Note does not work. Why the laptop does not turn on: the causes of the malfunction and how to fix them

Did you find that the computer stopped turning on? First of all, it is worth checking the power supply or charger - most often it has a light indicating the presence of voltage. If it does not light up, the charger must be replaced. If the light is on, then you need to make sure that the charging indicator on the laptop is on. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common manifestations of completely different malfunctions.

What malfunctions can be?

  • The laptop does not respond to the power button;
  • The laptop turns on and immediately turns off;
  • The laptop turns on, but Windows does not start;
  • When you press the power button, the laptop turns on, the lights are on, but the screen is dark;
  • When you press the power button, the laptop turns on, the indicators flash, the Windows startup sound is possible;
  • The laptop works for a while, then turns off and does not turn on.

Why won't my laptop turn on

  • Failure or malfunction of the power system;
  • Operating system errors - Windows or Mac OS does not start;
  • The problem is in the RAM;
  • Overheat;
  • Damage to the BIOS firmware, often with an unsuccessful update;
  • Failure of the video chip chip;
  • Failure of the northbridge or southbridge chipset.

Laptop screen won't turn on

Particularly with this problem, there is no indication on the laptop. You need to make sure that the adapter that came with the purchase is connected. Next, you need to check the external integrity of the cord from the outlet to the adapter and from the adapter to the laptop - that there are no fractures on it. Often pets try their teeth on the wire from the adapter. In the absence of a charge, the battery is discharged, when you try to turn on the laptop, the charging indicator flashes several times. And this is repeated every time the power button is pressed.

The second reason is damage or wear of the input connector for connecting the adapter. The connector in 80% of cases is attached to the board by soldering, so a blow to the plug from the power supply or a plug inserted at an angle can lead to further breakage of the contacts. In the worst case, the connector itself is destroyed. Also, one of the reasons for the failure of the power socket is overheating and melting due to poor contact as a result of natural wear.

The third reason why the laptop does not start and the black screen is a battery malfunction. As a rule, when you press the power button, there is no reaction - the noise of the cooler, the hard drive. If it is possible to disconnect the battery, do so and try to turn on the laptop only from the mains. If it works, the battery needs to be replaced.

Laptop won't start - black screen

When you press the power button, the laptop does not turn on, the power indicator is on, then in this case there are several possible breakdowns - from the banal separation of the contacts of the matrix connector to replacing the video chip or Bios firmware. If the matrix cable connector has come off, you need to disassemble the laptop screen case and insert it, fixing it with factory tape.

If the problem is in the cable, then it will need to be replaced. This most often requires disassembly of both the screen and the bottom of the laptop. The cable must be laid in the body mount in the same way as it was before, in order to prevent its strong wear from friction.

Serious damage includes the replacement of the bridge and motherboard chips. This procedure also requires expensive equipment, namely a high-quality infrared soldering station, compressor, profile soldering system, which is available in our service center.

Windows won't start on laptop

If the laptop does not boot, then this problem is solved by restoring or reinstalling the operating system. These works do not require disassembly of laptops and take, as a rule, a little time.

In the event of a hardware problem, usually the hard drive, it needs to be replaced. The natural resource is usually limited to 3 years with careful handling. If the laptop was shaking during operation or it fell, then data can be lost at any time.

An ordinary HDD is a partially mechanical device where data is stored on magnetic disks, and information is read and written on top of them by magnetic heads. The heads "hover" above the disk at a meager distance without touching their surface. When shaken or hit, they touch the surface and cause damage to the carrier magnetic layer. Solid state HDDs are several orders of magnitude less susceptible to such an impact, since there are no mechanical parts. And yet, if Windows does not start on a laptop, it is difficult to list the entire range of possible malfunctions without diagnostics.

When performing work, it is important that the master does not forget to check the performance of the hard drive using S.M.A.R.T. attributes that store disk self-diagnosis information. Otherwise, the problem may occur again.

Laptop turns off by itself

In this case, after some time after turning off the device, it is still possible to turn it on. If the laptop turns off and does not turn on for a while - 90% of the problem is in the cooling system - the processor overheats after a short work. It is necessary to prevent the cooling system with the replacement of thermal paste of at least MX-4 class.

It is worth noting that after performing the work, it is necessary to check the thermal modes at full processor load. This test allows you to determine the performance of the thermo-tubes of radiators, as well as thermal pads or so-called thermal interfaces. If the tubes fail, they will definitely need to be replaced, otherwise the server bridge or processor may fail.

Laptop not responding to power button

Check the power supply - it may not be charging the battery. Due to a battery problem, the laptop may also not turn on despite the adapter being connected.

If the power supply and battery are good, and the device does not respond to the power button, there may be malfunctions as the power button or power connector. In difficult situations, the motherboard fails - malfunctions of the power circuits, PWM power controller, Multicontroller, MOSFET switching keys.

  • The power adapter or its cable is defective;
  • Damage to the power connector;
  • Malfunction or short circuit in the battery;
  • Failure of the power supply circuit - the charge of the motherboard.

Turns on and off immediately

This situation can occur as a result of both a complete discharge of the battery, and a malfunction of the motherboard. You can see a winking power-on indication. Check the serviceability of the adapter, connect it to the computer with the battery removed.
If the laptop does not turn on anyway, the failure may be related to both the power connector and the motherboard power system. It is necessary to contact the service center master, because. repairs must be carried out using equipment.

Acer laptop does not start - example

Let's give an example of an illiterate action the masters of one of the service centers, from where they brought us the device for repair - the acer laptop does not turn on. After disassembling the Acer Aspire 5920, it turned out that there were attempts to repair it by heating the bridge strongly, using a Chinese hot air station.

When you press the power button, the laptop blinks lights and does not turn on. As a result of the diagnostics, a problem was identified in the BIOS firmware. Firmware done. The repair took only 3 hours.

Indeed, this model "sins" with the frequent breakdown of the north bridge, the video card, which operates under load in critical mode. However, this does not mean that any problem with turning on should be attributed to a malfunction of the north bridge, the cause may be: power supply nodes in the motherboard, switching circuit, malfunction of the BIOS chip, microcontroller chip and other elements, of which there are more than 1000 pieces in the laptop.

The 21st century is considered the century of new technologies, and almost every person has a computer at home. And recently, most users prefer to use laptops. The popularity of laptops is quite understandable - they take up little space, are mobile and are not much inferior to ordinary personal computers.

Many of the mobile PC users at least once in their lives have encountered a problem when a laptop stops turning on for no apparent reason; this puts most people in a panic. In this article, I would like to highlight this problem and try to solve it at home without resorting to the help of a specialist.

So, your laptop won't turn on, what should you do? The very first thing we have to determine is at what stage of inclusion a malfunction occurs, the degree of damage to the laptop depends on this. The most difficult laptop breakdowns for home troubleshooting are related to its internal parts, the so-called hardware. You can determine that the malfunction is so deep if no action occurs when you turn on your device - the screen does not turn on, the laptop does not make noise, and the LED indicators showing the operation of the device do not light up. These factors indicate a malfunction in the power supply of the motherboard. In most cases, motherboard problems cannot be fixed at home by a non-professional, but before taking your computer in for service, you can check for a few minor breakdowns from which the laptop shows the same symptoms.

The laptop does not turn on, what should I do?

  • Check the laptop charger - it often happens that the failure is precisely in such a trifle: a loosely connected cable to the network, a lack of voltage in the electrical network, or a failure of the charger. If your laptop suddenly shuts down, and turning it back on does nothing, pay attention to the charging indicator. If there is no charging, and the laptop continues to function, then the charge indicator should blink when you try to turn on the device - this is the surest indicator of a charger failure. But be careful, if the laptop stays for more than a day without charging, the indicator may not light up due to the complete discharge of the battery.

  • Check the laptop battery - just like the charger, the battery tends to fail and prevent your device from turning on normally. In order to check the performance of the battery, you must disconnect it from your laptop and turn on the charger directly. If your laptop starts, then the battery is the problem and needs to be replaced, but until you replace it, you can use the computer using mains charging.

  • Eliminate the possibility of failure of the internal software (Bios-a) of the laptop - problems loading your device may be caused by a failure of the internal software that is used to manage laptop devices; from a power surge or improper shutdown of the device, a Bios failure may occur. In order to de-energize the motherboard capacitors and make a hard reset, you need to disconnect the laptop battery, turn off the charger, i.e. turn off the laptop. After you turn off all power devices, hold down the power button several times and hold for an average of 10 seconds. This procedure will remove all static from the computer motherboard and de-energize the BIOS. The next step is to connect the laptop charger, but do not connect the battery. If your device turns on, then the problem is fixed and you can connect the battery.

If nothing helped...

If the above tricks did not help start your laptop, then it is highly recommended to visit a laptop repair service center. This suggests that most likely the problem is in its hardware, and it is better not to repair the internal equipment of the laptop on your own.

If your laptop turns on - the screen lights up, the laptop makes noise and the LED indicators are on, then the laptop's vital devices are in order. We proceed to the next stage of turning on the laptop - this is the download. The download can be divided into 2 parts. The first part includes the initial boot of the laptop, it occurs immediately after turning on the device and configures the internal devices of the laptop. The boot is controlled by the device's internal software, the BIOS. The second part includes directly loading Windows.

Problems with hardware configuration are quite common. You can understand this if, when you turn on your device, the initial screen saver appears (a black screen with white letters) and nothing further happens, i.e. laptop won't boot.

Reasons why this error may occur:

  1. Strong voltage drop;
  2. Improper shutdown of the device;
  3. BIOS failure;
  4. Failure or failure of laptop hardware.

To fix this problem, you need to carefully read the inscriptions on the screen. If the failure occurs due to an improper shutdown or due to a power surge, the BIOS will reboot and reset to the original settings. Most often, to continue loading, you need to press the "F1" key, this is indicated by the message displayed in the lower left corner of the screen - something like "PressF1 to continue" or "Press F1 to load default settings". For each BIOS version, these messages are different, so just pay attention to the presence of an inscription and press the suggested key to continue.

It happens that the internal program of the laptop crashes and prevents the computer from starting up normally, but it does not display any error messages. In order to fix this error, you need to set all BIOS settings to default. To do this, enter the BIOS using the "F2" key (for most modern laptops) or the del key (found in laptops from 2000 to 2008) and find the line "Load BIOS default", in different BIOS versions this line may be in different places. Then exit and save the parameters "Save Settings and Exit" or by pressing F10.

If the above methods did not help, then it is very likely that your equipment is malfunctioning, in particular, in 90% of cases, the hard drive is to blame.

After several initial boot screens, the computer displays a Windows boot splash screen, after which the desktop loads and the user is able to use his device. When loading the operating system, many problems also happen, but this is the most minor and easily solved problem with your laptop, which is solved by reinstalling the operating system. We will look at the most common Windows boot problems that can be fixed without resorting to reinstalling the system. If the Windows splash screen appears and nothing happens or the computer restarts - this problem is fixed with varying success, the best option is to reinstall Windows, but you can try to boot using the built-in debugger.

To do this, after the initial boot of the laptop, before the splash screen should appear, we press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select the line "Last Known Good Configuration". In recent versions of Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) it is possible to resurrect your operating system using restore points - through the system restore interface. After several unsuccessful downloads, Windows itself will offer to use the system rollback, which can also be called through the additional system boot menu via the F8 key.

P.S. The laptop does not turn on, what to do and who is to blame?

After carefully reading this note, you understand and realize the reasons for the breakdown of the laptop. Even if you do not have any problems, it is better to be aware of the most popular problems in order to prevent them during operation.

In contact with

The laptop is a complex device. To enable it, a number of actions take place that a simple user does not even know about. Breakage could occur on any of them.

  • burned down power supply, or the cord is damaged.
  • Battery out of order.
  • burned down motherboard, or rather any component located on it.
  • Is absent initialization.
  • flew operating system.

Black screen when turned on

The user turns on the laptop, but the screen does not light up. This happens frequently. There can be many reasons:

  • Problems related to southern or northern bridge caused by mechanical interference or overheating.
  • Does not work CPU or video card.
  • torn plume.
  • burned down RAM or fell out of the socket.
  • Not right configured computer hardware.
  • Battery"died".

The first three points can be repaired on one's own.

In the case when the laptop turns off after a long work and does not want to start - this is most likely overheat.

Should define whether the laptop turns on at all when you press the power button. That is, the indicators light up and the fans and the hard drive make noise. The outcome of this and will have to act.


Battery replacement

Loop test

It may be that the monitor cable has come loose or broken. This can be checked connection another monitor.

Incorrect BIOS settings

There were cases when users with the same problem were helped reset BIOS settings to factory settings.

RAM is defective

As an option, you should check whether the RAM sticks are well inserted. They can also cause a black screen.

BIOS malfunctions

Perhaps the problem is in settings BIOS. Then, as it was written above, you should go to its settings and reset them to factory.

Stuck on power up

This can happen for many reasons. One of them is overheat. If it is strong, then it can even be felt. In this case, you should open the laptop. If there is a lot under the body dust, then you need to eliminate it, especially the one that lies on the fans.

Perhaps the hang is due to malfunctions with a hard drive, when it starts to break, it all starts with freezes. Then you need to change the hard drive, but before that it is better to visit a service center.

Operating system issues

When the operating system crashes or viruses get into it, problems with switching on may begin. Then either will help reinstallation Windows or cleaning from viruses if possible. You should try to go through safe mode if possible, then scan your computer for viruses.

More recently, Windows updates have led to similar malfunctions. Then you need to roll back, or reinstall.

Let's look at the main reasons why your laptop does not turn on and what you can do now.

It should immediately be clarified that there can be a lot of reasons for a breakdown and they will be both hardware and software in nature. We will check everything in order and look for our case. If anything, contact the workshop in your city.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce laptops on Windows 10/8/7: ASUS, Acer, Lenovo, HP, Dell, MSI, Toshiba, Samsung and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

The laptop does not turn on and does not show signs of life

Often these problems are related to nutrition. The first thing to do is to connect the laptop to the power supply to check for voltage at the outlet. Adapters are equipped with a power lamp, which indicates its performance. The laptop has a light that lights up when plugged in or when the battery is charging.

Most often, the reason is in a power supply that does not work or is not functioning properly (here you need to try a similar working one), due to the presence of bad contacts in the connectors, kinked or broken wires. Therefore, we look and draw conclusions at what stage the voltage disappears.

To avoid problems with the power connector, it is recommended that you first insert the power plug into the laptop, and then only the power cord into the outlet. This will eliminate the possibility of a short-term spark when connecting the plug, which can damage the contacts.

If the laptop does not turn on, but everything is “on”, then the problem may not only be in the power supply. You should remove the battery and reconnect the device without it, then put the battery back in 10 minutes later. Also, turn off all external connected devices, you can also turn off the Wi-Fi adapter, if the design allows.

If everything worked, then return the devices one by one. This is how the cause is determined.

Faulty hard drive

If the hard drive fails, the laptop can be turned on, but it freezes before the Windows splash screen is displayed. In some cases, a message is displayed about the HDD error, for example, information that the disk is not a system disk.

In any case, the user still has the opportunity to enter the BIOS. There you can check the correctness of the settings and whether the hard drive is detected. If the hard drive is visible, then the system can be started from a bootable USB flash drive or disk to test it.

Chipset and video card failure

Various components of the laptop can fail. Causes of failure may be damage due to impact, overheating, etc.

The most common problems with turning on a laptop are:

  • Video card.
  • North bridge.
  • South bridge.

In the event of a breakdown, the behavior of the laptop may be different. If the video card is out of order, then there is no picture, but the fan will function and Windows may even boot, making the appropriate sounds. If one of the bridges is broken, the device will stop before loading the OS or not turn on at all.

In this case, it is almost impossible to establish the cause on your own. At home, an attempt to repair can harm the device, so it is better to contact a service center.

Other reasons

In practice, a malfunction can occur in a number of cases:

  • Windows error.
  • Overheat.
  • Broken BIOS firmware.
  • Damage to memory or processor.

If the laptop beeps when turned on, then this indicates problems with the RAM or overheating. If you have a little experience, then you can independently determine the problems, why this happened.

First you need to remove the dust. If the failure persists, replace the memory modules with known good ones.

The problem with a broken BIOS firmware appears after an incorrect update. Errors often occur during BIOS configuration. Solving this problem yourself is quite simple. You should go to the SETUP menu, load the default settings, for example, select the Load Setup Defaults function.

In the work of Windows, errors may appear, leading to the fact that the operating system does not start. It is necessary to determine their cause and solve the problem. Alternatively, you can reinstall the OS or restore the installed one.

Often the laptop does not start due to power problems. After pressing the power button, the power button is on, but then nothing happens. The cause must be found and eliminated.

The laptop stops turning on due to the following typical actions:

  • Update.
  • Dust cleaning.

To troubleshoot, you can replace the battery:

After cleaning

After cleaning, the laptop may stop turning on. In this case, the fan is able to start or make a squeak. On some models, the indicators may flash.

The process of cleaning a laptop is associated with its disassembly. First you need to disassemble the device again and check the connection of all components and the installation of the cooling system. It is important to pay attention to thermal paste.

If RAM modules were removed during cleaning, then you need to try to remove them again, clean the contacts and reinstall them. It is important to check if the laptop starts with the optical drive and hard drive disabled.

When re-disassembling, you need to pay attention to the cover opening sensor. If the assembly is not carried out very carefully, then it may not be in its place.

If the above tips did not help, then you should contact the professionals. It is possible that during disassembly, parts were damaged by static electricity or some other malfunction occurred.

After update

When an update is performed, problems may appear. When updates are installed incorrectly, the laptop stops turning on. At the same time, the user can install a new version of drivers, BIOS or patches for the OS.

The most difficult case is the inability to start the device after updating the BIOS. This happens when the user interferes with the process, for example, by shutting down or restarting the computer during an update, or using unofficial firmware.

It will not be superfluous to reset the settings to default. To do this, remove the battery for a few minutes or close the corresponding jumper on the system board. In practice, this is not always possible to fix the problem.

If the problem started after updating Windows or drivers, you should simply roll back to the previous restore point using safe mode. Restoring the operating system or returning to the state can also help, if the model supports such a function.

After overheating

Modern laptops generate a lot of heat during operation. If the cooling system is faulty or very dusty, overheating occurs, due to which some parts may break.

The following parts may fail due to overheating:

  • South and north bridges.
  • HDD.
  • Video card.
  • CPU.

Spontaneous shutdowns

In some situations, the laptop may turn on and function normally for a while. Then there is a spontaneous shutdown. The main reasons for the breakdown:

  • Parts malfunction.
  • Software errors.
  • Overheat.

The most common cause of laptop shutdowns is overheating, which in the future can lead to product failure. To avoid this, you should regularly remove dust and change the heat-conducting paste.

Quite often, parts malfunction due to overheating. If you do not carry out regular cleanings, then this probability increases significantly.

Viruses can harm the correct operation of the system. As a result, the device will turn itself off. You can resolve the issue using a special utility from the Kaspersky Lab website or Doctor Web by performing a full scan and removing threats.

For software errors, you need to find the cause using the code that is displayed on the screen at the time of the failure. Then the problematic application needs to be removed or updated.

Unable to start from boot device

When loading Windows in English, various messages may be displayed, for example, "Error loading operating system". The first step is to remove the disk from the drive, all flash drives and reboot the device. If this did not solve the issue, then the reason is in the software problem of the hard drive or in the hardware.

The most accessible method of restoring performance will be reinstalling Windows. If it helped, then the reason was at the program level.

Another option is when Windows starts loading, but then the laptop itself reboots, errors are shown on a blue or black screen. Here, too, the reasons may be hardware or software failures.

The surest way to check this would be to reinstall the OS. An easy test option is to start the system from a bootable USB flash drive. If the device does not start, then it should be taken for repair.

Often the life of a modern person is simply unthinkable without the use of mobile electronics. To keep abreast of things, to influence the dynamics of rapidly developing events and at the same time not to limit ourselves to movement, we, people, are helped by a portable computing device that is comfortable in all respects - a laptop. And many are unsettled by the situation, which could be described by a single, but such a capacious phrase: “The laptop does not turn on!” Stop the little trembling, take a sedative, discard all doubts - you can fix everything. And on your own! Without the help of professionals and sympathetic care, sometimes unreasonably overpriced repair specialists. Intrigued? Then we read!

Magic tool - diagnostics

You will not believe it, but 50% of success in electronics repair depends on how correctly you determine the cause of the breakdown. If the laptop does not turn on, it's time to remember long-forgotten or recent operational moments: drops and bumps, shaking and pressing, as well as unfavorable temperatures. Doubts about the correctness of the set settings (during software experiments) also require careful analysis.

Hardware and software malfunctions

The golden mean simply does not exist. A broken display needs to be replaced, a damaged power cord needs to be repaired, and the frequent “culprit” of a situation called “laptop screen does not turn on” is a closed button to close the screen cover, which can completely drive a user who watches the LED display crazy and hears the rustling of fans and feels the "life" of the hard drive. Not so rare are cases when an unlucky user "winds up" the BIOS in anticipation of wonderful agility from a laptop, or directly in the operating environment switches the video signal output to an external display receiver. All this and much more is divided into two types of faults:

  • Hardware - physical damage to a system component.
  • Software - incorrectly used settings, software inconsistency with the configuration of the computing device.

Why the laptop does not turn on: typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination

Here we have reached the climax of this article. Carefully read each case separately, and perhaps you will find a completely similar or remotely reminiscent of the “symptoms” of your problem, the reason for the device not turning on. It is worth noting that laptop repair is often really associated with mysticism. You can’t name the electromagnetic “whims” of the internal components of the system otherwise. Static works wonders! However, let's be realistic and follow the recommendations that explain the actual state of affairs.

So, the first secret: energy

When a laptop won't turn on, the problem is usually a power outage. First of all, you need to make sure that the adapter is working, through which the battery of the device is charged. Active light indication on the power supply, as well as near the corresponding laptop connector (at the time of connection) is often deceptive. Therefore, it is advisable to use a known working adapter to make sure that the “doubtful” electrical converter is working.

Even if you are sure that the battery of your laptop has the proper level of charge, and the computer still does not show signs of life, disconnect the battery. Now connect your device to external and press the "Power" button. Nothing happens? Move on.

In addition to the above, or Why does the laptop not turn on?

If you see a lot of peripherals connected at the same time, you should try the following scenario:

  • In order to make it easier for the laptop to start, turn off all unnecessary devices - external drives, USB cables and printing devices.
  • If the laptop is equipped with a special mechanical switch that turns on Wi-Fi or the Bluetooth module, deactivate the wireless connection.
  • Restart your computer.

Problem solved - great! No - we continue to look for the "culprit of non-inclusion" further.

Secret two: mechanical damage

For example, your Asus laptop does not turn on. The specifics of the modification are conditional, since the further explanation is relevant for all mobile devices. What do we have to do?

  • Pay attention to the integrity of the connector, which includes the plug of the power adapter. It may have oxidized or been damaged as a result of intense mechanical stress (insertion/removal).
  • Connect the power supply and, while holding the "Power" button, carefully move the plug to the sides, up / down.
  • Follow the indication.

The reason that the Asus laptop (or any other laptop modification) does not turn on may be a completely discharged battery. By the way, a battery “landed in a deep zero” (forgive the reader for the jargon used) often requires the organization of a non-standard type of charging. Therefore, do not allow deep discharges of your battery. A battery that has been inactive for a long time can be started using a universal charger.

Secret three: software failure and inability of the device to boot the OS

A frequently asked question: “The laptop does not turn on - what should I do?” may be due to incorrectly made changes to the BIOS (a) settings of the computer. If you see a dark screen with a blinking cursor after the computing device goes through a short initialization process, perhaps the following algorithm will help you fix the difficult situation:

  • Enter the BIOS menu. As a rule, to access the basic settings (when loading the start screen), it is enough to press the "F2" or "Delete" key several times. However, it all depends on the version of your BSVV.
  • After you get to the main menu of the firmware, activate the "Setup Default" or "Factory Default" item. The name of the section that promotes a rollback to factory settings may be different.
  • Save your changes and reboot.

In most cases this helps. If the problem “The laptop turns on but does not boot up” has not been resolved, proceed to the next step in restoring the device’s performance.

Fourth Secret: The Cyclic and Infinite Reboot Process

The constant “tumbling” of the system before the appearance of the Windows logo is a bad sign. Most likely, you will not be able to avoid hardware repairs. Typically, this kind of malfunction is associated with a failed north bridge of a compact computing device.

  • Perform a visual inspection of the ventilation grilles. Perhaps you will find a critical accumulation of dust, which, in turn, will become a kind of proof of the validity of unpleasant assumptions.

The laptop does not turn on, a black screen, and at the same time the laptop continues to “live incomprehensibly”, blinking ambiguously with the LED indication? Quite often the situation can be corrected.

  • You should resort to a phased shutdown of the basic components of the computer.
  • First, disconnect the drive and try to boot without it.
  • Perhaps the reason lies in the incorrect operation of the RAM - disable the RAM modules.
  • Perhaps the conflict is causing the hard drive. Remove the drive from the bowels of the laptop.

As you know, the lack of results is also a result! We keep looking for the cause...

Fifth element of graphical fault

If the HP laptop does not turn on, it may well be that the device's video card has failed. Particular attention should be paid to the modification of the laptop, in which a discrete-type graphics module is installed. With intensive use, this component is most susceptible to overheating. The main radiator, whose fins can be seen visually through the air intake holes, can tell a lot. With a sufficiently strong contamination of the elements of the cooling system, overheating of the heat-intensive graphics processor is inevitable. Timely detection and a number of subsequent actions can simply be life-saving for a video card that has begun to function incorrectly.

Some HP laptops (meaning individual models) are structurally designed so that if there is a difficulty “The laptop does not turn on”, everything is resolved by simply removing the protective covers and thoroughly cleaning the contaminated parts.

Sixth secret: visual incidents

Dark screen issues can be resolved. Let's look at a typical type of malfunction, and in the next section we will figure out how all this can be fixed.

  • Carefully inspect the matrix for chips and other types of mechanical damage, the same applies to the connecting cable.
  • If the laptop screen does not turn on at startup, the contacts of the button, which is activated when the laptop display cover is closed, may be closed.
  • Take a closer look, perhaps the matrix displays a picture with no backlight.
  • If the user has enabled the external display video output circuit, the main screen will be disabled.

Seven Unclassified Methods to Eliminate Video Trouble

So, now you know something about the causes of the situation, which can be described as "HP laptop does not turn on." However, as mentioned earlier, the article stipulates the universal principles for diagnosing and repairing various faults in compact devices of computing electronics. Therefore, do not focus on any involvement ...

  • Replacing the matrix is ​​​​a rather difficult task, this process requires appropriate knowledge and, frankly, specialized experience. Therefore, if you are sure that the screen is physically defective, contact a service center or an independent laptop repair shop.
  • To make sure that the button of the mechanism for opening / closing the lid is working, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the upper part of the case frame of the device. In some models, this process is incredibly time-consuming, there is a high risk of damaging the plastic casing of the laptop, as well as some of the internal components of the system.

    A black screen (as the cause of a malfunction) may be the result of incorrect settings. Connect a laptop to an external monitor via an appropriate VGA/DVI or HDMI connector. If the image appears, go to the settings and switch the video mode to the "default" state.
  • Use the function keys that control the backlight: "F5 + ...". As a rule, such buttons on the keyboard are marked with the corresponding designation.

So, now you know what to do if the laptop turns on, the screen does not work. Move on.

A few words about other OS troubles

During the process of reinstalling the operating system, the user may encounter some computer misunderstandings:

  • Incorrectly partitioned disk space can eventually become a big problem for an unlucky user.
  • Damage to the boot sector on the hard drive will lead to the situation "The laptop turns on but does not boot."
  • A depleted CMOS battery can cause the BIOS(s) to constantly mess up. As a rule, in the process of starting the computer, the user will constantly need to press the "F1" key.
  • An incorrectly set boot priority in BIOS (e) will result in the user not being able to install the OS on a laptop.


Well, we can state with confidence that with the main reasons and solutions to the question: “The laptop does not turn on - what should I do?” you, dear reader, have read. As you understand, before opening a laptop, you need to make sure that this is necessary. A thorough inspection of external structural elements, as well as simple experiments with connecting / disconnecting the basic components of a computer will significantly save your time, and at the same time, financial resources. Learn to see, hear and feel electronics. Be patient and believe in the success of the enterprise! And then you can easily find the cause of the difficulty: "Acer laptop does not turn on." Only knowledge and experience can guarantee your competence in solving certain issues related to the repair and operation of portable electronics. All the best to you and success in your endeavors!