How to make the top row motionless in Excel. Freeze a cell area in Excel

To fix a row or heading in Excel, you need to go to the View tab.

Going to the “View” tab, you need to click on any cell in the Excel table, and then in the top panel click on “Freeze Areas”. A context menu will open in which you need to select “Lock top row”. This will prevent the topmost visible row from disappearing when you scroll down the table.

Working with Excel 2007 and 2010

This function is available in every version of Excel, but due to the difference in the interface and the location of menu items and individual buttons, it is not configured in the same way.

Freeze a row

If you need to attach a header to a file, i.e. top line, then in the “Window” menu you should select “Freeze Areas” and select the cell of the first column of the next line.

To fix several rows at the top of the table, the technology is the same - the leftmost cell in the next one after the rows being fixed is highlighted.

Freeze a column

Fixing a column in Excel 2003 is done in the same way, only the cell in the top row of the column or several columns following the one being frozen is selected.

Freeze an area

The Excel 2003 software package allows you to record both columns and rows of a table at the same time. To do this, select the cell next to the ones being assigned. Those. To freeze 5 rows and 2 columns, select the cell in the sixth row and third column and click “Freeze Regions”.

Later versions of the Excel software also allow you to fix the file header in place.

Freeze a row

When you need to fix not one, but another number of lines, you need to select the first scrollable line, i.e. the one that will be immediately behind the assigned ones. After that, in the same item, select “Lock areas”.

Freeze a column

To freeze a column, in the “Freeze Regions” section, you must check the option to freeze the first column.

Freeze an area

The two options mentioned above can be combined by making sure that when scrolling the table horizontally and vertically, the necessary columns and rows will remain in place. To do this, select the first scrollable cell with the mouse.

Afterwards, fix the area.

Those. if, for example, the first line and the first column are fixed, this will be the cell in the second column and the second line, if 3 rows and 4 columns are fixed, then you should select the cell in the fourth row and fifth column, etc., the operating principle should be understandable.

How to Freeze a Column in Excel

To freeze a column in Excel, you need to go to the View tab.

Going to the “View” tab, you need to click on any cell in the Excel table, and then in the top panel click on “Freeze Areas”. A context menu will open in which you need to select “Freeze first column”. This will prevent the leftmost column from disappearing when you scroll the table to the right.

Freezing columns in Excel is almost exactly the same as freezing rows. You can freeze just the first column, or freeze multiple columns. Let's move on to examples.

Fixing the first column is just as easy, click “View” -

Excel can create huge tables that contain a lot of information. To work with such a volume of data, you need to know some life hacks that will help you navigate the endless space of columns and cells.

Fortunately, Microsoft Office Excel has special features that make working with the program easier. One of them is the ability to freeze a row - having learned this simple technique, you can view any area of ​​the table without losing sight of the row with the column names or the so-called “header” of the table.

How to freeze the top row of an Excel table

So you've created 2007 or 2010. Usually the top row contains the column names, and the tables themselves are oriented vertically so that they can be scrolled from top to bottom.

When scrolling down, the top row of the table will “move away” and disappear from view. This problem can be solved by fixing the top line.

Select any cell in your table.

In the top menu, select the "View" tab and the "Freeze Panes" item.

In the drop-down list, select “Fix top row”. A boundary line will appear below it. This means that the line is fixed and will be visible on the screen even while scrolling the page.

How to Freeze Multiple Rows in Excel

It may be that in your table, not one, but several rows are reserved for column names. If you need to pin two or more rows, click on the cell that is located under the “header”. For example, if you need to fix rows 1 and 2, you need to activate the cell in row 3, as shown in the figure below.

After that, go to the “View” tab, and in the drop-down list select the first item - “Freeze areas”. The rows will be locked and will not “run” up when viewing the table.

After pinning several rows, a line will also appear to show the boundary of the pinned area. Now you can scroll through the file, but pinned lines will always be visible. In addition, the columns that are to the left of the selected cell will be frozen. This can be determined by a vertical line along the fixed columns. If you want to freeze only the rows, activate the cell in the first column before using the tool from the View menu.

How to unfreeze rows in Excel

If you have frozen regions in your table, the Freeze Regions menu will display an Unfreeze Regions option. It is needed to unlock all frozen rows or columns of the table.

How to Freeze a Column in Excel

Sometimes tables have a horizontal orientation and are viewed from left to right. Then they have signed not only the columns, but also the rows. If the table contains a lot of information, then when you scroll to the right, you will lose sight of the first column. However, it can also be fixed.

To lock the first column in the table, go to the “View” tab - “Lock areas”. Select the last menu item, “Freeze First Column.”

To freeze multiple columns, you can use the Freeze Panes feature.

Freeze a row in Excel 2003 or 2000

In MS Office Excel 2003 or 2000, the process of locking table rows and columns is a little different. Here, the tool for docking an area is located in the Window menu. To freeze a row, you need to activate the cell below it and select “Window” - “Freeze Areas”. If you want to freeze a column, select the cell to the left of it.

To lock only the first row, click on cell A2, and if you want to lock only the first column, activate cell B1.

To unfreeze rows or cells, select the “Unfreeze Regions” tool from the “Window” menu.

Freeze an Excel row with a keyboard shortcut

Both old and current builds of MS Office understand special key combinations that can be used to freeze rows, columns and areas. Regardless of the version of the office application, for the hot keys to work correctly, the Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.

In version 2003, you can pin an area by pressing Alt+o+z.

Excel 2007 and 2010 use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Freeze the top line: Alt+o+b+x.
  • First "A" column: Alt + o + b + th.
  • Region: Alt+o+b+z.
  • Cancel blocking: Alt+o+b+z.

If you want to freeze a specific area in a document, you need to know how to freeze a row in Excel.

Thanks to this, you can adjust the visibility of cells when scrolling the main sheet.

In Excel, you can freeze both columns and rows of a sheet.

Freeze a row

Advice! Using the attachment function, you can leave the necessary columns or lines in sight while scrolling through the file sheet. In the same way, you can record a formula, cell, and various kinds of notes. Fixed elements are visually separated by a solid line.

Thanks to this, they can be leafed through separately from each other.

To commit a string, do the following:

  • Create a new program document (or open an existing one);
  • Select the line you want to attach. To speed up the selection of a large line, click on the starting cell, then the Shift key and on the ending element. This way the entire line will be instantly highlighted;

  • Go to the standard “View” tab, which is located in the main program window on the toolbar;
  • Find the Window Options bar and select the Freeze Panes key. In the drop-down list, click on the function that fixes the line, as shown in the figure below;

This way you can easily highlight the table header.

If you look at the figure, you will see that the frozen rows are displayed, even after scrolling the table by two hundred lines.

Also be sure to read:

Freeze a column

To freeze a column using Excel, follow the instructions:

  • Select at a time the table columns that need to be attached;

  • In the “View” tab, find the menu for pinning elements and lock the selected or several columns, as shown in the figure below;

This way, the table can be scrolled from right to left. A fixed column will be visible to the user at all times.

If you want to unpin a previously selected item, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the “View” window on the toolbar;
  2. Unfreeze areas using the menu in the Freeze Elements tab.

Freeze document areas

In the Excel spreadsheet processor, you can record not only columns and rows separately from each other.

You can also capture individual groups of custom elements. This way you can significantly speed up work with complex tables and reports.

To fix several components at the same time, select them and click on the “freeze areas” menu item, as shown in the figure:

After this, the selected elements will remain visible while the window is scrolled in different directions

When working with a significant amount of data on a sheet in Microsoft Excel, you have to constantly check some parameters. But, if there are a lot of them, and their area extends beyond the boundaries of the screen, constantly moving the scroll bar is quite inconvenient. The Excel developers took care of the convenience of users by introducing into this program the ability to pin areas. Let's find out how to freeze an area on a worksheet in Microsoft Excel.

We will look at how to freeze areas on a sheet using the example of the Microsoft Excel 2010 application. But, with no less success, the algorithm that will be described below can be applied to the Excel 2007, 2013 and 2016 applications.

In order to start pinning an area, you need to go to the “View” tab. Then, you should select the cell that is located below and to the right of the area to be docked. That is, the entire area that will be located above and to the left of this cell will be fixed.

After that, click on the “Freeze Areas” button, which is located on the ribbon in the “Window” tool group. In the drop-down list that appears, also select the “Freeze areas” item.

After this, the area located above and to the left of the selected cell will be frozen.

If you select the first cell on the left, then all the cells that are above it will be pinned.

This is convenient especially in cases where the table header consists of several rows, since the technique with turns out to be inapplicable.

Similarly, if you apply pinning to the topmost cell, the entire area to the left of it will be pinned.

Unpin regions

You don't need to select cells to unpin pinned areas. Just click on the “Lock Areas” button located on the ribbon and select the “Unlock Areas” item.

After this, all pinned ranges located on this sheet will be unpinned.

As you can see, the procedure for pinning and unpinning areas in Microsoft Excel is quite simple, and one might even say, intuitive. The hardest thing is to find the desired program tab where the tools for solving these problems are located. But, above we have outlined in some detail the procedure for unpinning and pinning areas in this spreadsheet editor. This is a very useful feature, since by using the freezing areas function, you can significantly improve the convenience of working in Microsoft Excel and save your time.


This material answers how to freeze a row in Excel. We will see how to freeze the first (top) or any row, and we will also look at how to freeze an area in excel.

Freezing a row or column in Excel is an extremely useful feature, especially for creating lists and tables with a lot of data placed in cells and columns. By pinning a row, you can easily track the headings of certain columns, which means you will save time instead of endlessly scrolling up and down.

Let's look at an example. In the picture below we can see the first row, which are the column headings.

Agree, it will be inconvenient for us to enter and read data from the table if we do not know or see the headings at the top. Therefore, we will fix the top line in Excel as follows. In the top Excel menu, find the "VIEW" item, in the submenu that opens, select "FOCK AREAS", and then select the "FOCK TOP ROW" sub-item.

These simple steps to pin a row allow you to scroll through the document and at the same time understand the meaning of row headings in Excel. I repeat - this is convenient when there are a large number of lines.

It must be said that the same effect can be achieved if you first select the cells of the entire first row, and then use the first sub-item of the already well-known submenu “FREED AREAS” - “Freeze areas”:

Well, now about how to freeze an area in Excel. First, select the area of ​​Excel cells that you want to constantly see (pin). This can be several lines and an arbitrary number of cells. As you probably already guessed, the path to this pinning function remains the same: menu item "VIEW" → then "PIN AREAS" → then sub-item "PIN AREAS". This is illustrated in the top figure.

If for some reason you were unable to correctly freeze rows or areas in excel, go to the "VIEW" menu → "LOCK AREAS" → select "Unfreeze areas". Now you can try again to slowly fix the necessary lines and areas of the document.

Finally, I will say that the first column can also be fixed. We also do the same → menu "VIEW" → "FREED AREAS" → select "Freeze first column".

Good luck working with documents in Excel, don’t make mistakes and save your time by using the additional functions and tools of this editor.