How to make hints in Yandex. How to remove search suggestions in Yandex

The purpose of search suggestions is to simplify the work of users who, by entering a query in the search results, get it additional offers. However, the benefits of search suggestions have long been appreciated by SEO specialists. After all, with their help you can significantly increase the semantic core.

How are Google and Yandex search suggestions generated?

For the first time as experimental function, search suggestions were introduced by Google in 2004, and were improved in 2008 and then in 2010. Hints latest version were significantly different from what they were before. Since then the user could see automatic download search results as you enter your query. That is, search suggestions, even before being selected, have already begun to offer search results. An example of this feature is shown in the screenshot:

All tips are generated from real user requests. And the higher the popularity of queries, the more likely it is that they will appear in the list of suggestions. Their formation also depends on:

    geographic location of the request - the search engine evaluates the most popular queries in a specific region, country and city;

    the language that has been specified by the user as preferred;

    history search queries user - search queries are personalized for each user if the latter uses the “web history” function;

    “freshness” of search queries, i.e. the search engine shows key phrases that have become popular over a recent period of time.

Yandex offered search suggestions a little later than Google - in 2008. Initially, the idea of ​​​​implementing such a function was to speed up the entry of search queries, since some phrases consist of large quantity letters Over time, Yandex suggestions improved, and like their “brothers” from Google, they began to be displayed to users based on the regionality of the request, the relevance of the data and the history of requests.

In addition, they have learned to solve some user problems without search results. This applies to unambiguous questions that require a specific and not verbose answer, which already appears in the tips themselves. For example, Yandex knows the multiplication table, length and dimensions various units, air temperature in different parts lights, football match results and many other facts. These answers look something like this:

Users come to the site thanks to search suggestions, as they correspond to their real intentions. It's no wonder why SEOs decided to use tips to attract consumers. And they do this in two ways: by adding hints and expanding semantics.

To generate tips, many people specifically create a “brand tail” (for example, they attach the brand phrase “webmaster Nikolai” to the request “website promotion”). Special services increase the frequency of such a request and push it into the tips. Users who dial similar request, follow this hint and see the results in which webmaster Nikolai’s site is in the first position.

However, cheating tips is one of the black methods of promotion that search engines carefully combat and quickly identify. Therefore, we do not recommend using this method; it is better to resort to white methods of website promotion: extension semantic core using search tips.

How to get a list of search suggestions?

The simplest and most obvious way to obtain such a list is to use a block additional search from Google "Along with... frequently searched." Just enter the query you are interested in in search bar and see what users are looking for with it. These are the additional key phrases Google showed us for the search query “children’s clothing.”

However, this method is inconvenient for two reasons:

    For each key phrase, the search engine will show no more than ten search suggestions, which is disproportionately small;

    It is impossible to upload results for several key queries at once - you need to enter each key phrase separately, which is too long.

There are many free tools, which parse hints search engines Yandex and Google, let's talk about a few of them:

1 Ubersuggest - convenient service to select Google search suggestions. Allows you to parse semantics from a search for images, videos, news, but does not provide “secret statistics” of the search engine. All that is required is to enter a keyword into the search, set the language and search vertical:

The service helps you find out what “users are also searching for” along with your keywords. Additional keywords or phrases from the keyword you entered are separated by a “+” sign. They are sorted alphabetically, and the keyword report itself looks like this:

2 Keyword Tool - free service to search key phrases, based on Google search suggestions for different languages(83) and Google regions (192 databases). In addition, semantics can be selected from YouTube, Bing and AppStore. Enter the required keyword into the service search, select the database, language and press the search button:

We get the result:

3 Slovoder. For automatic collection Yandex search suggestions, as well as other search engines (Google, Mail, Rambler, Yahoo, Nigma) can be used this program. It works through a proxy server and works with several search engines at once - that is, data from all marked search engines is analyzed here. Download the program, run it, enter a key phrase in the window that appears and select a search engine. After clicking the “Parse” button, you will get the following results:

Data can be exported in txt format.

Where can I find search tips in the form of questions?

Each of the presented services is undoubtedly convenient, but they have one feature - the ability to receive search tips in the form of just questions - real user requests. This method will allow you to find the most common questions from users, and by providing answers to them, you will attract traffic. For example, let’s select search suggestions using the service for the same children’s clothing site.

Enter the query “children’s clothing” into the main line and select Google system. RU and go to the “ Search tips" We get the following result from about 6000 key phrases:

Let's configure the parsing to get more accurate data for a specific request: mark in the filters "Only keywords without toponyms" and manually enter the words that need to be excluded from the results. The latter include brand names that our online store does not have - these are “Zhuravlik”, “Kunda”, “Faberlic” and others. Before each such word in the search we will put a “-” sign. Click the “apply” button and export data consisting of more than 4 thousand key phrases:

We use these key phrases to promote the online store; they will be an excellent addition to our semantic core.

By going to the “Questions Only” tab, we will get a list of key phrases consisting of only questions. We use them to create a topic for writing a relevant article.

To parse search suggestions for several key phrases at once, we’ll use “ batch export" Here you can enter up to 200 key phrases at a time and get a report with a list of search suggestions for each phrase. Let's enter our keywords into the appropriate field, filter the results by toponyms and select only interrogative options for search prompts. All that remains is to export the results:

Using search suggestions in the semantic core extension, you will receive a list of current and relevant key phrases that are popular among users and, accordingly, will bring real traffic to the site.

Today, a little shocking headline, for the purpose of an experiment about screaming headlines, let's see how much I can shout on the Internet. And if on topic, then in fact Yandex began to trust webmasters more and allowed them to manage one function of their search. Has Yandex really revealed its secrets and makes it possible for webmasters to manage their results?..

Fuck it - relax. Naturally issue management, Yandex did not transfer it to anyone. It turns out that I deceived you with the title of this post. Actually, not really. Yandex has really taken a step towards meeting webmasters and now they will be able to better configure site search from Yandex. That is, the function of managing search suggestions has now been added to the search settings, and now every site owner who uses site search from the Yandex search engine will be able to configure search suggestions.

What are Yandex search suggestions and what does search results management have to do with it? Search tips is a drop-down list of key phrases when the user enters a query. In general, I wanted to say that this is a list of words that Yandex suggests when you enter a query into the search. You've probably seen them.

But how does this relate to issue management? Indirectly, actually. But still connected. Yes, and keep in mind that I don’t mean the general Yandex results, I mean the results of your site. That is, if you use a site search from the leader of Runet, then when the user is on your site and begins to enter his query, search tips appear that can help the user find what he wants, because now we can configure them, and This means that it will influence the search results on the site. What can be called Yandex issue management.

So, let's figure out how it works and how we benefit from it. First, install site search from Yandex, if it is not already installed. If installed, then you need to perform a minimum of actions, namely: go to search management, select the one you want to edit and in the menu on the left select “search tips”.

Here we can choose to show tooltips or not. Select language. And of course add, delete or move Yandex search suggestions. To do this, you need to start entering a query, thereby imagining yourself in the user’s place. For example, a visitor wants to find information on installing dle, but not everyone will enter the request completely, because “laziness” will not allow this. So, hints have been created for them, so that they can choose, rather than enter the entire request. So, for example, we simply enter dle and what do we see? The search offers us rather strange options, well, to be honest, complete garbage, which has nothing to do with my site and especially with the installation or configuration of dle.

But now we can correct this situation and simply remove what is not necessary and add what is necessary, and also swap requests - put some higher, some lower. And it’s convenient and indeed Yandex search tips can affect the search results. After all, if the visitor does not enter the query further and does not find suitable option in the drop-down list, he might just leave. And with the help of the control feature, we can correct the situation and the user will select the phrase he needs from the list and remain on the site to read the article, which in turn can affect behavioral factors and accordingly to the main Yandex search results.

And here's what you can get as a result by editing tooltips. AND small instructions, by editing.

And to swap queries, just hold down left button mouse and drag to right place. And don't forget to save the results.

That's how things are. I hope no one is upset that they won’t be able to manage Yandex search results and move their site to the top. Then, what will be the interest? In general, good luck to everyone, that's all I have. Yandex search tips to help you.

Search suggestions are variations of the most popular queries that begin with the same letters as your query and appear in the block below the search bar.

The list of suggestions is updated as you enter characters in the search bar.

If one of the suggestions matches your query, select it from the list using the mouse or the Up/Down keys and press the Enter key to proceed to the search. If necessary, you can clarify your request by adding text to the selected hint.

Hints are generated from the flow of requests to Yandex. The names of encyclopedic articles are added to them, musical works and other relevant content. In addition to the query text itself, search suggestions may contain links to sites and ready-made answers to your question.

When generating suggestions, the location and personal interests of the user may be taken into account, if this is allowed in the appropriate settings.

Answers in the tips

Yandex can provide answers to popular queries directly in search suggestions. For example, you can find out the depth of Lake Baikal or the height of Everest without going to the search results. In this case, you will receive an answer even before you enter the entire request.

Links to sites

If you want your favorite sites to be highlighted in search suggestions, turn on the option Show sites you visit frequently on the search suggestions settings page.

If you notice an inaccuracy in the site description, please report it to Yandex support service.

Current queries in the search bar (for mobile Yandex)

Current requests are what is on at the moment Internet users are most concerned about what they are looking for in Yandex. You can see the current request on your mobile phone:

The current request is updated every hour.

If you are interested in a suggested topic, click the Find button. A page with search results for this query will open.

To enable (disable) the display of the current query in the search bar:

Well, of course, you all see search suggestions on your smartphone 100,500 times a day. As soon as you enter a couple of letters in the search bar, they immediately appear different options words and phrases. All you have to do is click on the appropriate request and go to the search results page.

Now let's go from the other side. For example, you are an entrepreneur and want to use search suggestions as a tool for promotion.

First, let's talk a little about how search engines generate suggestions.

  1. Let's start with the fact that in general all user requests sent are accumulated in the system.
  2. All of them undergo multi-stage filtration. Extremely rare queries and obscene language are eliminated, and misspelled words are corrected.
  3. Similar queries are grouped based on common characteristics (taking into account morphology, synonyms, for example “hotels in Kazan” and “hotels in Kazan”). It also takes into account that combined queries give identical search results.

On what basis is the list of hints displayed?

  1. The search engine analyzes the popularity of queries for the current day (frequency of input in the search bar), including the number of their mentions in the content of various sites.
  2. Takes into account the user’s region and his interests (query history, pages visited).
  3. Based on this data, it generates a list of relevant tips: Yandex - from ten queries, Google - from four.

All this happens in a split second, while the user begins to enter the first letters of the query into the search bar.

Conclusion: To get into the tips you need to meet the following conditions:

  • achieve high frequency entering a query in the search;
  • get large number mentions of the request in the content of third-party sites.

How can a brand get into the tips?

If you ensure that users are highly interested in your brand and encourage them to search for information about you (and share it online), you are more likely to get featured in the tips. The task becomes easier if you work in a low-competition environment.

No artificial cheats! This is the most important rule, which you need to follow to avoid search engine sanctions.

There are agency services where hired users perform a task for money: they repeatedly enter the specified query during the search period. Often these users will be replaced by the program. This might work for short term your brand will appear in the tooltips. However, the search engine will easily recognize fraud (for example, using the same IP addresses) and will remove the request from suggestions.

Apply well-known marketing techniques! The only legitimate way to bring your brand to the top is to launch marketing activities and attract the audience’s attention to your company. All methods boil down to increasing brand awareness, which in a natural way will lead to an increase in the number of branded queries in search.

Advice. Content marketing works well to promote a brand (placing non-advertising materials on third party resources, on social networks). Create interesting videos, write articles, reviews, testimonials. This way you will introduce users to your company and services. They will start talking about you, and accordingly, they will look for information in the search engine.

I will share one of our brand promotion cases.

Moscow vegetarian cafe

The campaign was carried out with the aim of increasing the recognition of non-standard format cafes (the increase in the number of brand queries in searches was assessed). Target Audience– middle-aged men and women (including married ones), leading healthy image life, as well as urban creative youth who are attentive to what and where they eat (Moscow region).

The following sites were chosen as placement sites:

  • top bloggers (Lena Miro and Masha Kir);
  • sites with millions of visitors (“Lifehacker”);
  • large urban communities (The Village,;
  • fashionable YouTube channels(JustVell);
  • women's communities (“Country of Mothers”, “Babyblog”);
  • creative communities on VKontakte (“Suffering Middle Ages”).

Materials for publications were rich useful information both about the food and about the establishment itself and were created in the form of illustrated reviews, videos from the cafe, official release(on behalf of the owner), recipes (see figure), comments in threads about Moscow cafes.

The audience coverage was about 67,000 unique users. The cost of the campaign is 50,000 rubles. Average price click – 9 rubles (targeted transitions from interested users who looked at the directions and got acquainted with the menu, promotions and weekend program).

Result: over four months, the number of branded queries in search has increased significantly (see figure).

How else to use tips for promotion?

You can promote not only the brand name in the tips, but also those queries for which your site is already in the TOP 10.

What are the advantages? In this way, you bring users one step closer to your site and encourage them to ask queries for which you are guaranteed to be on the first page of search results.

For example, your site is in 3rd place in Yandex for a low-frequency query "natural products for a healthy diet in Yekaterinburg". If you provide this query with high citations and frequency of entry in searches in the target region, then it can get into the tips and work to attract traffic.

The mechanics of promoting branded and commercial prompts and queries are different. In the second case, you need to achieve accurate query entry in the search, which will require the use of user power.

Advice. To encourage users to enter target request, without resorting to promotion services, you can go to a little trick. First, ask friends and acquaintances to punch this request in search. This will be quite natural and will not raise questions from search engines. Secondly, distribute a link to search results on social networks and motivate clicks on it, thereby increasing the frequency of display of search results for this request.


Getting a brand into search suggestions is not an easy task. You can earn this right only through comprehensive work:

  • conduct marketing activities (videos, posts, articles, reviews, advertising),
  • provide high quality site and proper service.

The most difficult situation will be for companies that operate in popular commercial niches (for example, electronics and technology) and compete with market giants. On the contrary, it is quite possible for retailers, manufacturers and service providers in a narrow segment (including in the regions) to focus their efforts on getting into the tips and receive obvious benefits from this.

Hints are key queries (up to 10 pieces) that pop up below the main search line, helping users quickly select the most relevant query for their search.

After the introduction of this function, many optimizers, seeing the potential profit, began to ask questions: is it possible to promote their brand in the tips for the main keyword or even arrange the tips as profitably as possible relative to their current positions in the top? What services can be used for cheating and how much will these manipulations cost?

Advantages of getting into Yandex tips

Let's take a look right away concrete example on request “bags” in the Kyiv region:

For regular user This is an unremarkable output, but there are several points of interest to us. Namely the requests:

  • women's bags online store inexpensive 2015
  • din bags
  • bags 2015 fashion trends photo

In the first and third cases, we see one of the most profitable opportunities to attract additional traffic, namely, promoting your top queries in Yandex tips. How is this done? It is necessary to select a query that is interesting for users, which would fully reflect the information they are looking for and for which high-quality results are presented. Then you optimize landing page for this, usually low-frequency, request, and you begin to promote it, simultaneously generating tips.

In the second case, we are dealing with brand promotion. It is the dream of many entrepreneurs to have the name of their company displayed next to the search bar or even in it itself. Even if the user does not enter your brand name in the search bar, the user has already seen it in further search using keywords, your project will look more authoritative compared to others.

There is a third promotion option - getting into the search bar when typing. It looks like this:

When we type the phrase SEO in the search bar, we are immediately presented with the most probable wording of the query, which in this case is precisely the name of the seosprint brand.

Promotion strategy in Yandex tips

First, we need to highlight the main parameters that we will use when analyzing search results based on Yandex prompts. We will take the following indicators:

  • Number of requests
  • Scheme based on key queries
  • Growth dynamics
  • CTR in tooltips
  • User satisfaction with request

And so, let's start the analysis with the first two parameters: the number of requests and their scheme (analogous to the anchor scheme). To do this, go to Wordstat and find out the number of requests for the keyword “seo”, as well as the two main leaders seosprint and seo fast.

And so, what we see, all over Ukraine SEO request searched about 11,000 times, but people type in the phrase “seosprint”, which is displayed in the search, a little more than 13,000 times, which gives us the right to assume that the most frequent query is displayed in the search line, which, of course, went through behavioral filters quality.

The next parameter is the keyword scheme. As we can see, none of the leading companies used purely 1 or 2 queries, but used a fairly large list of 30-50 queries that most effectively imitates the natural indicators of user search queries.

The following metrics are more focused on effectively mimicking natural user behavior to avoid being filtered. And so - dynamics. Dynamics can be divided into 2 categories: trend (with a sharp jerk and an obligatory subsequent decline) and natural (with a smooth increase or decrease). We had an example of a good trending query on the first screen: “women’s bags online store inexpensive 2015,” and by looking at the query statistics you can see how it was promoted and got to the top.

An interesting note about this trending query: after bringing it to the top, promotion can no longer be carried out, since users themselves choose it for themselves as relevant, which allows it to naturally be in first place.

In natural queries, the growth in the number of queries is very smooth, without sharp declines or unnatural surges.

CTR parameters in tooltips and satisfying user requests are very important for correct promotion. You can pour a large budget into promotion, but if natural visitors simply do not click on the request, or, having visited it, immediately decide to change the keyword, then this company will be unprofitable for you. Therefore very important point here is that key query it is necessary to make it so that it attracts the attention of users and they get what they wanted without changing the key query. Although Yandex does not provide information on these two parameters, we can indirectly influence it by organizing visitor visits according to a pre-thought-out scenario, and also track it by building a conversion funnel (analogous to a sales funnel).

Now, based on this information, we can highlight the main parameters for promoting our project in the tips:

  1. Anchor query scheme for natural look must consist of 30 or more requests
  2. The more searches there are for the main keyword, the higher it appears in the ranking of suggestions
  3. The search line usually contains the most frequent word from the possible variations obtained based on the input
  4. The increase in the number of requests during promotion should not be sharp; ideally, find a suitable project in your niche that has advanced in the tips and copy the working growth rate
  5. For traffic queries, keywords must be of interest to users and provide them with the information they are looking for


As in any imitation of natural processes, we can burn ourselves out and receive sanctions in the form of a complete reset of our markups. To minimize the likelihood of such an outcome, we advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  • Carry out promotion evenly for all key queries
  • Do not use unverified services for cheating
  • Key phrases that spoil your reputation live in the tooltips much longer, since many real users practically want to get acquainted with it. Therefore, to eliminate them, you will have to make many more requests for the top core than the number of requests for compromising material
  • Cheating can only be stopped if the request is already naturally held in the position you need, but it also needs to be done smoothly
  • Region matters: if you cheat in your region with people from another location, you will not get results

P.S. If you have never worked with hints, we advise you to start with something simple, for example, promotion by average or low frequency queries. This will give you initial experience and a better understanding of promotion strategy.