Cheating people on VKontakte. Why do you need to get free subscribers for a VKontakte group?

If you think that promoting a VKontakte group is much easier than a web resource, you are mistaken. Community promotion is a tricky business, requiring skills, experience, time and knowledge of the intricacies.
In VKontakte there are many communities of the same or similar focus, text, display/multimedia ads are not a cheap pleasure, accounts are often frozen. This and much more delays the process.

Note to those community owners who believe that it is very easy to gain subscribers, we would like to note: this is fraught with consequences, including lifelong blocking. However, let’s make a reservation: only if the wrapping is of poor quality.

Now there are many special services engaged in cheating. And the priority task of the user, the group owner, is to choose a service that provides only high-quality and reliable service, which will not lead to a freeze or complete blocking of the community.

We will share with you the results of our experiments and recommend the best, in our opinion, service for getting subscribers into groups.

Getting subscribers to a VKontakte group

We were concerned about searching for an online service that would provide quality services for a moderate fee and its capabilities would allow us to promote the community to the TOP.

Our experiment involved dozens of promotion services. To ensure the authenticity of the experiment, we created the same number of communities, filled them with thematic content and placed orders in these services.

The first and most important thing we learned from this independent testing: free services and apps are evil. If you need to “ruin” the community, feel free to contact such services or install free cheating programs. They will bring offers and bots to your group, but you cannot hide this from the administration, and the community will be frozen for dishonest methods of attracting participants.

Here are the kind of subscribers you will get by using the free service:

  • Offers - people signing up for a reward.
  • Bots - hacked accounts or uninformative pages specially created for this purpose.
  • Mutual participants - people who subscribe to communities for points.
Free or unverified services and low-quality programs will give you potentially “dangerous” subscribers, for which it is easy to get your page frozen.

It’s better not to joke with bots and offers: the system constantly blocks them for excessive activity. And if only cats and hedgehogs subscribe to your community, this will not go unnoticed by the administration.

You may receive the following sanctions:

  1. Your subscribers will be removed from the community (written off).
  2. The community will be blocked at certain period or forever.
Such participants, bots and offers, can be used for commenting on posts, polls, voting, reposting and other purposes, but not for promoting the community.

Here are the results of an experiment with a promotion service:
  • The ordered service was completed within 10 days.
  • Five thousand users were added, and only 2.5% of them were blocked.
  • There is activity in the community.
  • 92% of community members are target visitors.
  • The cost of the service is about 9 thousand rubles, and this is almost 3.5 times lower than advertising in VK.
If you don't believe me, check by ordering minimum quantity subscribers. To be honest, we didn’t expect such an effect either.

  • People, not cats, subscribe to the community, and based on their own desires.
  • Groups are promoted using a unique method.
  • The cost is lower than for advertising on VK.
  • Individual approach to each community.
  • Services with discounts (you can save up to 30%).
  • You can pay for your order in different ways.

Hi all!

You can gain followers on Twitter.

I’ll immediately report my first results, and then we’ll look in more detail at how to work on this site.

In less than a day I managed to increase the number of participants in the promoted group by 70 people. These are live, active accounts (minus the so-called “dogs” - temporarily blocked accounts). If you work at this rhythm, then in a month you can increase the number of group subscribers by about 2000 people. Yes, and the phrase “ in less than a day” doesn’t mean you have to sit in front of a computer all day. It is enough to devote a total of about 30-60 minutes of your time to this activity during the day (periodically, half a minute, distributed evenly). And the result will not take long to arrive and, I think, will make you very happy. All the details and nuances are below.

First of all, I recommend you create another VKontakte account with which you will recruit participants. Why do this? Firstly, you will be active on VKontakte and there is a possibility that your account will be blocked (but this is not very scary, I will tell you in more detail later in the article). Secondly, you will give “insincere” likes, add everyone as a friend, join groups that are not interesting to you, etc. In short, in order not to clog up your real account, create separate account to promote groups(s). For this you need another one telephone number and for ease of use some second browser, if you only have one installed.

So in your second browser (which is not your main one) you created new account VKontakte and let’s go to the site in the same browser and step by step understand how the system works.

On home page We enter the site via VKontakte. You will need to indicate the URL of your VKontakte page.

The operating principle of the system is as follows. You earn points by doing the following:

1. Like.

2. Add as a friend.

3. Join groups.

4. Tell your friends.

5. Comment.

You don't have to do all of these steps. For example, you can only like. But in order to earn more points, and to make your actions more like the actions of a person and not a robot, it is better to alternate ways of earning money. Add someone as a friend, comment on a photo, video, join a group, give a few likes.

Just don’t rush to get active! Do everything little by little, with breaks, as if you were in your own real account. You don’t put dozens of likes in a row, you don’t join groups like crazy, you don’t add just anyone as a friend?

I'll tell you what my high activity led to. I started with mass liking. First, VKontakte began periodically giving me a captcha (a window with letters and numbers to identify robots). But, I did not respond to these first calls - I entered verification phrases and continued to like. As a result, I earned a “dog”. How subtle everything is with them - for excessive barking What you get is a dog with crosses on its eyes and a torn ear (apparently, also with a hint =)).

My page was temporarily blocked for suspicious activity. VKontakte believes that the page was hacked by scammers and freezes it. In this case, the owner needs to log in by entering the code sent by SMS. VKontakte also recommends changing your password and you will be asked a few more questions regarding security. After this, you can continue your activities to earn points. Just act more carefully, otherwise you don’t know what will happen after blocking again.

So, you understand how to earn points.

To create an application for new participants, go to the menu “ Promote the group”.

In the form, you need to indicate the URL of the VKontakte group, how many new members you want to receive and the price - how many points you are willing to pay for the subscription of one member.

Price range from 3 to 15 points. The higher the subscription price you set, the faster you will recruit new members. Because people will first sign (“work”) for a higher cost.

I point minimum cost– 3 points. So I need to earn fewer points (and therefore spend less of my time) and the growth rate is sufficient. Too large an influx of participants can also arouse some suspicion and lead to the blocking of the community.

I advise you to periodically check on your group members. Some of them may become “dogs” for excessive activity in cheating. It is better to remove such people from the group. Because due to a large number of blocked members, your group may be banned. On the other hand, some of the “dogs” may “resurrect”, in fact, as happened with my account.

I’ll finish here - we got acquainted with one of the ways to get members of a VKontakte group for free.

I would also like to add that this service has affiliate program. You can invite friends to this site and receive additional points and a percentage of the points your referrals earn. In principle, you can generally create such a structure that you do not need to personally work for points. Invite a few people who need free promotion participants in the group, and who will actively work in this direction. You will receive a percentage of their income and all you have to do is place applications to receive new members to the group. This way you can provide paid services, although this is prohibited by the site use agreement. However, I think many people do this on similar sites.

That's all - forward to new members to the group! In my growing group, I already have 140 of them in two days!

Good luck to you and be sure to write about your results!

P.S. Here is another similar service for free promotion of VKontakte group members, likes, and reposts. I will try to describe it in more detail in one of the following articles.

Promotion on social media networks is quite in an efficient way advertising of any product. More and more people who have their own business are advertising it using mass communication, namely social networks, such as, for example, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, which is very convenient, because it happens direct communication client and seller, as well as discussing the quality of the product. Among the most common methods are targeted advertising and social publics"VKontakte".

However, when choosing the second promotion method, difficulties may arise at the start due to the low popularity of the community and lack of financial resources. That is why the question will be relevant: how to get VKontakte subscribers for free? About this and we'll talk in the article.

What is public

Public, or public page - social group on the VKontakte network, which unites people under the auspices of common interests. It could be sports, entertainment, humor, news or other things. Anyone can create a public page - registration is free. This form of organization is also convenient as a platform for trade and distribution various information. For example, most popular pages"VKontakte" unites from 3 to 5 million users, while their audience is constantly growing.

Where to start?

Everyone who creates pub personal page Whether it has entertainment or commercial purposes, it must start by filling the community. There is nothing unusual about this: just set the group’s avatar, fill out audio and video recordings, and an album with photographs. You should also post various posts on the public wall. Next problem and probably the most common one that a community administrator will face is building an audience, because the purpose of the group is to share information with other users.

First of all, everyone will invite their friends, but even if they, in turn, invite their friends, the circle of invitations will gradually narrow. Despite the fact that ideally everything should develop precisely according to these laws of the genre, in practice everything is completely different.

Users do not join the group

Unfortunately, this problem is for the most part a qualitative obstacle on the path of everyone who decides to start their own public page on VKontakte. This happens for several reasons:

  • The first (main) is that social networks are oversaturated with communities, in other words, there is too much competition. A person does not try to subscribe to a public page on a topic that he already has in his bookmarks.
  • The second reason can be considered that it is almost impossible to promote your group directly on VKontakte - this is due, first of all, to the lack of a community advertising system as such.

It is for this reason that many administrators resort to various kinds of promotions at the beginning of their work: likes, reposts, participants. Here it would be useful to find out how to get VKontakte group subscribers for free, because a novice webmaster is unlikely to be able to afford to spend money on a dubious undertaking.

What is cheating?

This is the creation of artificial user behavior by motivating them. In other words, public promotion is an activity to attract users to your community using various motivations. Such artificial methods promotions allow you to give impetus to the development of the group at the initial stage, however, some administrators use this method further. It wouldn’t be out of place to mention how to get VKontakte subscribers for free, because it is with this action that you should start promoting the group.

Cheating mechanism

There are two most popular mechanisms for getting subscribers to a page. The first is mutual entry/like/repost - this method can be considered free. And the second is to create paid tasks - this method does not suit us due to the fact that we are only interested in paid methods.

Of course, you can directly search for people who would mutually agree to join your public, but this is quite tedious and unproductive, which is why robotic exchanges and programs for exchanging such services were created. They are used a large number the same users, so their popularity is great. Such services allow you to gain many VKontakte subscribers for free.

Most popular services

There are several major exchanges on the RuNet that provide similar services. The Turboliker service can be considered the most popular. If you use it, how to gain VKontakte subscribers for free? The service allows you to instantly earn required parameters. It is enough to log in using your account and earn “hearts” - the internal currency of the service - to create your own task. This is how you can get VKontakte subscribers for free. A program designed to automate the earning of “hearts” will greatly facilitate the procedure.

Another popular cheating exchange can be called Olike. The principle of its operation is slightly different. Here you can also order subscribers/likes/reposts, but there is no internal currency - one of your actions is equivalent to one ordered operation. With the help of such a service it is possible to fast promotion VKontakte subscribers for free.

There are also a number of similar services, the work of which is organized according to similar principles, but they are not so popular. These are the exchanges Vk4pr, Sarafanka, Vktarget, Vlike.


Despite the fact that it would seem that such methods of increasing subscribers are accessible and understandable, there are a number of problems that arise in this case, namely blocking from the administration of the VKontakte site. For performing the same type of actions, your account may be blocked, which is why you should act within reasonable limits. Unfortunately, given the fact that the accounts of other users may also be blocked due to similar work, subscribers will become invalid, which, in turn, will lead to the blocking of the community. You should be attentive to such things, because the lifespan of the public depends on it.

Programs for cheating

For more accurate promotion, special scripts were written. Thus, if more is required high-quality promotion VKontakte subscribers for free, the program will become the best option. Despite the fact that the speed of its work will not be as fast as that of online services, the quality will be much higher, and your account will not be blocked.

Most famous program, which is widely used by cheaters, can be considered Vtope. The principle of operation is the same as that of the Turboliker service.


How to get VKontakte subscribers for free? In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to know which services will be most relevant for your situation and use them. You should not get carried away with cheating, as this may not only lead to account blocking, but also communities and all your efforts may become in vain. If there is no need for rapid progress, then the best way would be to use programs.

Now you know how to get VKontakte subscribers for free. All the methods described above will work for a long time.

Hi all! Let's move on. The next part in which we will talk about how to get VKontakte subscribers to a group and to a personal page. I’ll tell you what free and paid methods exist and give you a list of the best cheating sites.

Marked for myself 6 effective methods attract many new subscribers to your page and groups. Back in 2015, I began to develop a group of a Moscow company engaged in renovation of premises.

Then I first encountered the question - How to promote a community? How to attract new visitors interested in our products and services? We tried everything we could think of.

Let's tell you about 6 in order best methods boosting and attracting subscribers.

Method 1. Inviting friends

You can get your first few hundred subscribers by simply adding friends and inviting them to your group. True, there are restrictions on this; you can only send 40 applications every 12 hours.

I think you know how to add people as friends. And an invitation to a group is done as follows, as shown in the screenshot.

Attention! This function Only communities with the status “Interest Group” or “Event” have it. Everyone else (public, business and brand communities) does not.

To prevent people from complaining about you when adding friends and from blocking your page for suspicious activity, follow 2 rules:

  1. Design your profile correctly so that it does not raise suspicions that you are trying to swindle something.
  2. Narrow it down to the maximum. Use “Search Options”.

The more accurately common interests coincide (by age, city, mutual friends etc.), the greater the chance that a person will approve the application rather than click the “Spam” button.

Method 2. Using special online services

You can quickly and cheaply gain VKontakte subscribers using special sites and programs, which I already mentioned in the previous article. These services work as subscriber exchange exchanges and can be used absolutely free, completing tasks and earning points or real money, which is then spent on promotion.

If you don't want to waste time, you can skip completing tasks by purchasing points with money.

List of services

I have selected for you a list of online resources with the ability to order subscriptions.

A little worse:


  • Viking Botovod - many different interesting programs and scripts for working in VK.
  • “My Guests” application.

How to cheat through the service?

The principle of operation of all services is the same, the only differences are in design and set additional functions. Therefore, I will make instructions using the example of Bosslike, which has the simplest and most intuitive interface.

Step 1. Registration.

Go to the website and click “Login”. Select the “Registration” tab.

Enter your e-mail and create a password to log in personal account. After registration you will be taken to single office. Here you can complete tasks on various social networks (VK, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and even YouTube).

Step 2. Pay or earn points.

To earn points for promotion, go to the “Earn” tab and complete tasks. Or you buy them.

On the right top corner There is a “Buy points” tab.

Specify the replenishment amount and select payment system and pay. Minimum 100 rubles = 2,000 points.

Step 3. Create a task.

After you have points on your balance, you can go to the “Gain” section and create a task for the performers who will subscribe.

Fill out the “New task” form.

Here you need to indicate:

  1. A link to any page or group on VKontakte (you can even get subscribers for a friend).
  2. Number of points for 1 execution.
  3. How many people should subscribe?

Ready. The process has started, all you have to do is wait until it is completed.

If a user unsubscribes after completing a task, the system tracks this and refunds the funds to the balance.

The disadvantage of this method is that there are a lot of bots and fake users who are created in batches specifically for making money. When they are blocked and they turn into “dogs”, they need to be removed. In our separate instructions you will find how to automatically remove blocked subscribers.

Method 3. Setting up advertising

The most legal, safe, but expensive method that VKontakte owners will be happy with is setting up official targeted advertising.

To configure, go to your

Hello, dear friends! I am glad to present you the first full-fledged post of this year. :-) Today, I would like to talk about such interesting topic How - cheating VKontakte subscribers. I will try to talk about aspects of this matter, or more precisely about the method of promoting Internet projects called “SMM” and “SMO”. The story about these terms will be a little lower, but the main essence of the article is to increase subscribers using special program, which I recently found.

In general, everything is as usual: I will describe everything in detail, and finally, let’s talk about cheating on Twitter and Instagram. I hope you find it very interesting!

Watch my video on the Vtope program.

What is boosting subscribers and why is it needed?

Getting subscribers to a VKontakte group - what is it for? In general, I'm sure many people know what we're talking about- after all, almost all the readers of my blog are on VKontakte. But anyway, I’ll tell you about this process, literally in a nutshell.

For example, you created a VKontakte group and expect it to be extremely popular.

However, at the very beginning, there may be very few subscribers - literally a couple of people. And how, in this case, can you quickly dial them? For example 1000 or 2000? Of course, you can manually promote a group by sending out invitations to everyone, but this method is very tedious.

That’s when our current method will come in handy for you - just gain subscribers.

The whole point is that large number members in a group has a very good effect on its search results, that is, the more people in the group, the higher this group is in the search results - it turns out that the number of participants directly affects the ranking of your group!

But before we get down to business, I would like to highlight its aspects. In the introductory paragraph, I mentioned the term - "SMM". What is it? Surely you know about "SEO" technologies.

So, on many forums and platforms, there are rumors that "SEO" will gradually die, and will be replaced by promotion technologies through social networks, or rather "SMO" and "SMM".

Honestly, I agree with this, since it’s clear to anyone now - the future lies with social networks.

They are gradually expanding, adding more and more new users. After all, today "vkontakte" perhaps the most visited social network in the Runet segment. Every year there are about 43 million users.

And it becomes clear to any blogger or webmaster busy with their projects that this is a huge platform for attracting traffic and the attention of many people. Moreover, today no one largest project can’t do without its own public page, in this social network.

Thus, getting subscribers is something that I have recently become puzzled about. After all, it is clear that a large number of people live there, and this is real traffic to any of your resources. I started experimenting with one of my wife’s projects.

So, she has a website and a Youtube channel dedicated to studying English language(for those interested, here are the links - channel:, website: I created a group VKontakte for this project and decided to quickly gain subscribers. Of course, you can just buy them, but I began to look for more affordable ways.

So the interest arose - “Is this even real?” And in the process of searching, I found a very simple and free program for this purpose, called - "Vtope" (Vtope).

After this, it was decided to use it, so to speak, to conduct an experiment. Although I am skeptical about this kind of program, I still decided to try it.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers.

"Vtope" This simple program For automatic promotion, any VKontakte operations. In addition, it provides an interesting accumulation system with its own units - "Points", which can be changed for any action on a social network (for example, subscribers or likes).

The operation of this program itself is quite simple. There is VKontakte huge amount people - users of the program who want to cheat. And here the method works - “I am for you, and you are for me”. Let's assume we have the first user of the program who orders to boost subscribers and the second user who has this program enabled.

The first one orders cheating and the program, connecting to the second one, begins to automatically scan the tasks of other users and fulfill the order. Nothing is required from the user who ordered the cheat. The program will do everything itself and also accumulate "points", which can later be exchanged for any actions.

Of course without practical example we can't get by. Let me show you my work "Vtope"- using my example:

So, as we see in the screenshots, before the cheating, our group consisted of 1944 people, and after that there were 2288 people. That is, I managed to recruit (let’s count 2288-1944) = 344 group members in almost 6 hours. And all this in automatic mode without putting in any effort! I gave the task to the program and that’s it. Let's now look at how this thing works:

1. First of all, download the program from the network. Official address programs:

2. After downloading, run the installation package and follow the instructions. “Vtope” is installed like all other programs, so there is nothing complicated in this step.

3. After starting the program, a window appears where you need to register. It’s quite simple - you just need to enter your details: address mailbox and login password and confirm it again.

4. After filling out the first three columns, pay attention to the fourth. This is a special field for entering a code. If someone gave you their referral code, enter it here, thus becoming a referral of the person who invited you. If you do this, you will receive free 25 "points".

5. Having registered and read the greeting with successful registration, we move on. Next, the program will start and show you how to use it (in the form of pop-up tips). Click "Next" until they disappear. On the left there will be a window with zero points. There will be a “Login” button.

Click on it and fill out all the lines with the login and password for your registration in the program, and feel free to log in.

Now on the left under the window with "points", you will see social media icons.

For now we need "VKontakte". Place the cursor over its icon and click "login", after which we log into his account directly from the program.

For successful work, we have to dial a little points (minimum 15 pieces). Without them, you will not be able to cheat. Leave the program on and they will be added on their own. This happens quite quickly. Please note - if you entered someone else's code and became referral, then you can skip this step, since you will already have enough points to order actions.

6. Typing a certain amount "points", start the task. Look in right side programs. To the right (from your profile and points window), you can find a program field. It in turn is divided into 6 square parts. This means that you can run 6 tasks at once, although only one is allowed at first.

Now hover over one of the squares that says “add task” and go to its settings. Select “Vkontakte” and the type of task:

— Likes

— People as friends

— People in the group ( this is our option )

— Post reposts

7. After selecting an action, click on it. Here you will see more settings for your task. Let's go in "contact" to the page (where the cheat will be) and copy from address bar browser link to the page (with photos, videos and groups.) Now we return to the program and paste the link into the bottom line. In the left corner, select the required amount of wrapping.

8. When the settings are completed, click on "Add".

That's it, now the program will start working, and you will wait for it to finish. The execution time varies, as it all depends on the ordered number of subscribers or likes. This usually takes from one minute to an hour.

9. The task is now completed. After this, you can wait for the spent points to accumulate and continue the promotion further.

This way, you can easily and freely fill your VKontakte group. But that's not all. The fact is that quite recently, the program introduced interesting feature- this is a boost of subscribers, not only "vkontakte", but also in "twitter" And "instagram". So why don't we highlight this opportunity?

Increase followers on Twitter and Instagram.

In order to cheat on other social networks, you need to repeat the above steps (starting from point 5). To do this, hover over the icon of the desired social network ( "twitter" or "instagram") and press the button "login".

Now activate in the program required account. Next, repeat all previous steps, starting from 6th. In this case, the setup and promotion will be similar to what we did with the VKontakte network. This way you will get the desired result.

So easy and free way, the increase in subscribers is achieved. Personally, I liked this method, so I will continue to use this method. Of course, I think that not everyone will like this method, although it works well.

Thus, I showed you my experiment to study the possibilities of “SMO” and “SMM”, which gave a good result in increasing the number of participants in the group.

So who cares? this method I advise you to try it! Perhaps this will give you the same advantages as me. :-)