How to remove the page number from the current one. How to remove page numbers

Previously, we talked about how you can number pages in Word, now we want to look at the reverse process. Yes, yes, from this article you will learn how to remove page numbering in Word 2016. In fact, the instructions are also suitable for earlier versions - only the program interface is slightly different - elements can be located on the same tab, but in a different place, so you shouldn't have any problems.

Microsoft Office Word has quite extensive functionality. Unfortunately, almost no one devotes time to studying it. But in vain. Thanks to certain features, you can automate some processes - for example, generate headers automatically.

How to remove page numbering in Word 2007/2010/2013

Since the 2007 version, there are two ways to remove page numbers.
The first is to use a special function, which is located in the “Insert” tab. Let's start with it:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - just four steps and exactly the same number of clicks to remove page numbering in Microsoft Word.

Manually removing page numbers in Word

If you still need numbering on certain pages, you can leave it. How?

Let's figure it out:
1. Go to the top (or bottom) of the page whose number we want to delete;

2. Double-click on the number with the left mouse button, after which the window for editing the header and footer opens (in our case, the top one, because the numbering is located at the top);

3. Now simply delete the number as normal text and click on the “Close Header and Footer Window” button or press “ESC” on the keyboard;

4. Done, the page number has been removed - the same procedure must be carried out on all pages where the numbering should not be displayed.

If you mistakenly deleted a number on the wrong page, you can restore it in the same way - by double-clicking in the place on the page where it was located and simply enter it as normal text.

If your document consists of several sections and subsections, you will have to repeat the procedure for each individual section. The fact is that deleting numbering in the first section does not in any way affect the second and other sections - keep this in mind so as not to return to editing the document again.

Otherwise, there is really nothing complicated. Remember how to remove page numbers in Word so that in the future you can do all this automatically, and not using instructions on websites. This way you can save valuable time.

Surely, everyone who has written abstracts or term papers in Word knows how to put down page numbers. But does everyone know how to remove page numbers? After all, there are no special buttons for this in the main menu, and creating a new file or copying/transferring information is a waste of time and effort. So, next we will look at how to remove page numbering in different versions of the Word text editor.

Microsoft Word 2003

  • If you numbered pages using the Page Numbers feature in the Insert menu, you need to click on the page number (which can be at the top or bottom, depending on the options specified). After a frame appears around the number, you need to click on it and press the “Delete” key on the keyboard.
  • Find the "Header and Footers" command in the "View" menu. Among the headers and footers that appear (the frame highlighted with a dotted line), select the one in which your numbering is located. Click on the page number and also the “Delete” key. Next, simply close the toolbar that appears first.
  • It may be that the numbering will not be removed from all sections (if any) at once. In this case, you will have to repeat the procedure for each section separately.
  • In order to remove numbering on the first page of a document, you need to uncheck the “number on the first page” checkbox in the “Page Numbers” tab, “Insert” menu.

Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010

In newer versions of the editor, removing page numbers is much easier and faster. To do this, you just need to press one button.

  • It is necessary to select the “Page Number” command in the “Header and Footers” group on the “Insert” tab and click on the “Delete page numbers” item in the list that appears.

The algorithm described for the 2003 version is also suitable:

  • In order to remove the first page number in the 2007 version, you need to open the “Page Layout” tab and select “Page Settings”. In the window that opens, click on the “Page Source” tab and check the box next to the line “Differentiate headers and footers on the first page.”

We found out how to remove page numbering in Word 2010, but many are interested in the question concerning only the first page, so how to remove the numbering of the first page? Go to the first page and double-click on the page number. The “Working with headers and footers” tab will open, in which you just need to check the box “Special header and footer for the first page”.

In the process of formatting a document, be it an essay or a term paper, the user has to remove page numbers in accordance with technical requirements. You can remove page numbering in Word from the entire document at once, or remove it only on certain sheets. All of the methods listed below will be relevant for versions of Microsoft Word such as 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2017.

Remove numbering from an entire document

There are cases when, due to inattention, errors are made in the process of numbering a document. To remove page numbers from an entire document, you must follow these steps.

After completing the actions, numbers will be deleted from the first, second, and so on until the last page.

Manual removal of page numbers

If you need to remove numbering from one sheet, then in this case, the manual method will help. You need to go to the corresponding sheet, the numbering on which you want to remove, double-click on the page number.

After the number is highlighted, press the “Backspace” key on the keyboard.

Disabling numbering using headers and footers

To remove numbers only on the first page, without affecting subsequent ones, you need to use the “Header and Footer” function.

After completing the steps, the numbering will disappear from the first page, and will remain in sequential order on subsequent pages. That is, accordingly, the second sheet will be numbered 2, the third sheet will be numbered 3.

It should be taken into account that if there are section breaks in the document, then the removal of numbering will be implemented for each section separately.

Sometimes when working with documents, the user has a question about how to remove page numbers in Word.

Most often we are talking about the beginning and end of the text - the title page and a place for reviews, signatures or seals, although there may be other options.

There are several basic rules for removing unnecessary numbering that everyone who works in a Microsoft text editor should know.

A document created and already saved by a user or another person may contain page numbers that are not needed for either word processing or printing.

It’s not difficult to remove them from the text or even delete a page, although there are certain nuances associated with using different versions of Word, from 2003 to 2013.

For older versions

For Word version 2003 or earlier, you need to first open the “View” menu, then the “Header and Footers” command and go to the appropriate menu.

Now, if the sheet number is located at the top, the transition will occur automatically.

With the bottom (most common) placement of numbers, you will have to navigate using the “Header/Footer” icon.

The same method is suitable for removing any other headers and footers (signatures, company logos, etc.).

For Microsoft Word 2007

In the menu of modern editors Word 2007, 2010 and 2013, the mechanism for deleting numbers is simpler.

The necessary icons are located on the “Insert” tab - at the bottom of the “Page Number” menu. The command to remove numbering is also located here.

With its help, just one click ensures the removal of numbers from each sheet of the document.

For any version of Microsoft Word

You can simplify your work and not pay attention to which version of Word you have to use if you delete the number from the first to the last page with just a couple of clicks of the left mouse button.

To do this, you will have to carefully click on the place where the number is located and first select the header (a menu of the same name may appear), then the number, and erase.

If a frame does not appear when you try to select a header and footer, then you clicked in the wrong place. The same goes for numbers.

For front and title pages

Most often, the first sheet numbers in the document are removed, since they are not used for the title either for the thesis or other important documents.

There is, of course, the option of creating a separate cover page, but this is used only by users who are unfamiliar with the following technique:

  • Having opened the document, go to the “File” menu;
  • select “Page Options”;
  • open the “Paper Source” tab and here check the separate numbering box for the first page.

Now the number of the title page or simply the first page is not visible. And the sheets, starting from the second, remain numbered.

When using Word 2010, the same actions are performed, except that the desired command is not looked for in the “File” menu, but on the “Page Layout” tab.

If you know that the number of the first sheet will not be needed, you can reduce the time and not set it initially.

To do this, when setting the numbering, uncheck the “Number on the first page” item.

  • Click the “Page Number Format” button;
  • When the “start with” command is selected, the value “zero” is set.
  • The difference for Word 2013 or 2007 is that the command is selected not in the top panel, but in the “Insert” / “Header and Footers” tab.

    Now the first sheet is not included in the numbering. It will not be possible to do the same with the second sheet in the same way.

    Although the rules of the document usually do not impose special requirements on the second and third sheets.

    How to remove pagination? You have created a document in Word. If the number of pages in a text document does not exceed one, then numbering is not needed. But when creating a book or term paper, you cannot do without page numbering. Requirements are requirements. And when working on documents, page numbering is often simply necessary. But there are times when the numbering is already given, but you don’t need it. Then it must be removed. This is where some users have difficulties. Of course, if you wish, you can deal with this issue yourself, but you don’t always have this desire, and most importantly, time. Page numbering is indicated in . If you have a new version of Word, then read about it in the article -. Now let's talk about how to remove page numbering in Word.

    Here's a quick guide to removing page numbers.

    Move the cursor to the numbering of any page of your document and double-click on this number with the mouse. You will see a footer like this:

    Now click on the number (mine is one). This figure will now be in this shaded frame.

    Press the "" key on your keyboard Backspace"(left arrow key, under the F12 key) and double-click on an empty space of the sheet (for Word 2003) or click the button with a red cross at the top right " Close the header and footer window "(for Word 2007).

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Now you can easily remove pagination at any time. Although in my practice it’s the other way around—more often I have to insert page numbers.

    In general, the more you get to know the Word text editor, the more you begin to love it. I can’t even imagine how we managed without this useful program before?

    Video clip, How to remove page numbering in Word:

    You can read all articles on the Word text editor in this section -.