no more often than once every 5 minutes;
  • the accuracy of determining the location of the object will be in the range from 250 m to 1 km - this depends on how close the tracked person is to the provider’s tower;
  • You can control no more than 5 subscribers.

The option is activated without debiting funds from the user’s account. You also don't have to pay anything to turn it off. However, using the service on Beeline is paid. Money is withdrawn from the account daily in the amount of 1.70 rubles per day.

Attention: If you connected “Coordinates” for the first time, the first 7 days will be testing. A week of using the service will be provided free of charge.

The so-called test period can only be used once. If you used it once and then disconnected, when you reconnect, you will be charged from the first day of using the option.

Features of “Coordinates” management

To interact with the tracking program using short messages, the mobile operator has allocated a special number 4770.

  • In order to start searching for the right people, you should add them to the list of services. Indicate your name and phone number (8 does not need to be written). It is written, for example, Anya 9031117723. The connected subscriber will be able to track another user only after he agrees to the request.
  • To find out the location of the required object, a message like “Where is Anya” or “Where is 9031117723” is sent to the service number indicated above. Soon after sending the request, an SMS is sent to the phone indicating the person’s location address. The message also contains a link to the coordinates of the user you are looking for. If you have an Internet connection, you can follow the link and see the location on the map.
  • If you want to remove a number from the list of monitored ones, send the message “Delete Anya 9031117723.”
  • Not only the one who ordered the service, but also the person under control can stop tracking. To do this, enter the “Stop” command. By sending it, you completely stop monitoring your phone. If you need to deactivate a specific number, you should send an SMS “Stop + desired number”.
  • Using an SMS request, you can also determine who is controlling you. To do this, a “Who” request is sent. Soon a response is received with the set of numbers of interest.

Searching for a user via the Internet

If you want to immediately see the people you are tracking on the map, register on the website To register, you will need to enter two indicators:

  • telephone number;
  • password.

You will receive the latter by sending an SMS to 4770 with the word “Password”. You can change it when you go to the settings page in your Personal Account.

Search objects are added in the “add subscriber” line. The same data is indicated as for the phone: number and name. After receiving the consent of the added person, his icon will appear on the map.

To find the right person, you should go to the list and opposite the person you want to track, click “Find”. After clicking on the icon on the Internet, along with the definition on the map, you will receive an SMS with the address.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

In order to activate “Coordinates”, send a blank SMS to number 4770. You can also call 0665. Soon you will receive a message stating that the option has been successfully activated.

If you want to know how to disable the Beeline “Coordinates” service, just send an SMS with the text “Off” to 4770. It will be deactivated soon.

If you are unsure whether to connect, read the reviews of other users, and a solution will be found.

You can select the format of the received data - SMS or MMS message. The SMS receives text information with coordinates, and the MMS contains a fragment of a map with a mark of the subscriber’s location.

The coordinate accuracy can be: about 1 km. To determine your location more accurately, use the Tracker


Connection: *140# call. Using the service: or using the USSD menu: *140# call, via SMS: “WHERE 7920ХХХХХХХ” (number of the desired subscriber) to number 1400.

How to find out the location of an MTS subscriber

Locator. To connect, send the subscriber’s name and phone number to 6677. Example: “Egor 7910ХХХХХХХ”. The subscriber will receive a request; if he gives his consent, the location will be determined. On the website:

How to find out the location of a Beeline subscriber

Beeline Coordinates. Connection: send an empty SMS to number 4770, or call 0665. Then, add the name and number of the subscriber (example Egor, 7903ХХХХХХХ), obtain his consent.

Receiving coordinates: SMS to number 4770 with “Where is Egor” or “Where is 7903ХХХХХХХ”.

Positioning on the ground goes in two ways - either by triangulation relative to the base stations of the telecom operator, or through GPS.

Each mobile phone periodically communicates with the base station, thus providing it with location data. All phones and smartphones have this property, so this makes it possible, if necessary, to find out the location of a particular subscriber. And if previously such an option was not available to mobile subscribers, now, using the Beeline “Coordinates” service, each of us can find out the location of our loved one.

Operating principle

The operation of this service is based on the principles of geolocation described above - that is, determining the location of the gadget through its connection with the nearest tower of its mobile operator. Thus, we can find out the coordinates of a Beeline subscriber, knowing his phone number. In this case, a prerequisite is the subscriber’s consent that his location will be tracked as part of the option.

Features of the functioning of this service are given below.

  1. You can request the location of the person you are interested in no more often than once every five minutes.
  2. The accuracy of location determination using the Beeline Coordinates service ranges from 250 meters to 1 km. This indicator depends on factors such as: the density of the area or plantings in the green zone, proximity to the tower, air humidity, etc.
  3. A subscription to Beeline “Coordinates” makes it possible to simultaneously track no more than 5 subscribers.
  4. Only subscribers of a given operator can be tracked, that is, the location of users of other mobile communications representatives cannot be determined.

Thus, this service allows you to accurately indicate where exactly the person you are looking for is now. Considering the density with which the towers of this operator are installed, one can count on a fairly high accuracy of the established indicators.

How to activate the service

The Beeline “Coordinates” service is activated for free - just send a blank message to number 4770 or call 0665. You will receive an SMS in response confirming a successful connection.

Attention! Before connecting the option, it is worth considering that it has a subscription fee - 1.7 rubles per day of use.

After connecting, you have the option of a free trial for seven days - this is a test period during which you can evaluate all the benefits of this option.

Important! If you turn off the service during the free period of use and then activate it again, then the subscription fee will be charged from the first day. That is, each user has the right to use the test period only once.

How to use the provided service

We figured out how to connect Beeline “Coordinates”. Next, you should describe in detail how to use the capabilities of this option. First of all, you need to add to the future search list those subscribers whose location you want to track. To do this, you need to send an SMS message to 4707 with the name and number of the subscriber (without the number 8).

In this case, the person you requested will receive a message with your request to track their location. In response to this message, he must send an SMS with the word “Yes” if he agrees to such actions. Or he will send the word “No” if he is against tracking his location.

Important! You cannot access the location using Beeline “Coordinates” without the consent of the subscriber.

Once you have received consent from the subscriber, you can track their location. To do this, you need to send an SMS with the text “Where + phone number”. You can also send a message in the format “Where + person’s name from the phone book.” In response, after a while you will receive the coordinates of the owner of this number. The message will also contain an electronic link, by clicking on which you can see the person’s location on a map. Therefore, it is important that your phone has access to the Internet.

If you no longer want to track a certain person, then just send his phone number to the Beeline “Coordinates” system in the message format: “Delete + subscriber number/name.” After this command, the phone will be removed from the tracked list. However, it will not disappear from your phone book.

You can also find out for yourself who is tracking you. The SMS command “Who” is suitable for this. If you do not want a certain person to track your location, then just send the SMS message “Stop + phone number”.

Who will benefit from this service?

The Beeline “Coordinates” service is, first of all, necessary for parents who have schoolchildren. In a big city, the road to school often involves traveling by public transport, crossing a residential area or a busy road. To know for sure that your child is at school, has returned home, or has gone to visit a friend, you can connect him to this service. This is also a convenient way to find out the child’s whereabouts during his walks with friends, without endlessly calling his phone.

In addition, the function can be used if you are looking after elderly relatives who live in a remote area. Company managers can track the movements of their employees during the working day. In addition, the service will be useful if your loved ones are often forced to make long and long trips, and you are simply worried about them.

Deactivation methods

Over time, the need for the service may disappear, and the question will arise of how to disable the Beeline “Coordinates” service? This is very easy to do - just send a message containing the text “Off” to the same number 4770.

You can also manage it using the “Personal Account” on the operator’s website. There you can easily connect or disconnect the service, track how much money you spent on the subscription fee for using the option.

Any questions you may have regarding the functioning of the service and other things can be asked to the operator by calling the hotline. The same questions can be asked directly on the operator’s website online.

The telecom operator has come up with two types of services responsible for searching for a person. One of them is more used for monitoring a child, and the second in business, in particular logistics.

The emergence of this service was motivated by the increasingly common problem of finding one’s child. Every mobile operator has such offers. This option allows you to use a service request to determine where the requested number is currently located, and in an urban environment the accuracy of locating the subscriber will be very high. And don’t think that the service is some kind of whim on the part of the parents, and that your children are so obedient that they will never go anywhere without asking. It is better to connect this service once than to then send a photo of the child to LisaAlert.

It should be noted that the demand for this offer is also high among relatives of pensioners who suffer from memory problems and have poor spatial orientation.

So how does this system work? Everyone knows that cellular communications work thanks to radio waves, the sources of which are base stations. They are found almost everywhere, but there are more of them in densely populated areas, which is why communication is better in the city, but in forests and fields there are gaps and dead spots. But, despite this, you can calculate the approximate area where the phone is located everywhere if it is turned on. If it is turned off, then there is nothing to highlight and they look at the last location.

When the mobile device is turned on, it transmits information about the number and, in principle, about the device to the mobile operator’s server, which processes everything and stores it until a certain date. The phone's last request from the operator goes to the nearest base station. Thanks to this scheme, the service becomes possible. Data is read from the nearest base stations, the coverage area of ​​the towers, which intersects with each other and is the location where the phone is located. For a network tower, it doesn’t matter what device you have transmitting the signal, be it a regular push-button phone, a smartphone or a tablet. The main thing is that it has a Beeline SIM card installed.

When you send the coordinates of your mobile equipment, they are sent in encrypted form to the server, and from there the command is sent to your PC or phone, depending on what is more convenient for you to monitor. For convenient use of the service, the operator came up with a simple interface and enclosed it in an application shell. It's available for free download from AppStore and GooglePlay. If this application has not been downloaded, then the result may also come in the form of an SMS, but since the subscriber’s coordinates are sent there, it will not be very convenient for understanding than a visual image on the map.

More recently, the Big Three operators entered into an agreement, after which it became possible to track not only their subscribers, but also subscribers of other networks throughout Russia. That is, a Beeline client can see the movements of his child, who is on MTS, the main thing is that he does not travel outside the country. The limit on the number of requests is 200 times per day, and the number of identified subscribers is no more than five.

Service cost

At first, the operator generously provides seven days free of charge “to try” whether this service suits you or not. Next, the fee will be debited daily at 7 rubles. There is no one-time charge for the fact of connection. If you intend to view information through the site, then when you update the card, information will be transferred, it will be paid according to your main tariff plan.

Connecting "Locator"

To add this service to your list of services, you must personally contact the service office, or call 0611, where you will be advised in detail. Or send an SMS with any content (besides words "Beeline" and "Beeline") to number 5166. The option is disabled in the same way. To download the application and not look for direct links, you can order it by calling 0783, it will arrive in the form of SMS.

Operation scheme

If you decide to use this service via SMS requests, then you will need to use the SMS menu, sending the necessary commands to number 5166. Detailed instructions on how to use the service can be found at the link: /images/Instrukciya_uslugi_locator.pdf.

If it is more convenient for you to use the ussd service, then the *566# command is for you. A context menu is also opened in which the desired item is selected.

To display information on the map more colorfully, use the portal: After entering your account, a picture with a map of the area will be displayed, on the left there will be a list of “Watching” and “Watching”, the active section “Subscribers”. Accordingly, the first one is for you to track someone, and the second one is for you. This is a distinctive feature of Beeline from other operators, where you can only see your list, but you cannot see who is spying on you.

As soon as you change the section at the top right to “Objects”, you will see a list on the left by search categories: Cafes, Hospitals, pharmacies. Here you can find the organization you are interested in without going to Google. The card of the found company will display the address, name and contacts.

What is interesting, besides the map, is the interface of this portal. In the list of your contacts you will be looking for. You can enter all the necessary information about each person, edit their profile, name, and upload a photo.


In addition to the Locator, the company has developed the “Bug” application. With its service and characteristics, it completely repeats the first one. It was invented to interest children. Through it, you can also send a request for location, as well as a free SMS, for example, to your mother, informing you that you have run out of money and need to top up your balance, or requesting a call.

What are the pros and cons of this service? First, in order to track someone, it is necessary that that someone agree to be tracked. That is, you will need the subscriber’s phone number from which you will send consent to the requests. But, on the other hand, this is also a plus. Because they won’t be able to follow you without your approval. Secondly, the search will not work if the user’s phone is turned off; this condition cannot be circumvented in any way, since everything here comes down to the physics of radio waves. Thirdly, s Requests can be sent no more than every 5 minutes, otherwise it’s even useless, since base stations update their data only during this period of time.

"Beeline Coordinates" service

In general, in terms of specificity, the option repeats the one described above. There is a limit of up to 5 users for searching, there is a portal:, there is a free period when connecting and the fee is charged daily 1.7 rubles each.

This service is available only to Beeline subscribers.

To enter this account you must log in. To do this, send an SMS to number 4770, the content of the SMS is “Password”. If you just want to activate this service, you can send a blank SMS from your phone to number 4770, or call 0665.


  • The option does not work with other networks, that is, it will not be possible to track a competitor;
  • Surveillance requires the consent of both parties;
  • If the phone was turned off at the time the number was added to the list of monitored ones, the request will not go through and will have to be repeated after a while;
  • The contact list does not exceed 5 subscribers.

Location methods

As stated earlier, it is more convenient and easier to use this service through the portal, but if Internet access is not always available, then requests can be sent both through the application and via SMS commands. The latter is not very convenient, since you will have to remember some combinations. Some of them:

  • “List” - allows you to see a list of subscribers who allowed you to track their location;
  • Name + phone number to add a person to the watch list;
  • Where + name to search for the subscriber, if he is on your list;
  • Where + number to find a person who is not included in the list, but gave permission to track geo-data;
  • “Delete + number” or “Delete + name” to remove a subscriber from your list.

Are they following me?

The communications company kindly offers the opportunity to find out if you are being followed. To do this, you need to send an SMS to number 4770 with the content “Who”. You will receive a response in the form of a number or a list of numbers. To disable tracking, also send the word “Stop” to number 4770.

To summarize, let’s say that both services are functional and easy to use, since the operator took the trouble to create two different portals. In terms of cost, of course, Beeline will be more attractive. Coordinates". However, there is a nuance: users of this application complain that it crashes quite often, unlike its brother on Latitude.

Any service and any operator has an error in determining the location of a subscriber, since the issue does not depend on the functionality and technical capabilities of the provider, but on physical data. For example, the error can increase sharply if there is heavy rain or hail outside. But, nevertheless, even data with a slight amendment will be very helpful in finding a person (child) if he is missing. And the cost of this service will greatly please any subscriber, even with a not very high salary.

Many Beeline subscribers are interested in how to find out where the subscriber is located. The reasons for such curiosity can be completely different - a small child or elderly parents who need close supervision. Regardless of the reason, you can choose one of three services for tracking user actions that the operator offers. In this article we will tell you how to see online where the user is.


If you are wondering how to check the user’s location, enable the “Coordinates” option. There are two main connection methods:

Call number 0665 ;
Blank SMS to 4770 .

The cost of use is 1.7 rubles daily. The first 7 days are a free trial period. The Beeline “where is the subscriber” service allows you to track the location of up to 5 contacts included in your list. In order for “” to work correctly, you need to have a smartphone that has the Internet and geolocation enabled; by following the link you can read about all the connection methods.

Please note that contacts must agree to have their location searched. Searching for the location of a Beeline subscriber is carried out on a special page of the application - when you log in through your personal account, you will see a map. The service is managed using SMS and sending various commands.

The main differences between this service and the similar Locator option:

Coordinates only work within the network; this is an excellent option for tracking a Beeline subscriber. The locator can search for users of other operators;
Coordinates are limited to searching for user locations, while Latitude allows you to search for your own location, as well as objects nearby.

So, let's move on to the description of the third service, which supports tracking the subscriber's location by Beeline phone number.


This is a more advanced and functional version of the Coordinates option. If you need the “find a subscriber” service, Beeline is an excellent option for finding a location.

The locator allows you to see the location of your phone number, objects around you, and other people. The consent of the searched users to search for a location is required! You only need to receive it once. and how to use this service can be read in a separate detailed article.

The peculiarity of the service is that you can track the movements of users of other Russian operators, and not just home network numbers. If you are interested in how to determine the location by the phone number of a Beeline, Megafon or MTS subscriber, activate the service:

Via SMS to number 5166 ;
Dial 0783 and receive a link to install the application.

The Beeline tracking service will be available for use:
Via SMS;
Using USSD codes;
Through the application;
On the service website.

The first 7 days will be free access, then the daily fee will be 3 rubles.

Parental Controls

First, let's look at the option that allows you to monitor the subscriber if it is your child. The control function is designed to allow parents to monitor their child’s activities – subscriptions to infotainment channels, as well as the use of services.

After connecting the service, any action will be displayed on the parent’s phone and require permission or prohibition. The list of numbers controlled by parents includes no more than 20.

You can connect from your child’s phone by entering the code *934*parent number# . The cost of use is 1 rub./day.

Here you can read what it is.

If the option described above is intended to track the use of content by a child, then the remaining functions, the direct task of which is to determine the location of a Beeline subscriber. Now you know how to track a Beeline subscriber and can choose any most convenient service.