Musical competition guess the melody. Ready script

Musical games and competitions always perfectly complement and sometimes become the basis of the entire entertainment program of the evening. Musical games are especially suitable for entertainment at the table or original congratulations. Corporate parties promote team unity, because they can be held as team competitions.

Proposed musical games and competitions for corporate events, They will fit perfectly into the holiday program, adding excitement and variety to it.

1. Team music competition "Song Marathon"

At any holiday, various competitions are held cheerfully: “Who can outsing whom?” At corporate events, this can be a competition between the male and female halves of the guests. The tasks for the competition are very different:

Men sing lines from songs, expressing compliments (or just opinions) to the ladies, and they respond with lines from songs about men:

In alphabetical order, the first team starts with the letter “A”, the second with “B”. With a stopwatch to count how many times each team went beyond the time limit (for example, 30 seconds) of deliberation:

Songs about different seasons, colors, etc.

2. Song "Crocodile".

It is better to organize this competition between teams as well. Each team receives the task of dramatizing an excerpt from a song with the whole team using facial expressions and gestures. Only songs for the task should be chosen that are well recognizable and playable. For example. Don’t rub salt in my wound, don’t say sobbingly, “I’ll go out into the field with my horse at night,” “I’m standing again, smoking,” Mom told me about deceptive love,” etc.

3. Musical competition for a corporate party “Guess and Sing”.

What element of military equipment drove the heroine crazy? (Here is someone coming down the hill)

How should a soldier's buttons be arranged? (The soldier has a day off, buttons in a row)

Where was the soldier taken straight from the military registration and enlistment office? (How could it happen, right to the border)

What is the affectionate name for a good commander? (Combat, dad, dad..)

Where did the girl go to sing about her eagle? (Katyusha came ashore)

What is the hero willing to trade pizza and chocolate for? (I like it when you walk around naked)

What violations of hygiene standards is a man in love willing to commit? (I'm ready to kiss the sand you walked on)

What connected, became a secret and will definitely not be distinguished? (Music connected us)

4. A comic musical number based on the well-known song “Am I Guilty?”

Comical well-known compositions will amuse the guests and lift the spirits of everyone gathered at the holiday.

This joke song is performed to the tune of the beloved folk song “Am I to blame” with minus accompaniment. The first 2 lines of each verse are sung as in the original, and the next 2 lines are sung with a different text that has humorous content. Unexpected, funny lyrics, a familiar melody and soulful performance - everything you need to have fun with friends. It is best to prepare cards in advance for each participant, where her version of the third and fourth lines and two lines of the original lyrics of the song will be printed. A special prize can be established for those who impromptu come up with their own version.

First participant:

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?

"That I'm cooking fillet and also Olivier,
And I feed him from the belly."

Second participant:

It's my own fault, it's all my fault,
You still want to justify yourself!

sings his version:

"So why, why do I give him jellied meat?
Did you let the cognac get stuck?"

Third participant:

Kissed and pardoned, kissed and pardoned,
He said that I would be his!

sings his version:

"He also promised to buy me a fur coat,
There is simply no such thing as “no one”

Fourth participant:

Oh, you, my mother, oh, you, my mother,
Let me go for a walk!

sings his version:

"To go to the pharmacy and buy earplugs,
His snoring cannot be stopped!”

Fifth participant:

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?

sings his version:

"He will talk nonsense and be mowed by sex,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll kill him!"

5. Musical entertainment "RAP at a corporate party."

(The game has been postponed - watch)

6. Musical game for February 23 "Draw a vehicle".

Extracurricular activity scenario

"Musical Children"

Target: to interest children in music, to help expand their horizons and the ability to work in groups.

Equipment: Phonograms of songs, cards with the name of dances, signs with jury numbers.

Form: game

Progress of the event:


1 competition “I recognize it by description”

Leading: Based on the description of the song, you must guess it. The correct answer is worth 2 points.

    A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat (“If it’s long, it’s long” - Song of Little Red Riding Hood)

    Song by syllables about a wooden man (Bura - ti - but)

    A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries (“Beautiful is Far Away” from the film “Guest from the Future”)

    The song is about a piece of land where ugly but kind people live. (“Island of Bad Luck” from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

    A song about animals with long ears working as lawn mowers (Song about hares from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

    A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis (“Somewhere in this world...” from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

    The song is about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year. (Song of the Crocodile Gena)

    A song about a green beauty. (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

    Song about omen (“Black Cat”)

    A song about the knowledge gained at school (What they teach at school")

    A song about a good mood (Smile) This is where friendship begins.

    A song about a boy who didn't like to work. (Antoshka)

Competition 2: “Guess the melody”

There are 4 categories of songs on the board, each team chooses their favorite category. Whoever guesses the melody faster will have the right to choose the next category. For each melody guessed, teams receive three points.

If a friend suddenly turns up, tell me his name

School years Mom is the first word


Competition 3: “Dancing, dancing!”


Today the dancing came to us. But the trouble is, they danced and had so much fun that all the letters in their names fell apart. Your task is to collect them. You should now have four dance names.

(Participants are given envelopes with letters, they must collect the name of the dances in a certain time - lambada, polka, tango, waltz) Maximum 8 points (2 points per dance)

Competition 4: “Musical Screensaver”


You all love watching TV, and therefore you are familiar with many programs. As soon as you hear the opening music, you already know which program is about to start. Now we will check how attentive you are. Evaluated as 1 point.

    In the animal world


    Field of Miracles

    Ural dumplings

    Good night kids

    Battle of psychics

    While everyone is at home

    Who wants to become a millionaire

Competition 5: “Correct number”


Now each team will receive 4 cards with the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, “4” written on them. I will ask questions to the teams, and at my command, all teams will raise cards with the correct answer at the same time. Each answer earns the team 2 points.

    Who is the host of the television project “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

A). Maxim Galkin, b) Khryusha and Stepashka, c) Tina Kandelaki, d) Ivan Ivanovich

2. Which famous composer composed the Moonlight Sonata?

a) Franz Schubert, b) Igor Krutoy, c) Franz Liszt d) Ludwig Beethoven

3. What is the name of the musical project on the first channel, where new ones are born?

a) Our names, b) Minute of fame, c) Concert by request, d) Who sings louder

4. In what country was J. S. Bach born?

a) Austria, b) Germany, c) Russia, d) France.

5. Real name of Verka Serduchka.

a) Andrey Appolonov, b) Leonid Yakubovich, c) Andrey Danilko, d) Nadezhda

6. For which instrument did J. S. Bach compose?

a) organ, b) piano, c) guitar, d) accordion.

Competition 6: “Collect the name of the group”

Leading: Each team must write the full names of musical groups within 1 minute. Maximum 5 points (0.5 for each correct answer)



Brothers..... GRIM


Hands up

Disco…….. ACCIDENT

Leg……. SVELO

Inveterate…….. SCAMBLERS

Prime Minister……. MINISTER

7 Competition: “Collect the name of the performer.”

Leading: Participants are asked to match the names of famous Russian performers with their names. Time to complete the task is 1 minute. Maximum 5 points (0.5 for each correct answer)

Friske…….. JEANNA

Piekha……. STAS

Gazmanov……. OLEG

Savicheva……. JULIA


Meladze….. VALERY

Orbakayte…….. CHRISTINA


Galkin…… MAXIM

Well done! Thanks everyone for playing! (the jury sums up the results.)

Men and women aged 18-40 are invited to the focus group. Everyone often goes to fast food restaurants (such as McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and others) They often buy and consume ready-made frozen foods/meals (dumplings, pasties, etc.) do not participate in basic surveys 6 months! strictly! don't waste your and my time, please. Schedule: September 28 16:30-18:30 women 18-24 years old September 28 19:00-21:00 men 18-24 years old September 29 16:30-18:30 women 15-40 years old September 19...


"Oops! "I Did It Again" was recorded in April 1932 in a Chicago studio, most likely at Nearlie's or West & Forth. And was released by the Decca record company, performed by Louis Armstrong and Zilner Randolph's group. "Oops! "I Did It Again" failed to make an impact on the charts at the time, as it was a companion to the single "All of Me", which was released at the same time.

The song remained “forgotten by everyone” and only 60 years later, when young Britney Spears covered it at Louis Armstrong, the song reached the top of the charts.

thank you for your question!!, I went and dug up everything that Arbenina and Dyatlov sang on Two Stars - my favorite couple. I listened and was happy :-))

Needed, pop. Cheerful. For a girl of 9 years old, so that she does not have a very high voice. Preferably recognizable *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"

Quiz competition! Guess the name of the competition

Quiz competition! Let's guess the name of our new competition! The competition is held only in the group: [link-1] Do you know in which city and to whom these monuments were erected? We are waiting for your answers here: [link-2] Black nose, four paws, Crocheted tail and all shaggy, Runs funny sideways, One ear sticks up. He crawled through a hole in the fence: First he came up to Bora, gave me a pat on the back, and then clung to me. He poked his nose into my palm and licked it a little. Wonderful ! Do you want it with meat...

This topic torments me, please tell me, dear confectioners! NG we traditionally have a family holiday, everyone gathers (my husband, me, children 9 and 3 years old, my parents, a cheerful but elderly grandmother of 75 years old). Every year my eldest daughter and I come up with competitions, fortune telling, and entertainment for a group of different ages. Last year, my husband dressed up as Santa Claus with a frankly fluffy beard, a plastic nose, and came into the room wearing my red robe with butterflies. He distributed gifts. We still remember it. :)) IN...


I wrote above about proverbs (link below). Maybe it will suit you.
We also always came up with poems about everyone in advance - congratulations. Like, what does anyone dream about in the New Year. I will give you a link to congratulate all our employees at work and their family members. Maybe you’ll find something suitable for yourself
There, nearby there are collages - congratulatory pictures. This was another year. Replace our faces with your photos and you're done.
Well, and little notes leading everyone to their gift, of course! “Look behind yourself” - behind the mirror. “Where it’s always winter” - in the freezer of the refrigerator. There's a new note...
Once again, we somehow recorded the first, still wordless, chords of famous songs on a tape recorder and played “Guess the Melody.”

Share your ideas in response! I also want a New Year;0)

Please advise how to arrange a prom in an interesting and beautiful way? It’s a little early, of course, to ask, but it’s better to prepare in advance. Otherwise they’ll let it take its course, and instead of a holiday it will be another official event with a disco... Are there any possible scenarios? Thank you.


You definitely need to organize games and competitions!
At our wonderful graduation it was like this:
They sang Russian folk songs - one song at a time from the table, until someone missed their turn, and everyone tried - children, teachers, and parents. :) This thing really shook everyone up; :)
They danced a slow dance on newspapers, you know, when the newspaper gradually folds, but you can’t step on it;
They portrayed rhymes and songs in pantomime, and the people guessed what they were depicting;
Towards the end of the evening they were choosing Miss Prom... :))
And besides “intellectual” competitions, you can just fool around - eat chocolates with a knife and fork, or apples suspended on threads, carry water with a tablespoon across the entire hall...

I still have the lyrics from the Last Call, if necessary, write to [email protected](I just rarely look at the console), I’ll be happy to tell you!

All the best!

Well, I’m off topic, but besides you, my family and I don’t know who else will ask. I’m going to a jam day and my task is to come up with funny competitions (people 23 and above and 20 people). Vulgarity and funny things are encouraged! Saved by everyone.


Congratulations game! Take a doll (or someone with plush and fur, the main thing is that all parts of the body are present to the maximum). Presenter’s speech: “Our Yulenka, how beautiful this doll is... etc. (say only pleasant things) Let’s congratulate our Yulia like this. Let’s take turns kissing some part of the doll’s body and wishing something nice to this part of the body. For example “I kiss Yulenka’s cheek (kisses!) and wish that our Yulia always has rosy cheeks.” And so on in a circle... When the doll returns, the presenter must say: “And now, to make your wishes come true, kiss your neighbor on the right in the place where you kissed the doll.” Here usually everyone laughs :))) And they kiss! Good luck! I hope I explained it clearly :)

Here are the competitions that my friend had at her wedding:

1. Girls and boys are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a wrapped chocolate candy. The task is to work together to unwrap and eat the candy, but only with your mouth, without using your hands.

2. The guy and the girl stand next to each other and hug each other with one hand around the waist. So several pairs. A table is placed in front of them, on which many matchboxes are piled. Their task is to build a tower out of matchboxes, but using only one free hand (the other hugs their partner), and in turns - he puts one box, then she, then he again, etc. The shape of the tower is arbitrary, the main thing is higher. The winner is the pair that creates the tallest tower in a predetermined time (2-3-5 minutes).

Good people! Who remembers the mass “salon” for the company, such as “Understand me” (depicting a word with facial expressions and pantomime) or “Opinions” (guessing one of those present by association with some object, animal, literary hero, etc. - options are unlimited)?


Why didn’t anyone remember the game of crocodile that we played at the meeting in the forest?
We need to split into two teams. The representative of one of the other teams says some phrase or proverb, and he depicts all this to his own without words. We have to guess.
I still remember how I depicted “counting chickens in the fall”! And you guessed right! :)))

12/21/2000 02:20:10, Marina P.

First, a text is written with a large number of places for definitions. For example - On this... night... of the year, our... company... gathered in... the house... name, who is also... the owner, and so on and so forth. No one except the presenter sees the text. The presenter asks those present to name adjectives based on the number of gaps in the text. The more creatively guests react to the choice of adjectives, the better it will turn out. Then everything is inserted in order into the text and read out.
The second idea is to act out a scene from a song, and the point is that for EVERY word there must be an actor, even for prepositions, it turns out very funny.
Again, there are eternal forfeits - tasks that can be selected on the desired topic.

My husband bought the game Who? from McDonald's. (guess who), but the rules are not written there, but drawn, and I don’t understand them. Explain to someone who doesn’t mind, I couldn’t find it on the internet. Thank you


Very simple. There are two fields - red and blue. You need to place cards of the corresponding colors on them. There is also a set of similar yellow cards. They need to be turned upside down and mixed. Then both players take a card from there and place it on their field in an additional cell. The point of the game is for your opponent to guess who is on your yellow card by asking leading questions. And you, accordingly, have to guess who he has. By asking questions, you remove cards from your field that turn out to be superfluous. For example, you say: “You have a man on your card.” The opponent replies: “no, woman.” Then you remove all men from your field. Questions are asked one by one. As a result, you are left with 1 card, which should show the same thing as your opponent’s yellow one. The one who guessed the fastest is the younger one :)

Tell me some competitions to entertain children for my son’s birthday. My son is turning 10, there will be no more than 5 boys around the same age, we are celebrating his birthday at the dacha. I looked on the Internet - but either split up into large teams, or crawl somewhere, but in the area you can’t really crawl, etc. Maybe there are already some tested competition hits - that everyone would like. Thank you.


My favorite is “mummy”, all in pairs, each pair gets a roll of toilet paper, 2 stages - 1) the mummy itself - wrap the paper around your partner - whoever is faster. when everyone finishes - the next stage is 2nd "the mummy is freed" - the swaddled mummy tears the paper, who is faster and immediately 3rd stage - which pair collects the most scraps of paper. For this purpose, each couple was given plastic bowls. The 3rd stage is exclusively for cleanliness, so that garbage does not lie around. It always causes wild delight to first scatter the paper, and then pick it up excitedly. But this year we had to weigh the collected paper - the children demanded accuracy! :). We also play alias and “crocodile”, a simplified version - I gave tasks to one person - what to depict with gestures and facial expressions (helicopter, dog, etc.), and the rest guessed.

This one goes really well with us: we take a pin and a hoop, put on the child’s swimming goggles, covered with cotton wool (so you can’t really see anything and it’s impossible to spy).
We put a pin in one place and a hoop in another. Goal: find the pin and take it to the hoop. The rest of the kids tell (actually scream and yell) where to go.
I have attached a link here for clarity. We also limit the time so that they move faster. For those who are on time,... come up with it yourself.

Girls, who have children in music school, how did the audition go? We signed up for the recorder, they said the audition would be in two weeks, and based on the results there would be a recruitment. What will they do with her? How to prepare?


20.05.2018 17:26:29, Music school

Already recorded?

We could choose an instrument only after listening.
Parents were not allowed to attend the audition itself. in the words of a child:
sang a song (mixing the snow with a spoon), asked to repeat the rhythm (tapping) and, turning away, say how many keys on the piano were pressed (1 or two)

Suggest a military song for the dramatization, if possible, an empty one.


I don't know what's blocked. We once staged the Buchenwald Alarm.

It depends on your age. Last year my 8th graders did “Bombers” (On my word of honor and on one wing). The idea for the staging with a cafe and pioneers was stolen (sorry) from Chizh and Co. from a video (they have a disc and a video with this song). We downloaded the minus and lyrics of the song in Russian and English on the Internet. We made a presentation about the history of the song and included a video of the pilots. It went very well.
Another class did “The Postwoman” by Sukharev-Nikitin. It turned out piercingly.

Guess the name of the competition from the group "Products for Children and Mothers..."

Children's cosmetics KROKHA [link-1] together with Products for Children and Mothers Shchelkovo, St. Petersburg [link-2] invite you to take part in a new photo competition. But try to guess the topic of the photo competition that we have in mind - the first and last one who most accurately formulated the topic will receive an additional 100 points. Competition location ONLY: [link-3] From March 23 to 28. Guess here: [link-4] Guess the riddle: When you see me, you can’t see anything else. With tenderness and care from...

Please tell me what can 11 year old children do at home for their birthday? There will be about 10 people. Any competitions, joint ones...I would be very grateful for your advice


A few simple games to consider:
What is this? What is it like?
The presenter thinks of an object and names three definitions. For example, hard, shiny, sharp. The first one to guess that these are scissors wins.
Guess who I am.
Everyone describes themselves on a small piece of paper in the form of a riddle as this person sees himself. For example, I'm a girl. I have long hair, green eyes, I love to dance and roller skate. Guess who I am?
All sheets are placed in one box. The host reads, and the others try to guess who it is.
Drawings on the back.
A card with a picture is attached to the participants' backs. Standing on one leg, players try to maintain balance and see the picture on the opponent’s back. The one who gives the most detailed description of the picture and maintains balance wins.
Depict using sounds and gestures how to:
-the door creaks
- the kettle is boiling
-start the car
-the fan is noisy
-leafing through a book
-how the cutlet is fried
-how a skier walks on snow
-how glass breaks
Children draw out a task card and draw what is written on it. The rest are guessing.
Walk as he walks:
- a person who has dined well
-man kicking a brick
-a person who has back pain
-frightened man
-ballet dancer
-tightrope walker
-tourist with a heavy backpack
And then invite the children to play in impromptu theater. The actors receive a role by lot, some read the words of the author, the rest perform the described actions. You can see options for impromptu performances on my website

buy karaoke :)

We celebrate at the dacha with a cheerful group of perky aunts and their lively husbands from 35 to 50 years old. We need help from the team in celebrating the anniversary: ​​fun scenarios, competitions, quizzes. Maybe I’ve been through this, please share your experiences :) *** Topic moved from the conference “About your own, about your girlish”


thanks everyone for the ideas. The birthday girl also gave each family a gift: she presented cartoons, one per family: husband and wife. In the appropriate setting: some at the dacha with the harvest, some singing to guitars and karaoke, some traveling in a car. The guests, like children, rejoiced, laughed, looking at each other. Cool idea!

Solve songs. Each word is replaced by its opposite. For example:

Wah, heat, heat, fry it
Roast him, his rider
His rider is black-haired
His husband is, wow, indifferent.

I gave this example from a ready-made set (there are still 7 songs, write and I’ll send you). Moreover, any well-known song is composed at once.

Game "Guess the melody", take interesting beginnings of songs.

What activities/tasks/competitions did you especially like at your own or others’ birthdays? I’m gradually starting to prepare for birthdays :) let’s share our experience?


And no one can recommend animators... Also, at first I thought I might take on this task myself, but there were 21 guests on the list, I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle it :)

“I am a cheerful lip-slapper”: who will put the most sucking candies in their mouth and at the same time they must say this phrase.

Girls, you are smart, help. My family and aunt have their Golden Wedding next Saturday. We were already told about the gift - we need money. But I really want it to be not just a drinking session, but a real celebration. My cousin and I are already thinking about competitions (well, you understand that they are adapted for friends of the celebrants, they are all about 70). There is simply no money for toastmasters. The celebration will be in the house, there is quite a lot of space there, if the weather permits, we will arrange everything in the yard. Maybe someone has any ideas or...


You can make a slideshow of their photos together, demonstrating their life together and their successes, choosing beautiful and touching music

We celebrated for my grandparents.
Are there many grandchildren/great-grandchildren? Let the Cuckoos sing in chorus about the golden wedding. We had a lot of fun, it was like a whole choir :)
I brought my veil to my grandmother, she burst into tears because... She got married in a simple (not even a wedding) dress. I was sitting very happy in my veil:)))
You can (if time still allows) make a photo collage. I really regret that I didn’t make it my own :(
But then I did it to my father-in-law (Tanya-Red Fluffy), he was moved to tears:)

My grandmother’s sister wrote congratulations in poetry; she is our poetess :)
Organize a photo session and then print the photos, ours were very pleased. And most importantly, a group photo with the children/grandchildren, so that you can see what wealth they have acquired :))) And take a video too!
Well, more music that they remember and that will take them back to their youth :)
In general, they will be pleased with very simple (for us) things. We are already used to them, but they are happy :)))
Ahh yes! Also, find out at the local registry office, they also organize congratulations on the 50th anniversary. Our people were congratulated and then they themselves congratulated some young newlyweds :) Like a parting word from the golden anniversaries. You can organize some kind of memorable gift there, like medals :)
And also check with your social security office to see if they give you either a gift or monetary compensation. We were given a tea set as a gift.
True, this is not true everywhere. I remember my aunt (their daughter) got a turn for the worse in her social life. I got so angry, I called Vremechko, they came and filmed the story. So then, quickly, a gift appeared and my grandparents were shown on TV, they became famous throughout the house :))))))))))

We bring to your attention a scenario that can become the basis for a kindergarten graduation, a celebration of the end of 1st grade, or a celebration of initiation into first-graders. The scenario is also suitable for an informal party for preschoolers - at home or in the yard. Characters: Queen, First Deuce, Second Deuce, Scientist Cat. What you need to prepare for the holiday: tickets for a fairy train - distributed to children at the beginning of the holiday; chairs according to the number of children or a bench; headband...
...We answer “no” or “yes”! We just think first. Can you sing songs at school? Can you make some noise at school? Will we read at school? How about drawing on the desk? Can I run in the hallway? Write with chalk on the fence? Solving equations? Do you have to answer everything at the board? Will we get deuces? Attend physical education? Speak English? Is it late to come to school? Well, Deuces, do you understand that our guys are great? At school they will...


An interesting idea! A good script without any spongebobs and Mickey Mouse, namely with our Soviet characters. And what is important, not many people are involved. I will have to offer this idea to a music worker. Thank you

04/13/2014 17:58:52, five

Girls, help out! My daughter's birthday is on Friday. I booked a table for Saturday - my daughter is going to invite her classmates. The cafe's advertisement pompously states that from 11:00 to 13:00 children are entertained by cleavers. This is, in fact, what I was counting on. But now, I called them back and heard the girl’s hesitant voice, “...I don’t know if there will be clowns...” call back tomorrow!” That is, as I understand it, clowns are a decoy, most likely they won’t be there. My question is the following : how to entertain children (8 years old)...


Calmly! %) Take a look here on the website, "holiday scenarios" by searching. there will be a sea of ​​articles.

Draw them a crossword puzzle on some interesting topic. Let them guess.
Forfeits - pull out, perform (jump three times on the left leg, jump around the table, sing the song of the Turtle and the Lion Cub, list all the fairy-tale mice (Jerry, Ratatouille (rat), the rat Lariska, the mouse in the turnip, the hen Ryaba, the Mouse and Suteev’s pencil ),

then at the age of 8 you can already play “Nonsense”. We take a sheet of paper and each one writes an answer to the presenter’s question. Questions - Who? (everyone writes what they want - cat, Tanya, teacher, hare), when? (in the morning, after the rain, on Tuesday), where?, what did you do?, who came? what did he say? how did it end? After each question, the piece of paper is passed to a neighbor. Then the presenter artistically and cheerfully reads out the resulting stories. It's usually funny. My son loves her.

MINI super winning lottery. Just a bunch of small gifts (keychains, stickers, rubber bands, candy) in a dark bag. Everyone pulls out a gift for themselves. Just atk.

You can do the traditional one - who can wind the string around a pencil faster. Two strings are tied to a pencil and given to the opponents.

Congratulations with a candle look beautiful. Each guest is given a candle. He/she says a wish to the birthday girl, gives a gift and passes the candle on. It is better to notify about this ceremony of presentation and congratulations in advance so that they are not presented ahead of time. :)

A game of attention. take a bright and realistic picture with you and show it for 10 seconds. Then questions about the picture.

You can recognize animals that are pinned to the player's back. He does not see them and must ask questions to which others answer “Yes, no.” The others see what kind of animal he has behind him.

Do you have any books at home on the topic of organizing holidays or how to keep children occupied? Or look at some competitions here or on Solnyshka. For example, the well-known “nonsense”: answers to the questions are written on pieces of paper: who, with whom? what did you do? Where? what came of it. Do you remember this game or do you need more details? Mine also played something similar (on pieces of paper) about animals, I don’t remember. In general, remember, there are a lot of sedentary games and very funny ones. I don’t remember anymore - I don’t like it myself, but the children cope better than me.

Please tell me, I’m celebrating my anniversary again: (we’re making it out of photographs - life 10 years later, for the wedding part they put the instrumental of our first dance, but for the post-wedding photos I want different music, but I listen, I listen, but I don’t like anything... tell me maybe some idea ... Please:)

There were also intellectual competitions. She took a huge piece of paper and made a hole in it. I put up a picture and the girls had to guess what kind of fairy tale it was. Everyone really liked the “Secret” competition: various objects are hidden in a bag, and you need to feel and guess with your eyes closed what kind of object it is. I selected music for each competition to suit both the theme and tempo. For a long time I was looking for a good song to start with, to immediately charge everyone with energy and a cheerful festive mood, and I found a wonderful song “Birthday!” performed by the group "Barbariki". I ordered a cake in the shape of a princess doll, in general the whole birthday was on the theme...

Thank you very much, we remade the song from the cartoon Flying Ship "Dream"


We had this song:

For whom is my call now?
Will there be singing in elementary school?
It's a pity that you and I are parting,
But the time has come for us to grow up.

Here is the journal written
And the lights go out
our office is tired after so many years......

My teacher is the first, don't be sad,
Do you know that it's time for us to go,
But elementary school is a clear light,
Will be with us for many many years.


05/20/2010 10:36:09, marysha

"Cool you got it..."
Ours did an amazing job for graduation!!! There you don’t have to worry too much about rhyming, and you don’t have to sing too much, but it sounds amazing!!!
Of course, we have grown up
We learned a lot
Katya, Olya, me and you.>>

Celebrating Cat Day: a scenario for a children's party that I organized for my daughter, a lover of all animals and any holidays.

When you want to remember, Don’t cram them until late at night, But repeat them to yourself Once, twice, or better yet FIVE! Recently I had to wait THREE hours for a train at the station. But why didn’t you take the prize, friends, when you had the opportunity to take it? Competition "Theatrical" Interesting contestants are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like: a woman with heavy bags; a girl in a tight skirt with high heels; sentry guarding the food warehouse; a baby who has just learned to walk; Alla Pugacheva performing...

The most desired and beloved holiday is once again on the doorstep - New Year! Regardless of where you meet him - in the company of friends, at home, at work - of course, there will be competitions, entertainment and quizzes. You can choose them from everything you read below.
...And don’t forget to give the scroll paper an “ancient” look - remember it well. The astrologer reads the predictions from the scrolls and solemnly presents them to each guest as a gift. New Year's mental crossword puzzle You can offer your guests a "New Year's mental crossword puzzle." The presenter says a description of the word and adds how many letters it consists of. Guests mentally imagine and guess this word. Whoever said the answer faster gets a point. The person with the most points gets a prize. So: First and last name of an elderly man. He is a ladies' man dressed in Winter 2000 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus. A dairy product that maintains winter temperature but is consumed in summer (9 b...

Children guess, parents help in case of difficulty. “He sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by.” (Owl) “The brothers stood on the ground, looking for food on the way. Whether running or walking, they couldn’t get off their stilts.” (Herons) “I grow from the earth, I clothe the whole world.” (Len) "White peas on a green leg." (Lily of the valley) “It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter.” (Forest) "It's scary...

The chip is moved forward either by the person who guessed the song, or, in case of an incorrect answer, by another participant. The game develops an ear for music. Helps you remember the melody of the song better. Tap the Rhythm You tap a tambourine or clap your hands to the rhythm of a famous song. Ask your child to guess the song. Now switch roles. knocks, and you guess. Message to an African tribe You beat a certain rhythm on a drum to send a message to a neighboring African tribe. Tell your child the contents of the message. It’s better if he comes up with a message himself. For example, “the weather is nice outside”, “my birthday is coming soon”, etc. The baby must repeat the rhythm exactly. In this game it is also possible to change roles:...


Everything here is written correctly, but my daughter used to study music at a music school only under pressure. Until she began to find sheet music on the Internet for songs that would be interesting and familiar to her. Her favorite site with sheet music [link-1] She plays the flute with us. There she downloads the sheet music, includes a midi backing track (from the same site) and delights us with playing her favorite melodies. Therefore, you need to play musical instruments not only playfully, but also so that the child finds it interesting! Thank you!

I give piano and solfeggio lessons for children of any music school class, as well as for adults. I have experience working with children in a music school.
I graduated from the College of Music and am currently studying at the Orthodox St. Tikhon University at the Faculty of Philology.
I have experience composing music.
If you are interested in my offer, my phone number is 89267361044 and email: mail: [email protected]

Birthday script "Goodbye, childhood..."

Everyone gets yuan. Competition “We have all sung the songs” Presenter: All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise answer in Chinese: happy is the cat who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully. So, the competition “We all sang songs.” I'm reading the definition to a children's song. Whoever guesses it first gets a winner token, and then everyone sings it. about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”); a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”); a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”); p...


Good script. Thought out to the smallest detail. It was described in detail. The result was a kind of performance where everyone present, actors and spectators, were creators and directors of the action. It is very fortunate that the birthday girl herself, along with her mother, is the presenter. The topic is very unusual and interesting for this age. I will make a holiday for my daughter according to this scenario. It took me a long time to choose. I read a lot of articles. Liked this one. Thanks to the author for his enormous work.2

12/15/2018 03:14:47, Kristinn

Thanks for the idea, tips and advice. Every year I spend my daughter’s birthday. But on my 12th birthday there was doubt (at home or a cafe?). The children seem to be grown up already!? After reading your script I was hooked. THERE WILL BE A HOLIDAY!!! The topic is interesting, not well-worn. The simplicity of organization is captivating. Educational competitions and riddles. Everything is described in detail. In two days we will celebrate. The script is great! Thank you very much for your work

And mine also like to play “guess the hero” (or an animal, or a friend, or a plant.....whatever) - according to the description. I describe a cartoon character without naming him - they guess.

To do this, I wrote a short text with missing adjectives. At the table, everyone took turns naming some funny, original adjectives, and I wrote them into the text, and when it was finished, I read it out loud. It turned out very funny. Then we guessed the fairy-tale character written on the back (see the beginning), answered the questions of the New Year's joke test, came up with the end of the toast, the beginning of which was written on the postcard, and then, using the forfeit numbers, looked for small bags on the tree with the same numbers in which there were symbols with corresponding predictions. For example: a wheel - travel awaits you, a coin - you will get rich, candy -...

Yesterday the child demanded that he sing the song “friendship, friendship will not fall apart.” I have zero ideas about what kind of song this is, where to get the melody. I tried Yandex :-) Has anyone recognized that this exists?

The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with an accordion (or without it) is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new musical entertainment, games and competitions are being added that add variety, warmth and enthusiasm to the holiday entertainment programs.

The most favorite musical entertainment at the holiday is: karaoke, various adaptations of songs, music quizzes, song re-enactments with tasks, or performance of the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,folk, musical, etc. If a musical company is gathering, then the whole scenario can be conceived as a show, let the guests demonstrate their talents all evening - for example, “Become a Star” (you can watch).

Musical games and competitions from our selection are very diverse: completely new and long-loved, lyrical and funny, table and game.

1. Musical game "Noise Makers".

(to download - click on the file)

6. Musical warm-up.

Remember the KVN “Warm-up” competition, and arrange the same improvisation at the festival, only not from jokes, but from songs. Teams must exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team remembers a question line from songs, the other an affirmative line that matches the meaning. Then they change roles. For example, the question: “Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan?”, the answer: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home!” Or: “Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?” - “...I’m walking along the sleepers, again walking home along the sleepers out of habit.”

You can play until your imagination runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

The program of any holiday, and especially a corporate one, can include a musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half of the room. This is very simple to do: the female team remembers flattering lines from songs about men, and the men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to the ladies. And one by one they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to gentlemen, the presenter can recite the following lines from A. Sviridova’s song:

“How good! You can trust the man!

How good! And don’t think about anything!”

Like a song nod to beautiful ladies - a verse from Yu. Antonov’s hit:

“Attention, men! There is no reason to laugh!

Today, women are a match for us in every task,

And we, of our own free will, teach the roles of others,

The winner is the team that names the most musical compliments within ten minutes, although there is no need to count, let friendship win.

This stream of song compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, on the women's holiday on March 8, you can arrange a musical congratulation - a medley, which will consist of excerpts of compliment songs.

8. Song encyclopedia.

For this song rehearsal, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and prepare cards in advance with the intended themes of the songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love, and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given to think.

Then, by drawing lots for themes, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the theme “Stones”: “Give me a moonstone”, “He has a granite pebble in his chest”, “I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone.” It is allowed to sing either one line from a song or an entire verse or chorus. The main thing is that it corresponds to the meaning of the task.

For each answer given to the topic - a point. The winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of virtual instruments - everyone draws a card with a written instrument, each of them, of course, has a different one. Participants must depict playing instruments very expressively, so that it is clear who is playing what music.

Then the presenter explains that he will be a conductor, but also play the drum. However, the leading conductor will always “switch” to any other instrument, and the player whose instrument is currently representing the leading one must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the leader’s new movement gradually drop out of the game of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. Musical ABC.

Scenario for extracurricular music event “Connoisseurs of the Music World”


    Creating a favorable atmosphere for students' creative activity.

    Expanding knowledge about the subject.


    Activate the cognitive activity of students.

    Help to show your own erudition.

Brief description of the event.

This event complements music lessons and aims to expand the musical horizons of children, deepen the knowledge they receive, and also improve their performing skills. The event consists of 8 competitions of different nature, aimed at developing children's activity, imagination and initiative. The presentation is an addition to the script.

To conduct the competition program you need:

    participating teams (2 or more) of 6-8 people;

    jury – 3 people (you can invite one of the teachers, parents, high school students);

    2 presenters.

    album sheets, felt-tip pens, pencils;

    cards with tasks for the competition

    multimedia projector.


    Phonograms of songs.

Progress of the event.

Rhythmic music sounds and the presenters come out.

1 presenter:

Hello dear friends!!

2 presenter:

Good afternoon to everyone who is present in this cozy room today! And we have gathered together for a special occasion. For the first time, our school is hosting an interesting competition program “Connoisseurs of the Musical World.”

Competitions are assessed using a 5-point system.

1 presenter:

Everywhere a person works or rests, music sounds. Probably each of you asked yourself the question: “What is music?” Ancient philosophers argued that music is the greatest power. It can make a person love and hate, kill and forgive. It helps to lift your spirits and supports you in difficult times. Music has some special power of influence on a person. People knew about this and had no doubt that magic and mystery were hidden in the sounds of music, thanks to which music controlled their actions and feelings.

2 presenter:

Both from sadness and from boredom
Can cure us all
sounds of mischievous melodies,
Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.
Magic gold fish
Can the music shine
And in a friendly way, with a smile
Suddenly look into our eyes.
Maybe a half-fairy tale song
To cheer us up jokingly.
And suddenly fall apart dancing
Spin in a round dance.

1 presenter:

Music is always something new, unique, mysterious, arousing admiration. It is transmitted from heart to heart.

2 presenter:

Today you are gathered here
Show us your knowledge.
Music is for you now
Arranges a competition.

1 presenter:

Let me introduce you to the jury of our competition:………

2 presenter:

Now let’s get acquainted with the participants of our competition.

So, the first competition is “Team Presentation”

Maximum score – 5 points.

(Teams take turns showing their business card: exit, team name and motto, greeting to the jury, opponents, fans).

Second competition – “Musical warm-up”

1 presenter:

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster,
Friends, we invite you
Get to warming up quickly!

Third competition – “Music Quiz”

2 presenter:

For each correct answer to our questions, the team receives one point . (The presenters take turns asking questions to the teams)

    Name 10 great composers of the 19th century. (L.V. Beethoven, I. Sebastian, W.A. Mozart, R. Wagner, P.I. Tchaikovsky, D. Verdi, I. Stravinsky, I. Strauss, S.V. .Rachmaninov, F.P.Schubert)

    What are the three pillars of music? (song, dance, march)

    Which Russian composer of the 19th century was also an excellent naval officer? (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

    What type of wood is the main material for making musical instruments? (Spruce)

    What is the name of an ensemble of five musicians? (Quintet)

    What is the name of the Russian folk three-stringed plucked instrument. (balalaika)

    What musical instrument is named after the ancient Russian singer - storyteller. (accordion)

    Name the accidental signs (sharp, flat, becar)

Fourth competition – “Staging a song from a cartoon”

2 presenter:

Each team chooses task cards with dramatizations of songs from children's cartoons.

1. song “Antoshka” (cartoon Merry Carousel) “Chunga-Changa” (cartoon “Katerok”)

Fifth competition – artist competition – “How I see a musical country”

1 presenter:

For this competition we invite one artist from each team. You need to draw a picture within 5 minutes “How I see a musical country” (the children are given album sheets, pencils, felt-tip pens). The composition of the German composer James Last “The Lonely Shepherd” is played.

2 presenter:

Children know everything in the world -
There is a lot of music in the world!
From seven ordinary notes
The composer creates:
Plays, operas, sonatas,
Arioso il cantatas,
Symphonic tales,
Minuets or dances.

But one favorite genre
Everyone has been dear to us since the cradle.
Life is more wonderful, more interesting,
If there is a song next to us!
(N. M. Glubokaya)

Musical break. A song performed by 10th grade students

2 presenter:

It's time for some physical education. We invite everyone to a flash mob (organizers: 10th grade students)

Sixth competition – “One Song Festival”

1 presenter:

At this festival, each team needs to perform the same song - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” But each team must do this in its own way:

    Like the Russian Army Choir

    As a junior group in kindergarten

    Like a Russian folk choir

    Like a popular group (rap style)

(Captains draw a card with a task, discussion 1-2 minutes, presentation. Maximum score - 5 points.)

Seventh competition – “Dance”

2 presenter:To participate in this competition, teams are offered several versions of modern songs to choose from; in 3-4 minutes they need to come up with a dance and demonstrate it to the audience and the jury.

Dance while the tune plays

Dance while your heart is so light.

Eighth competition – “Guess the song from the description”

Presenter 1: Listen to the verbal prompt.

1. A song about a corner of paradise, where there is a blue sky, hot summer and an eternal fruit diet. (Chunga - changa)

2. A song about the daily activities of children for 10 - 11 years. (What they teach at school).

3. The song is a horror story about what can happen if you walk through a dark forest, unaccompanied by adults. (Grey goat)

4. The song is about the contraction of facial muscles, which leads to a good mood for everyone around. (Smile).

5. An action of compassion for an inanimate object. (The little Christmas tree is cold in winter).

6. A song about a very complex arithmetic operation known to almost the entire human population. (Twice two is four)

Competition with fans.

2 presenter: Each correct answer to our questions can bring 1 point to the team you “support” for.

    What musical instrument is called the “king” of all musical instruments? (Organ)

    What did P. I. Tchaikovsky call “the soul of music”? (Melody)

    Which famous foreign composer was called a “miracle child” in childhood? (W.A. Mozart)

    Name the composer who wrote the music for the film “The Bremen Town Musicians” (G. Gladkov)

    The hero of which opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov visited the Sea King? (“Sadko”)

Teams are invited to the stage. (Solemn music sounds). Let's ask the jury to sum up the results and announce the winning team.

The teams are awarded.

1 presenter: Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter, for the fire of competition that ensured success!

2 presenter: We sincerely wish that music becomes your close friend and never, ever leaves you.

1 presenter: And at the end of our competition, let's all sing the song “We will decorate all the planets”

Lyrics of the song - Let's color all the planets

If anyone
Even accidentally
Will smear everything around
Sadness and soot,
It's probably white light
It will instantly lose color.
There will be all the flowers
Then no color
Drawings and dreams,
Spring and summer.
And probably completely
It will become sad, sad for everyone
Everyone will be sad.

We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful.

Little barbarians.
We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful

Little barbarics.
Verse 2
This is impossible,
But if someone
Will erase carelessly
All the notes are in the song
And without songs the light goes out,
And without light there are no songs.
Without light there are no songs.
We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful.
Small ones can be big -
Little barbarians.
We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful
Small ones can be big -
Little barbarics.
And the Barbariki will sing
Songs - Lyubarinkas.
We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful.
Small ones can be big -
Little barbarians.
We will decorate all the planets,
To become colorful
Small ones can be big -
Little Barbary