How to make money on iPhone apps. How much do iOS apps actually earn in the top rankings in different countries?

First of all, I want to ask you a question...

What is the huge obstacle that prevents most people from making a lot of money? The answer to this question is... Trying to start a business with a unique idea

We often don't start projects where we can make a ton of money because we want to come up with the “perfect” idea. We believe that our idea should be unique. Or we think that our idea can't be good because someone else has already done it before us.

Don't get me wrong, it's not easy to come up with something that will make you a lot of money. But if you think your idea has to be new or unique, I'm going to prove you're thinking completely wrong.

You don't have to be the first to come up with a brilliant idea. In fact, it's better if you're not the first. Google is not the first search engine. Facebook was not the first social network. Even silly Bandz (those crazy rubber bands kids love) evolved from a similar product.

Today, every business positions itself as the best in its market sector, despite the fact that the market is filled with successful competitors. But you don't have to build a million-dollar startup to make money in competitive markets. By the way, I recently used an old idea and made more than $30,000 from it within 30 days.

Looking for a way to make more money

I've been wanting to create an iPhone app for over a year. Being a huge iPhone fan, this was a dream of mine and I thought it would be great. Besides, I figured I could make some money from it.

I immediately ran into a serious problem. I had no idea how to program applications! I don't know a single line of code. I took some books and tried to learn, but the programming language was too difficult for me. So, I put that dream on pause and moved on with my life.

It wasn't until I found Pat Flynn's blog that he showed me a way to make my dream come true.

Pat and his business partner began outsourcing all iPhone application development. I had no idea that creating iPhone apps could be outsourced. The more I read about their experiences, the more confident I became that I could do the same.

One problem solved. Now I need an idea.

Creation of Photo365

The idea came unexpectedly. It happens that the best ideas come this way, and not through a heavy thought process.

I downloaded an app that allowed me to save one photo per day to my calendar. The person who created this application did a very great job. I've been using it for two months, but I felt this app could be improved. This application lacked any graphics. Only black and white colors. It wasn't like those glossy iPhone apps that users love so much.

I wanted to expand the capabilities of this application. It had a free and paid version. The free version had a ton of reviews, so I found information about what users wanted. Some of these reviews said that people wanted to see a more realistic calendar. This app only showed four days in a row. People wanted to see seven days, like in the traditional calendar.

There seemed to be a market for this type of application and I knew how I could improve this application. Also, I knew there was a community of people who save the photo of the day and post it on their blog or social media.

Time for my next problem...

How to find out the competition?

I used the App Store search to find similar apps. At the time, the app I was using was the only app in this niche. Little competition and large target market. Perfect! This meant that I had an idea and knew how and where to order the creation of an application.

I decided to call it Photo365.

Outsourcing in application creation

I've never outsourced iPhone app development before, so I bought the book that Pat Flynn recommends. It was written by two guys who went through this process many times and created a business with six figures in annual profits. You can buy this one.

Once I knew what to do, I created a job offer on, sorted through the applications I received, read reviews of each company, and finally settled on one.

It took 6 months from the time I found the artist until my app was available for purchase.

The beginning of the 2000s is the era of the dawn of the Internet. The second half of the 2000s was the golden hour of the development of social networks. 2010+ belong to mobile applications.

  • At the beginning of 2015, Google Play (app store for Android) has more than 1.6 million applications and 200 million downloads per year.
  • Summer 2015, in the iPhone application store (iOS devices) - over 1.4 million, and more than 100 billion downloads throughout its existence.

The essence of making money by downloading mobile applications

All that is required from the user is to follow the link to the application store, download, install, open. In some cases, you will need to rate or write a review. Depending on the conditions of the tasks, immediately after the first launch of the application, you can delete it from the device (which is more common), or you will be “asked” not to delete the application for some time (from 1 to 7 days). Each time after completing a task (downloading and installing the application), you will be awarded a cash reward. Repeat this sequence of actions as much as possible and earn money from it!

Who will pay?

  1. Distributing your application. Some percentage of those who downloaded the application for money will leave it on their device and start using it. Actually, this is exactly what applications are created for, isn’t it? Still, this is not the main goal that application developers pursue by paying for their download. Most often, developers just want to increase the performance.
  2. Cheating indicators. Among the many promotion methods is internal search in the AppStore and Google Play mobile application stores. At the beginning of the article, we provided figures on the number of applications - there is very tough competition in the market. The number of downloads is one of the significant factors in ranking applications in search results. In simple words, the more downloads there are, the closer the application is to the TOP. Advertisers are willing to pay money for this.

Is it free?

It goes without saying. This method of earning money does not involve any investments. All the services that you will have to work with are free, as are all the applications that you will be asked to download.

What do you need to get started?

You probably already have everything you need to get started, and this is: a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) of any make and model, devices running Android or the iOS operating system (iPhone or iPad). Of course, Internet access and, according to tradition, your time and desire.

Is it safe?

Absolutely. The applications you are about to download are absolutely legal and safe. These are games, instant messengers, all kinds of services, like pizza delivery or ticket booking, etc. The administrations of the services with which you will work (valuing their reputation in a highly competitive market) check them before offering the application to their users. No viruses, no malicious applications - none of this is worth fearing.

How much can you earn?

We won't give exact numbers. We can certainly say that... you won’t be able to earn a lot this way. No matter what anyone says, don’t count on a figure of more than 100 rubles a day. The “work” (if you can call it that) is low-skilled: the number of people willing to make money by installing applications is in the millions, but there are not as many advertisers as we would like - there are not enough for everyone. However…

This is a completely acceptable way to earn extra income. Again, most likely only for schoolchildren for pocket expenses, payment for mobile communications, to throw money into an online game (including in), etc.

Earning money by downloading applications takes a little time, the Internet has long been unlimited (Wi-Fi), so if you don’t dream of millions, you can top up your wallet with a couple of tens of rubles at your leisure.

Services for making money by installing applications on your phone

There are quite a lot of them, at least several dozen. To work with them, you will need to install the application of a particular project - this is where you will earn money.

Each of these services can offer its users a limited number of applications per day. Therefore, we recommend installing the maximum number of them on your phone (they weigh very little, so they won’t take up much space in the smartphone’s memory) and periodically (daily) logging into each of them to see if new tasks have appeared. In addition, some services will notify you via Push Notification when a new task becomes available.

Each project listed below has an incentive system at its disposal. So, when registering in a particular service, you will be asked to indicate a promotional code, after entering which a symbolic fee in the form of very real money will be credited to your account. P.S. You can use the promotional codes we offer (entered during registration).

List of sites and applications for earning money


It positions itself as a project for making money on reviews of applications, but in fact, on the same download and installation.

This is not an app! At least we didn’t find it on Google Play or AppleStore, but! The project has a convenient mobile version of the site - in no way inferior to applications.

  • Earnings in dollars
  • High level of payment (10-50 rubles for 1 task)
  • VERY profitable referral system


According to many who make money by downloading applications, this is one of the best services on the market. And we agree with them! Several dozen tasks currently available. The cost of each is from 5 to 30 rubles.

Promo code for receiving 5 rubles to your account: 3s1ct1

AdvertApp is not in the application stores (iTunes and Google Market), download from the official website...


One of the most popular projects in this niche. Works only with residents of the Russian Federation (but this is not certain). New applications consistently appear every day in quantities from 1 to 5 pieces.

Invitation code for crediting 3 rubles: PDYE8Q


On the main page of the project website they promise earnings of 3,500 rubles per month, which looks quite realistic, because each installation costs an average of 3-7 rubles (30-70 coins). This is very rare to find anywhere else. Authorization in the project is via VKontakte.

Promo code for 50 coins (5 rubles): 7DW97KP

WHAFF Rewards

Foreign/international project (p.s. interface is in Russian). Minimum withdrawal fee – from $10. More than a dozen ways to withdraw earned money, among which the most suitable for residents of LICs is PayPal. Applications for downloading are always available in sufficient quantities. Pays for downloads in $. Payment at the proper level! Authorization via Facebook account.

Invitation code: GO91318. P.S. The second character is the letter “O” (not to be confused with the number “zero”)


One of the first services, launched back in 2013. A huge number of ways to withdraw money. If there are no applications to download, it offers to complete tasks from partners - a completely acceptable alternative.

Code to receive $0.5 on your balance: WG65FQ5

Like AdvertApp, the AppCent application is not in the AppStore or Google Play - you can get a download link on the official website of the project:


Stylish, bright, youthful! In addition to the beautiful and convenient design, TapMoney users will be pleased with the large number of tasks available for completion, although the prices for them are quite reasonable.

Invitation code to receive 5 rubles: 0u2f(the first character is “zero”)


This includes and will continue to include (p.s. the list is being updated) applications that we do not recommend you download. The reasons are varied, for example: the application does not pay out money, openly fraudulent projects, applications that can harm your smartphone, etc.

You can make good money using your smartphone. Testing applications through special services on Android and iOS allows you to earn from 3 to 10 rubles. for downloaded application, grading, testing of the program.

Earning principle

The work process is carried out in several stages:

  1. registration on the assignment submission website;
  2. downloading and installing a service that allows you to send tasks in the form of email notifications and check completed work;
  3. performing tasks: downloading a specific application, rating the application, working with the application, writing a review;
  4. payment for work and withdrawal of funds to an electronic wallet.

The simple process can be carried out by any smartphone owner. Minimum PC skills are required to complete the job.

Websites for making money

There are several reliable sites that allow you to make money by installing applications:

These resources are popular and have been successful for a long time. It is necessary to pay attention to the income from the task. Large amounts should alert the performer. The creators will pay a reasonable amount to promote their application. If one task costs even 50 rubles, then the developer needs to spend 25,000,000 rubles to get 500,000 downloads. This is especially doubtful if the downloaded application is free.

Applications for earning money

The most proven programs for making money from applications, list of iOS applications:

  7. NEWAPP;

The APPCENT application is interesting because it has a reward system. The additional bonus increases with increasing downloads per day.

The APPBONUS application will allow you to withdraw any minimum amount. There is no threshold for withdrawal. Also, the performer will receive a bonus of 2 rubles for inviting a friend.

As you know, iOS is the most expensive mobile platform for developers. But it is also one of the most profitable, as it ranks second in terms of profitability after RIM Blackberry. According to statistics, every third mobile developer cannot live on the profit from their applications launched in the App Store. In this article we will try to lift the curtain behind which lies the huge profits of application developers for all mobile platforms.

VisionMobile has collected all the statistics and analyzed data on revenue from mobile applications for iOS and more. They wrote an article about the so-called “app economy” and presented statistics about software development, the cost of their development, as well as how much app developers for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and . If you are thinking about becoming a mobile developer, be sure to read this article. And those who have chosen or are choosing another career will probably be interested in learning how much you can earn from applications and how developers earn money.

The report itself, known as “Developer Economics 2012,” has already appeared freely on the Internet and is a huge collection of statistics on this topic. In this post we would like to present the most interesting facts for potential developers, IT professionals and ordinary electronics users.

  • Currently, North America, Europe and Asia are the top regions where people buy the most apps. 41%, 31% and 25% of buyers live in these locations, respectively.
  • VisionMobile believes that gradually the demand for applications for mobile platforms will shift towards the BRICS countries, where the mobile technology market is most developed. The most active growth of the application development market will be in regions that are currently considered underdeveloped.

  • Developers consider the iPad and other tablets to be the main representatives of new technologies, and more than half of application creators identify the tablet software market as their main market. iOS continues to be the leading platform for tablet app development, with 74% of developers writing apps for iPad.
  • Despite the small share of Windows Phone in the smartphone and tablet market, 57% of mobile developers plan to start developing for Windows Phone, and if developer interest in the Microsoft platform grows into something more than just interest, then it is quite possible that WP will be released leaders in the application development market.
  • Developers are moving away from platforms for which they see no growth prospects. Thus, RIM has lost 41% of BlackBerry developers over the past year, 14% of whom admitted that that platform was their main one.
  • Application stores such as the App Store or Google Play remain the main sources of income for developers from applications and sold content. 54% of app revenue comes from there, while developer websites and special projects bring in 18% and 12% of the funds, respectively. Content portals and applications of cellular operators provide only 3% of profits.
  • About a third of developers live below the so-called “poverty line,” which means that they do not receive enough money from app sales to live decently. Judging by the statistics, the average income from one application ranges from $1,200 to $3,900 per month. 35% of applications bring the developer $1-500 per month, 14% - from $500 to $1000, and from 13% of mobile applications developers receive $1000-5000 in income per month.
  • On average, BlackBerry apps generate more monthly revenue for developers than iOS and Android. A BlackBerry developer earns $3,853 per month, while income from an iOS and Android app is capped at $3,693 and $2,735, respectively.

Thus, applications for Blackberry are the most profitable for developers, and iOS somehow takes second place in this ranking.

  • Android developers are more likely to be dissatisfied with the amount of money they earn from their apps than iOS developers.
  • Developers choose iOS as the platform that is easiest to learn and the apps for which it is easiest to make money. Statistics also show that iOS apps best reach their target audience.

  • On average, developing an iPhone or iPad app costs three months and $27,000, which is 21% more than Android and 81% more than BlackBerry app development.

  • 36% of developers doubt which way to make money from an application is the best and most profitable. However, statistics show that in-app purchases are the best source of income, bringing in 24% more money than paid apps and 78% more than built-in advertising like iAd and other services.

Every year, mobile technologies are increasingly being introduced into human life. Also, at the pace of arithmetic progression, the relevance of making money with their help increases. Many users first use mobile technologies to increase income as an additional activity, and then develop them into a profitable business. Applications based on Android and iOS provide many profitable options for earning money. It is enough to have an iPhone or an Android-based gadget and the desire to achieve your goal.

How to make money on mobile applications?

By downloading applications, Android, iOS programs, and completing tasks, the user helps in promoting mobile products, because the more downloads, the higher they rise in the TOP. To start making money by installing applications based on Android and iOS, you need to register on a specialized website, download and install the product. Next, the user performs various tasks and, after accumulating a minimum amount (some services do not have it), withdraws money to an electronic wallet for withdrawal. Registration and use of services are free.

Useful products can be quickly found in the virtual application stores App Store (for iPhones), Google Play (Android). But it is important to remember that making money on Android and iOS applications has its own characteristics. This is not a lottery game. The point of this income is not to get rich easily with one download, but to earn a stable income through research, creativity, timing and common sense. This is a good one, although it won’t bring mountains of gold, but it’s quite possible to pay for mobile or internet.

Advice: In addition to downloading Android applications, you can. To do this, just register on one of the special sites, select a task and start working (it does not require special knowledge and skills, only free time and dedication).

Earn money on the Internet from an Android phone

Android is a portable operating system from Google designed for installation on tablets, e-readers, digital players, netbooks, TVs and other devices. It runs on the Linux kernel. To turn a game into income using Android applications, you do not need to have special skills, knowledge or start-up capital. The mobile industry makes it possible to earn money anywhere and at any time of the day.


ProfitTask is a virtual platform that provides many opportunities for additional income for both website owners, SEO specialists, and ordinary users using an iPhone or Android gadget. For the last category, it is enough to install a special program that generates tasks and register on the website The Android application interface is intuitive, the functionality is simple and convenient. Installing the application costs 5 rubles, if you add a rating to this action - 7 rubles, and a review - 10 rubles. When the task is related to taking a screenshot, then after starting you need to take a screenshot and attach it using the “Screenshot” button.

With the right approach, the service makes it possible to receive up to 1000 rubles. per day. The user has the right to refuse to perform certain positions or skip them. A test task is also available to check the functionality of the system. Money is credited to your account balance only after it has passed moderation (screenshots must be attached). The process lasts on average 1-3 minutes.

Types and payment of the most popular tasks for earning money on ProfitTask:

Working environment

Task type

Price in rub.

Android The free app is rated 5 with a review on Google Play 10
Installing and rating the Google Play application 5
Facebook Joining the group 1,50
Comment 1,50
Like 1
Post on the wall 1,50
Google+ Like 2
Post (3 pcs.) 2
iPhone Application rating "5" 7
Rating with comment 10
Installing an application from the App Store 5
Yandex Search query 0,50
Website promotion based on a given request and region 1,50

Some tasks can be completed not only on Android, but also on iOS (installing and evaluating iPhone applications).

Advice: tasks are updated several times a day, so in order not to miss the most interesting ones, you should visit the service more often.


After registration, you can immediately select applications from the provided list, download them and receive money for it. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, so if desired, the money earned is immediately withdrawn to your phone account or QIWI wallet, and it is credited within an hour. According to the site, with active use within a month, it is possible to withdraw up to 350 rubles. But the amount of the amount largely depends not only on the user’s activity, but also on some factors: the presence and number of referrals, the use of one or several devices on different operating systems (Android, iOS), participation in competitions (the prize fund can reach 3,000 rubles) .

Registration and use of the service are free. There is also an opportunity to increase your income by attracting new referral users. If they register through the link you provide, they will have the opportunity to receive 20% of their earnings and 2 rubles for each active friend (the payment is accrued after they reach the “Young Padawan” level, that is, they need to register and complete at least 1 task). To attract referrals, it makes sense to actively distribute your promo code (give it to friends, acquaintances, leave it in comments to posts on social networks, on forums), and if you have certain skills, make a video about the app bonus and post it on YouTube. Some tasks can be done using Apple iOS. The higher the level, the greater the bonus for completing the task (for example, for level 3 the user will receive an additional 5%).

Hell Mobi

HellMobi is an excellent Android-based service for making money on mobile applications. One installation costs 5-300 rubles. To get started, you need to log in via Facebook or Google+ and start earning money by installing applications or watching videos. For inviting new friends, regularly visiting the site, posting on Twitter, Facebook, bonus “Devils” are awarded. It is possible to exchange them for gift cards (Steam, Amazon, PlayStation, iTunes, Xbox). The minimum withdrawal amount is $5, you can withdraw money via PayPal.

iOS applications for making money

iOS is an operating system developed by Apple Corporation, which ensures the functioning of tablet computers, smartphones, and players produced by it. Unlike the equally popular Android (Google), WindowsPhone (Microsoft), BlackBerry OS (Blackberry), it uses the XNU kernel, macOS software code from Apple, and iOS can only function on devices with ARM architecture processors.

Advice: If you have any questions, you can contact the online chat or write to the service’s technical support service.

Many experienced users believe that it is easier to make money on Apple platform applications, but Android also offers many lucrative offers.


Using an iPhone, you can earn up to 3,500 rubles per month on the service. Withdraw funds to a mobile account, QIWI wallet, Webmoney, or transfer to Vkontakte votes. The tasks are quite easy: publishing reviews, installing applications, rating them. If you invite friends to the service, they will receive a gift of 5 rubles, and the user will be able to increase their earnings and receive 10% of the cost of each completed task. The tasks are simple: install the application, leave a review or rate it, write a comment. The iOS-based service interface is very simple and convenient. Before starting work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the help and application settings. It is important to remember that you can only receive payment for installing an application once (if you once downloaded it for yourself or earned money on another site, you will not receive a reward). Tasks are updated every day, from 1 to 20 new offers appear.


To access positions, the user must complete an entry test. Each of the tasks belongs to a certain difficulty category. Those that require a clear understanding of customer standards will only be available to users with a high rating. The service's offerings include installation and testing of applications on a smartphone or tablet. Money is paid via PayPal. The Russian version of the site is functioning.


To get started, you need to register on, download applications and receive bonuses for this, which can be exchanged for real money. 1 download costs approximately 10 rubles. If you attract referrals, the user will be able to receive 7-20% of their income on the site. To do this, you need to install AppCent and distribute your promo code on the Internet (forums, social networks). Everyone who enters the code will receive a bonus to their account - 5 rubles, and the referrer will have the opportunity to earn extra money. The wider the referral network, the higher the additional earnings.

To increase your income, it makes sense to start creating your own business. It can actually be built using (the idea of ​​installing a vending machine for charging electronic gadgets). If there is no start-up capital, you can implement another proposal that does not require investments, for example, or start working with money.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Earning money by downloading Android and iOS mobile applications is one of the easiest ways using an iPhone or Android-based gadget. Although many services promise significant income with high activity, it is almost impossible to get serious money with their help. This option should be considered by those who have a lot of free time and do not want to complete complex tasks.