How to send a message to yourself on VK using two simple methods? “Nice to talk to an intelligent person!” – we send a message to ourselves on VK.

While spending time on the VKontakte social network, the need often arises to save the necessary information. These could be any records, links or notes, in short, something that you do not want to lose sight of. The social network VK offers you the opportunity to save the necessary material by sending yourself a personal message, and in this article I will talk in detail about how how to write a message to yourself on VKontakte.

Undoubtedly, there are many ways to save the necessary information. You can use a notepad or Word document, send yourself an email, create a bookmark in your browser, and many others. But if VKontakte makes it possible to send a message to yourself to save the information we need, why not use it.

Three ways - how to write to yourself on VK

There are three main ways to send yourself a personal message on VK. Below I will discuss each of them.

Method one: friend pages

Click on “My friends” on your page or follow the link

  1. Open the page of any of your friends, then go to your friend’s list of friends by clicking “Friends”.
  2. At the very top you will see your page, click on “Write a message”, write there what we want to save, and click “Send”.

You can see what it looks like in the video:

Method two: “My messages”

The second way to write to yourself on VKontakte is using the “My Messages” item.

  1. Go to “My Messages”, click on the top right on “Write a message”;
  2. And in the recipient column, enter your identification data (first and last name);
  3. Enter the message we need and click “Send”.

Method three: using a link


As you can see, you can write to yourself on Vkontakte without any problems. This may be necessary in the desire to quickly save some information, as a convenient reminder, as well as in other similar cases. For those who have not used such tools before, I recommend giving them a try, you will like it.

This article discusses another feature of the VKontakte social network - the ability to start VK with yourself. Having found a useful article, note or link to a unique resource on the Internet, it is convenient to send it or copy the text to yourself in VK, as if writing it down in a notebook. This will take a minimum of time, and later, when it is convenient, you can always thoroughly study what you sent to yourself in the dialogue. There is also always the option to send yourself documents using attachments in the chat. Typically, this may be necessary if you want to transfer a file from your work computer to your home computer.

There are several ways to help yourself. Let's look at them in order.

A very simple way to open a conversation with yourself. In the Messages section, start typing your last name, first name, or nickname in the search bar. In the results, select the line with your profile - you're done!

Find yourself with a friend

Let's look at this method. In any friend's friends list, find your profile. Under your avatar, click “Write a message” - the chat will be created automatically.

Unique identification number

In the “My Settings” section, the individual VK page number () is indicated. Enter the link in the address bar of your browser

Today it is extremely difficult to find a person who does not have an account on social networks. Computer technology does not stand still, and everyone wants to be, so to speak, in trend, to keep up with the times. The social network VKontakte is considered one of the most visited resources by users, because it allows you to maintain connections between people, no matter where they are. In addition, this site is also an excellent springboard for making new acquaintances, communicating with like-minded people, etc.

By the way, not everyone knows that VK has such a function as sending messages to oneself. It is very useful, and those who know about the existence of such an opportunity are happy to use it. Well, then I’ll tell you why such a function might be needed and, in fact, how to send a message to yourself on VKontakte. We have already looked at a similar function earlier.

Why is this function needed?

Of course, this function is not needed for fun. No, well, children may find it funny, but adults can find better uses for it. The fact is that from time to time each of us feels the need to store some information in our heads or, for example, read some article, note, etc. Later. Usually, in the daily bustle, all this is quickly forgotten and the information is lost. And in such situations, you can resort to sending messages to yourself! This feature guarantees that you will not forget anything and will return to viewing the information you need at any time convenient for you. Also, if you accidentally deleted a message, there is a possibility.

How to send a message to yourself

Today there are two ways to send a personal message to yourself, I offer you both.

As you can see, sending a message to yourself on VK is very simple, and everyone can do it!

Video to help

Sometimes it’s important to quickly transfer data and photos to VK. In this article we will cover:

  • How to send a message to yourself
  • How many messages can you send to other people in total?
  • How to make it possible to send messages without restrictions

To send a message to yourself, go to the dialog box and start typing in your first and last name. You will have the right option in front of you, even if you have never sent anything this way before. Then open the dialog window and paste the text. To attach content, click on the paperclip icon and select the appropriate content to download from your PC. The message will appear to you instantly. You can forward it to a friend or save it to important ones.

According to the site's rules, you can send up to 20 messages to strangers per day. Next, VK will issue a warning and say that the limit has been reached. You won't be able to get around it, otherwise you may be frozen. If you send a newsletter, connect special plugins for this and create a group. You can send an unlimited number of messages on behalf of the group.

However, it is important that the person himself starts a dialogue with you or is ready to receive the newsletter. You can’t just write to someone on behalf of the group. VK has established such restrictions so that people do not receive spam, constant advertising or offers to earn money. If you sell products and services through a social network, create a group. We wrote how to do this at the link: . To start writing to the group, notify people about this opportunity by first enabling the option to receive messages in the settings. To connect:

  1. Go to Community Settings
  2. Select an item from the “messages” menu
  3. Click on the blue button to connect

Return to the page again. You will see a message button on the right. Go there. Copy the link in your browser. Then, create a post on the wall where you indicate that people can send you messages and pin the information on the wall. Now anyone can contact you.

You can send an unlimited number of messages per day to your friends. Start a lot of dialogue. However, if VK sees suspicious activity on your page, your account may be frozen. In this way, VK can prevent hacking. For example, if you usually have 2-3 conversations, and at some point there are 20 of them, technical support may freeze the page. Also if 2-3 people click on the spam button.

To promote your profile, use “white” methods: targeted advertising, free message boards, also contact us for promotion. With subscribers and for friends .