PDA in contact to see guests. How to see guests on VKontakte

The social network “Vkontakte” is one of the most popular in Russia. According to statistics, more than 80 million people visit it daily, and the total audience is hundreds of millions of users. Despite all the variety of possibilities, VKontakte does not allow tracking guests of a user page, which forces users to look for alternative ways to obtain such statistics. In this material I will tell you how to find out who visited my VKontakte page, what methods and tools exist for this, and how to use them.

Problems of registering guests on VKontakte

So, if you are interested in who visits your VKontakte page, then, first of all, please take into account that the declared impossibility of tracking guests is the official policy of the VKontakte administration. What I understood from communication from:

Considering the above, it is impossible to track visits to VKontakte guests using the capabilities of the page itself due to the lack of appropriate tools. However, there are tools that allow you to circumvent this drawback in one way or another and track visitors to your profile. Also useful for users of the social network will be a brief instruction -.

The best ways to find out who visited my VKontakte page

Method 1. Imaginary deletion of the page will allow you to see the guests of your profile

The first method will show you some of the most active visitors to your page. It is considered one of the most proven, but its capabilities are quite modest - you will not see either the frequency of visits or all your guests. All that will be available to you are the names and surnames of several people who most actively visit your VK page.

  1. To use this method, go to the settings of your VKontakte page;
  2. Select the “General” section and scroll to the bottom of the page;
  3. Find there the option “You can delete your page and click on it” (don’t be afraid, because of this click it will not be deleted).

A window will appear in which the system will ask you the reasons for deleting the page. Check the box next to the “No comments on my page” option and you will see the first and last names of the two people who visit your page most often.

Now click on “Cancel” and return to “Settings”. Click on “Delete Page” again and click on “No Comments on My Page” again. You will receive the names of two more people. By repeating this method several times, you will get the first and last names of the people who visited the VKontakte page (yours) most often.

Method 2. The list of your friend’s friends will let you know who visited and when

The second way to find out about VKontakte guests is to go to your friend’s friends list from his account. In this way, you can track how often he visits your page compared to the pages of other people, and how actively your friend is interested in your VK page (the most regularly visited pages will be displayed from top to bottom).

The disadvantage of this method is that most of your friends are unlikely to want to just give you access to their VK account. But as one of the alternatives to tracking those who visited my VKontakte page, this method is worth considering.

Method 3. VKontakte applications

There are several popular apps that allow you to track guests in contact (or at least declare it). The most popular are “My Fans and Guests”, “My Guests” and other similar digital products. Just go to the “Applications” of your page, enter “My guests” in the search bar (or type these names in the general VK search bar on your page), and these applications will be found, you can install them, launch them, and then track people who have been on your page over the past days or months (or even years).

Despite the ease of obtaining and viewing such statistics, its validity is rather questionable. In most cases, such services do not track the people who visited your page, but the people who liked your materials. In the case when a person simply silently went to your page, read your posts and looked at your photos (without likes), he (in most cases) will not be displayed in the statistics of such programs.

Method 4. Publish a decoy link on VK

Another way to answer the question of how to track guests of my VKontakte page is to demonstrate a pseudo link to your (supposedly) personal website in the data on your page. The most curious of the guests click on this link, and when they go to it, they are immediately recorded by some kind of VKontakte application (like the previously popular “

Let's look at two different projects like Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, each of which has its own flavor and individualism. Otherwise, the two clones would be of no interest to users. Both social projects have their positive aspects. For example, in Odnoklassniki you can see information about guests who came to visit you, that is, on your personal page. This function has become so commonplace that personalities like “Invisible” only cause anger. Such a service can be purchased for a certain fee.

But the VKontakte service is more careful about protecting such information as our website, and does not allow you to see who visited you, and it will not tell those you visited. It is difficult to attribute this to either advantages or disadvantages. But many are sure that VKontakte also has the function of viewing guests of one’s page. Is this true or not?

Why are guests on the VKontakte social network a problem?
There is a rumor that with the help of some pictures and links to them you will be able to view the guests of your page, for which you only need to follow the link located under the picture or directly on it. Such pictures eventually filled everything and everyone. Then similar videos appeared. So many users fell for such tricks and followed the links provided.

Behind them they saw this:
1. An incredibly cool miracle site that is simply an analogue of VKontakte except for all the restrictions. That is, there are simply no restrictions. And by accessing your page through this site, you will be able to see all the information, including the guests of your page.
2. A wonderful program that can do literally anything, but to do this you need to download it to the hard drive of your PC. Here the system is more complicated, but isn’t it cool?!
3. A super-duper mega application that can instantly name all your friends and acquaintances who secretly come to visit you, about the time spent on it, and so on. In general, magic, and that’s all.

All these options have one thing in common - everywhere you will be required to enter a mobile number or password with a login from the VKontakte service, or both. All this is done to verify that you are a human and not a bot. After you transfer the data, you either lose money on your mobile or VKontakte account, or both at the same time..com warns its visitors! Don't bother with this if you don't want to just give money to scammers.

Position of the VKontakte service in relation to guests
There have been many victims of such fraudulent activities. The VKontakte website itself is indignant and expresses its unequivocal official position, which can be read in full in the “Help” section. The main idea of ​​the article is that there was no opportunity to see your guests on the VKontakte website, no, and never will be! And no one can give you this (neither a program, nor a resource, nor an application). Consider such actions as scam and fraud. And if you still fall for these tricks, then call your mobile network operators and write to VKontakte support. Then, perhaps, you will get your money back and your profile on the site will be restored.

We repeat once again - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to see the guests of your page!

So, for example, almost each of us will be interested in who visited our personal page on the VKontakte social network today. In other words, view the guests of your page. For this purpose, there are now all kinds of third-party applications, and special trap applications, and the built-in “My VK Guests” application. In this article you will learn about the most popular ways to find out who was interested in your page.

How to view guests in contact: official method

The administration of the Vkontakte network has long stated its position, which is to respect the personal privacy of users. That is, you should not expect and look for a built-in function for viewing guests. But there are several ways in which you can always bypass the ban on visitors viewing your VK page.

Method one

So, firstly, this is the already well-known “All your guests!” application. Using it, you can see all the users who visited the page and left some kind of “trace” on it: they left a “like”, “reposted” a post or commented on a photo. And the “My visitors in Contact” tab makes it possible to see data about such users. There is one big drawback to this app. If a guest visited your page, but did not perform any action on it and left, the application will not detect this.

Method two

This is the "My Fans and Guests" application. After easy installation and configuration, you will only have to select one of the tabs - “VK Guests”, “Fans” or “Statistics”. This application no longer just provides information about the person who was on your page and performed some actions, but also builds a kind of rating of those who did this most often among guys, among girls, and also over a certain period of time.

Method three

This method involves using a special hook link. Note that this function is implemented in all applications of this type (even in the two applications discussed above).

For example, the Fans and Guests application. You need to go to the main page of the application, select “Do you want more guests” in the menu and select the desired trap method. The most often chosen line is “Personal website” - this is what guests are most often interested in. If you place a trap link on the wall, then you need to take care of some kind of bright, attractive signature so that the user simply has to click on it. Next, it’s purely a matter of the application itself.

It is worth noting the large number of third-party programs that you can stumble upon on the Internet and which promise all the information about friends and guests of the page “right now.” From experience, we can say that 99 percent of these offers are distributed by scammers who want to take over your account and personal data. And the remaining percentage of such programs simply do not deliver as promised. are posted with the goal of taking over your account. So it’s always worth thinking before you take risks to answer the question of how to view your guests.

How to view guests in VKontakte?

People who know first-hand the social site Odnoklassniki use the guest viewing function there, that is, they check those people who visited their page. Is it possible to do the same in contact? How to view guests in VKontakte? If you are interested in learning how this can be done quickly, correctly and safely, then install a couple of applications that will definitely help you with this.


In VKontakte, you can view guests through the “My Guests and Fans” and “Friends” applications. All your GUESTS! Of course, these are not the only apps that will help you view your guests, but they are the most popular.

In the “My Guests and Fans” application there is a separate “My Guests” tab. If you click on it, you will see all your guests recently. This application allows you to view the list of guests in a contact. True, this list will only take into account those who left some marks on your page - comments, likes, audio and video recordings, etc. Those who visited your VKontakte page just to look at your profile - in this case will not be taken into account. If you want to see as many guests as possible, simply install trap links on the wall. You will learn how to do this from the same application in the “I want more guests” section.

Using the same principle, you can identify guests in the “Friends” application. All your GUESTS! There you will also be offered to install a trap link on your page or on your personal website, which will seemingly allow a curious guest to read your personal diary. However, remember that not everyone will follow the link. Many people have been aware of such traps for a long time.


Where else can I see guests in VKontakte? Do not trust those who offer you to download special programs from the Internet. Firstly, this is a complete scam of money; secondly, there is a very good opportunity to catch a serious virus; and thirdly, in this way an attacker can easily obtain secret data to penetrate your page. Do you need it? Curiosity is not worth the money and nerves spent.

Unfortunately, at the moment there are no other accurate and safe ways to recognize all your guests, besides applications.

About 5-7 years ago, the Runet was literally inundated with advertisements, the authors of which offered to locate a person by phone number for a fee. Years go by, but trends do not change; now users have access to services for detecting secret guests of a VKontakte page.

There are quite a lot of applications that, thanks to a “unique algorithm,” can track mysterious visitors to a VKontakte page; almost every active user of the social network has heard of (or used) them. To determine the functionality of such programs, just use a Google search, but the reason for writing this article was the following fact - several similar applications for iPhone and iPad are currently in the top paid programs in the Russian App Store (one of them is in first place).

So, to begin with, it is worth noting that a number of social networks do allow users to track visitors to their page. This function was implemented most competently in LiveJournal - here you can view guest lists only if you allow yourself to track your own profile in the same way. As for Vkontakte, the social network’s policy allows you to view only generalized statistics of visits and activity, as well as the gender, age and geography of visitors, but without specific personalities and only if there are 100+ subscribers.

However, various applications offer to recognize a specific person - an ex-partner, a boss, a secret admirer. After such a description, some of them honestly point out that the application is not able to record the visit of a guest who has not performed active actions on your page - likes, reposts, comments, etc.

In fact, such programs can really only amount to rating of the most active visitors, since information about such actions is open. In this case, the application, of course, requests access to various sections of your profile - photos, videos, friends list, etc.

In other words, a “unique algorithm” can only save the user’s time if he is too lazy to look through it himself section "Answers"» in the VKontakte profile news feed.

Free analogues of web applications such as Your Guests on VKontakte