Description of the “Call Mom” tariff from MTS. Useful mts services

Hundreds of thousands of young people undergo military service under conscription and contract, receive education in educational institutions Ministry of Defense Russian Federation and other departments that provide for military service.

From the very first days of service, finding themselves in an unfamiliar and unusual environment, most young people are in dire need of constant contact with family and friends. In turn, parents of military personnel are waiting for information about the lives of their children, their state of health, living conditions, relationships with colleagues.

In 2010, the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense made a decision allowing conscripted military personnel to use individual means mobile communications. So another one is made important step in humanization military service, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

In order to implement this task, public organizations the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers, the Council of Parents of Military Personnel of Russia, the Commonwealth of Parents of Military Personnel, together with leading mobile operators, have developed social project "Call Mom", providing for the transfer for use of the military personnel and his parents of the required number of federal telephone numbers, negotiations for which are paid at affordable rates. Tariff plans are developed taking into account the specifics of military service and are valid throughout Russia. The implementation of the Project does not involve attracting budget funds.

The rights and obligations of participants (subscribers) of the Project are defined in.

Main goals of the Project:

  • Providing conscripted military personnel with mobile communications with relatives and friends to speed up adaptation to the conditions of military service. Parents of military personnel are given the opportunity to communicate with their sons from anywhere in Russia, know about their condition and problems, and also have the opportunity to receive information from their immediate commanders.
  • Empowering military personnel FOR FREE call 24/7 service psychological consultation and social support . Assisting them in obtaining prompt legal support and psychological assistance in stressful situations.
  • Active interaction of all authorities with military personnel and the parent community, human rights organizations. Timely response to negative manifestations in military teams.
  • Help to provide mobile communications opportunities to the least advantaged segments of the population. Involving public, religious, and commercial organizations in providing targeted assistance low-income families and their children in purchasing mobile phones and paying for communication services during the period of service.
  • Improving the moral and psychological climate in military teams.
  • Increasing the level of trust in the Armed Forces and the state as a whole.

Organized “Social and psychological consultation service”. Online via short FREE number 0793 each Project participant can receive qualified assistance and support on issues that arose during military service, as well as hear advice from experts in difficult situations, including household ones. During the period of operation of the Service, we received more than 10,000 requests.

Since 2011, conscripts without parents and from low-income families have been awarded more six thousand mobile phones and to their personal accounts more than one million rubles

Not all Beeline subscribers in Russia know that those who serve in the army can connect special rate from the telecom operator. With the help of this package such subscribers can receive a SIM card for free and communicate at reduced rates with their relatives and friends. This tariff is also intended not only for those who are already serving in the army, but also for those who are planning to go there. It's called "Call Mom."

Features of this tariff plan is that each region of Russia has its own tariff schedules. But their essence is approximately this:

  1. Free incoming calls.
  2. Free SMS.

This does not depend on the subscriber’s region of residence cellular communication Beeline. Also provided every day is a package of 20 free SMS and the opportunity to get psychological assistance to a military man. To do this, he only needs to make a call to 0973.

In your home region, on the “Call Mom” tariff plan, all incoming calls are free. For outgoing calls, if the subscriber has the same card, the cost per minute of conversation will be only 50 kopecks. You can call other Beeline numbers in Russia at a rate of 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation. Tariffing from the second minute until the end of the conversation is carried out at a rate of 50 kopecks per minute.

You can call a city number or the number of another telecom operator from such a SIM card at a rate of 3.9 rubles for the first minute. From the second to the end of the conversation, the rate will be 2.5 per minute.

You can send the first 20 SMS per month for free. The subscriber is also given the opportunity to connect to the Internet using this tariff plan. You can order or cancel it by calling 0611.

It is also important to know about the following useful things, which are provided on this tariff plan. This:

  1. Balance checking is carried out by calling 0697 or * 102 #.
  2. The ability to activate a service that will show who called while the subscriber was out of network coverage * 110 * 401 #.
  3. Ability to send a “Call me back” request when there is no account balance sufficient quantity funds * 144 * subscriber number # .
  4. Find out your number upon request by calling 064107.

This tariff started working in 2011. During all this time, Beeline has provided the opportunity for military personnel who are away from home to communicate with their friends and relatives on favorable conditions than on other tariff plans.

In 2104, the tariff began to develop more actively and gain momentum. To subscribe to such a tariff plan and receive a card for free, the user will need to go to the company’s page via the Internet and fill out the appropriate application there. After this, the operator will contact the user and help him connect to this tariff plan. A subscriber can be connected to this tariff plan completely free of charge.

Today we will present to your attention the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff. What is it? How can I activate this tariff? Why does it attract users so much? About all this today we'll talk. Let's get started with today's topic as soon as possible. After all, several amazing and incredible surprises await us in it.

What is it?

Well, we are starting to study the social project “Call Mom” (MTS). What is this, you ask? Let's try to understand.

Of course, just by the name alone we can judge that we have before us a very favorable tariff, which is aimed at the child’s communication with his loved ones. More precisely, with my parents. But why is this a whole project?

The thing is that you will not be able to find this tariff on the shelves of mobile communications offices. The social project “Call Mom” (MTS) is a kind of exclusive. By purchasing it, you can easily talk to relatives for 20 minutes a day for free. Of course, if they also have an MTS number. It's actually very convenient. According to the MTS “Call Mom” tariff, the Internet on the SIM card will also be connected automatically. You will receive a "Super BIT". This unlimited internet from only 250 rubles per month. The most advantageous offer, which can only be offered to users.

Where does it come from?

But where can you find the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff? After all, as already mentioned, this is a purely exclusive product. And not every client can get it. Why? Let's look into this matter.

The whole problem is that our current facility is a real social project, which was introduced thanks to the mothers of military personnel. More precisely, conscripts. After all, when your son serves, it is always important to maintain contact with him. And for this reason, the “Call Mom” (MTS) project appeared. How to connect it? Now we will look into this matter.

You just need to come to the military registration and enlistment office where your son is being sent for commission. There, both he and you will be given SIM cards with which you can use this tariff. Thus, there is absolutely no way to participate in this social project without the help of serving sons. However, "Call Mom" ​​is similar to some of the other plans in this mobile operator. Which ones exactly? Let's understand this difficult issue.

"Super Zero"

So, among all those acting on at the moment We can select one tariff plan for you. It is preferred to be used by those clients whose relatives and friends have also chosen the MTS mobile operator. Why? Now you will understand.

The point is that MTS " Super Zero"("Call Mom" ​​is its analogue as a social project) - this is something that will help you talk to other subscribers for free of this operator for 30 minutes a day. This is very convenient, isn't it? You can communicate with friends and loved ones for free. Only to activate this feature will you have to top up your account mobile phone more than 100 rubles at a time. In fact, this is not such a large amount.

Now that we know the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff and its “down-to-earth” analogue, let’s try to figure out how to connect this opportunity. Unlike the social project, “Super Zero” can be purchased by every user.

Buy a number

Well, the first scenario that can only be proposed is the banal purchase of a new number with a ready-made tariff plan. In fact, this is a very good and effective way.

You just need to come to the nearest mobile communications office of your mobile operator and report that you would like to purchase the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff. More precisely, its analogue for modern user. You will be given a SIM card, which will be registered to you. From now on the countdown will begin - 30 days of free calls for 30 minutes a day. After this you will have to top up your account.

As a rule, it is almost impossible to buy a SIM card now. This tariff outdated. Instead they may offer " Super MTS"("Call Mom" ​​is its other name.) Essentially the same as "Super Zero", only with subscription fee- 150 rubles. For this you will also receive free internet for mobile phone. As you can see, there are not many analogues, but they are all quite attractive.

Call to operator

The second scenario is to call the operator. It is through a conversation with a live person that, as a rule, most problems are quickly resolved. And you don’t have to rack your brains over the issues of connecting tariff plans - everything will be done for you. Just be prepared to pay about 100 rubles to change the tariff, and also provide your passport details. Sometimes they may be required.

Dial 0890 on your phone and then wait for an answer. Next, say that you would like to subscribe to the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff. The operator will inform you that there is an analogue for ordinary clients (not conscripts), and then he will tell you all the details. It will be "Super MTS". Agree with the operator, and then wait a while. If necessary, provide your passport details.

At the end of the conversation, you will receive an SMS notification notifying you that the tariff plan has been changed. After this, wait for a message indicating the start of the “countdown” free calls for a given month. You can call your loved ones and friends without worrying about your balance at all.

SMS requests

But we continue to move forward with you. If you want to subscribe to the “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff, or rather its analogue for ordinary customers, you can use special team, which is sent in a message to a special short number.

Enter "721" in your message and then dial as recipient short combination 111. You can send SMS and then wait for the results. Such a transition will cost you 90 rubles. This amount will be debited from your balance, and then you will receive a notification about the successful transition to the Super MTS tariff plan.

In fact, SMS requests are not always popular among users. It is often customary to carry out manipulations with changing tariff plans in a slightly different way. How? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

USSD commands

So, our next move is to use special USSD commands. It is precisely such requests that can help anyone quickly and reliably change their tariff plan, as well as enable some new functions for the number.

For our situation, you will have to dial *111*721#, and then click on “dial”. If you have enough cash(90 rubles) to change the tariff plan, you will receive a notification in response that will inform you that the request has been successfully processed. The “Call Mom” (MTS) tariff, or rather “Super MTS”, is connected to your number. Now you can calmly talk with your friends and family who are MTS clients, free of charge for 30 minutes a day. Very beneficial for a sociable user.


And now we will learn about another very interesting bonus. True, only the most advanced user can use it. After all, you and I have to work a little with the Internet and a special Internet assistant. The second object we are considering is an application installed on the phone.

Let's start with him. First you have to find it in installed programs your gadget. Now launch it and find the “Tariffs” section in the menu that appears. There, select the one you like, read the terms and click on “Connect”. In order to use the “down-to-earth” option “Call Mom”, you will have to pay attention to “Super MTS”. Now you can wait until you receive an SMS message about the successful completion of the operation. As you can see, nothing difficult so far.

The main difficulties begin when users begin to use the Internet for help. Go to the official MTS website, and then log in personal account. Next, select “Tariffs” there, find “Super MTS” and click on the required line. An action menu will appear in front of you. Select "Connect" there and then wait until you receive an alert on mobile number. Remember that you must have enough funds to make the tariff change. At the moment - 90 rubles. That's all the problems are solved.

Since 2010, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has allowed soldiers to use mobile devices communications. Initiative groups have organized a social project that allows conscripts to keep in touch with loved ones. The opportunity is provided on preferential terms, regardless of the region of military service. The initiative was supported by leading Russian cellular operators. The MTS company also has a Call Mom tariff.

Tariff description

Military service is one of the most difficult stages for soldiers and their families. Limited Features connections only aggravated this period, especially at the time of adaptation of young people to military service. To support the initiative to provide preferential communications to parents with children in the army, the company Mobile Telesystems created the Super MTS “Call Mom” tariff.

As part of the package, 2 SIM cards are issued per conscript's family. They are subject to loyal tariff conditions, regardless of home region subscriber and place of urgent or contract service. Thus, loved ones can stay in touch with the conscript while he defends his homeland, without overpaying.

Additionally, each connected subscriber has the opportunity to receive free psychological consultation or answers to his questions regarding the service. toll free number 0793 or 8 800 550 0793.

Cost of services

The tariff plan is highly specialized and due to this, a preferential price is established for the services provided within its framework. There is no subscription fee for using the package.

Important! If social SIM cards are used only free services, then from the 90th day it starts to be charged daily fee 3 RUR, when used paid option the commission is automatically disabled.


Calls are billed according to the terms of the offer on a per-minute basis.

Table 1 Cost of calls within the offer

ServicePrice, rub./min.Note
Incoming callsNo charge
— To the conscript’s phoneFor freeSubject to the use of other paid services.
Home region— To other MTS subscribers0/1,45 Up to 20 minutes / starting at 21.
— Other operators and landlines2,5
Intercity— MTS Russia5,00
— Subscribers of other networks14,00
To phones of all Russian operators when the user is outside the home region3,00 Valid also on landline numbers including.
When connecting “Call for free to MTS Russia”100 minutes – freeMonthly fee per day and service connection fee 3 rubles. the tariff is valid provided that the client is located in the region where the SIM card was issued.

When a client travels outside their home region, the “Everywhere at home” service is automatically activated; there is no fee for connecting the service. Using this option, the subscriber will continue to receive incoming calls for free, and outgoing calls will be charged uniformly and profitably.


Messages within the package are provided at special loyal rates.

Tab. 2 Price for sending SMS


Use mobile internet available to clients within additional option"SuperBit". The cost of monthly use is 350 rubles. For this fee, 3 GB of mobile traffic is available; if the limit is exhausted, the client is offered an additional 500 MB costing 75 rubles; up to 15 such packages can be used.

Attention! The described tariffs are applicable for Moscow and the Moscow region; in the regions the cost may differ, for example, for calls it does not exceed 0.7 rubles.

Starting contract services

According to the description tariff proposal Super MTS “Call Mom”, the following list of options is available to the subscriber immediately after activating the SIM card:

  • Free calls to the conscript and within MTS home network, up to 20 minutes a day;
  • Online support for short number 0793;
  • 10 messages;
  • Activation of the “Everywhere at home” service when traveling around Russia;
  • Preferential use package offers operator.

Within social program MTS provides the “You Got a Call” service free of charge, so that neither the conscript nor his family misses each other’s calls when the phone is turned off. When the device is online again, the subscriber will receive a notification indicating the caller's number and the time of the call.

How to connect/deactivate a tariff

Connecting a project is only possible with registration special sim cards. It is not possible to switch from another tariff plan with an old phone number. To order a package, you will need to fill out a special form on the website of the All-Russian project “Call Mom”.

The system asks you to fill in the following information:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the subscriber.
  2. Contact phone number and email.
  3. Make a choice in favor of one of the proposed telecom operators.
  4. Indicate the required number of cards.
  5. Region and locality to receive the package.

After all request fields are filled in, you must click the submit application button. The questionnaire will be accepted by project support staff, and they will contact the subscriber to clarify the details of registration and sending of SIM cards.

You can disable the tariff only by completely refusing to use the “Call Mom” contract from MTS. Transferring a number to another tariff is not covered by the terms of use issued under special offer numbers.

Similar contracts of other operators

As mentioned earlier, others also offer their services within the framework of the social tariff. mobile operators. If you compare the conditions, there is some difference between them.

Tab. 3 Analysis with competitors in the Republic of Karelia (In Moscow and the region, Megafon and Tele2 do not participate in the promotion)

Subscription feeNoNoNo200 rub.
Incoming callsNoNoNoNo
— Conscript20 min. – 0 rub.

From the 21st – 0.7 rub.

0.05 rub.0.25 rub.0.50 rub.500 minutes are provided as part of the monthly package
Home regionOwn operator0.50 rub.
Others1.3 rub.RUB 1.000.95 rub.RUB 1.00
OutsideInside the networkRUR 3.00RUB 1.000.5 rub.RUB 1.00
Other10.00 rub.4.00 rub.4.00 rub.RUR 3.00
— HomeRUB 1.5020 pcs. free, starting from the 21st 1.65 rub./piece.RUB 1.002.5 rub.50 pcs.
— Others2.5 rub.
Internet3 GB for a fee as part of the SuperBit serviceSeparate Internet package “Highway” or “Fast and Furious”RUB 9.99 – 1 MB, or unlimited for a fee of 1 ruble - 3 GB5 GB

Important! Comparison table takes into account the location of the subscriber in the region where the SIM card is connected; when moving, tariffs may differ.


Super MTS “Call Mom” allows soldiers in all regions of service, even the most remote ones, to stay in touch with their parents and loved ones. Free psychological support and a consultation center ensure rapid adaptation to military service and defense of the fatherland. Communication with outside world significantly reduces stress among conscripts, improves the moral climate in the unit and prevents stress from developing.