Computer program for drawing. Computer drawing programs

CAD is a computer-aided design system. In English, the name is shortened to CAD, but the understanding of these terms is somewhat different and it is not possible to fully equate them. The English analogue implies the use of technology in design, and not any specific system. Therefore, in translations you can often see not only the usual CAD, but also the phrase CAD system.

The most popular on the Russian market are AutoCAD, NanoCAD and Compass. They are a significant leader in the number of downloads and installations. They represent a huge set of tools with a wide selection of design tools and additional modules. We will definitely talk about them.

What other software is worthy of detailed consideration? Many architects, due to circumstances, often look for software that is a high-quality analogue of foreign developers. This is not such an impossible task, in fact, and in our article we will prove this statement with examples and detailed explanations.

What are the names of the best programs for drawing on a computer? Let's find out now. But before that, let’s outline the points by which we will compare them.

What characteristics should you pay attention to?

A meticulous expert will definitely evaluate not only the functionality, but also other important software criteria. What's on this list?

  • Complexity. Some software is not designed for beginners and it can be quite difficult to figure it out on your own. In order not to overestimate your strengths, it is better to start with something simpler or ask your colleagues for help.
  • Year of creation, company. This is important, since the tools must meet all modern requirements. The company's reputation plays an important role when choosing the best computer program for drawing.
  • Industry of application. It would seem, what could this affect? You can create models, draw a diagram - even more so, so why proceed from any specialization? Many developers include tools that can be quite useful, for example, only to an architect.
  • Price. The argument is powerful and can significantly influence your choice. Finding software that meets all your needs at an affordable price is difficult. Pay attention to - it fits well into these parameters; we will talk about this software a little lower.

Having identified all the important criteria, we proceed to a detailed analysis.

AutoCAD - a program for simple drawing of diagrams and plans

This software is created by Autodesk. It’s hard to imagine, but the need for drawing drawings using a computer mouse appeared back in the 80s of the last century. Objective fact: this company is a pioneer in the market and is currently the largest supplier of software for industry. You can’t argue with that; the company has a serious reputation.

Every year software developers try to present users with, if not a completely new, then an expanded and corrected version. Unfortunately, bugs in such large software cannot be fixed in seconds and require serious intervention.

What can you do in this program

  • Create 2D and 3D designs. This allows you to fully imagine what the creation will look like from the outside, and greatly facilitates the search for errors in the drawings.
  • Many experts note the high quality of the models produced. Yes, some graphic editors have a similar arsenal and are capable of creating working drawings, but without special tools it is almost impossible to carry out detailed projects.

What formats does AutoCAD support?

This graphic and geometric drawing program is designed for:

  • DWG - created for storing projects, drawings, maps and photos. It was developed by Autodesk for its first version in 1982. It is still widespread today, as it is also supported by other software.
  • DFX – designed for data exchange between different CAD systems.
  • DWF helps you store documents that will later be printed. The data size is reduced and this allows the file to be transferred over distances faster.

Pros of purchasing

Most large companies that can afford to invest a lot of money to purchase high-quality software, without any remorse, pay huge sums for AutoCAD. What motivates these people?

  • Great functionality, and no less – a universal toolkit for specialists in various fields.
  • Integration with many services has been implemented: cloud storage, Excel spreadsheets.
  • Works well in tandem with a 3D printer.
  • Possibility to use the free option during the trial period.

Disadvantages of the original version

This software is universal and meets almost all modern requirements. However, users highlight quite significant disadvantages in use:

  • The first and most important thing is the price. Licensed software will cost a pretty penny: you are unlikely to be happy if you spend all your savings. Also, do not forget about the dangers of using unlicensed software: no one can protect your computer from malicious code. We strongly do not recommend downloading pirated versions.
  • High system requirements also set certain limits. You need to have a powerful computer that can quickly load the interface. If everything keeps freezing, then what's the point of using this software?

"Compass" - a program for drawing simple drawings in Russian

A distinctive feature of this software is the ability to carry out calculations. Many of them are guided by signatures established by GOST standards. Therefore, diagrams and models immediately meet all the requirements of our legislation.

The Askon company began its work a couple of years later than Autodesk, but this does not in any way affect the quality of the product they created.


This software is capable of recognizing a wide range of formats. This became possible thanks to the close cooperation of the company with various design bureaus.

Another important and interesting feature: a document is automatically collected that describes all the specified technical characteristics of a particular model.

Advantages and Disadvantages

This fairly simple software for drawing drawings and plans on a computer has both positive and negative features. Let's take a look at them.

Many users highlight the following advantages of Compass:

  • The entire program is written entirely in Russian. All instructions and help are directly from this software too. Therefore, newly minted specialists do not face the problem of a language barrier.
  • Possibility of connecting libraries in accordance with the profile.
  • Very easy to learn, suitable even for beginners to study on their own.

The disadvantages are almost the same as the previous software. In terms of cost, it will cost the same as a brand new IPhone and several times more expensive (depending on the configuration), but in terms of performance, the PC must run software with huge functionality of several gigabytes. Another noticeable drawback: the lack of direct support for the DWG format.

Software versions

This point should be placed in a separate heading, since the developers offer several versions at once (and this can be considered an advantage): for real pros and for those who need a lightweight version with less functionality.

At the moment, there is a tendency to turn to analogues of the software described before. And no wonder: they are much cheaper, although the tools and software power are in no way inferior to the parameters of AutoCAD.

NanoCAD – program for drawing and modeling graphs

Another product of domestic developers. It appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity. If you need to master the basics of design, then this software is perfect for novice creators.

A special feature of this software is its specialization in creating models in two-dimensional space. A huge number of formats are also supported, which opens up many opportunities for integration with various services.

Pros and cons of young software

  • The Russian language underlies the creation of the interface. There is no need to look for a translation of a complex term from English.
  • The idea with GOST standards was well implemented, as was the case with Compass.
  • Access to tools for creating applications. The developers are calm about the idea that someone could create their own utility based on them.

But with the minuses the situation is more serious. The set of tools is significantly inferior to Compass: working with 3D models is more difficult without the appropriate tools. And the speed of working with heavy files leaves much to be desired.

Which drawing program is better: let's talk about analogues of AutoCAD

Not everyone is ready to spend a lot of money for the sake of wide functionality and their own convenience. And why overpay if there are similar domestic products. For example, in terms of price and its characteristics, ZWCAD stands out significantly on the market.

The development of this product is carried out by the Chinese company ZWSOFT. Implementation in Russia is carried out thanks to ZVSOFT LLC, which has been promoting this software since 2007. The company takes a very responsible approach to each of its clients:

  • There is a technical support service that answers all questions and helps you select the necessary additional module.
  • Consultations are carried out both before and after purchase. The company treats program users with a high degree of responsibility and tries to reduce operational difficulties to zero.
  • Current news on the main page of the site always helps keep the software up to date.

Awards and certificates can be found here. The company has a serious reputation, since all employees are interested in promoting the common cause - this can be seen in the company’s attitude towards clients.

Functional component

There are several versions of the software: standard set, professional and classic. The first two options are very popular, as they include a wide selection of tools for creating a high-quality layout or project.

The main specialization is 2D and 3D modeling, support for common types of formats.

Advantages of ZWCAD

  • To ensure the quality of the product provided, use the free version for a limited number of days.
  • Standard – opens all types of files that AutoCAD supports: DWG, DXF, DWT.
  • You can select one or more editing modes using the “handles” of objects: the developers have introduced 5 options into the software. All you have to do is use the one you need.
  • Possibility of integration with various external offers and platforms: the list depends on the version you choose.
  • Fine-tuning the drawing environment and switching interfaces: everything can be configured individually for each specialist.
  • And the most important thing is the price. It is lower than the cost of its main competitor - you choose the version you need and pay for it.
  • The functionality, commands and interface are quite close to AutoCAD, and therefore it is convenient for people who are accustomed to this software to switch to software from ZWSOFT.

The disadvantages include freezing of a computer with old or damaged system units and unupdated software from the manufacturer.

This comparison table will give a complete picture of the advantages and disadvantages, since it discusses in detail all the functions that this software is capable of supporting.

It is impossible to say for sure which programs are the easiest for construction drawing. It all depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities. ZWCAD is an excellent option for those buyers who are looking for a convenient and practical utility to use at an affordable price.

To get acquainted with the ZWSOFT product or order a free version for yourself, call the phone number listed on the website or contact the online chat. Our staff will be happy to answer all your questions and provide detailed advice.

Today we have prepared for you an article with an overview of the most popular and multifunctional drawing programs. Professionals, architects, designers, students, as well as hobbyists, with the help of these drawing programs will be able to find solutions for designing interiors, houses, specialized installations and generally create their projects with maximum efficiency.

All the drawing programs from this review have simply a huge number of specialized tools and sample tools, so the programs allow you to complete projects almost in a semi-automatic mode. A more popular name for such drawing programs is computer-aided design systems, or CAD for short.

By far the most popular and multifunctional drawing program from our domestic developers is KOMPAS-3D. Almost all students at Russian universities use this program, and many engineers consider this program to be the best.

The KOMPAS-3D drawing program has a fairly simple and intuitive interface, many tools, rich background information on working with the program, and in it you can easily correct any flaws in the drawings quickly and easily.

In addition, KOMPAS-3D allows you to design parts and assembly drawings in 3D form; subsequently, you can transfer the finished model to 2D drawings or vice versa.

KOMPAS-3D usually comes complete with additional program modules for designing pipelines, electrical circuits, springs, and a strength analysis system.


AutoCAD - like KOMPAS-3D, is no less popular engineering program, but more difficult to master. It is best to study this program by reading the methodological manual in order to understand all the capabilities and advantages of this drawing program.

AutoCAD has a number of features that allow you to somewhat automate drawing in the program. In this CAD software you can easily put dimensions on a drawing, quickly correct minor errors in a finished drawing, and construct geometric shapes automatically, specifying only the dimensions of the shapes.

AutoCAD also allows you to design 3D parts quickly and easily. In general, the capabilities of this drawing program are very large, which have accumulated since the release of the first version of the program (almost 30 years).


A9CAD is a free drawing program that has received recognition from many users who believe that it is not much inferior to such a CAD giant as AutoCAD.

It’s not for nothing that users compare this drawing program with AutoCAD, because they are almost similar; you should at least pay attention to the A9CAD interface.

The program allows you to create two-dimensional drawings of varying complexity, add dimensions to the drawings, and supports layers.

CorelDRAW Technical Suite

Developers such as Corel, a giant, are not lagging behind in the development of drawing programs, having created their engineering product CorelDRAW Technical Suite. Using this comprehensive CAD system, you can develop not only drawings with extensive graphic design capabilities, but also a full range of technical documentation (reference books, methodological manuals, etc.).

This comprehensive drawing program will be useful to engineers, architects, designers and even fashion designers when creating new clothing models. It can also create three-dimensional models in addition to two-dimensional ones.

The program's developers care about its functionality and fast action, so in the latest versions of the drawing program, new opportunities have appeared for creating three-dimensional models, the performance of the software product has been improved, new drawing editing tools have appeared, and much more.


VariCAD is a multi-platform computer-aided design system for various graphic objects in 2D and 3D, intended primarily for mechanical engineering design. In addition, this drafting program provides mechanical calculations, sheet metal tools, symbols, and a library of standard mechanical parts.

The graphical interface of the program was made specifically for quickly performing two-dimensional or three-dimensional modeling. Tools are available to easily design pipelines and tanks.

The drawing program allows you to automatically create two-dimensional drawings from a three-dimensional model; it will not work in reverse.


LibreCAD is a free drafting program that is a fully computer-aided design system for 2D drawings. The developers consider the program to perform tasks in the field of architecture and mechanical engineering.

The functionality of the program can be expanded with additional plug-ins. There is no doubt about the program's capabilities; the developers assure that the program can even be used to compile 2D maps of the starry sky, the solar system, or to represent very small objects, such as molecules.

You can quickly figure out the program interface, as it is designed quite simply.
The program supports layers, object grouping, command line and other various functions.


Graphite is a professional yet lightweight software solution for creating 2D and 3D drawings and diagrams. It has just a huge number of different functions and tools for quickly creating drawings.

The drawing program is perfect for students of technical universities, design engineers and just hobbyists. Can create multi-page PDF documents, custom libraries, and accurately export and import drawings in popular CAD formats.


FreeCAD is an effective developing project, which is a free drawing program represented by a computer-aided design system, the task of which is to completely replace expensive CAD systems. Therefore, designing in FreeCAD will be no different from designing in the above programs.

The program allows you to create three-dimensional models with subsequent automatic creation of two-dimensional drawings of projections of these models. You can import drawings in a large number of formats. There are many drafting tools available.

The program can perform logical operations, export 3D geometry for subsequent high-quality rendering in third-party programs, and the program also supports working with macros. And at the same time, the program is absolutely free and multi-platform.


DraftSight is another free drafting program that is a professional-grade CAD system that is distinguished from similar programs by its ease of use. This program should be perfect for students who have to draw a lot throughout their studies. It can also replace a paid analogue of AutoCAD or KOMPAS-3D.

This drawing program differs from its analogues in its ease of use and easy-to-use interface.

Judging by the set of tools at the level of AutoCAD, the free nature of the drawing program, and the full support of DWG and DXF drawing formats, one can predict that the program may become one of the first professional CAD systems.

Our review of drawing programs has come to an end and you will have to choose a program for each one yourself, depending on what you want to get from it in the end, whether the Russian program interface and a separate application or a comprehensive solution are important to you. All the engineering drawing programs presented in the review are good in their own way, so the choice is yours.

Computer drafting programs simplify the process of creating drawings. A drawing in such applications is drawn much faster than on a real sheet of paper, and if an error is made, it can be easily corrected in a couple of clicks. Therefore, drawing programs have long become the standard in this area.

But among drafting software solutions, there is also a difference between different applications. Some of them have a large number of functions suitable for professionals. Other programs boast a simple appearance that is great for those new to drafting.

The article presents the best drawing programs that exist today.

KOMPAS-3D is an analogue of AutoCAD from Russian developers. The application has a wide range of tools and additional functions and is suitable for professionals working with the design of equipment, buildings, etc. It will also not be difficult for beginners to understand how to work with KOMPAS-3D.

The program is suitable for drawing electrical circuits and other complex objects. KOMPAS-3D supports, as can be seen from the very name of the program. This allows you to present the created projects in a more visual form.

The disadvantages, like most other serious drawing programs, include the paid nature of KOMPAS-3D. Upon first launch, a trial period of 30 days is activated, after which you must purchase a license to use the program.


AutoCAD is the most popular program for drawing diagrams, furniture houses, etc. It is she who sets the standards in the field of engineering design on a computer. Modern versions of the application contain an impressive number of tools and capabilities for working with drawings.

Parametric modeling speeds up the process of creating complex drawings several times. For example, to create a parallel or perpendicular line, you just need to check the appropriate box in the parameters of this line.

The program is capable of working with 3D design. In addition, it is possible to set the lighting and texture of objects. This allows you to create a realistic picture to represent the project.
The downside of the program is the lack of a free version. The trial period is 30 days, just like KOMPAS-3D.


NanoCAD is a simple drawing program. It is in many ways inferior to the previous two solutions, but is perfect for beginners and learning to draw on a computer.

Despite its simplicity, it still has the capabilities of 3D modeling and changing objects through parameters. The advantages include the simple appearance of the application and the interface in Russian.


Fricad is a free drawing program. Freeness in this case is the main advantage over other similar software. Otherwise, the program is inferior to similar applications: fewer drawing tools, fewer additional functions.

FreeCAD is suitable for beginners and students taking drawing classes.


ABViewer is another software solution in the field of drawing. It shows itself well as a program for a variety of schemes. With its help, you can easily draw a drawing, add callouts and specifications.

Unfortunately, the program is also paid. The trial mode is limited to 45 days.


QCAD is a free drafting program. It is inferior to paid solutions like AutoCAD, but is quite suitable as a free alternative. The program is capable of converting a drawing to PDF format and working with formats supported by other drawing applications.

In general, QCAD is a good replacement for paid programs such as AutoCAD, NanoCAD and KOMPAS-3D.


If you are just starting to work with drawing on a computer, then pay attention to the A9CAD program. This is a very simple and free drawing program.

A simple interface will allow you to easily take your first steps in drawing and create your first drawings. After this, you can move on to more serious programs such as AutoCAD or KOMPAS-3D. Pros: ease of use and free. Cons – very limited set of functions.

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture is a drawing software designed for architects.

This computer-aided design system contains all the necessary tools for creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawings of buildings and floor plans. Thanks to its user-friendly interface and wide functionality, it will be an excellent choice for people involved in architecture.


The TurboCAD program is designed for creating drawings of various objects, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

Its functionality is very similar to AutoCAD, although it has better capabilities for visualizing three-dimensional objects, and would be a good choice for engineering specialists.


The VariCAD computer-aided design system, like other similar programs, is designed for creating drawings and three-dimensional models.

This program, aimed primarily at people involved in mechanical engineering, has some extremely useful features, such as, for example, calculating the moment of inertia of the object shown in the drawing.


ProfiCAD is a drawing program designed for electrical professionals.

This CAD system contains a huge database of prepared electrical circuit elements, which will greatly facilitate the creation of such drawings. In ProfiCAD, as in VariCAD, it is possible to save a drawing as an image.

So you have become acquainted with the basic programs for drawing on a computer. Using them, you can easily and quickly draw a drawing for any purpose, be it a term paper for an institute or design documentation for a building under construction.

The construction of any house begins with the development and creation of design documentation. An integral part of the package of documents, even if you are going to build it yourself, are drawings and working diagrams. Whatman paper, pencil and ruler are already a thing of the past; today, a program for creating drawings is used instead.

Creating a house drawing in a special program

Fast, simple and convenient, and most importantly, gross errors and miscalculations that computer programs do not allow or are eliminated automatically are minimized.

Today, there are paid and free programs that allow you to design in two- and three-dimensional space. This is very convenient, since, in addition to a strict drawing, the user can see a realistic live model at any stage of work.

The program can be downloaded for free from the official website. It has a simple interface and extensive capabilities. This program belongs to the multifunctional semi-professional packages that offer a huge number of opportunities for individual builders and small entrepreneurs. It is often used in their work by professional designers and developers.

This is what the Google SketchUp interface looks like

In this program you can:

  • Make a simple drawing;
  • Come up with a detailed one;
  • , cottage or garden building;
  • Choose the design of the facade of the house;
  • Perform landscaping and...

Working with two-dimensional images is not all that Google SketchUp can do. Moreover, it is also very simple and convenient. That is, all the projects you create can be viewed in three-dimensional space on the screen.

There is one minus - you can create drawings, but you won’t be able to use them as official documentation, only as instructions for your own use. Unfortunately, it does not support GOSTs and SNIP.

The advantages are the high realism of the created images, a Russian-language interface, numerous manuals, instructions, blogs, communities, thematic groups, video tutorials and other community that seriously helps in mastering the program.

Completed house project created in Google SketchUp

In addition to two-dimensional graphics, there is access to three-dimensional models of the created drawings at any stage of their readiness. A huge number of libraries, applications, add-ons and settings turn AutoCad into a professional tool for engineers and architects.

Cottage interior created in AutodeskAutoCad

Users without specialized education are unlikely to be able to figure it out right away; even numerous lessons presented in text and video versions will not be of serious help.


A program in Russian, which was created for creating drawings and three-dimensional models. It includes several main areas:

  • mechanical engineering;
  • construction;
  • instrument making.

Read also

Site planning program

The “Construction” block is suitable for solving everyday problems, creating models and drawings of the future home.
The advantage of the program is that it automatically makes cuts and sections of the created model, eliminating possible designer errors. Can be used to prepare a complete set of project documentation.

Compass-construction includes the entire necessary set of applications for designing a turnkey building. Starting from the creation of a 3D model, with detailed design of the appearance, facade, etc., and ending with all utilities: water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, heating, and so on.

T-Flex Cad

The program has a free version and is designed to work with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. It has wide capabilities and a comprehensive set of functions for drawing diagrams and . You can create either individual elements or an entire building with a section of all facades and floors. The T-Flex Cad developers focused on automating all processes. Design is carried out quickly, accurately and with a minimum number of possible errors. Creating parametric models is the best use for the program.

Using this utility, you can both develop all the necessary documentation for the construction of a private house, and use it to develop unique pieces of furniture for the future interior.

T-Flex Cad provides full support for ESKD and foreign standards.

Creating an apartment layout in the T-Flex Cad program

The model elements are interconnected by parametric and geometric relationships. The benefits of the program include:

  • Powerful geometric core;
  • Ease of working with assemblies of any complexity;
  • Unified file format;
  • Advanced engineering analysis tools;
  • Ability to create your own element libraries;
  • Teamwork on projects;
  • Integration;
  • Automation;
  • Preparation of drawings in accordance with standards.

These features of T-Flex Cad turn it into a worthy competitor, but much simpler and more understandable.

Construction is first design, and then work on site. Drawing up a project in the 21st century is not paper work, but computer work, and many special programs have been developed for this. For objects of minimal complexity, a simple program can be used; for multi-story or multifunctional structures, there are more complex programs, but all of them can be mastered quite quickly even by novice designers. This is the so-called CAD programs for working with drawings (computer-aided design systems). The undisputed leaders are programs for creating drawings AutoCAD, Compass-3D, NanoCAD and 3-D Max due to their accessibility and versatility. Let’s look at what each of these programs can do below:

PC software package Autodesk AutoCAD

A simple program for drawings, but its capabilities can be increased by installing additional modules (plugins). It works in 2-D and 3-D dimensions of spatial parameters, that is, it can create a flat pattern or a three-dimensional image.

AutoCAD is a program for creating drawings of industrial complexity. The software can visualize diagrams and drawings and render objects, which allows you to bring the visual perception of the layout as close as possible to the real one.

The capabilities of AutoCAD CAD in 2-D and 3-D spaces mean working with objects of any degree of complexity. Outputting and saving files in DWG, DWF and DXF formats allows for full compatibility with similar software.


  1. The program is in Russian;
  2. Several dozen plugins allow you to build the most complex objects;
  3. The project can be saved in the MEGA cloud, Coogle Disk, OneDrive, Yandex Disk, Mail.Ru, etc., printed on a printer or in 3-D;
  4. Integration into different formats;
  5. Installed on all OS on a computer of any generation, if it has suitable technical characteristics (amount of RAM, video card parameters, frequency, bit depth).


The program is paid.

COMPASS program

The capabilities of the drawing program are wide - it can work with all image formats. Availability of graphic, visual and text editor. The drawing program can be used at home or in a design office, with its help construction projects can be easily implemented and visualized. The program's capabilities are updated and errors are corrected automatically.


  1. Simple software for drawings and diagrams allows even novice draftsmen to master it;
  2. A voluminous database of standard projects and object blanks, a large number of diagrams, drawings, parts, structures and projects;
  3. A database of plugins and additional tools for building simple and complex objects;
  4. Menu in Russian;
  5. Trial version for staff training.


The software is paid, and in the trial version the capabilities are limited.

The program is much simpler than AutoCAD and Compass, but for working at home it has extensive functionality that can create high-quality drawings on a PC. Because of its ease of use, the program is often used as a training program. All graphics comply with CAD standards for 2-D design, the software can be dimensioned and is compatible with DWG and DXF formats, which expands its capabilities.


  1. The paid version costs less than AutoCAD and Compass;
  2. The API allows you to implement your own applications and services;
  3. Free version, but with limited functionality.


Does not work in 3-D, no rendering function.

When drawing up simple drawings, graphs or sketches, the program is indispensable, but it is not suitable for developing complex objects, especially since it will not be possible to create a three-dimensional model with its help. Good software for learning, personal use and performing simple homework.


The most common program among all draftsmen. Probably, the developers themselves do not know all its capabilities. Hundreds of plugins allow you to create objects of any complexity and nesting, visualize them in 3-D or 2-D space, there is a function for creating three-dimensional panoramic video, where the object can be rotated with the mouse in any direction and in any plane. 3-D MAX is a free program, but its functionality is much wider than that of the paid “AutoCAD”, “NanoCAD” and “Compass” due to free plugins and a large base of model blanks of any complexity and focus.


  1. Autodesk 3-D MAX is a free and unlimited program;
  2. As a continuation of the main version, lightweight versions of 3-D MAX have been developed, when working with which even the oldest computers do not “slow down” or “freeze”;
  3. 3-D MAX provides the ability to create animated scenes, for example, you can create the same computer cartoons.


The program is difficult to learn, and even a short break in work reduces the level of training, since the software is constantly updated and improved.

The program is distributed free of charge, and in Windows 10 it is already installed by default, and you can master its capabilities quite quickly even without training lessons. The intuitive interface is designed for the lack of skills in working with similar software. Simple drawings, simple drawings and sketches - this is what 3-D Builder has to offer.


  1. Free access to all functionality;
  2. Working with libraries of ready-made projects and blanks;
  3. Interaction with cloud storages.


It is impossible to develop a more or less complex project using 3-D Builder, so its use is limited to home needs.


This is the most common software, the basic version of which is installed on every computer, starting with the oldest OS. However, you can draw simple drawings, diagrams, plans of objects and sites, make drawings or sketches of drawings in it, and you can learn how to work in Paint in a few minutes. The blanks, which are stored in the computer library, make it much easier to get started without skills and basic knowledge.

The Paint software, preinstalled in all versions of Windows OS, has extended versions and add-ons for tablets and even smartphones that allow you to create drawings with a stylus or by hand.

The program is a multi-platform system for automated creation of projects in 2D and 3D graphics. VariCAD was developed as software for design in the mechanical engineering field, as well as for drawing and calculations of mechanical components.

The VariCAD interface is designed to make it easy and fast to develop 2D or 3D models. Tools for developing pipelines and tanks of various levels of complexity have been introduced. One-sided conversion of 3D layouts into 2D graphics without reverse conversion is provided.

The choice of one or another software depends only on the degree of complexity of the project and the need to perform a simple task using a complex program.