The plug in the socket has broken off. What to do if the speaker plug is stuck in the sound card

It's no secret that many computer users treat their devices carelessly, but in vain, because often after such treatment, even the most insignificant devices can break down and thereby significantly complicate life. We will now look at the problem with broken plug stuck in your computer’s sound card, and we’ll tell you how you can fix this problem without resorting to the services of a wizard.

To begin with, I would like to talk about how this problem can appear: firstly, you can simply accidentally pull the wire of the speakers or headphones, and pull it so hard that the plug simply breaks. Secondly, carelessly connecting or disconnecting this plug will cause it to break as well. And finally, thirdly, there may be various force majeure circumstances, for example, children accidentally broke something or a dog chewed it or something else, there may be many reasons, but this is not more important to us, if it happened necessary, because somehow it’s up to us to decide this problem.

It is worth noting that the problem we are considering is quite non-standard and occurs quite rarely, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. So, now we will look at four ways to solve this very strange problem:

Method one - non-standard

One of the simplest ways to remove the stuck plug from the sound card socket, is to glue it and just pull it out from there. In a little more detail: first, we buy a box of matches, or find another thin object at home that can fit into a narrow nest. Then you need to purchase special glue. Best buy universal superglue, which can glue any surfaces, including metal and wood. Important: when buying glue, it is worth remembering that it must be a gel, that is, glue-gel. This glue will not spread inside the sound card socket and therefore will not damage it. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. To begin, disconnect the system unit from the power supply, as well as from all wires, and place it in a well-lit place. Then take a match and lubricate its tip with the purchased glue. As soon as this is done, immediately insert it into the sound card socket, and insert it so that the tip of the match touches the center of the broken plug. As soon as you feel that contact has occurred, hold the match in this position for several minutes. A good sign that the glue has worked is if when you release the match, it stays in the same position. When you are completely convinced that the glue has dried and securely glued the plug with the match, all you have to do is pull the match towards you, which will pull the stuck plug. Incredible, but true, with the help of such a very simple method, you can solve this problem.

Method two is even simpler

It would seem much simpler than the method that we have already described, but no, there is an even easier solution to this problem. In this method, the only thing we need is hands growing from the right place and small tweezers. After the word tweezers, everyone probably guessed what we would do. And strangely enough, this method is really quite simple. All you need to do is carefully grab this plug with tweezers and pull it towards you, sooner or later you will pull it out. Do not despair if nothing works the first time; the tweezers may slip during the first attempts and it will be difficult to pull out, but rest assured that after several attempts you will get the hang of it and easily achieve your goal. The only problem that may arise is where to get such small tweezers? For some, this may indeed be a problem, but if you think about it with your brain, it will be solved. To begin with, it’s worth saying that tweezers can be bought in a specialized store, but if you feel sorry for spending money, then pick up the phone and call your friends. Surely one of them will still have tweezers, because this is such a thing that is necessary in many fields of activity, from pharmacists and chemists to builders.

The third way is extreme

The next method that we will talk about can be called in only one word: extreme. It is recommended to use it only if you are really confident in your skills and are not afraid of breaking your computer, and, of course, if you are an extreme sports enthusiast. To solve this problem using this method, you will need an electric drill, a drill and a self-tapping screw. You need to find a drill with a diameter of approximately 2.5 millimeters and a self-tapping screw of approximately the same size. With the help of a drill and this small drill bit, you should make a hole inside the plug, and then screw a self-tapping screw into this hole and after that, again, just pull this structure towards you and the problem will be solved. At removing the plug Thus, you need to be extremely careful, because if you work carelessly, you have a high chance of getting damage to the socket itself, and this is a more serious problem. In addition, when everything is ready and the plug is removed, do not forget to perform one more step: before connecting the computer to the network, you need to remove the metal shavings that have formed from the socket. There will not be much of it there, but, nevertheless, it is unacceptable for foreign objects to be there. The easiest way to get rid of the shavings will be with a cotton swab - carefully clean the nest, thereby leaving no chance for foreign objects to remain there. You can also use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck out all the dust and shavings. If you do everything right and everything works, then you can proudly call yourself a jack of all trades.

The fourth method is the most expensive, but the most effective.

Although this method is the most expensive of all, it is also the most effective and is suitable for those who still doubt that they can hold a drill in their hands or not overdo it with glue. To use this method, all we need is buy a new sound card. It's simple, isn't it?! Nowadays there are a large number of sound cards in different price categories on the market, and which one to choose depends only on you. If you don’t have a good sound system, but have ordinary speakers, then you definitely shouldn’t go for the high price; you can buy the simplest sound card, which costs 10-15 dollars. If you want something special, then you should take a closer look at other, more advanced models. After you have made your purchase, all you have to do is install the card either into the PCI port, which is located on the motherboard, or into a USB port. Where to install depends on what sound card you bought. Also, do not forget about the drivers, which should be included in the kit, and if they are missing, you can download them from this site. After successfully installing the drivers, you can safely start using the new device and, in fact, you simply won’t need the old sound card.

So, we looked at four ways to solve a very non-standard and rather rare problem, but after reading this article, you now know what to do in such a situation. In addition, after this article we can conclude that in case of a breakdown it is not always necessary to contact a computer technician. Sometimes you can solve some problems yourself, because in addition to saving money, you also gain invaluable experience in getting to know your computer.

My daughter pulled her cell phone off the table. And he stood in the dock, the dock, I must say, is a freak. Essentially just a lightning connector sticking out of the stand like some kind of dildo. On which you need to place the phone. All this disgrace rests only on the strength of the connector, which EPL has is quite good. If it’s not bullshit China, then it’s an order of magnitude stronger than any micro USB. But everything has a limit. That's when he got screwed. He bent over, but I didn’t notice, and with a sweeping, well-honed movement, he impaled the phone on the stake. The plug became bent and broke.

Fuck him, but half of him remained inside.


However, what does the song say? The most important thing is the weather in the house, everything else is crap. There is a telephone, but everything else can be easily settled using a machine... Something like this. As usual, I have a machine. We take and drill out this fragment:

At first I wanted to drill it into tiny pieces, and then pull it out piece by piece with tweezers. But after the first hole, I came up with a better idea.

Drilling a hole

I selected a wire of suitable diameter, coated it with superglue and drove it into this hole.

So, you're out of luck and your headphone plug remains in the laptop jack. And it didn’t just come off the wires, but broke inside. Such a nuisance can happen to anyone, especially considering the race of manufacturers to reduce the cost of all kinds of audio devices. Even well-known manufacturers are moving production to China, and Chinese “quality” is known to everyone. The situation is unpleasant, but solvable.

A regular client came to us with exactly this problem. There was a piece of plug left in the audio jack of his beloved MacBook Pro.

We Googled on one of the sites a way to solve the problem ourselves. In short, the method is to use a plastic tube, superglue and a screw with a diameter of about 3.5 mm (this is exactly the diameter of the audio jack). The set of tools, to be honest, is already a little alarming. It is proposed to insert a plastic tube of a suitable size into the mini-jack with a screw secured inside. Apply a drop of superglue to the side of the screw that will touch the broken plug. Wait 5-10 minutes and remove the screw with the broken plug. If it doesn’t work right away, you need to try again.

In theory, everything sounds just great, but it’s worth saying that this is a “don’t repeat it at home” trick. And here's why: firstly, the screw may stick to the audio connector and, in addition to the already stuck piece of headphones, there will also be a screw in the mini-jack. Secondly, there is no certainty that after such an operation the audio connector will remain operational. As a result, the chance of ruining the laptop and requiring a complete replacement of the connector (unsolder the old one, solder the new one) is quite high.

There is only one thing I can recommend in this unpleasant situation: you need to seek help from professionals. There is no point in repairing a laptop or tablet at home using improvised means. We will solve this problem quickly, efficiently and, of course, with a guarantee. Our service center has tools designed to do a better job than a regular screw. Also, our specialists have all the necessary qualifications, the client will not have to worry about his computer.

Naturally, a problem with a laptop may be more serious than a piece of plug stuck in the audio jack. You don’t need to invent anything, just contact a service center you trust and order repairs for your electronic assistant.

P.S. And we pulled out a piece of the plug. Clickable - photos below. The client is satisfied, this is the main thing for us.

UPD: We also remove them from iPad and Android tablets. Just took it out of Nexus 7. The cost of repairing a broken plug is 250 UAH.

It's no secret that many computer users treat their devices carelessly, but in vain, because often after such treatment, even the most insignificant devices can break down and thereby significantly complicate life. We will now look at the problem with broken plug stuck in your computer’s sound card, and we’ll tell you how you can fix this problem without resorting to the services of a wizard.

To begin with, I would like to talk about how this problem can appear: firstly, you can simply accidentally pull the wire of the speakers or headphones, and pull it so hard that the plug simply breaks. Secondly, carelessly connecting or disconnecting this plug will cause it to break as well. And finally, thirdly, there may be various force majeure circumstances, for example, children accidentally broke something or a dog chewed it or something else, there may be many reasons, but this is not more important to us, if it happened necessary, because somehow it’s up to us to decide this problem.

It is worth noting that the problem we are considering is quite non-standard and occurs quite rarely, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. So, now we will look at four ways to solve this very strange problem:

Method one - non-standard

One of the simplest ways to remove the stuck plug from the sound card socket, is to glue it and just pull it out from there. In a little more detail: first, we buy a box of matches, or find another thin object at home that can fit into a narrow nest. Then you need to purchase special glue. Best buy universal superglue, which can glue any surfaces, including metal and wood. Important: when buying glue, it is worth remembering that it must be a gel, that is, glue-gel. This glue will not spread inside the sound card socket and therefore will not damage it. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. To begin, disconnect the system unit from the power supply, as well as from all wires, and place it in a well-lit place. Then take a match and lubricate its tip with the purchased glue. As soon as this is done, immediately insert it into the sound card socket, and insert it so that the tip of the match touches the center of the broken plug. As soon as you feel that contact has occurred, hold the match in this position for several minutes. A good sign that the glue has worked is if when you release the match, it stays in the same position. When you are completely convinced that the glue has dried and securely glued the plug with the match, all you have to do is pull the match towards you, which will pull the stuck plug. Incredible, but true, with the help of such a very simple method, you can solve this problem.

Method two is even simpler

It would seem much simpler than the method that we have already described, but no, there is an even easier solution to this problem. In this method, the only thing we need is hands growing from the right place and small tweezers. After the word tweezers, everyone probably guessed what we would do. And strangely enough, this method is really quite simple. All you need to do is carefully grab this plug with tweezers and pull it towards you, sooner or later you will pull it out. Do not despair if nothing works the first time; the tweezers may slip during the first attempts and it will be difficult to pull out, but rest assured that after several attempts you will get the hang of it and easily achieve your goal. The only problem that may arise is where to get such small tweezers? For some, this may indeed be a problem, but if you think about it with your brain, it will be solved. To begin with, it’s worth saying that tweezers can be bought in a specialized store, but if you feel sorry for spending money, then pick up the phone and call your friends. Surely one of them will still have tweezers, because this is such a thing that is necessary in many fields of activity, from pharmacists and chemists to builders.

The third way is extreme

The next method that we will talk about can be called in only one word: extreme. It is recommended to use it only if you are really confident in your skills and are not afraid of breaking your computer, and, of course, if you are an extreme sports enthusiast. To solve this problem using this method, you will need an electric drill, a drill and a self-tapping screw. You need to find a drill with a diameter of approximately 2.5 millimeters and a self-tapping screw of approximately the same size. With the help of a drill and this small drill bit, you should make a hole inside the plug, and then screw a self-tapping screw into this hole and after that, again, just pull this structure towards you and the problem will be solved. At removing the plug Thus, you need to be extremely careful, because if you work carelessly, you have a high chance of getting damage to the socket itself, and this is a more serious problem. In addition, when everything is ready and the plug is removed, do not forget to perform one more step: before connecting the computer to the network, you need to remove the metal shavings that have formed from the socket. There will not be much of it there, but, nevertheless, it is unacceptable for foreign objects to be there. The easiest way to get rid of the shavings will be with a cotton swab - carefully clean the nest, thereby leaving no chance for foreign objects to remain there. You can also use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck out all the dust and shavings. If you do everything right and everything works, then you can proudly call yourself a jack of all trades.

The fourth method is the most expensive, but the most effective.

Although this method is the most expensive of all, it is also the most effective and is suitable for those who still doubt that they can hold a drill in their hands or not overdo it with glue. To use this method, all we need is buy a new sound card. It's simple, isn't it?! Nowadays there are a large number of sound cards in different price categories on the market, and which one to choose depends only on you. If you don’t have a good sound system, but have ordinary speakers, then you definitely shouldn’t go for the high price; you can buy the simplest sound card, which costs 10-15 dollars. If you want something special, then you should take a closer look at other, more advanced models. After you have made your purchase, all you have to do is install the card either into the PCI port, which is located on the motherboard, or into a USB port. Where to install depends on what sound card you bought. Also, do not forget about the drivers, which should be included in the kit, and if they are missing, you can download them from this site. After successfully installing the drivers, you can safely start using the new device and, in fact, you simply won’t need the old sound card.

So, we looked at four ways to solve a very non-standard and rather rare problem, but after reading this article, you now know what to do in such a situation. In addition, after this article we can conclude that in case of a breakdown it is not always necessary to contact a computer technician. Sometimes you can solve some problems yourself, because in addition to saving money, you also gain invaluable experience in getting to know your computer.