It does not blink when the computer starts. What to do if the monitor does not work? Solving technical problems

This publication will explain in detail what to do if the monitor button blinks and the screen flashes.

A monitor is a device used to display user interface on the computer. If your monitor is causing flickering, flickering, or other problems, it can be distracting and make it difficult to use your computer. There are many problems that can lead to malfunction monitor, and therefore there are several ways to troubleshoot monitor problems.

What to do if your computer monitor is flickering?

So, you're probably asking “Why is the monitor blinking?”, There are many reasons for this problem, and the solution involves various ways, which you will learn about below.

Method 1: Restart the computer and monitor

Turn off your computer and monitor, and unplug them from the power supply. Then turn your monitor back on and start your computer. Easy restart electronic devices Sometimes it solves the problem of the monitor screen blinking.

Method 2: Check the monitor cable connections

The power cord must be securely plugged into the rear of the monitor and into the electrical outlet. The VGA monitor interface cable must also be securely inserted into the processor video card connector.

Figure 1. Check that the VGA cable is securely connected to the monitor.

If this does not help solve your problem, then use the following methods.

Method 3: Replacing the monitor cable

Replace the power cable and VGA cable of the monitor various cables. If there are kinks, broken insulation, or damage to the cable, this may cause the monitor to display red, purple, and green colors, or to periodically blink and blink. Also, try plugging the monitor's power cord into a different outlet.

Figure 2: Connect the monitor's power cord to a different outlet.

Method 4: Checking the monitor's functionality

Disconnect your monitor and connect it to another computer. If the monitor also blinks, this means that it has become unusable, or the power cable needs to be replaced. If there is no blinking, then the problem is with your computer.

Method 5: Uninstall problematic software

Uninstall recently installed software. If the problem occurs after installation new program, remove it from your computer. You can also, which tells you 3 methods for removing software from your computer.

Figure 3. Uninstallation software from a computer.

Method 6. Update video card drivers

If installed drivers If the video cards on your computer are outdated, this may cause problems with the monitor.

  • Click "Start", click right click mice "Computer", select "Control", "Device Manager", double click on "Video adapters", right-click on your graphics card and select "Update driver".

Figure 4. Click on Update drivers...

You can also find the driver to install on the video card manufacturer's website. Below we provide official sources for references to video card drivers from various manufacturers:

What should I do if the monitor flickers and does not turn on?

Method 7: Removing and reinstalling the RAM board

This method helped in many cases, which were also associated with the absence of an image on the monitor. Below are the detailed steps:

  • Open the processor cover by first unscrewing the two bolts.

Figure 5. Installed boards RAM on the motherboard and what they look like.
  • Then press lightly on both sides of the RAM board holders and remove it. If your motherboard has 2 or 4 cards, install the bracket in a different slot.

Figure 6. Remove the RAM stick and install it in another slot.

Method 8: Using a different VGA slot on the computer motherboard

So, if none of the above methods helped you, then you can use this method. In the picture below you can see the presence of 2 connectors for connecting a VGA cable.

The most common malfunction is when the PC actually turns on, but does not display an image on the monitor. You see light signals on the computer case and hear the fans running inside, but nothing happens on the screen.

There are several possible reasons, why your monitor does not display information on the screen and it is important that the search for problems is organized.

Approximate order:

1. Check your monitor. Before you try more complex and time-consuming troubleshooting methods, make sure your monitor is working properly.

It is possible that your computer is working fine, and the problem is in the monitor.

2. Check that your PC is fully power cycled. In other words, make sure your computer completely completes rebooting and shutting down.

Often the computer appears to be "not working" when in fact it is simply having trouble resuming from standby or sleep mode.

Note: You can turn off your computer completely at energy saving mode by holding the power button for 3 - 5 seconds. After the power is completely off, turn on the computer and make sure it will boot normally.

3. Diagnose the cause by code sound signal. The beep code will make it possible to quite accurately find the reason for the computer turning off.

If you were unable to solve the problem with a specific beep code, proceed to the next steps.

4. Clearing the BIOS on the motherboard will return its settings to default. Incorrect setting BIOS can cause display problems on your monitor screen.

Important Note: If clearing the CMOS resolves the problem, make BIOS changes one at a time. at least, when you return the problem, you will know what changes led to it.

5. Make sure correct location supply voltage switch. If input voltage If the power supply is not correct (depending on the country), your computer may not turn on completely.

Most likely, the wrong voltage will not allow the computer to turn on at all, but it may not turn on completely.

6. Reinstall everything inside your PC. Reinstallation will restore various connections inside your computer and will very often fix this problem.

Try reinstalling the following:

  • Reinstall all internal and power cables
  • Reinstall memory modules
  • Reinstall the cards you are using

7.Reinstall the processor if you suspect it was not installed properly.

8.Check for possible short circuits inside the computer. This is often the reason why the computer will not turn on at all, but it may also prevent the computer from booting completely or may not display data on the monitor.

9.Check the power supply. Just because your computer's fans and lights are working does not mean the power supply is functioning properly. PSU tends to cause more problems than any other hardware and is often the reason the computer does not boot completely.

If your power supply fails the test, replace it.

Important: Don't miss this test. Power supplies may not function properly and require replacement.

The following steps are similar to steps 8 through 12 described in the article The computer turns on and then turns off.

Why the computer monitor does not turn on: main reasons

Hello dear readers and those who are looking for solutions to computer problems. Today we will discuss with you such an interesting and frequently encountered question - the computer monitor does not turn on.

If you encounter this or another computer problem, just contact us using the contacts in the site header

But let's take a closer look at the issue of a computer monitor (PC) not turning on, why does this happen and how to deal with it?

The monitor is not working properly

Yes, although not often, mainly due to old age, the monitor does not turn on precisely because it is broken.

And in this situation it will not turn on at all. To verify this, you need to either connect it to another PC or install another monitor here instead.

If he doesn’t make money on anything else, then it’s 100% his fault. Next, either repair it or buy a new one.

The motherboard is faulty

In this situation, firstly, the video card may be built into it, that is, two reasons, the first (the video card is faulty) and this result in one - a malfunction of the mat. boards

In this situation, either install it on another PC or install another one instead, if it doesn’t work on another PC, then it’s all up to her.

Exit either repair it or buy a new one. When purchasing, it is important to know what processor you have, because it is mat. the board must be compatible.

"RAM memory is faulty"

Although it is rare, it can also break. Although sometimes the contacts are simply covered with dust. In this situation, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned from dust.

If this doesn’t help, then you need to put it in another computer; if it doesn’t work there, then all the “kaputs” need to be changed; they are almost never repaired. That is, only buying a new one.

In this case, the PC will most likely not turn on at all and, of course, there will be no image on the screen (we don’t consider it an image automatic message- the cable is not connected).

A test would be to put it on another computer; if it doesn’t work there, then that’s the reason.

The solution would be to either repair it or buy a new one. Important advice When buying a new one, don’t skimp on it and don’t run for higher watt values, but rather trust a quality company.

Plus its price will not be lower than 40-50 euros.

It’s a shame, but “damaged wires” are not uncommon. This looks especially comical when the culprits are pets.

Therefore, first of all, if there are any in the house, check the wires.

“Faulty processor” is a fairly rare occurrence.

But, after all, sometimes it happens, although, probably, even due to the users themselves (overclocking, etc.).

Here, it would also be a good idea to make sure it works by placing it in another PC, only of course in one that, like yours, supports it.

There is no need to try to insert it into an output on the motherboard that is incompatible with it, otherwise damage will definitely be inevitable.

"No electricity"

No matter how ridiculous and stupid it may sound, such cases exist, which means they should not be neglected. Just check the electricity by turning on the lights in the room and that's it.

We have looked at the main reasons why the computer monitor does not turn on. But it happens that it turns on, but beyond the initial test and information screens it doesn't work out.

Most often the reason here will be a malfunction operating system. So all you need to do is just reinstall it. You can see approximately how this is done in this article. But, as, in general, with any computer breakdown You can simply contact us.

That's all, in this article we looked at the question of why the computer monitor does not turn on.


Hello. Do you have any USB ports? How did you determine this? The system, as far as I understand, does not boot. Or is it impossible to boot from a flash drive?

Disconnect all devices from your computer. Leave only the mouse, keyboard and monitor.

To solve error No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed, you can try resetting BIOS settings to factory ones.


About fifteen years ago, my friend, an avid Beatle fan, decided to write a book about the Beatles. Until then, he had no experience working on a computer. I turned to a private craftsman (he didn’t know me at that time), he assembled a computer for him, as I understood, from what was no longer needed and thrown away anyway...)) Four memory lines, a Pinnacle card, a disk drive, a writing DVD drive and three hard drives of different capacities... Later, for some reason, his Internet provider installed an additional network modem...
In short, the computer's power supply was clearly overloaded and the computer was not cooled well. The system “crashed” twice a week... The person who assembled the computer quickly got tired of it and found a plausible excuse to get rid of this client’s problems.
This is where I turned up.)))

Reinstalling the system was not always successful. I didn’t have to do it every time and, at some point, I began to use a block of three fans from the old Soviet computer. Removed the cover system unit, disconnected two of the three hard drives, directed the air flow inside the computer and... installation success is almost guaranteed.....
After some time, my friend learned to install the system on his own, without my help, and when he got tired of it, he bought a new computer.

The case I described is, of course, not entirely common, but, as it turned out later, good airflow during installation of Windows never interferes - it helped me two or three times in my memory.

I have a terabyte “Seagate”, which was not helped by any cooling and I was never able to install the system on it. And judging by the state of its connectors, approximately several thousand people tried to do this before me...)))
However, for me it has “taken root” in the box for the NexStar self-powered external hard drive. Every cloud has a silver lining.)))

Very often people underestimate the importance of the power source, or more precisely, the power system, and even more precisely, the frequency parameters of the integrating chains. Usually, after estimating the power consumption by eye, they install a power supply with a small margin, without thinking about other parameters at all.
During the operation of computer chips, high-frequency “crawls” occur on the power buses, which can greatly affect the performance and even the serviceability of RAM chips, etc. It is important that the thickness of the tracks is printed circuit board was sufficient and that “smoothing” capacitors were installed near each chip on the power buses.
During development computer technology, experienced specialists place several capacitors on the chip, differing in capacity by one order of magnitude, to effectively smooth out ripples. For example, 1uF electrolyte, 0.1mf and 22nf ceramics, in close proximity to the chip.
Soviet electronics, which over the past three decades have all gone into dredges, were not without reason “stuffed” with ceramic thermostable capacitors with a high palladium content.
Nowadays, everyone wants to save money, we want to buy a “cooler” motherboard and cheaper, and manufacturers want to sell us more and do not install smoothing capacitors in the required quantity (to reduce the cost). Everyone saves and relies on each other, but the end result is a lottery.
As a result, we get a power supply of, say, 500 W (power supply manufacturers also like to save money), in practice, at half the load it no longer “pull”, and if you look at the power bus with an oscilloscope, the ripples can reach half a volt or more.
A sign that the “mother” is not in order is the swelling of electrolytes - high-frequency “breakthroughs” are destructive for them, they overheat and explode when they swell.

Installing Windows puts a serious load on the entire system. Working hard drive, the processor's memory is at full capacity, it all gets hot and can give an error at any stage of installation. A comparable load can occur when playing, for example, tanks. But if we are “knocked out” of the game, so what? - they came in again and didn’t pay attention... But if Windows failed during installation - yes, we’ll notice right away...

My life experience suggests that most failures occur for reasons not related to the programs - dust interferes with cooling, the fan is not lubricated and rotates poorly, electrolytes are swollen, microcracks have appeared, again, from overheating, and people also have a lot of cockroaches in their apartments, who strive to hide in a warm computer and lay their offspring there...

The first step is to check the power supply. Pay attention to the monitor - if the LED on it is lit, then at least power is supplied to it. In this case, first check the computer's power supply switch (on the back of the power supply). If it is disabled, enable it and check your PC again. A new shutdown will indicate the presence of a short circuit. In this case, disconnect all peripherals, including the mouse and keyboard. Turn on your PC again - if loading will work, search short circuit in the periphery. The mouse and keyboard can be checked by replacement.

Many motherboards have a power indicator - LED. Taking off sidebar from the system unit, you can see if the LED is lit. If yes, but the PC does not turn on, this indicates a malfunction motherboard or other serious defects. In this case, it is recommended to contact a service center for help.

The computer turns on but does not boot

The cause may be a component failure - for example, RAM, or the OS bootloader malfunctions. The computer usually reports a component failure with a tone signal; its decoding can be found on the network. If not loading, first try to correct the situation by pressing the F8 key when starting the PC. A menu window will appear, in it you should select the item “Download the latest successful configuration" In most cases, the PC will then boot successfully.

If your PC fails to boot, you can try to restore it using installation disk. The easiest way to do this is for Windows 7 - after starting the OS installation, select the recovery option, then in the list that appears, select troubleshoot boot problems. After this, the computer should boot. For Windows recovery XP will have to manually enter some commands, detailed description This procedure is available online.

To check, you can try booting your computer from the Live CD that comes with many installation software. Windows builds. If the OS boots, you will be sure that the hard drive and other components are working properly; the problem should be looked for in the boot loader or the OS itself - for example, it may be damaged by viruses.

Video card and monitor malfunction

Sometimes the cause of a black screen is a faulty video card; you can check it by replacing it. If your PC has an integrated graphics card, you can connect a monitor to it. The appearance of the image will clearly indicate a malfunction of the main video adapter.

If the computer boots and the monitor light is on, but there is no image, shine a flashlight on the screen - you may see a very faint image. In such a situation, everything points to failure.