Laptop - how to choose? What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a laptop? ISO sensitivity, min.

Not so long ago, the presence of a flat-screen TV in the house indicated the high social class of its owner. It confirmed the status of a respectable person and was accessible only to a few. Now such models are on the shelves of all digital equipment stores, and they are not that expensive. In any case, they are not considered luxury, so anyone can buy. But what parameters should you use to choose a TV?

We will answer this question today.

One of the main reasons that makes models affordable is the cheaper technology and its gradual improvement during production. Consequently, competition in the market is growing and in the fight for buyers, companies are forced to reduce prices. This plays into our hands and gives us the opportunity to use excellent equipment at an affordable price. BUT! Along with the improvement of technology, many different criteria have appeared, each of which is important because... affects one or another parameter of the TV: size, image quality, color rendition, etc. Let's start from afar.

Screen size and resolution

An important visual parameter is the screen diagonal. The larger it is, the more expensive the TV is - take this into account. People usually think that the bigger the screen, the better, but this is only partly true. You need to choose the diagonal wisely, and one of the criteria for choosing a diagonal model is the size of the room.

If you buy a model with a huge diagonal for a small room, then when watching analogue channels or videos of not very high resolution at close range, you will see pixels on the screen, which is very uncomfortable. To create the integrity of the picture, you will have to step back, and in a small room you simply will not have space. Approximate table of correspondence between the TV screen and the distance from the viewing point:

Those. If the room parameters allow you to view the TV from a distance of 3-4 meters, then it is optimal to buy a TV with a screen diagonal of 32 inches. Otherwise, you will spend more money on a model with a larger screen, but will lose in quality.

As for resolution, things are a little more complicated. The best picture quality is achieved only when the resolution of the video content matches the resolution of the matrix. However, analog and sometimes digital television signals have lower resolution, so the system has to stretch or contract it. This contributes to a loss of quality. Therefore, models with PAL/VGA resolution are better suited for watching television channels, i.e. standard. But if you plan to watch HD movies, then the ideal option is a TV with Full HD resolution (1920 x 1080) or at least HD-Ready (1366 x 768).

Choosing a TV by type: plasma, 3D or LCD?

Flat screens can be of three types: plasma and LCD. The only thing they have in common is their flat appearance. The first are plasma TVs, consisting of a matrix and cells. These cells are filled with an inert gas, and when voltage is connected, the system gives a discharge to each cell of the matrix, resulting in a glow. This is how the picture is formed.

LCD screens consist of liquid crystals placed between two plates. These crystals transmit light from the backlight behind. Depending on the voltage applied to the crystal, it can transmit light in different ways, resulting in an image.

Of course, each type may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Plasma can boast a large viewing angle and picture saturation (especially for black). However, plasma can burn out over time, resulting in reduced brightness. But this will happen in about 10 years, when your plasma will be the same rarity as a black and white telephone is today. Plasma also makes more noise and generates heat, which is also a disadvantage.

LCD panels are, of course, more durable. But in one percent out of a hundred, when viewing dynamic colors in high resolution, trails from the movement of the picture may appear on the screen. Previously, this problem was very relevant, but now the technology has greatly improved. In addition, plasma does not burn out at all, and the service life of such a TV is 2 times longer. Those. it will work for another 10 years after it becomes a rarity.

3D models are the new TVs. They are just flooding the market and manufacturers are trying in every possible way to attract customers with this new product. There are different technologies for forming three-dimensional images. One of them involves the use of special glasses, the other does not. But the technology is not particularly in demand now, because... There is very little 3D content (i.e. movies). Therefore, we recommend waiting a little and not overpaying for almost useless surround image reproduction technology.

Contrast and brightness as important selection parameters

The higher the brightness, the less the eyes will be loaded, so this criterion should be considered. In addition, higher brightness contributes to greater comfort, especially during daylight hours.

It is believed that the minimum screen brightness value should be 450 cd/sq.m. Almost all models of modern TVs satisfy this requirement, but it is possible to stumble upon some old or cheap model from an unknown manufacturer. So you can’t let your guard down. Also, modern devices should (very desirable) have a sensor for detecting room lighting, which will allow them to independently set the screen brightness.

Despite the outdated stereotype that a girl driving and a monkey with a grenade are one and the same, there are more and more women car enthusiasts. After all, modern girls care not only about the outer shell, but also about the technological parameters of the car they drive. Especially if this is your first car.

1. Old friend, better than new ones

Should I take a used car or a brand new one? There is an opportunity to purchase an elite used one, or you can buy a used one, but on a budget. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options: by choosing a car with a drive, you will fly into the ranks of the high class for a strikingly low price. Such cars are considered more reliable. Reliable, but only in comparison with cars of the same year. In addition, you have no idea what this car has been through before you. There is a risk that you will spend more on repairs.

When it comes to a new car: the costs of using it are completely predictable. Good insurance policies are provided that will cover potential problems. The purchase price should not exceed an annual salary.

2. Does size matter?

Although SUVs and larger vehicles have many advantages, they are suitable for experienced drivers. A large car requires a lot of gasoline. For a beginner, dimensions play an important role. Your first car should be compact. The best options for beginners are cars of the “A”, “B”, “B+” segments, and small crossovers.

Artem Matyash, head of the sales department of Autocenter-Bavaria (as part of Astana Motors), the official importer of the BMW and MINI brands in Kazakhstan, told us what is best to pay attention to when choosing a car:

It is difficult to imagine the ideal car that would suit absolutely any girl. Too much depends on the character, temperament, driving experience, driving style and, finally, the taste preferences of the owner. It is clear that for a girl, a car should always look attractive - the fair sex pays great attention to the color and design of the car. In fact, emphasis should also be placed on whether the car has reliable active and passive protection. The smart systems that premium brands have greatly simplify and, if necessary, save the life of the driver. If a girl chooses her first car, it is better not to opt for a huge crossover, but to give preference to more compact models - BMW 1 Series, BMW 3 Series, BMW X1. Needless to say, it is better to choose an automatic transmission. Of course, unless the girl is a fan of motorsports and spends her weekends on the race track, calculating apexes and entry points into turns. It is better to choose front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive - with such a car it will be comfortable and easy to drive in winter. It is difficult for a beginner to cope with a rear-wheel drive car in winter. And for convenient parking, for example, you can get parking sensors and a rear view camera.

3. Fuel consumption

We should not forget about such an important aspect as fuel consumption. It is worth choosing an economical car with a small engine capacity - if we talk about BMW, then even the minimum engine capacity guarantees sufficient power for a comfortable trip and driving pleasure. At the same time, fuel consumption will be minimal, which means you won’t have to spend heavily on transport taxes and gasoline,” says Artem Matyash.

Also, the official importer of the BMW and MINI brands in Kazakhstan added that before choosing a car, it is better to find out how difficult it is to find spare parts for the car you are interested in, and whether there is an official service center for this brand in Kazakhstan. Original consumables, for example, extend the life of your car and preserve its true “factory” character.

How to choose a laptop so that it meets all your requirements? Or just not to make a mistake in choosing the price-quality ratio?

Laptop– a self-sufficient computer and a mistake in selection will be more painful than choosing a separate component for your home computer.

With the help of this guide, you will learn all the necessary characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a laptop. Also, this article will help you not to overpay money for functions you don’t need, and perhaps also tell you where you can safely save money in your case.

Laptop is selected for different purposes. Of particular priority: long battery life, home computer replacement(or as a second computer), for multimedia(movies, music) or just All In One*.

* all in one

Laptop for work and travel , must combine such characteristics as: large opening hours on battery, low level heat release, good display, robust structure and wear resistance, compact size, extended communication capabilities.

Laptop as a replacement for a home computer and for stationary use, it must have such characteristics as: a large display, a variety of communication ports, a comfortable keyboard, a good processor and video card, a capacious hard drive and a lot of RAM.

Laptop for multimedia tasks — must combine such things as: a large and high-quality display, a powerful processor (for playing movies in HD), a good sound system and a capacious hard drive.

AllIn One Quite rare specimens that combine all the characteristics from these categories, thanks to competent power management and the overall thoughtfulness of the laptop design. They often have a video subsystem from two video cards(built-in and discrete), which allows you to significantly increase the battery life of the laptop. These laptops are equipped with processors that have advanced technologies to reduce power consumption when running on battery power. As a rule, they have rechargeable batteries with O more sections and increased capacity.

All-in-one notebook by Asus:

High-quality display, advanced communication capabilities (including a variety of ports), high-quality finishing materials, interesting design, a well-thought-out hot air exhaust system - all this also applies to this class of laptops.

The only disadvantage of such versatility is their price. Not everyone is ready to part with so much money if most of the opportunities are not used.

Let's start with the manufacturers.

Laptop manufacturers .

The quality of the installed components and the durability of the laptop depend on the manufacturer. Even if they are identical in content. After all, it is the manufacturer who thinks through everything, from the cooling system to the quality of the display and the Bios firmware.

A very good indicator of the quality of a laptop is if the manufacturer also produces motherboards, cooling systems, displays or possibly other electronic components ( ASUS, MSI , Toshiba, Sony, Samsung and others). In such laptops, in most cases, you can be sure that most of the hardware and cooling systems are well thought out. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer’s experience in producing laptops, but this is not a guarantee of quality. Some manufacturers produce low quality products very consistently.

Also, each manufacturer has its own peculiarities, which are often used in laptops of all price categories. For example: attractive appearance and a high-quality display (Sony); non-staining, scratch-resistant glossy case (Asus); better reception (Lenovo); non-heating keyboard (Asus) and so on.


If you want to sit in front of a laptop for more than 2 hours a day, then you should make sure that the laptop has a high-quality display. This is also worth thinking about if you work with graphics or just want high-quality color reproduction and wide viewing angles.

In these cases, you should look towards laptops with matrices. They provide accurate color reproduction and high viewing angles. You can read about the types of matrices in our material:

Now there is a tendency to produce displays for laptops only with, when instead of cold cathode lamps, backlighting is used. This allows you to make the top cover of the laptop much thinner and significantly reduces power consumption.

On the one hand, this is significant reduces energy consumption, increases brightness level and makes the laptop cover much more thinner. On the other hand, there is more light from diodes irritates the eyes, due to the light being more unusual for the eye, and the flickering frequency being lower than that of classical backlighting (cold cathode lamps). However, there are still more advantages and they are much more significant for a mobile device. Therefore, it is increasingly used in laptops LED display backlight.

Another important factor for the ability to work on a laptop for a long time without eye fatigue is a matte display. Many people often face a choice - matte or glossy.

The only plus of the glossy display is a clearer picture and slightly more vibrant colors.

Of the minuses - very strong soiling(your prints will last for a long time); glare which constantly force the eyes to focus on different points, which certainly leads to faster fatigue; the worst viewing angles(again due to glare); inability to work if there is someone behind your back bright source Sveta.

Hardware or internal filling of a laptop.

Availability powerful(multi-core, with high frequency) processor primarily affects: the overall speed of the OS and its interface, video encoding, speed of working with photos, archiving, painless launch of several applications at the same time, increased performance in games and other applications dependent on processor resources. You can read about choosing a processor in our material:

It is also worth noting that in laptopsnot used logic sets on IntelAtom. If you have your eye on just this one, it's . Which, although it will faithfully serve for Internet surfing, office applications and at the same time hold a charge for a long time, it is not capable of more (of course, there are exceptions, but they are always very close in price to a full-fledged laptop).

It's always better to get a full-fledged budget laptop than an expensive netbook. After all, even the weakest, full-fledged dual-core processor (the same Celeron CULV 1.2Ghz), will be more powerful than the most powerful 2-core Atom with technology Hyper-Threading.

If you are going to periodically use the laptop for gaming, encoding music and video, watching high-definition video ( HD), work in Photoshop and other graphics programs, then in any case you cannot get by with built-in graphics solutions from Intel (X 3100, Intel GMA****, 4500HD and so on).

For such purposes, it is necessary to have discrete(not built into the chipset, with its own own video memory) from manufacturers such as AMD And NVidia. This is a guarantee that your laptop will play without problems HD-video, have good performance in graphic editors ( Photoshop, Flash etc.) and feel good in modern games (depending on the video card model and graphics settings). At least games from 2 years ago will be within his power in any case.

Quantity- primarily affects the speed of simultaneously running applications and the speed of operation and loading of the OS.

Lack of RAM ( RAM) can lead to slow operation of the OS, “sluggish” execution of “orders” and slowdowns in games due to constant access to the swap file. As you know, there is no such thing as too much RAM, but still, if it is not enough for you in the future, its quantity can be expanded by simply adding memory modules, if the laptop chipset allows it.

RAM- practically the only component other than the hard drive that can be replaced in a laptop. Sometimes you can change the video card, but with one that is similar in terms of characteristics. A laptop processor can rarely be replaced, as it is often soldered directly to the laptop motherboard. Although recently there has been a tendency to place processors in mobile sockets and this is very good.

About hard drive capacity and the presence or absence of such things as CD-Rom, I think everything is clear and at your personal discretion. The more disk space, the better. In terms of speed characteristics, mobile hard drives differ by a maximum of 10%.

It’s a huge plus if the laptop uses it as a system drive and has a hard drive in addition to it. Or the only one SSD large capacity storage device. The use of solid-state drives significantly increases the loading and operating speed of the OS. The response time, installation of programs and unpacking of archives are reduced.

Communication capabilities.

Almost every laptop has a module. Exists several standards this wireless connection. The more standards supported, the greater the chance that your laptop will catch almost everywhere in the coverage area. Typically, standards switch themselves, depending on the type of access point equipment.

Existing standards: 802.11a/b/g/i/n. Usually enough b And g standards, but availability 802.11n adopted in 2009 g – welcome.

It’s also nice to have on board ( 4G) or 3 G module.

Networks at these frequencies have very large coverage areas, but in any case you need to have a subscription to them (there is no free cheese). If in your city and your region where you would like to use a laptop, there are no networks Wi-Max or 3G, then you shouldn’t buy a laptop with their support (the extra charge is about 3-5 thousand rubles). And don’t despair if these modules are not provided in your laptop. There are a lot of inexpensive external ones on the market 3G/4G modems connected via .

When carrying a laptop over distances of more than 100m, use laptop bags with security framework. They really save laptops in some cases.

That's all. We hope you choose a laptop that suits all your needs.

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Buying a car is a big step, and choosing a car is a long and responsible process: choosing a car that will satisfy the buyer’s needs is by no means as simple as we would like. Even one missed detail can ruin the entire euphoria of the purchase. How to choose a car to suit your needs and what parameters should you focus on? Autocode knows the answer to these questions!

What questions to ask yourself before buying

Finding a car that suits you is a task that requires preparation, especially if this is your first car. To make it easier to choose a car, identify your needs, in order to develop them, answer a few simple questions.

    • Why is a car purchased? For trips between home, work and the supermarket? Or for trips to the country? Or maybe you are looking for a car to suit your own image? Choose the purpose for which you are going to buy a car - this will help in your further choice!
    • How much are you willing to spend? Everyone has budget limits that they can't break out of. Determine how much you are willing to spend on buying a car - this will significantly limit your search.
  • What body type do you need? Sedan, hatchback, station wagon, crossover - among this variety, choose what suits you. Find a compromise between visual beauty and functionality - don't focus only on appearance!
  • How many passengers? Comfort in the car is necessary not only for the driver. If you regularly travel with passengers, consider their wishes.
  • “Manual” or “automatic”? Oh, this eternal dispute that does not subside! Choose based on operating conditions. Do you need to travel around the city a lot? Automatic transmission is more convenient in traffic jams. Do you have to travel a lot on country roads? "Mechanics" will help you save fuel and better control the car.

The number of criteria and wishes, the observance of which determines how well a car suits us, is almost impossible to calculate. Choosing a car based on parameters is a painstaking and time-consuming process, and the wrong approach to this important stage spoils the pleasure of a new car. What criteria should you use to look for a “dream car”?

    • Car class and characteristics. We recommend that you start choosing from this parameter - focus on the number of passengers and the purpose of the trip (transporting people and transporting goods are two very different things!)
    • Price. Whatever one may say, there is no escape from the price. However, buyers often forget that the costs associated with the purchase are not limited to the cost of the car itself. Don’t forget about consumables, maintenance, re-registration costs, insurance... For a beginner, we recommend purchasing a cheaper car. As a rule, the service life of the first car is the shortest due to the driver's limited skills.
  • Manufacturer. Which brand of car to choose is up to you (some people care about their image, which will perfectly complement the badge on the hood, others are loyal to their favorite brand - there are many reasons). The main thing you shouldn’t forget about is the availability of service centers in your city: no one wants to travel several hours to change the oil, and a tow truck to the nearest specialized center will cost a pretty penny if the car suddenly “stops” and there is a need for it take away.
  • Engine volume. Acceleration dynamics, fuel consumption, the amount of transport tax - all this depends on what is under the hood of the car. Arm yourself with a calculator and calculate which option will be your compromise between cost and driving experience.
  • Drive. Each type of drive has pros and cons, and each driver has his own wishes and preferences. Think about what is right for you.
  • Transmission. We have already talked about it in the previous section - there is nothing to add!
  • Safety. In an emergency, the life and health of the driver and passengers depend on how well equipped the car is in terms of safety. Airbags, pre-tensioned belts, ABS, additional sensors and smart collision avoidance systems, reinforced body elements... Don't skimp on your own safety!
  • Additional options. A stereo system, air conditioning, cruise control and other additional features that you can do without, but which make travel more convenient and comfortable, are an important selection criterion. Most likely, when purchasing, you will again have to compromise - you will not be ready to sacrifice something, but you can safely refuse something.

Have you made a list of parameters for searching for a new car? Great - the hardest part is over, there are only a couple of useful tips left.

After compiling the criteria by which you selected candidates for the title “car for yourself,” find information about them on the Internet and study it thoroughly - perhaps you didn’t even know about the “pitfalls” that can radically change the purchase decision and force choose you again. If you have the opportunity to test drive the car you are planning to buy, do it. You can argue for a long time about ergonomics, comfort and other abstract values ​​- only while driving you will understand whether this car is suitable for you or not. And don’t believe your friends who prove that their choice is the best: we are all different people, and what is vitally important to us will not play any role for someone else.