Keyword planner. Google AdWords Keyword Planner: instructions for use

When you get keyword data, you can choose metrics or forecasts. This data will match the location, date range, and search network targeting settings you select in the Targeting panel. Metrics and forecasts will help you understand how best to group keywords and what bids to choose.

In this article, you'll learn how to get metrics and forecasts for keywords, analyze such data, and set up targeting and filtering results.


Indicators and forecasts by keywords

Use keyword match types to get more accurate traffic forecasts. For example, by adding a keyword phrase with an exact match [elite resort Krasnodar region], you can evaluate the effectiveness of queries specifically for it.

Indicators for the past period


Calculating the number of impressions you might receive in the future takes into account your bid, budget, time of year, and ad quality statistics. Viewed in Planner, keyword forecasts consist of an overview chart, a table with detailed data, and bidding recommendations based on your business goals.

Meaning of indicators in forecasts for keywords

  • Clicks. The number of clicks that an ad with a given keyword can receive per day.
  • Price. Possible average amount spent per day on this keyword.
  • Impressions. How many impressions an ad can receive per day. An impression is recorded every time it appears on a search results page.
  • CTR. The ratio of the number of potential clicks on an ad to the possible number of impressions.
  • Average cost per click. The average amount you are expected to pay per click. The final amount you pay per click is adjusted automatically and is called the actual cost per click. This means that the amount will not exceed the minimum acceptable value by more than 60 kopecks. Accordingly, this rate may be lower than the average of all keywords entered or the current CPC at the ad group level.


Please note that some statistics (such as monthly searches) are provided for exact match purposes only. For example, when checking the number of monthly searches for a keyword dark chocolate you will see the same statistics for both broad, phrase or exact keyword matches dark chocolate. On the other hand, when obtaining traffic forecasts (number and cost of clicks), these settings are taken into account. For example, when evaluating a list of broad match keywords, the system takes into account possible overlaps between them.

Plan Overview page

The Plan Overview page shows forecasts for your plan, broken down by top-performing keywords, locations, and devices. The information is presented in a simple, easy-to-understand manner, and you can modify the parameters of each forecast to analyze in detail the potential outcome of the plan.

The default rate is also listed at the top of the Plan Overview page. You can change this value by entering it in the appropriate field or by selecting the desired point on the chart. This will help you know how your bid amount affects the performance of your keywords. The following factors affect the default rate:

  • previous plan (if any);
  • The average maximum CPC for all ad groups in the account that have manual bids;
  • The average maximum CPC for all manual bidding ad groups that use the same currency.

Troubleshooting traffic forecasts

Sometimes traffic forecasts may be lower than you expected or different from actual data. In some cases, the forecast is not displayed at all.

The following describes the causes of such problems and how to resolve them.

The ratings are too low

In Keyword Planner, you can see estimates of the number of clicks and impressions you can get in a day. To improve your results, it's usually a simple matter of raising your CPC. However, this solution may not always work. The reasons are listed below.

  • Statistics on ad effectiveness. Keyword Planner uses this data and information about ads with similar keywords. If the overall CTR for previous periods was consistently low, this will affect the current forecast. Try to increase CTR, which in the long run will lead to improved forecasts.
  • Search analysis. We track keywords and search patterns to better predict traffic volumes. Low rankings may be due to the fact that a certain keyword or phrase is rarely mentioned in search queries. In this case, try adding other keywords or combinations of them. To do this, click "Keyword Options" in the page selection menu on the left.
  • Google Advertising Network Rules. Google's search partners may have different requirements for ad types. So, on some sites you can only show ads that are suitable for any audience. The Keyword Planner adjusts its forecast to account for possible rule differences, so traffic estimates do not always properly reflect search advertising potential.

Actual traffic differs from Keyword Planner predictions

The traffic forecast for Google search and partner sites is based on data from a dynamic ad serving system. That is why, in a number of situations, actual results may differ materially from those predicted.

  • You recently created a Google Ads account. Predictions for new accounts are based on average statistics for all advertisers, since we don't know anything about your business yet. Approximate values ​​will be displayed until accurate ad performance data is available.
  • Your ads appear on the Display Network. The forecast is for the search network only, excluding traffic from the display network, including manually selected placements. When displaying ads on the Display Network, actual traffic volume will likely be higher.
  • You have selected a target region that is too small. If the system does not have enough data for a selected small area, the forecast may not be accurate.
  • You use the same or very similar keywords in several campaigns. If there are multiple ads associated with a specific keyword, only one of them will be shown. This means that similar or identical keywords in different ad groups or campaigns will compete with each other. Keyword Planner takes into account competition between similar and identical keywords within the same campaign whenever possible, but estimates for such terms may be less accurate. Keyword Planner doesn't compare keywords used across different campaigns, so competition between campaigns isn't taken into account at all when calculating scores.
  • A keyword plan or list presents related keywords. When you ask to estimate the number of clicks for several closely related keywords, Planner tries to predict the distribution of traffic between them, so the resulting estimates may be less accurate.
  • The daily estimate is calculated based on the weekly estimate. To make a forecast, an estimate for a week is taken, which is then evenly distributed over the days. Since traffic fluctuates greatly throughout the week, it's best to look at the weekly average.

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The tool itself offers the following selection options:

Select the first item.

Let's see what keyword options he finds for the word “roses”:

In the column “Your product or service A » indicate the name (roses, bicycles, etc.).

You can also specify a landing page if there are different groups of requests leading to different sections of the catalog, such as in online stores or service sites.

Unlike Wordstat, in the “Planner” it is possible to select a product category, such as “Gardening”. This greatly simplifies the search for keywords, because... unnecessary words (movies with the word “rose” in the title, perfume, the female name “Rose”, etc.) are automatically eliminated. In our case, we need the category “Gardens, terraces, patios”.


The following are offered as targeting criteria:

  • "Location". You can select a target city/region or several where the activity is carried out. There is no point in showing advertising throughout Russia if your services are distributed throughout Moscow and Moscow Region.
  • "Language". Google is focused on global coverage and therefore can be configured in any of the languages ​​provided.
  • "Negative words" Additionally, you can add words for which queries will not be shown.
  • Click on “Get options” and see what happens.

Keyword statistics in Google

Here you can see variants of keyword combinations with the word “roses”, the average number of requests per month and the level of their competition.

The keywords are chosen quite accurately and in accordance with the topic.

Now let’s see the result of Wordstat selection:

The results are more “junk” and need to be diluted with negative keywords. However, Yandex shows us synonyms and queries similar to the one we are looking for.

For the more specific “buy roses”, Wordstat gives more options. In addition, it makes it easier and faster to collect low frequencies.

Keywords for the query “buy roses”

Google Adwords keywords for the query “buy roses”


Comparing the work of the two tools Yandex.Wordstat and Google Adwords, I would say that it is best to use these two tools together.

Yandex Wordstat is much faster and easier to use.

However, despite the difficulty of selecting keywords in Google, the tool itself provides more information for analysis and many additional opportunities for collecting high-quality synonyms.

In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms the formation of search results, tips, and, accordingly, popular queries are also different. This means that in order to get the maximum possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics on it. In this article we will look at how to do this completely free of charge, spending no more than half an hour.

If you have previously launched an advertising campaign, then you can see additional information on the statistics of queries in Google Adwords by monitoring for which queries your advertising was shown. To do this, go to the section "Reports" and create a new one in the form of a table.

Then, in the “Targeting” section, find the Search term and drag it into the table field. Next, the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including an Excel file, can be saved on your computer, and then cluster or make a sample of interest. The figure below shows real data for one of our clients, where 1894 unique requests! Isn't that cool?

Among these queries, you can select all queries that indicate company names, phone numbers or competitors' website addresses, and add these keywords to your companies in KMS and/or on search.

The second use case is to improve SEO optimization of a website or an individual page: .

Also, these statistics will help determine the real needs of users:

  • intends to buy, but not soon;
  • evaluates proposals from different companies;
  • ready to buy right now;
  • will not buy, looking for general information.

Another example of collecting statistics on queries

For example, our company repairs computers and hardware in Moscow. At the same time, we have a fairly limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which there is the lowest competition (few advertisers), so that advertising can be a priority choice for users and thus get the maximum number of conversions with minimal coverage.

  1. The query for which the words will be collected: “laptop repair”.
  2. Region: Moscow.
  3. Level of competition: low.

Here are a few of the 300 keywords that the system showed us, among which the request looks very promising "tablet repair". You don’t have to rely on the recommended bet level here, since in fact it can differ significantly from the real one, both with a “+” and a “-” sign.

After checking the request "tablet repair in Moscow" We didn't find any advertisements.

Therefore, we can conclude that Google Adwords query statistics are a treasure trove of useful information that, if used correctly, has enormous potential. But whether you use it or not depends entirely on you.

Hi all! Today’s article, as usual, is intended for beginners in the field of Internet marketing who get lost in various lengthy discussions about collecting keywords, do not grasp the essence of the process and abandon their endeavors.

So, you are just starting to get acquainted with Internet marketing, and you don’t yet know which way is best to approach it. funds do not allow it, and it’s high time to include keywords in the texts on the pages. You may not even know what keywords are or why they are needed. This doesn’t matter: using the universal example of an online store, we will understand the basics of online marketing and learn how to select keywords (create a semantic core).

Preparatory stage

First you need to decide on the category for which you will select queries. We will proceed from what you have available, which may look something like this:

Resource type: online store.

Region: Minsk, Belarus.

Language: Russian.

Task: selection of queries for a specific category, extension .

Now a little terminology. Queries that can be combined based on one characteristic (color, price, season):

  • buy white sneakers.
  • sneakers inexpensive.
  • etc.

merge into one semantic group.

Interaction with Google Adwords

The guide is intended for beginners, so we will look at the procedure for collecting key queries using the example of only one tool, which is called.

Register and go to the Adwords service page. The main window awaits you, where you need to open the “Tools” menu and go to the “Keyword Planner” section.

Welcome to AdWords.

On the next page of the service, select “ Search for new keywords by phrase,…».

Keyword planner. Where to start?

A form will open in which you need to specify the basic filter parameters. Among them:

  • Region – Belarus.
  • Language – Russian.
  • A series of queries in the “Your product” line.
  • In the “Keywords under consideration” window, the main keyword with its word forms is written. If you leave this field empty, the service will offer you requests for different shoes and clothes.

Enter the basic filter parameters.

After entering the initial data, click “Get Options”. As a result, you will see a report generated by the service.

Go to " Keyword options" and click " Show/hide chart" To add a specific keyword to a group, click the button in the corresponding column. All pressed buttons are marked with red and arrows with numbers.

Adding options to a plan

Creation of a semantic group

The name of this stage sounds solid and even a little scary, but in practice everything is much simpler than it seems to the uninitiated user. The problem is that beginners almost always make the same blunder of adding all the queries they find into one plan. All phrases containing the word “sneakers” are combined – the result is a vinaigrette of queries of various types, which are difficult to understand.

It is impossible to optimize a page for such a diverse group of keywords. And if there is no normal optimization, then there can be no question of promotion. In order not to step on the rake that all beginners go through, select queries as follows:

1. Adding queries for a narrowly targeted semantic group. As an example, we take inexpensive men's sneakers: not children's, not black, but specifically men's. Accordingly, all queries in which the words “cheap men's sneakers” appear are added to the semantic group (the inflection can be any). Geo queries (indicating the region - Belarus, Minsk, etc.) are also suitable here.

In this way you will collect a number of keywords from the target group without including information, branding and other requests. To see the list you created, click the " My options…».

It will be easier: after adding all target queries to the group, you need to click the “Download plan” button. Then, in the small window, set the necessary parameters (for example, the display format “CSV (Excel)”) and click “Download”.

This completes the selection of queries for the first semantic group. You can be satisfied with yourself, the first important step has already been taken.

2. Expansion of the semantic core - selection of brand queries. Once you have created your target semantic group, you need to view the full list of brands available on your online marketplace in the Men's Sneakers category. Next, you start adding queries that include brand names to a separate plan. Such queries are of great importance for promotion and can bring significantly more traffic than general keywords.

Each brand is an independent group, promoted on a separate page of your website. Example: a search for the brand “Nike sneakers” is much more frequent than the general phrase “Men’s sneakers.”

Based on this, we draw a logical conclusion:

Promotion without branded queries in the topic under consideration is fraught with sudden death on the Internet, since most of the traffic comes from the names of manufacturing companies.

To promote queries, you need branded pages that are indexed by search engines. These pages should provide the ability to place optimized texts, meta tags, etc.

3. Further expansion of the semantic core - selection of words using filters. The main semantic group has been created, brand queries have been added. Now you need to study what filters are in the category in question and select keywords for them. Size, color, price - collect keywords using all available filters, create semantic groups from them and begin promoting them on the relevant pages.


After analyzing queries for a certain product category, you will have a number of semantic groups on hand:

  • For targeted requests.
  • By brand.
  • By filters (size, color, season, etc.).
  • Geo queries. We chose one region, but in practice there may be more.
  • Multilingual. If there is a version of the category in another language, then you need to collect keywords for it. This is done by setting up filters and changing the language in which keywords are written.

As a result, you will have hundreds of queries, clearly divided into semantic groups. For each group, you define one landing page on which the keywords included in its composition will be promoted. Since requests are separated by groups, website promotion, whether it is creating meta tags, ordering texts or purchasing links, will be much easier to implement.

Moreover, thanks to this ordering, you will immediately notice which promotional activities give the maximum effect.

If you ignore the above recommendations and simply collect all more or less suitable requests, you will not be able to adequately analyze the dynamics. As a result, it will be difficult to figure out which promotional activities are beneficial and which ones can be abandoned to save the budget.

The topic of this article is Statistics of search queries in the currently largest search engines Google and Yandex.

I think many people realize that to successfully promote your website on the World Wide Web, you need to fill it with unique content. With this, everything seems to be clear, sit down at the computer, remember, compose, write down. But it's not that simple.

Of course, the first and most important thing here is unique content. However, a significant role is played by correct and competent, from the point of view of optimizing search queries, drafting an article, for which you will need to create a semantic core. This is where statistics services come to our aid.

To obtain a more or less reliable picture of keyword statistics, it will be enough to use the main statistics selection services:

  1. Keyword statistics from Yandex
  2. Google Keyword Tool
  3. Statistics on search queries from Rambler

You can access the service for selecting keyword statistics from Yandex at

Everything is quite simple here

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that you can request keyword statistics:
- by region,
-by months and weeks.

It is necessary to request keyword statistics by region if you are going to promote your site on a regional scale, thus attracting the target audience from your region. For example, if you are going to promote a beauty salon website, you will need to take into account the statistics of search queries in your region.

Requesting keyword statistics by month (week) is necessary if you offer seasonal services or your product is in demand at a certain time of the year. For example, when promoting the website of a travel agency or an online store selling seeds, this should be done without fail. This will allow you to predict the seasonal growth and decline in the number of visitors who come to your site for certain queries.

After you have entered a key query and clicked the Select button, the service will give you a list of search queries for the keyword, as well as the number of impressions of this query per month. The left column will contain queries containing the keyword. On the right, associative search queries may appear, i.e. queries similar to the one you specified.

I would like to remind you that search queries are divided into:
1. HF - High frequency requests (over 5000 requests per month)
2. MF - Mid-frequency requests (from 1000 to 5000 requests per month)
3. LF - Low frequency requests (up to 1000 requests per month)

Compiling a semantic core is the topic of one of my next articles. But now I will tell you that it is often better to select several low-frequency queries and move through them, rather than one high-frequency one.

Google Search Query Statistics

Google's keyword selection tool is very similar to the Yandex keyword statistics service. At least the functions they perform are similar. You can find it at

Here, by analogy with Yandex, the number of requests per month for a specific keyword is displayed. The number of requests in the world (total) and in target regions is shown.

In addition, Google's tool shows, based on the analysis, the level of competition for each keyword.

Since the Google Keyword Tool was designed primarily to find keywords for buying links, you will also find an approximate cost per click here.

Rambler search query statistics

This service is not very developed and does not offer any special functions. The Rambler search engine currently receives a minimal number of visitors. Therefore, using it to select keywords is not entirely rational.