Presentation on microsoft access. Presentation on computer science "Microsoft ACCESS database management system"

Steinbach Svetlana Evgenievna


  • learn information about the modern Access 2010 DBMS, master the Access interface and basic information about creating forms in Access 2010.


  • Study the purpose of Access 2010, types of database objects.
  • Learn how to create a new database
  • Learn techniques for creating independent forms that database users should use
  • Learn how to make corrections to handicaps and edit their content in Constructor mode and Master mode.

This work allows you to familiarize yourself with the purpose and main types of MS Access DBMS objects, as well as study in more detail one of the database objects - forms.

DBMS Access 2010 is a collection of data and objects related to a specific task and representing a complete system.

Access works with the following types of objects:

Tables contain data and display rows and columns in a familiar format. In Access terminology, rows are called records and columns are called fields. Therefore, all columns of the table have field names (the first row of the table). Rows contain data in the formats that the developer assigns to them. Therefore, when defining a relational database (tabular), they say that it is represented as a collection of records of the same type. A database usually consists of several tables connected through so-called links. Links make information from one table available to another, ensuring data integrity.

Forms – this is a variant of presenting one record on a computer screen, which allows the user to view information from the table sequentially, search and quickly access any record, as well as perform data correction operations in records and create new records (replenish the table). In fact, the form can be considered as a kind of user interface when working with tables.

Requests – is nothing more than a tool for data management. Using queries, you can extract data from one or more related tables, perform logical and arithmetic operations on data, and group data into new tables according to certain criteria.

Reports – a tool for preparing output files. It should be noted that the word report is strongly associated with the word “print,” however, the report generation environment in Access allows you to generate the final product in the form of a virtual form. Any output form can be reflected on paper or on a computer screen in a convenient presentation of data using tools for formatting, summarizing, filtering and graphically converting into histograms and charts.

Macros – these are the simplest programs that allow you to perform certain actions when accessing pre-created queries, forms, reports. In Access, a macro is not created using a macro recorder, but is assigned by the developer. That is, to create a macro, you need to go to the design mode, in which you can select the action and arguments of the macro.

Module – contains one or more procedures written in Visual Basic for Application. Using modules, you can solve a wide class of problems related to searching and transforming information in a database.

Forms is a variant of presenting one recording on a computer screen.

  • Forms allow you to display data contained in tables or queries in a more readable form.
  • Using forms, you can add new data to tables, edit or delete existing ones
  • Forms can contain drawings, graphs, photos and other objects.

The database is being developed so that its contents and capabilities can be used by representatives of various departments of the organization. They are interested in a convenient interface that allows them to view data, update it, and find certain fragments using standard queries or more intelligent tools.

  • In Access 2010, a form is an independent object that is stored inside the database. When designing a database, you should take advantage of the various forms creation methods offered on the Create tab in the Access panel.
  • Depending on the problem statement, the developer chooses the option of creating a user interface for working with database data. The fastest way to create forms is:
  • using the form wizard
  • creating your own form using the Constructor
  • creating a form yourself in the Blank form mode.

  • On the Create tab of the database panel, left-click on the icon.
  • In the window that opens, transfer those fields to the right window that are required in the form.
  • In the next step, select the data presentation form
  • Give the form a name
  • Run the form for execution. The form displays the data of only one record; at the bottom there is a navigator window, which indicates the number of selected records and the number of the record being viewed.

The inconvenience of using the Form Wizard is that all the fields that were specified for output were designed without the participation of the developer. Consequently, you will have to enter correction mode to bring the appearance of the form to a form that satisfies the developer. Of course, the convenience of using the Wizard lies in the speed of form creation.

  • To create a form using the Designer, click on the [Add Fields] icon in the panel; a list of fields will appear to the left of the form.
  • Transferring the required field names to the form is done by left-clicking the field name in the “List of Fields” window, and then dragging it onto the form.
  • Dimensions, presentation style, color scheme, position and other properties can be changed using the “Format” shortcut or the properties window.
  • Please note that in the form that is used to view data, there is a toolbar at the bottom that allows you to scroll through records from the form, as well as enter search instructions into the “Search” window to quickly find the required record.

The created form in Design mode allows you to supplement the source table with data only if it contains fields controlled in the source table.

  • It is convenient to develop a form for adding records to a table or making changes to data based on an empty form. The design of which begins by left-clicking on the icon on the “Creation” tab.
  • Create an empty form, and from the “List of Fields” window, transfer all the necessary table fields to the form.
  • Change the design of the created form; this can be done in different ways, for example, open the “Home” tab and use the “Text Formatting” panel, highlighting the required field. Another formatting method is to use Design mode; to do this, go to this mode by clicking on the icon located at the bottom of the form (on the right). You can also use the third method: stay in layout mode (icon) and open the properties window, in which you can change the parameters of the form and the elements on it.
  • Save the form by giving it a name

  • Microsoft Access 2010- this is simplicity. Access 2010 will allow you to work with data as efficiently as possible - you don’t need to be a database specialist. With newly added databases, the app improves your data experience by making it easier to track, share, and report on.


  • S.V. Odinochkina. Development of databases in Microsoft Access 2010 - St. Petersburg: NRU ITMO, 2012. – 83 p.
  • E.M. Karchevsky, I.E. Filippov, Access 2010 in examples, tutorial.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Microsoft ACCESS database management system Completed by: Pavlova A.A. Gr. 331-LD Checked by: Tunakova G.A. Presentation

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Access DBMS objects Tables are the main objects of any database. The tables store: all the data in the database, the structure of the database (fields, their types and properties). Table object (bookmark) Creation methods

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Access DBMS objects Queries are objects used to extract data from tables and present them to the user in a convenient form. Using queries, operations such as selecting data according to a given criterion, sorting and filtering them are performed. Using queries, you can transform data according to a given algorithm, create new tables, automatically fill tables with data imported from other sources, perform simple calculations in tables, and much more. Object (bookmark) requests

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Access DBMS Objects Forms are tools for entering data or viewing data. Provide the user with the means to fill out only those fields that he is supposed to fill out. At the same time, you can place special controls on the form (counters, drop-down lists, switches, checkboxes, etc.) to automate input. “Forms” tab

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Access DBMS objects Reports are designed to output data to a printing device (for example, a printer). They take special measures to group the output data and to display special design elements characteristic of printed documents (headers and footers, page numbers, service information about the time the report was created, etc.). Macros automate the execution of a specific database operation without programming. The modules contain programs in Visual Basic used to configure, design and expand the database. Access pages are designed for viewing and working via the Internet with data stored in MS Access or MS SQL Server databases.

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Microsoft Access Data Types Text is a data type used to store plain, unformatted text of limited size (up to 255 characters). The Memo field is a special data type for storing large amounts of text (up to 65,535 characters). The text is not physically stored in the field. It is stored elsewhere in the database, and a pointer to it is stored in the field, but this separation is not always noticeable to the user. Numeric is a data type for storing real numbers. Date/time - a data type for storing calendar dates and current time.

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Microsoft Access data types Monetary - a data type for storing monetary amounts. Theoretically, you could use numeric fields to record them, but for monetary amounts there are some features (for example, related to rounding rules) that make it more convenient to use a special data type rather than setting up a numeric type. Counter is a special data type for unique (not repeated in the field) natural numbers with automatic growth. A natural use is for sequential numbering of records. Boolean - a type for storing logical data (can only take two values, for example Yes or No).

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Microsoft Access Data Types An OLE object field is a special data type designed to store objects, such as multimedia, embedding or linking (OLE). In reality, of course, such objects are not stored in the table. As with MEMO fields, they are stored elsewhere in the internal database file structure, and only pointers to them are stored in the table (otherwise working with tables would be extremely slow). A hyperlink is a special field for storing URL addresses of Internet Web objects. When you click on a link, the browser automatically launches and displays the object in its window. Lookup wizard is not a special data type. This is an object, by setting which you can automate entering data in a field so that you do not enter it manually, but select it from a drop-down list.

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Tools for creating database objects Microsoft Access DBMS Microsoft Access DBMS provides several tools for creating basic objects: manual - developing objects in Design mode; automated - development using wizard programs; automatic - means of accelerated development of simple objects.

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Tools for creating database objects Microsoft Access DBMS Recommendations for using tools for creating objects: When developing educational tables and queries, it is recommended to use manual tools - work in Design mode. Using wizards speeds up work, but does not facilitate mastery of concepts and methods. When developing training forms, reports, and access pages, it is better to use the automated tools provided by the wizards. The design of these objects is labor-intensive, so it is better to entrust it to the program, and the student to concentrate on the content of the work.

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Creating the structure of database tables In the database window, select the Tables object Select the item Create a table in design mode In the designer window, specify the field name and data type Define the primary key of the table

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Establishing connections between tables Menu Tools – Data Schema Add tables participating in the relationships and close the Add window Drag the field of the Student table to the corresponding field of the Books table.

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General information. An essential and integral component Creating tables for a new database Tables are an essential and integral component of any database. This course, which walks you through creating tables for a new database in a step-by-step manner, requires only a beginning level of knowledge.

Course objectives 1.create tables in table mode; 2.set data types for fields in the table; 3.create tables in design mode, set the primary key and data types for the table; 4.create lookup fields with a list of selection options; 5.change values ​​in existing lookup fields in design mode. Creating tables for a new database

Creating tables Creating tables for a new database Methods for creating tables. This course will create an asset tracking database, eliminating the need for cumbersome spreadsheets. The previous course looked at designing tables for a new database (fields, data types, primary and foreign keys). Now it's time to start creating tables.

Creating tables Creating tables for a new database Methods for creating tables. In a relational database, all information is stored exclusively in tables, making them a key component of the database. No tables means no database. This course focuses on the basic tools for creating tables, table mode and designer mode.

Creating tables Creating tables for a new database Methods for creating tables. Here's a breakdown of the process: In Datasheet view, to create a table, you click the header of an empty field, select a data type, and enter a name for the field. This way, you just need to click on the fields in the table and enter text, as will be demonstrated next. For some tables, you can save time by using the Quick Start fields, predefined sets of fields that meet some basic business needs, such as storing addresses and start and end dates. You just need to select the appropriate set of fields from the menu.

Creating tables Creating tables for a new database Methods for creating tables. Here's a description of the process: Unlike Datasheet view, Design view allows you to control all the fields and properties of a table. In this course, you will use Design view to create a table and change the values ​​in a lookup field (a field that contains a list of choices). Keep in mind that in a database that is intended to be published to SharePoint, you can only create tables in Datasheet view.

Creating a table in Datasheet mode Creating tables for a new database Process in Datasheet mode. Table mode is a visual tool for creating tables. Both when you create a new empty database or when you add a table to an existing one, the new table opens in Datasheet view. Please note that the new table contains a "Code" field. This is the primary key, so you no longer need to create it.

Creating a table in Datasheet mode Creating tables for a new database Process in Datasheet mode. Table mode is a visual tool for creating tables. To add fields, click the title of the first empty field (words Click to add). A data type menu appears from which you can select a data type for the field. After this, you also have the opportunity to change the field title.

Creating a table in Datasheet mode Creating tables for a new database Process in Datasheet mode. Table mode is a visual tool for creating tables. Type a name for the field and press ENTER. The focus will move to the next field for which you need to repeat the same procedure. Remember that field names that contain multiple words should not use spaces between them.

Creating a table in Datasheet mode Creating tables for a new database Process in Datasheet mode. Table mode is a visual tool for creating tables. When you've finished creating fields, press CTRL+S or the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. The Save dialog box opens, asking you to enter a name for the table and save it.

Save time using Quick Start fields Create tables for your new database Add Quick Start fields to your table. The fields in the Quick Start section allow you to quickly create individual table segments. These fields store standard business data, and all field names and data types are already defined.

Save time using Quick Start fields Create tables for your new database Add Quick Start fields to your table. Open a table in Datasheet view, and on the Fields tab, in the Add/Delete group, click More Fields. A list will open. Scroll to the Quick Start section and select the field type you want (for example, Address or Name). As a result, the fields, along with their names and data types, will be automatically added to the table by Access.

Save time using Quick Start fields Create tables for your new database Add Quick Start fields to your table. New fields can be used immediately after you start entering data into them, or you can rename or delete them. It may appear that there are spaces in the field names. These are not actually names, but labels - displayable, clear text associated with each field name.

Creating a table in design mode Creating tables for a new database Using design mode. In Design mode, you can create tables from scratch, as well as set and change any properties for each field. You can also use Design view to open existing tables to add, delete, and edit fields.

Creating a table in design mode Creating tables for a new database Using design mode. On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click Table Designer. In the Designer Field Name column, enter the table field names. Typically, the first field created is the primary key field. Remember that you don't need to add foreign keys at this stage; you can do that when you create the relationships.

Creating a table in design mode Creating tables for a new database Using design mode. In the Data Type column, in the list next to the field name, select a data type for it. As always, save your changes and give the new table a name that describes the data it stores. In the Field Properties area, you can set properties for individual fields.

Adding and saving data Creating tables for a new database The process of saving data. Once you've completed creating your tables, you can add more records. This is the easiest way to test the tables and make sure that the necessary data is stored in them. In this case, you need to remember some rules.

Adding and saving data Creating tables for a new database The process of saving data. When you enter or change data to place it in the database, you do not need to click the Save button. All you have to do is move the focus to another entry. To do this, in a table or so-called multi-item form, you can click on another row. You can also move focus to the next entry by using the Tab key or the arrow keys. All of these actions result in new data being saved.

Using record navigation buttons Creating tables for a new database Record navigation buttons in Access. After creating tables, you need to learn how to use the record navigation buttons. They are located in the lower left corner of tables, as well as in query results and on most forms.

Using record navigation buttons Creating tables for a new database Record navigation buttons in Access. Using these buttons you can go to the desired data. The First Record button allows you to move to the first record in the table or query results. The Previous Entry button allows you to go to the previous entry. The Current Record field displays records in sequential order and also displays the selected record. The Next Entry button allows you to move to the next entry.

Using record navigation buttons Creating tables for a new database Record navigation buttons in Access. Using these buttons you can go to the desired data. The Last Entry button allows you to go to the last entry. To add data, click the New (empty) entry button.

Adding a Lookup Field to a Table Creating Tables for a New Database Using the Lookup Wizard. You can also use a lookup field instead of a table. Let's assume that you need to record information about the storage locations of company assets. If you have a large number of locations, such as rooms on multiple floors, you can create a table for this data to make it easier to work with. However, if there are only a few locations, it makes sense to store information about them in a lookup field.

Adding a Lookup Field to a Table Creating Tables for a New Database Using the Lookup Wizard. The list of options can be stored in the lookup field itself or loaded from a field in another table. Below are instructions for creating a lookup field with an internal list of choices (called a list of values ​​in Access).

Adding a Lookup Field to a Table Creating Tables for a New Database Using the Lookup Wizard. Open a table in Datasheet view, and on the Fields tab, in the Add/Delete group, click More Fields. Select Substitution and Relation from the menu. The Lookup Wizard will launch. On the first page of the wizard, select the A fixed set of values ​​will be entered option and click Next.

Adding a Lookup Field to a Table Creating Tables for a New Database Using the Lookup Wizard. On the next page of the wizard, enter 1 in the Number of Columns field, and then enter choices into the table (one per row). On the third page of the wizard, enter a name for the new field and click Finish.

Exercise Suggestions 1.Create a Suppliers table in Datasheet view. 2.Create the Support table in Design view. 3.Create the “Assets” table. 4.Create lookup fields in Datasheet view. 5.Create lookup fields in Design view. Create tables for a new database Interactive exercisesInteractive exercises (Access 2010 required)

Test question 1 Creating tables for a new database Correct. The "Code" field is used as the primary key in the new table. You can change its name or replace it with a different primary key, but the new table always contains a primary key. When creating a table in Datasheet view, you must specify a primary key field. Answer: 2. Incorrect.

Test question 3 Creating tables for a new database Data types can be changed if necessary, but they are already set. When you create a table using the fields from the Quick Start section, you must set their data types. Answer: 2. Incorrect.

Test question 4 Select the syntactically correct option for the list of values ​​from those suggested below. (Choose one answer.) Creating tables for a new database 1."Option 1","Option 2","Option 3" 2."Option 1";"Option 2";"Option 3" 3."Option 1" :"Option 2":"Option 3"

Test Question 4 Create Tables for a New Database Selections are enclosed in double quotes and separated by semicolons. Select the syntactically correct option for the list of values ​​from those suggested below. Answer: 2. “Option 1”; “Option 2”; “Option 3”

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Presentation on the topic:

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Slide no. 3

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As a rule, the database exists independently of individual programs. Separating data from programs allows different programs to use the same data for their own purposes. The ideological value of databases is explained by the fact that they are based on the concept of an information data model, that is, some abstraction of data representation. Information in the database is organized in different ways. There are three main structures for presenting data in a database: hierarchical (tree); network relational (tabular).

Slide no. 4

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Structures for presenting data in a database Hierarchical Relational Network In most cases, relational databases are used, in which data is presented in the form of related files consisting of records. The structure of all records in the files is the same, and the number of records in the file is variable. The data elements that make up each record are called fields. One record contains information about one object of the real system, the model of which is presented in the table. Entry 1 Entry 2

Slide no. 5

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Fields are various characteristics (attributes) of an object. Field values ​​refer to one object. Since all records have the same fields (with different values), it is convenient to give fields unique names. Records differ in the meaning of the keys. The main key in a database is a field (a set of fields) whose value is not repeated in different records. Very often, the sequential record number is used as the master key. Each field has one very important property associated with it - the field type. A type defines the set of values ​​that a given field can take on in different records. The type of quantity determines the actions that can be performed with it. Relational databases use four main types of fields: numeric (integer and real), character, date, and logical.

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Example 1. Describe the structure of the “TV program for the week” database. In the table, an integer numeric type is used for the “Channel” field, and a real type is used for the “Time” field.

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The database itself cannot service user requests for searching and processing information. A database is just a “warehouse” in which information is stored. The role of the “storekeeper” in this warehouse is performed by special software systems called database management systems (DBMS). All DBMSs support in one form or another four basic operations: add one or more records to the database; delete one or more records from the database; find one or more records in the database that satisfy a given condition; update the value of some fields in the database.

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Most DBMSs also support a mechanism for connections between various files included in the database. For example, a connection can be established explicitly when the value of some fields is a link to another file; such DBMSs are called network DBMSs, or a connection can be established implicitly, for example, by the coincidence of field values ​​in different files. Such DBMSs are called relational. A relational database makes it easier to find, analyze, maintain, and protect data because it is stored in one place. MS Access is a functionally complete relational type DBMS, in which all the tools and capabilities typical of modern DBMSs are reasonably balanced.

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Questions for self-controlWhat is a database? What data storage structure is used in the database? What is special about a relational database? What is the convenience of tabular presentation of information? How is the data structure described in a relational database? What is a record, a record field? What information do they contain? Define the following concepts: field name, field value, field type. What are the field types? What is a DBMS? What is the purpose of this type of software? Which DBMS are called relational? What are the main functions of a DBMS? What type of DBMS is Access?

MS Office Access interface

Microsoft Office Access 2010

A database in Access is the set of all the tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules that make up a complete system.

Database objects – tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules. In addition, the Access application contains several other objects, including relationships, database properties, and import and export specifications.

You can use Access to manage all your data in one file. You can use the following elements in an Access database file:

tables for storing data;

queries to search and retrieve only the necessary data;

forms for viewing, adding and changing data in tables;

reports for analyzing and printing data in a specific format.

Microsoft Access Database Files

Report Form

Microsoft Access Database Files

1. Data is stored once in one table, but viewed from different locations. When data changes, it is automatically updated wherever it appears.

4. Data is displayed and printed using a report.

Tables and relationships

Table – data storage; this is the starting point when creating an application. Whether the data is stored in an Access database or the application references it by linking external tables, all other Access objects reference tables directly or indirectly.


A query helps you find and retrieve data that meets specified conditions, including data from multiple tables. The query can also be used to update or delete multiple records at once and to perform prescribed or custom calculations based on the data.