The difference between hypertext and traditional text. How do hypertext documents differ from regular documents?

A hypertext document is a document containing so-called links to another document. All this is implemented through the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Information in Web documents can be found using keywords. This means that each Web browser contains specific links through which so-called hyperlinks are formed, allowing millions of Internet users to search for information around the world.

Hypertext documents are created using HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This language is very simple; its control codes, which are actually compiled by the browser for display on the screen, consist of ASCII text. Links, lists, headings, images and forms are called HTML elements.

Hypertext Markup LanguageHTML

The HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) programming language is intended for creating hypertext documents, the format of which does not depend on the computer or the operating system used. HTML documents are Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) documents with semantics suitable for representing information from a wide range of domains. HTML document files must have a .html or .htm extension. This format is suitable for presenting mail messages, news, menus, options, hypermedia documents, results of database queries, graphic documents, etc.

HTML has been used in the World Wide Web (WWW) since 1990 (developed by Tim Berners-Lee).

Currently, there is also a simple dialect of the SGML language - XML ​​(Extensible Markup Language). The language is supposed to be compatible with SGML and HTML (the latter is only partially true).

Any SGML application consists of several parts:

The SGML declaration defines what characters and delimiters can be used in the application.

Dtd (document type definition) defines a standard for document types and specifies the syntax of basic structures.

A specification of semantics, which may also include certain restrictions on syntax not included in the DTD, etc. ...

SGML is a system for describing markup languages. HTML is an example of such a language. Each markup language defined in SGML is called an SGML application. HTML 4.0 is an application of SGML that conforms to the international standard ISO 8879:1986 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML (defined in ).

An SGML application is characterized by:

SGML Declaration. An SGML declaration specifies what characters and delimiters can be used in an application.

Description of the document type DTD (Document Type Definition). A DTD defines the syntax of markup constructs. The DTD may include additional definitions, such as reference entities.

A specification that describes the semantics of markup. This specification also defines syntactic restrictions that cannot be expressed within a DTD.

Examples of documents containing data and markup. Each example contains a reference to a DTD that is used to interpret it.

HTML provides the developer with the following capabilities:

Publish documents in real time with headings, text, tables, pictures, photos, etc.

Retrieve documents via hypertext links with one click of the mouse.

Design forms (forms) for carrying out remote operations, for ordering products, reserving tickets or searching for information.

Include spreadsheets (eg Excel), video clips, audio clips and other applications directly into the document.

Web server is a server that accepts HTTP requests from clients, usually web browsers, and provides them with HTTP responses, usually along with an HTML page, image, file, media stream, or other data. Web servers are the basis of the World Wide Web.

A web server refers to both the software that performs the functions of a web server and the computer on which the software runs.

Clients access the web server using the URL of the web page or other resource they need.

Additional features of many web servers include:

Keeping a log of user access to resources,

User authentication,

Support for dynamically generated pages,

HTTPS support for secure connections with clients.

Today, the two most common web servers, together accounting for about 90% of the market, are:

Apache is a free web server, most commonly used on Unix-like operating systems

IIS from Microsoft, distributed with Windows NT family of operating systems

Completely different devices can be used as clients to access web servers:

Web browser is the most common method

Special software can independently contact web servers to obtain updates or other information

A mobile phone can access web server resources using the WAP protocol

Other smart devices or home appliances

PHP(English) PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor- “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”) is a programming language created for generating HTML pages on a web server and working with databases. Currently supported by the vast majority of hosting providers. Included in LAMP - a “standard” set for creating websites (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Python or Perl)).

The PHP development team consists of many people who volunteer to work on the PHP core and extensions and related projects such as PEAR or the language documentation.

In the field of web programming, PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages ​​(along with JSP, Perl and the languages ​​used in ASP.NET) due to its simplicity, speed of execution, rich functionality and distribution of source codes based on the PHP license. PHP is distinguished by the presence of a core and plug-ins, "extensions": for working with databases, sockets, dynamic graphics, cryptographic libraries, PDF documents, etc. Anyone can develop their own extension and connect it. There are hundreds of extensions, but the standard package includes only a few dozen that have proven themselves. The PHP interpreter connects to a web server either through a module created specifically for that server (for example, Apache or IIS) or as a CGI application.

In addition, it can be used to solve administrative tasks in UNIX, GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and AmigaOS operating systems. However, it did not gain popularity in this capacity, giving the palm to Perl, Python and VBScript.

PHP is currently used by hundreds of thousands of developers. About 20 million sites report working with PHP, which is more than a fifth of Internet domains.

Apache HTTP Server- free web server. Since April 1996, it has been the most popular HTTP server on the Internet; in August 2007 it worked on 51% of all web servers, in April 2008 - on 49%.

The main advantages of Apache are reliability and configuration flexibility. It allows you to connect external modules to provide data, use a DBMS to authenticate users, modify error messages, etc. Supports IPv6.

The most often cited disadvantage is the lack of a convenient standard interface for the administrator.

The server was written in early 1995 and it is believed that its name goes back to the comic name “a patchy” (English. "patchwork"), as it fixed bugs in the then popular World Wide Web server NCSA HTTPd 1.3. Later, from version 2.x, the server was rewritten again and now does not contain the NCSA code, but the name remains. At the moment, development is carried out in branch 2.2, and in versions 1.3 and 2.0 only security bug fixes are made.

The Apache web server is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation and is included in many software products, including the Oracle DBMS and IBM WebSphere.

Informativeness and accessibility are two of the most important properties of documents that we value so much. Therefore, a successful text document must have these properties. To what extent hypertext has them, and to what extent does regular text have them, you will learn from this article.

We all know that on the pages of books you can find footnotes - additional information on this issue. However, very little meaningful data is placed in the footnote. This problem is solved by a hypertext document, which is a connected system of documents in which there is a main document that you are reading, and additional ones that contain information on the issues raised in the text. All of them are connected by links that allow you to easily navigate between texts. A text document is an ordered information array that does not contain additional texts outside the main text body.

It is not difficult to assume that the hypertext format carries a large informative load and is easy to navigate with regard to additional information. Regular text has a linear structure, but hypertext, in turn, does not. Hypertexts can be created in electronic form, but this is impossible in paper form (unless we are talking about “literary hypertext”). In this regard, regular text is more universal. If you want to effectively link to other texts, enriching the main information block, then hypertext is your choice.

Conclusions website

  1. A hypertext document contains links, a regular document does not;
  2. In a hypertext document, additional information is more easily accessible than in a regular document;
  3. Hypertexts are not linear, regular text is linear;
  4. Hypertexts are typical for communication on the Internet.

Informativeness and accessibility are two of the most important properties of documents that we value so much. Therefore, a successful text document must have these properties. To what extent hypertext has them, and to what extent does regular text have them, you will learn from this article.

We all know that on the pages of books you can find footnotes - additional information on this issue. However, very little meaningful data is placed in the footnote. This problem is solved by a hypertext document, which is a connected system of documents in which there is a main document that you are reading, and additional ones that contain information on the issues raised in the text. All of them are connected by links that allow you to easily navigate between texts. A text document is an ordered information array that does not contain additional texts outside the main text body.

It is not difficult to assume that the hypertext format carries a large informative load and is easy to navigate with regard to additional information. Regular text has a linear structure, but hypertext, in turn, does not. Hypertexts can be created in electronic form, but this is impossible in paper form (unless we are talking about “literary hypertext”). In this regard, regular text is more universal. If you want to effectively link to other texts, enriching the main information block, then hypertext is your choice.

  1. A hypertext document contains links, a regular document does not;
  2. In a hypertext document, additional information is more easily accessible than in a regular document;
  3. Hypertexts are not linear, regular text is linear;
  4. Hypertexts are typical for communication on the Internet.

One of the most popular means of distributing electronic publications (along with CD-ROM) is the Internet. This global network provides the user with a number of services related to the placement, storage, transmission of electronic publications and access to them. Services are implemented on the basis of Internet servers. Such servers are FTP, Gopher, mail (e-mail servers), news servers (News servers), WWW servers (Web servers).

Apparently, the area of ​​the most widespread use of hypertext technologies is the World Wide Web (WWW) network service of the global Internet. This service provides intuitive, hypertext-based access to data on the World Wide Web. For these purposes, browser programs and special software tools have been developed to automate the process of creating Web documents (local archives, sites, Web pages).

The relative ease of creating and accessing Web publications has contributed to the development Intranet(Intranet) - private networks based on Internet technologies. Intranet allows you to connect offices in the same building or in different parts of the world, eliminating access to data by unauthorized persons.

Before the advent of WWW technology, access to data over the Internet was possible only in text mode and required a good knowledge of various aspects of the operation of this network. Therefore, Internet users at that time were mainly scientific institutions and professional programmers who needed quick access to various special materials in local archives and the exchange of information with colleagues. WWW technology has significantly expanded the capabilities of the Internet, providing the simplest possible access to information for non-professional users.

The World Wide Web technology was originally based on the idea of ​​hypertext communication of global network nodes around the world. And in this regard, WWW technology can be considered as one of the forms of implementing hypertext technologies in a specific environment that has its own fundamental features.

Since its inception, WWW technology has been continuously improved. Currently, Web publications in the form of hypertext Web documents have become widespread. Web publications work using client-server technology. A Web server is a program running on a computer that is designed to provide documents to other computers, which send corresponding requests. Web client is a program that allows the user to request documents from the server. The server is only involved when a document is requested.

HTML documents, also called Web documents, allow the user to point to a keyword or phrase to access the corresponding file (fragment) or go to another HTML document that is linked to the specified key text element by a hyperlink. These hypertext links between files and documents are physically located on servers around the world. This is the main difference between Web documents and conventional hypertext documents. Thus, the role of the environment for hypertext Web documents is the Internet and its subnets (a set of documents that are thematically and logically related to each other).

The language in which Web clients and servers communicate with each other is called HTTP(HyperText Transmission Protocol - hypertext transmission protocol). All Web programs must support HTTP to transmit and receive hypertext and hypergraphic Web documents and hypermedia.

It is possible for the user to interact with the WWW server in interactive mode. In this case, the user can fill out any form containing fields for entering digital or symbolic information and transfer it to the server by clicking on the appropriate button in the form. The server, having received data from the form fields, will launch a program created specifically for this form, which will process the received data, dynamically generate an HTML document and return it to the user.