How to put files in the Yandex cloud. Getting a link to a file

The cloud is a service where data can be stored and easily managed. That is, you can upload your files to it, work with them directly on the Internet, download them at any time, and also transfer them to another person.

Any user can get such a service at their disposal absolutely free of charge. In fact, this is your own hard drive on the Internet.

We can say that this is something like a local disk of a computer, but only with the ability to use it on any device with an Internet connection. Plus, you can transfer files to other users by simply sending them a download link.

So, the cloud is needed to:

  • Store files and folders with files
  • Work with them on any computer or smartphone with Internet access
  • Easily and quickly transfer files to other people

Thus, it replaces flash drives, disks and other devices for transferring information.

That is, I can upload the files I need to such a service and work with them on any other computer with the Internet. It can be documents, books, music, videos - in general, any files.

Initially, they are available only to me, but if I wish, I can make some of them public. Then they can be downloaded.

That is, a special Internet address (link) will be generated, where the file can be saved to the computer. I can send this address to any person (for example, via Skype or via mail), and the person will be able to download my file.

Where and how to get the cloud

There are sites that give users the cloud. It's like with mail: there are sites where you can get it. We go to such a site, register and get a cloud service for storing data.

We are allocated some specific free volume. On some services, it is a very decent 50-100 GB. If you want more, then it's for the money.

And you can register several times and, accordingly, get several free volumes. Everything is free, everything is legal!

The easiest way to get a cloud is to do it where you have mail. The fact is that the largest mail sites (Yandex, Mail, Gmail) distribute such services for free. You just need to want.

That is, you do not even need to register. Just open your mail and indicate that you want to receive the cloud. They give it to you right away.

Websites that give away clouds for free

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service from Yandex. If you have mail there, then you have such a disk. Free and forever given 10 GB.

To get Yandex.Disk, you need to open the website and go to your mail. Then open the "Disk" tab (at the top).

You will be greeted and offered to download a special program to your computer for convenient work with Yandex.Disk.

It is better not to do this right away - you can always install it later. I recommend that you close this window and first learn how to use Yandex.Disk without a program.

That's all! Upload files, sort them, share, delete. In general, you already have a cloud. It even has some files and folders already loaded with files for example.

For further access to Yandex.Disk, you need to follow all the same steps: open the website, open your mail, go to the "Disk" tab.

And you can install and configure a special program "Disk for Windows" and use the cloud directly from your computer - without going to the site cloud is a service from the mail site. 25 GB is free.

To receive this goodness, you just need to have a mailbox. If it is, then you also have a cloud.

To enter it, you need to open the website and open your mail. Then click on the "Cloud" button at the top.

Your personal cloud service will open. Some sample files are already loaded into it. You can remove them, or you can leave them. In general, your cloud is already ready to go.

You can use it directly, via mail, or you can download and install a special application (program). Then the cloud will be available directly from the computer - a shortcut will appear on the Desktop for its instant opening.

Google Drive (Google Drive) is a service that is "attached" to mail. 15 GB is free.

To get into it, you need to go to your email inbox on the site Then click on the picture with small squares next to your name (top right) and click on the "Disk" item.

Perhaps after that Google will ask you a couple of questions. A little lower, in the pictures, it is shown what he should answer in this case.

After that, your personal cloud will load. It will already have a folder with several files. You can delete this folder with all its contents, or you can leave it as you wish.

So, the disk is ready to go. You can start downloading!

It opens in exactly the same way - through the mail. And you can install a special program. Then it will be available from your computer.

It seemed to me that this cloud is much more difficult to use than all the others. Not everyone will understand. But there are certain advantages that other services do not have. For example, right in it you can create a document, presentation, table, form or picture.

That is, a program will open directly on the Internet to create a file of the desired type. It is quite simple and allows you to both create a file and save it to Google Drive, as well as download it to your computer in the desired format.

Such programs can be used instead of Word, Excel, Power Point. It is very convenient when you have to work on a computer on which they are not installed.

Which service is better

As various tests have shown, the "mail" clouds, which I just talked about, surpass all other similar services in quality, convenience and free features.

I will not go into details, but the places were distributed as follows:

Therefore, I recommend that you still use one of these services. If you don't have an email account on any of them, then you just need to register. You will have a new mail (which, by the way, is not necessary to use) and a cloud.

Of course, there are other sites where you can get a cloud service for free. But most of them in the free versions have various unpleasant limitations.

But there is one that compares favorably with all the others (including postal ones). It is best for transferring files to other people. Address:

Mega - it makes sense to use this service for those who place files for download. The fact is that through special loader programs such as MiPony, they can be saved to a computer very quickly and easily. Much easier and faster than other cloud services. 50 GB is free.

Initially, the site opens in English. To switch to the Russian version, click on the Menu button (top right), select Language from the list, then click on Russian and on the Save button.

Just in case, here are two more good cloud services:

Dropbox - 2 GB allocated for free.

One Drive - 7 GB free.

How to manage the cloud

You can manage it on the very site where you received it. Log in there with your username and password, go to a specific section and get access to the cloud.

And you can do it even easier, more convenient and, most importantly, much faster: with the help of a small application (program).

Each service has its own, that is, you need to download it from the site where you have the cloud.

This application allows you to quickly and easily upload, watch, download files and folders with files from your cloud service. It takes up very little space, and you can install such a program on any computer or smartphone (not just yours).

How to install the application. Open your cloud and there will be a link or a download button in a prominent place. The pictures below show where such a button is in the "mail" cloud services.

Download the program file and open it. Installation will begin. Below is an illustrated instruction for each "mail" service. Do everything as in the pictures, and the application will install.

Yandex.Disk: cloud:

How to use the app

After installing the application, a shortcut to the program appears on the desktop. With it, we will work with the cloud.

When you first start the program, you will be asked to enter data from the cloud. Type in your email address and password. Then you agree to the terms of service and click "Login".

Now, when you open the program icon, your cloud will open directly on your computer - in a regular folder.

Also, along with the opening of the application, its icon appears in the tray.

This is where the computer clock is - in the lower right corner of the screen (on the taskbar, where the rest of the icons are).

This icon can be hidden under a small arrow next to the alphabet.

With it, you can control the application. To do this, click on it with the left or right mouse button.

File/Folder Synchronization. This is the most difficult part to understand, but it must be understood in order to successfully work with the application.

The meaning of synchronization is that the computer or smartphone on which the application is installed must connect to your cloud and upload files from or to it.

This process must be completed, otherwise we will not be able to use the downloaded data. Synchronization takes place over the Internet. That is, without the Internet, it is simply impossible.

Consider the following situation. My cloud already has downloaded files and folders with files.

By the way, initially, upon receipt of the cloud, it already has some information. So if you didn’t delete it on purpose, then there are several files there.

I installed the application on my computer, opened it, entered my username and password. Cloud folder opened. So, all the data that was originally on it should be uploaded to this folder. That is, my cloud and computer must be synchronized.

It turns out that all the files that are on the cloud are downloaded to my computer in this very folder. And if there are few of them and they are small in size, then this process will happen quickly - I may not even notice it.

But if the files are large, and my Internet is not very fast, then synchronization will take some time.

In practice, it looks like this: I open the application shortcut and see an empty folder, although I know for sure that there are files on my cloud.

Usually in this case, users start to get nervous - they worry that their files have been deleted. In fact, they are all there. And we do not see them because the synchronization procedure has not yet been completed.

And this can be verified. When synchronization is in progress, the application icon (the one in the tray) seems to be moving.

And if we click on it, then in the menu that opens there will be an item indicating the progress of the process.

In fact, at this moment, files are downloaded from the Internet. That is, the Internet itself may be slower because of this.

Synchronization can be turned off if necessary. To do this, click on the application icon in the tray and select the appropriate item from the menu. By the way, there you can completely exit the program.

In general, while synchronization is in progress, the files will not be available. The same thing happens when you transfer information from your computer to the cloud.

How to upload a file (folder with files) to the cloud. To do this, you just need to copy the desired files, and then paste them into the application folder.

Copying / pasting occurs as usual, but after that all transferred files should be synchronized. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the Internet on your cloud.

In the Cloud application, this process happens instantly. Moreover, even for large files (from 1 GB).

In the Yandex.Disk program, synchronization takes some time, but it still happens quickly.

With a fairly slow Internet connection, a 1 GB file downloaded in just a few minutes. If you uploaded it directly to the cloud (without an application), this process would take more than an hour.

But Google Drive is lagging behind in this regard. Apparently, this application works on a different technology, and synchronization takes the same time as a regular file download.

My results may differ from yours. Perhaps your synchronization process will be faster or vice versa slower than mine.

How to download a file (folder with files) from the cloud. All files that you want to download to your computer or phone from the application must be fully synchronized.

You can transfer them to your computer by simply copying them. That is, open the application, copy the necessary files and paste them into the folder of your choice on the computer. That's all! A couple of seconds - and the files are downloaded.

Disadvantages of cloud services

Everything has both pluses and minuses. And cloud services also have them. I will list the main ones:

1. Memory consumption. In other words, the work of cloud services "strains" the computer. In the case of Yandex.Disk and, the load is insignificant, but Google Drive is rather voracious. Modern computers may not notice this, but old ones will have to puff.

2. Safety. Since the cloud is an Internet service, there is always a certain possibility that your files may fall into the wrong hands. Of course, modern data protection technologies minimize this probability, but there is always a risk. Moreover, the service is public.

3. Need Internet. Without the Internet, you will not be able to use any cloud service.

Additional Information

In case the information provided in this lesson is not enough for you.

Each cloud service has detailed instructions for use. Users do not particularly favor it, but it really has a lot of useful and interesting information.

Storage devices have come a long way in evolution. If it all started with bulky floppy disks that could hold a very small part of the information, then modern flash drives have tens of thousands of times more memory, while maintaining their compact dimensions. But more recently, even they have been replaced (formally speaking, of course) by an even more advanced device for saving and transferring data. We will talk about it in this article.

cloud services

Speaking of some more perfect form, we mean the so-called cloud technologies. This is a completely new and much more promising carrier, if you can call it that. Its essence lies in the fact that the data that we upload to the cloud is not stored anywhere in a concentrated form. They are distributed over the service, which is united by a large number of physical servers. This, firstly, allows you to save many times more information on them than one specifically dedicated server could accommodate; Secondly, this technology has a huge number of advantages.

And there is nothing complicated about how to create a cloud for storing files. Today, this type of virtual media is used by both professional programmers and authors of Internet projects, as well as ordinary users who have a folder with photos.

And in this article, we will discuss not only how to create a cloud for storing files, but also talk about it and its features.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the disadvantages. We will start from the end of our paragraph, since cloud solutions really have fewer negative sides than positive ones. If you are looking for how to create a cloud for storing files, then you certainly agree with this statement. The main disadvantage is the need for an Internet connection.

This means that if you do not save the necessary information to a portable medium and get to where there is no access to the network, you simply will not be able to receive the information and read it. That is, you can work with the cloud only with an active network connection or files on your hard drive.

The second negative point is the payment for expanding the memory in the cloud. Users must use the service on a subscription basis, making certain monthly contributions. It all depends on how much data you use. In free mode, for example, you can get 2 Gb from the same Dropbox service, and when you deposit $ 10 per month, this place will grow to 1 Tb. For $ 15 on your account, place restrictions are removed. So, as you understand, the fee is symbolic, so for many it will not be a problem.

Service providers

Other services (for example, Google Drive or Yandex Disk) also have their own tariff plans. For Drive, they allocate 15 Gb for free, for $ 2 - 100 Gb, for 10 - 1 Tb, for 200 - 20 Tb, and for $ 300 per month - 30 Tb of data. Google Drive, unlike Dropbox, has a wider functionality, allowing you to edit files in convenient applications of your own design.

Yandex.Disk has 10 GB for 30 rubles a month, 100 GB for 80 rubles, and 1 Terabyte of memory for 200 rubles.

There is also a cloud from, whose users are allocated 25 GB of space for placing files for free.

Beginning of work

So how do you create a cloud to store your files? First you need to decide on the service. They have some differences. As mentioned above, Dropbox and Yandex Disk are services that allow you to simply store files in your cloud storage space without worrying about their safety. Creating a cloud for storing files "Mile", like other services, makes it possible only after registering an internal account.

These services (with the exception of Dropbox) create one account per user across all platforms. This is convenient, because a person can have both mail and Yandex, Google or Mail. For Dropbox, you will have to create an account in a separate order.

The second step on how to create your own cloud for storing files is visiting the storage from a browser or on a PC, phone, tablet. You can choose the platform you work with, and as a result, your account will be synchronized between all devices.

The form

In fact, using a browser or still a special application is a rhetorical question. Of course, the program allows you to create a cloud for storing Yandex, Google, Mail or Dropbox files much more conveniently and faster. But, of course, this is additional software that needs to be downloaded to your device. It's much easier to use a browser. So, you will have to go to the service website, log in - and you will see all your files.


Having described what negative aspects cloud services have, as well as which companies provide them, we will begin to list the advantages and benefits of such services.

So, for example, you can create a corporate file storage cloud for your business. This is very convenient: your employees, using their accounts, could edit some files at the same time, gaining access to a single repository. Thus, it would not be necessary for you to synchronize all projects.


The fact that each of the services provides for the possibility of expansion, we have already mentioned. In fact, if you pay some amount (equal to the cost of a particular option), you really get more space. However, most often, such services are of interest to non-private users for posting photos. Most likely, business owners and developers are interested in such solutions.

This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are afraid of the seizure of servers in the company or searches by special services. It is very easy to prevent these actions if you close access to your files in time. Since all the information is in fact in the cloud, even seizing your computer will not help to retrieve it from there.

File Durability

So, you know how to create a cloud for storing files for free. All providers have a free access mode, that is, they allocate some space on their services to users for free. As a rule, this volume is enough to publish some personal photos and something personal. Thus, such placement of data can significantly free up space on your PC.

But there is another very important positive factor to keep in mind. If you want to create a cloud for storing files (Google, Yandex - it makes no difference), remember: this data will always be available. They will not be deleted by the system, so you do not have to worry about, for example, physical damage to your computer. After all, in the end, all the information can be re-downloaded from the cloud, where they will feel great.

That is why now everyone is so actively began to upload their most important, most valuable and worthwhile information to the Internet. On the one hand, it may seem strange that all the most expensive is uploaded to the network, but on the other hand, this information will be available only to one account holder. Therefore, you should not worry about them.

Cloud technologies continue to develop. Now the amount of memory that becomes available in free mode is also growing. So maybe very soon customers will be able to access unlimited space for just a dollar... Time will tell!

To exchange files between computers and mobile gadgets, cables and flash drives are no longer needed. If the devices have Internet access, files can "fly" between them "on the cloud". More precisely, they can “settle” in cloud storage, which is a collection of servers scattered around the world (combined into one virtual cloud server), where users place their data for free or paid. In the cloud, files are stored in exactly the same way as on a computer hard drive, but are available not from one, but from different devices that can connect to it.

Every second or third Internet user has already taken cloud storage technology into service and uses it with pleasure, but someone is still saved by flash drives. After all, not everyone knows about this possibility, and some simply cannot decide which service to choose and how to use it. Well, let's figure it out together.

What are cloud storages from the user's point of view and how they work

If you look through the eyes of an inexperienced user, cloud storage is a common application. All it does is create a folder on the computer under its own name. But not simple. Everything that you put into it is simultaneously copied to the same cloud-based Internet server and becomes available from other devices. The size of this folder is limited and can grow within the limits of the disk space allocated to you (from 2 GB on average).

If the cloud storage application is running and the computer (mobile gadget) is connected to the global network, the data on the hard drive and in the cloud are synchronized in real time. When working offline, as well as when the application is not running, all changes are saved only in the local folder. When the machine is connected to the Internet, access to the storage becomes possible, including through a browser.

Files and folders uploaded to the cloud are full-fledged web objects, the same as any content of Internet sites and ftp storages. You can link to them and share links with other people, even those who do not use this service. But only those who you yourself have allowed to download or see an object from your storage will be able to. In the cloud, your data is hidden from prying eyes and securely protected with a password.

The bulk of cloud services have additional functionality - a file viewer, built-in document editors, screenshot tools, etc. This, plus the amount of space provided, creates the main differences between them.

is a cloud storage service that does not need to be introduced to Windows users. No wonder, because in the latest releases of this OS (in the "top ten") it really climbs on top of everything on the screen, as it is set to autorun by default.

For Windows users, the advantage of the Microsoft OneDrive service over its counterparts is, perhaps, only one - it does not need to be installed. You also do not need to create a separate account for it - to enter the cloud, you just need to enter your Microsoft account details.

The owner of one Microsoft OneDrive account provides 5 GB of free disk space to store any information. To get extra volume, you have to pay extra. The maximum is 5 TB and costs 3,399 rubles per year, however, this package includes not only disk space, but also the Office 365 application (home edition). More democratic tariff plans are 1 TB (2,699 rubles per year - storage and Office 365 personal) and 50 GB (140 rubles per month - only storage).

Additional features of all tariffs:

  • Support for other operating systems - Mac OS X, iOS and Android.
  • View and edit documents using the built-in Office applications.
  • Remote access to everything on the computer (not just OneDrive folders) that has the service installed and uses your Microsoft account.
  • Creation of photo albums.
  • Built-in messenger (Skype).
  • Creation and storage of text notes.
  • Search.

Only paid versions:

  • Create expiration links.
  • offline folders.
  • Multi-page scanning with saving documents to a PDF file.

In general, the service is not bad, but sometimes there are problems with logging into the account. If you are going to use the web version of the repository (through a browser) and access it under a different IP address than you used to, Microsoft will sometimes run a verification that the account belongs to you, which takes quite a lot of time.

There were also complaints about the removal of user-generated content from OneDrive - when Microsoft suspected that it was unlicensed.

is one of the oldest cross-platform cloud storages. Unlike the previous one, it supports all major operating systems, as well as some rarely used ones, such as Symbian and MeeGo. The service is very easy to use, works quickly and stably.

For free, a DropBox user is provided with only 2 GB of disk space for storing personal files, but this amount can be doubled by creating and attaching another one to your account - work (which can actually be personal). Together you get 4 GB.

Switching between personal and work disk space on the DropBox website and in the application is carried out without logging out of your account (you do not need to enter your login and password every time). A separate folder is created on the computer for both accounts - 2 GB each.

DropBox, as expected, also has several tariff plans. Free was mentioned above, Paid is "Plus" (1 TB, $ 8.25 per month, intended for personal use), "Standard" (2 TB, $ 12.50 per month, for business), "Advanced" (unlimited volume, $20 per month for 1 user) and "Enterprise" (unlimited volume, individually set price). The differences between the last two are in the set of additional options.

In addition to storage, free users have access to:

  • DropBox Paper Document Collaboration Service.
  • Ability to share links and create shared folders.
  • A log of file changes with the ability to restore them to a previous version (up to 30 days).
  • Commenting on files - both your own and other users, if the file is available for viewing.
  • Search function.
  • Receive event notifications (configurable individually).
  • Automatically upload photos from the camera (by the way, for enabling this option some time ago, DropBox provided users with additional space).
  • Choice of full or selective synchronization.
  • Data encryption during storage and transmission.

The possibilities of paid tariffs can be listed for a very long time, so we will note only the main ones:

  • Remote destruction of data from DropBox on a lost or stolen device.
  • Link expiration date.
  • Two-factor account authentication.
  • Setting access levels to different data.
  • Enhanced information security class HIPAA / HITECH (secure storage of medical records).
  • 24/7 technical support.

DropBox, if not the best, then a very worthy service. Despite the small amount of free space by today's standards, it is used by millions of people around the world.

Mega (Megasync)

As you can see from the description, Amazon Web Services is focused only on the corporate sector and is not intended for storing albums with photos of cats, although it is possible that someone uses it for this as well. After all, cloud file storage - Amazon Glacier, like Yandex disk, provides users with 10 free GB. Additional volume costs $0.004 per GB per month.

Comparing Amazon Glacier to the web resources described above is perhaps incorrect, as they serve slightly different purposes. The functionality and capabilities of this service are determined by business objectives, including:

  • Uninterrupted operation, increased reliability.
  • Compliance with enhanced data protection standards.
  • Multilingual interface.
  • Unlimited volume (extension for extra charge).
  • Ease of use and flexibility of settings.
  • Integration with other Amazon Web Services.

Those who are interested in Amazon's capabilities can check out the full AWS product documentation, which is located on the official website.

It occupies the second or third place in the popularity rating of file web storages among the Russian-speaking audience. In terms of its set of features, it is comparable to Google Drive and Yandex Disk: it, like them, contains web applications for creating and editing documents (texts, tables, presentations) and a screenshoter (a utility for taking screenshots). It is also integrated with other projects — mail, the My World and Odnoklassniki social networks, the service. Dating, etc., has a convenient file viewer with a flash player and is also very affordable (for those who do not have enough allocated space).

The Mail cloud has 8 GB of free storage space (this figure has changed several times in the past). The premium plan for 64 GB costs 690 rubles per year. For 128 GB you will have to pay 1,490 rubles a year, for 256 GB - 2,290 rubles a year. The maximum volume is 512 GB, it will cost 3,790 rubles a year.

Other functions of the service are not much different from similar ones. This:

  • Shared folders.
  • Synchronization.
  • Built-in search.
  • Ability to share links.

The client application runs on Windows, OS X, iOS and Android.

Cloud storage is a proprietary web service for owners of smartphones and tablets of the same manufacturer. Designed to store backup copies of data from mobile devices - multimedia content, OS files, and other things at the discretion of the user.

The Samsung Cloud client application is preinstalled on phones and tablets released after the second half of 2016 (after the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, to be exact). Registering an account on the service is possible only through it, apparently to screen out outsiders.

Free storage is 15 GB. An additional 50 GB costs $0.99 per month, and 200 GB costs $2.99.

iCloud (Apple)

- a favorite among cloud storages among users of Apple products. Still, because it is free (though not very roomy) and is integrated with other apple services. The service is designed to store backup copies of data from the iPhone, iPad and iPod, as well as user media files, mail and documents (the latter are automatically synchronized with the contents of iCloud Drive).

Free iCloud storage is 5 GB. Additional storage is priced at $0.99 for 50GB, $2.99 ​​for 200GB, and $9.99 for 2TB.

The iCloud client app supports Mac OS X, iOS, and Windows operating systems. There is no official application for Android, but owners of devices based on this OS can view mail from the Apple cloud on their device.

The Chinese service completes the top cloud storage parade. As you can see from the screenshot, it is clearly not adapted for you and me. Why is it needed then, if there are domestic, European and American analogues more familiar to the Russian-speaking person? The fact is that Baidu provides users with a whole terabyte of free disk space. For the sake of this, it is worth overcoming the difficulties of translation and other obstacles.

Signing up for Baidu Cloud is significantly more labor intensive than the competition. It requires confirmation by a code sent via SMS, and SMS from a Chinese server does not come to Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian numbers. Our fellow citizens have to get out by renting a virtual phone number, but that's not all. The second difficulty is that an account cannot be registered for some email addresses. In particular, on gmail services (Google is blocked in China), fastmail and Yandex. And the third difficulty is the need to install the Baidu Cloud mobile application on a phone or tablet, since this is what 1 TB is given for (when registering on a computer, you will receive only 5 GB). And it, as you understand, is entirely in Chinese.

Aren't you afraid? Go for it and you will be rewarded. Information on how to create a Baidu account with your own hands is available on the Internet.

The Mail.Ru group of companies has its own cloud storage called "Mail.Ru Cloud". During the period of beta testing of the cloud service, Mail.Ru Cloud provided 100 GB of free disk space to everyone who took part in testing the cloud storage. Some users received 1TB of storage during the promotion.

All this large amount of disk storage remained forever with all users who registered with the file service during its beta testing period. At the moment, the amount of space provided to users is 8 GB.

The amount of free space in the cloud storage for those who managed to get 100 GB is comparable to the size of a small hard drive. Other cloud storages provide smaller amounts of data storage for free.

It provides 10 GB for free, provides 15 GB (with mail) of its disk space, - 5 GB, - 2 GB (it can be increased to 16 GB for free), and cloud storage provides 50 GB of disk space for free.

You can store your data in Mail.Ru Cloud: documents, photos, videos and any other files. To enter the cloud storage, a web interface is used, or a client application that will need to be installed on a computer or smartphone. Client applications are developed for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, as well as for mobile devices: Android and iOS. In this case, " satellite" and " defender" will not be installed.

Data uploaded to [email protected] is automatically synchronized with other devices. Files placed on the computer in the Mail.Ru Cloud (Mail.Ru Cloud) folder will immediately be synchronized and become available from other devices.

In order to use a cloud drive on Mail.Ru, you must have an email account in Mail.Ru. If you do not yet have a mailbox on this service, then you should create an electronic mailbox in the Mail.Ru mail service.

After logging in via e-mail, a cloud disk window will open: "Cloud Mail.Ru". The user receives 8 GB of free space in the cloud storage for free.

In order to increase your free disk space, you will be prompted to purchase additional disk space.

To work from a computer, the Mail.Ru Cloud application was previously used. The files were hosted simultaneously on disk and in the cloud. As a result of synchronization. changes in one place lead to changes in another.

At the moment, instead of Mail.Ru Cloud, the Disk-O application is used. Disk-O displays files in the cloud and works with them on your computer. Now, the files do not take up space on the computer.

Installing the Mail.Ru Cloud application

To install the Mail.Ru Cloud application on your computer, you will need to click on the "Install on computer" button. In the window that opens, select the client application for your operating system: Windows, Mac, or Linux.

After downloading the Mail.Ru Cloud (Mail.Ru Cloud) client program to your computer, this application will need to be installed on your computer.

In the first window of the installation wizard, click on the "Next" button.

In the "Select installation folder" window, you can leave the default folder for installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client program, or choose a different location for installing the program. Then you need to click on the "Next" button.

In the "Ready to install" window, click on the "Install" button.

After installing the Mail.Ru Cloud client on your computer, the final window of the installation wizard opens, in which you need to click on the "Finish" button.

In the Mail.Ru Cloud program window, you will need to enter your account information: your email address and password. Then you should agree to the terms of the license agreement, and then click on the "Login" button.

In the next window of the Mail.Ru Cloud program, you will need to select a folder on your computer to synchronize with the cloud drive, and then click on the "Continue" button.

Overview Cloud Mail.Ru

At the very top of the web page window are the buttons "Download", "Create", "Delete", "Get link", "Set up access", "More".

Using the "Upload" button, files are uploaded to the cloud storage. When uploading via the web interface, the file size should not exceed 2 GB (the same limit applies when uploading a file to a computer disk) with a free plan.

After clicking on the "Set up access" button, a window will open with folders that can be opened for public access.

On the left are the sections: "Connect tariff" with information about the amount of disk space used, "Cloud", "Support", a form with offers for downloading applications for various devices.

In the central part of the window, there are files placed in the file storage. Above is the control panel, on which the buttons are located.

After clicking on the "Create" button, you can create a new folder, document, table, presentation. Free cloud services of the company are integrated into Mail.Ru Cloud: Word Online, Excel Online, PowerPoint Online.

If you mark a file in the repository, and then click on the "Download" button, then after that the download of this file to your computer will immediately begin.

You can delete unnecessary files from the cloud using the "Delete" button.

With the "More" button, you can copy, rename, or move the file.

In the right part of the panel there are two buttons: for changing the appearance of the vault, and for setting parameters for sorting files.

In order to share, or vice versa, close access to a file, you must first select the file, and then perform the necessary actions in the right part of the storage window.

If you want to stop other users from accessing this file, then for this, you will need to click on the "Remove Link" link.

In order for the "Delete", "Get link" and "More" buttons to become active, you will need to select the file with which you want to perform some action.

For security purposes, all files in the cloud. scanned by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Directly from the cloud, you can edit files: tables (in xls format), Word test documents (in doc and docx formats), presentations (in ppt format), photos and images.

Using the Screenshot tool, you can take screenshots: the entire screen or a specific area, and then edit the screenshot.

It will be possible to manage the Mail.Ru Cloud application (Mail.Ru Cloud) from the notification area (tray), there is an icon of the client program.

The Cloud-O application icon is located in the notification area, the application is displayed in Explorer, from where you can work with files directly.

Article Conclusions

Cloud storage Cloud Mail.Ru offers all users of the service Mail.Ru disk space in its "cloud", which can be used to store data.

Without cloud services, it is already difficult to imagine modern work with data. And this applies not only to work files and documents, but also to personal archives. And yet, many still prefer to store valuable files, especially photos, in a computer, on a hard drive or flash drive, and not trust them to servers located God knows where.

And this is a very big mistake.

It is much more convenient and reliable to store photos, as well as other files in the cloud. This, firstly, gives you access to them from any device connected to the Internet, and secondly, it provides greater reliability, because losing a flash drive or damaging a hard drive with gigabytes of priceless data is much easier than losing access to a cloud archive, for which the owner company replies with its reputation.

But which cloud storage to choose - more impressive, bigger, more functional? To help you navigate, we have selected the most interesting options and studied their advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier, we have indicated not only the minimum free size offered in each of them, but also how many photos will fit approximately (based on the average size of each picture of 4 MB).

There was a time when scattered free gigabytes: the company provided no less than 1 TB for free use. But the freebie ended as expected, and now only 16 GB are offered in the free cloud. 64 GB will cost 69 rubles. per month or 690 rubles. per year, and 128 GB - 149 rubles. monthly or 1490 rubles. in year. Also keep in mind that there is a limit on the maximum file size - up to 32 GB.

There are applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone, as well as desktop clients for the main operating systems - Windows, OS X, Linux. The Cloud service, first of all, captivates with space and the fact that it is “ours”.

If suddenly for some reason you do not trust foreign Google, Apple, Microsoft and so on, then you are definitely here.

iCloud storage is probably familiar to any user of Apple gadgets. iCloud Drive can store information that makes it great to work with Apple devices and forms a notorious ecosystem. Notes, calendars, reminders, program settings, documents, photos, mail, contacts, media library with playlists, backups - everything is synchronized without user intervention, which greatly simplifies life. Nothing prevents you from installing the official client on Windows, but, as in the case of iTunes, the program works more stable in its native environment.

There is a browser version, but it is not very convenient and also does not work from mobile devices. Otherwise, iCloud Drive storage is a full-fledged analogue of any other cloud: creating folders, storing data in them, and so on. 5 GB is provided free of charge - enough for text documents and synchronization of the most important applications (say, Notes, Reminders, Music, Documents, iPhone backup), but no more. Apple allows you to buy up to 2 TB of space - the most expensive tariff will cost 1490 rubles. per month.

The iCloud service will definitely come in handy for users of "apple" products, but if you use devices from other manufacturers, it makes no sense to choose it.

Dropbox can be considered a popularizer of cloud storage. The service was founded ten years ago, in 2007, and a fully finished version appeared three years later. With free Dropbox, you can't really go wild - only two gigabytes. This is only enough for working documents, you can immediately forget about a full-fledged photo archive.

For $9.99 per month ($8.25 if billed annually) you get 1TB of space, and there are also enterprise plans that promise "as much space as you need." This option is not available for individuals.

The paid Pro account - the one for $9.99 - unlocks additional features: increased bandwidth, access options, link passwords, and so on.

Dropbox is undoubtedly one of the most convenient and functional cloud services, but making it the main place to store photos is only worth it if you are willing to pay for the expansion of available space.

Another Russian repository, along with Cloud Yandex is very generous to its users: it gives additional space for inviting friends, on the occasion of the service's birthday (+5 GB), and also periodically organizes promotions. For each invited friend, get 512 MB, a maximum of 10 GB of space can be increased by this method. Partner promotions are often held: for example, they distributed 30 GB to buyers of Sony laptops and Intel ultrabooks, and owners of several Samsung laptop models received as much as 250 GB. When registering, 10 GB is allocated - it’s quite normal for itself, this is by no means a miserable 2 GB.

Additional 10, 100 and 1000 GB cost 30, 80 and 200 rubles. per month, respectively, and when buying an annual package, multiply the amount by ten. "Yandex.Disk" is presented for the main mobile and stationary systems. There is a separate program for SmartTV: you can watch photos and videos on your smart TV without additional devices. However, there are similar applications for other services.

Yandex.Disk is one of the best offers on the market in terms of price to volume ratio, and besides, there is always a chance to save money using promotions and discounts.

One of the giants of the world market offers a lot of opportunities. Almost any formats are read, close integration with the Gmail mailbox is implemented, smart search by photos, just like Apple's - for example, by writing "cats", a list of not only text documents with this word will drop out, but also photos of animals.

Plus programs for working with tables, texts, presentations and so on. In terms of ecosystem capabilities, Google is not inferior, and somewhere even surpasses Apple. If you combine everything in one service, you get a convenient storage for all occasions. The service provides 15 GB for free, for $5 a month the space increases to 30 GB, and for $10 the space is unlimited.

Google Drive is one of the most popular custom cloud storages, and this fame is well deserved.

Microsoft's OneDrive cloud service used to be called SkyDrive, but due to a lawsuit with broadcaster BSkyB, the name had to be changed. 5 GB is offered free of charge, for 72 rubles. per month - 50 GB. The following pricing plans come with Office 365: 1 TB for 2699 rubles. per year or an account for five people with a total volume of 5 TB, each user has access to a terabyte. And this is not a business tariff: you can, for example, organize a family storage.

A line of tariffs for business is presented separately: a maximum of 9372 rubles. per year per user for 1 TB of space and access to Office 365. OneDrive features are the same as other storage options: file collaboration, document sharing, smart photo tag sorting, and so on.

If sharing cloud storage is important to you, and you also use Office 365 or other Microsoft products, OneDrive is definitely your option.


The company puts special emphasis on the confidentiality of information: end-to-end encryption is used, which should improve data security. If that doesn't sound convincing, the company has another big trump card - 50 GB free. No one else will offer so much for nothing.

If that's not enough, the company offers paid plans for 200, 500, 2000 and 4000 GB for 4.99, 9.99, 19.99 and 29.99 euros per month. The service is not particularly popular, but the size of the available spaces is impressive, especially the free option.

The main disadvantage is a little-known startup, not an industry giant. Hence such generosity: neither Google, nor Dropbox, nor Microsoft need to lure users - people go to them themselves. Unlike Megaj.

Certain questions were also raised by the statement of the founder of a startup named Kim Dotcom, who left Mega and said that he did not consider the service safe. And this despite the fact that the cloud uses encryption in the browser itself through a reliable AES algorithm.

If you want the maximum and for nothing, are not afraid of rumors and negative reviews, Mega will suit you.

We draw a conclusion

Large storages (OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, Yandex.Disk and others) can automatically sync photos when devices are connected. In addition, you can back up smartphones to iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox. Either file sharing or collective accounts will help you collaborate on documents.

Also note that you add all content at your own risk. It’s better to get rid of materials prohibited by law altogether (if you suddenly have them), but you certainly can’t upload them to the cloud. And pirated movies, for example, may not be downloaded at all.

Some storages are more focused on the corporate segment, others - for home use. If you don’t want to spend money, you can create an account at least in each service: one for documents, another for photos, the third for file backups. It won't be very convenient, but it's free. But the best option is to pay and immediately get all the features and a decent place on the cloud.