Greeting a person on social networks. Communication and addiction on social networks

0 comments 05/10/17

Communication in social networks For many of us, it has long gone beyond the scope of non-binding entertainment. Internet communication has become an important, and for some, a mandatory form of interaction with other people. Global Network- this is a special environment that differs in many ways from real life.

In this article I will talk about the basic rules of conduct on social networks. Knowledge of psychological subtleties will allow you to bypass all the traps virtual world and create a positive image in the eyes of others.

An ethical person is ethical everywhere, including on social networks

Compliance general rules Ethics in online communication is just as important as in real life. Our manners are the cornerstone on which a person's image is built. When conducting personal correspondence or discussing in comments, avoid familiarity, use “you” and, if appropriate, tactfully switch to “you”.

Network communication has erased the usual boundaries; on the Internet we often communicate with people of a different nationality, race, and religion. It is important to remember that a tactful person will never place inappropriate emphasis on these features, as well as unnecessarily touch on potentially sensitive topics: politics, unacceptability of religious views, etc.

Politeness and courtesy are your main weapons on the battlefields of social networks.

I have repeatedly been convinced that public discussions on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and even intelligent Facebook are increasingly reminiscent of battles. Even if you find yourself in a crisis communication situation, remember - politeness and tact are your main counteraction to aggression and anger. Learn to “filter out” provocative discussions (trolling) and ignore them - this is perhaps the most important skill and the main rule of behavior on social networks. “Don’t feed the trolls” can be difficult; you need to be able to curb your emotions, not succumb to aggression and understand that communicating with a provocateur a waste time and emotional strength.

Untimely answers create anxiety in the interlocutor

When you are asked questions, don't forget to answer them. Late responses and lack of response on social networks keep a person in a state of uncertainty. This often creates anxiety and false interpretations in your counterpart. Typical reaction to unread letter, usually, is: “They don’t answer me because they ignore me or this person is not interested in me.” In fact, at this moment the interlocutor is simply busy important matters or other thoughts.

Literacy works for your image

You can work on your online image for a long time, but everything comes to nothing if a person writes with errors. Language-tied sentences, spelling mistakes and neglect of punctuation immediately catch the eye and repel many interlocutors. If you are not 100% confident in your literacy, use programs automatic check spelling, and also proofread the typed text well. In correspondence, avoid long and ornate sentences. Write simply, but as specifically as possible, so that the interlocutor can grasp the essence of your message.

How to be tactful on social networks?

Don't overdo it with self-promotion and don't be pushy - this important rule behavior on social networks. It, like any advertising, in excessive quantities begins to irritate other people. It can be expressed in boastfulness, exaggeration of one’s merits, and excessive posting of photographs.

Publish and repost information on your page whose truth is beyond any doubt. This is especially important given the increase in the number of fake news, fraudulent schemes for siphoning off money, and so on. By publishing everything on your page, you will look naive in the eyes of readers and quickly lose their trust.

Security and social networks: rules of conduct

Every Internet user is surrounded by potential risks: he may suffer from scammers, malicious content, virus programs or become a victim of virtual stalking, the problem of which is currently becoming increasingly urgent.

Cyberstalking on the Internet can take many forms: from systematic harassment, to threats to meet in real life or virtual harassment. The best way to protect yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers - do not tell anything and everything about yourself. Do not publish addresses, phone numbers, etc. on social network profiles. contact information. Follow the rules of network ethics and do not provoke dubious interlocutors with rude answers. If a person remains obsessive, add him to the “black list” of contacts. Refrain from confidential communication with people you do not know well.

Electronic communication has become an integral element social activity modern man. The growing popularity of electronic networks has necessitated a revision of the phenomenology of communication, taking into account new technological capabilities. Researchers' attention is drawn to the peculiarities of communication in electronic networks, as well as the impact of the latter on users. For example, N.N. Bogomolova identifies a number of features of communication in the context mass communication, she includes among them: mediation of communication technical means, communication big social groups, lack of immediate feedback, the presence of a mass, anonymous, disparate audience, etc. L.N. Moon points out that there are “communication breakdowns” of perception on the Internet; The absence of emotions and behavioral responses leads to a number of difficulties in the mutual perception of the interlocutor and the construction of his image.

Among the psychological features of Internet communication, the following are most often noted:

Increased verbal activity caused by the almost complete disappearance of communication barriers and the inability to communicate silently.

Discontinuity and mosaic of communication. People involved in rapid communication, in the absence of visual and auditory information, perform short and egocentric communicative acts.

Specific communication etiquette, new language.

Emotional communication: In an attempt to compensate for the lack of nonverbal communication, users often write messages that include words and icons that indicate emotions.

Emotional state during communication.

The experience of “flow”, which is distinguished by the following features: immersion in an activity, a change in the object of activity, a feeling of pleasure, loss of the sense of time, a sense of control over the situation.

Thus, Internet communication is a special type of communication that has the following features: verbal activity, fragmentation, specific communication etiquette, emotionality, possible anonymity.

Internet communication is a special type of communication that has certain characteristics: increased verbal activity, fragmentation, a specific language of communication, emotionality.

It was revealed that respondents quite often access the Internet for various purposes: to search necessary information, for study, for communication, entertainment. Respondents have an ambiguous attitude towards communication on the Internet: there are both positive attitudes and characteristics (“easy”, “convenient”, “reduces the distance between people”), and negative ones (“fake”, “deception”, “takes a lot of time”) . The significant differences between communication on the Internet and “real” communication are also emphasized.

Information was also received on what the Internet means for men and women. The Internet for men is mainly a source of information, entertainment, work, “a way to kill time”; for women it is primarily a source of information, as well as a way of spending time and communicating. Thus, for both men and women, the Internet is primarily a source of information and also acts as a way of spending time, but men also noted that the Internet for them is work, which is not the case for women.

As for sites of interest to respondents, there is a wide variety, but the most frequently mentioned site by respondents is the social network Vkontakte.

Scientists have also identified the main goals of communication between men and women with representatives of their own and the opposite sex. Women, compared to men, have more diverse goals in communicating with members of the same sex. The most common purposes are the exchange of information (mostly of an informal nature), as well as maintaining and establishing relationships. For male respondents, the goals of exchanging information are more typical and there are practically no goals for establishing and maintaining contacts.

Regarding the goals of communication with representatives of the opposite sex, the following features can be noted. Male respondents pursue the goals of establishing and maintaining relationships to a greater extent and the goals of information exchange are practically not represented (as opposed to the goals present in communication with representatives of their own sex). Female respondents equally pursue the goals of exchanging information and establishing relationships (and establishing relationships as friendly, friendly and romantic to an equal extent).

It is also necessary to note the differences in the purposes of establishing relationships between men and women. Male respondents are more focused on intimate relationships. For female respondents, these goals are not clearly represented.

Additionally, data was obtained on what informal and business topics respondents communicate on most often. The most popular informal topics among female respondents are topics about love, relationships, members of the opposite sex; among male respondents - topics of sports, leisure, relationships, music. Based on the data obtained, it can be noted that female respondents are more likely to touch on topics directly related to interactions with other people (relationships, the opposite sex, etc.). Male respondents tend to focus more on activities (sports, music, etc.) rather than people.

The most popular business topics among both female and male respondents are topics of study and work.

It was found that for women in informal Internet communication on social networks, the most attractive are actions associated with the emotional richness of the message (use graphic images emotions - “emoticons”, compliments). In informal communication with a representative of the same sex, men are attracted by the interlocutor’s putting forward arguments and counterarguments during the communication process; When communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, various actions related to both the form and content of the message and its emotional component are attractive.

In business communication, men and women (in communication with representatives of both their own and the opposite sex) are attracted by the presence of argumentation, as well as high degree expansion of the message. In addition, for men, compliments addressed to them are attractive from the opposite sex, and from the same sex, the manifestation of persistence in defending their positions.

It can be noted that in business communication, actions typical for men are noted as attractive actions, while in informal communication both actions more often used by men and actions more often used by women are noted. This may be due to gender role stereotypes: men are more successful in the professional sphere, while family roles are most important for women. Thus, in business Internet communication, actions that are considered typically masculine will be attractive, which creates the impression of success of the interlocutor in matters of a business nature.

The findings that women will be more attracted to emotional manifestations, while men will be more attracted to the content and form of the message, can be interpreted based on the results of the study by A.V. Vizgina and S.R. Pantileeva. The authors, as a result of analyzing the self-descriptions of men and women, found that the emotionality of the text is perceived differently by men and women. The emotionality of the text for men is an indicator of some psychological distress; and vice versa, restrained, inexpressive, rather formal texts speak of self-confidence and balance. The emotionality of the text for women acts as a sign of sociability. An unemotional text may indicate unsociability, self-doubt, or overdeveloped masculinity. The authors suggest that the roots of this difference lie in the different attitudes of men and women to social norms. For men, emotionality is an indicator of the breakdown of the normative framework of restraint and self-control; for women this is a natural characteristic of communication. Thus, men and women in Internet communications are attracted to partners who correspond to their understanding of emotionality. For women, the emotionality of the text means the partner’s sociability, self-confidence; accordingly, emotionality on the part of representatives of both the same and the opposite sex attracts women. For men, emotionality is perceived as trouble and lack of self-confidence of a communication partner. Therefore, manifestations of emotionality on the part of members of the same sex are perceived by men as unattractive. However, men are loyal to manifestations of emotionality on the part of representatives of the opposite sex and even consider these manifestations attractive.

Thus, Internet communication has certain characteristics, including gender specificity.

Insurance companies warn that the number of crimes committed on social networks is steadily increasing. Accommodation personal information V public access increases the risk of becoming a victim of fraudsters. Moreover, it may even cause you to lose your job or tarnish your reputation.

Telling the first strangers you meet about yourself everything that comes into your head is not the best idea, nevertheless, millions of people around the world do this through the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

At the same time, most of us are still not aware of the consequences of their careless behavior on the Internet. By indicating our location on our social media pages, we ourselves give a “tip” to potential robbers. An attacker can easily calculate your daily routine and “accidentally” find himself in the right place.

So, in New Hampshire there was a robbery case that brought the victim losses of 200 thousand dollars. The reason for the robbery was a careless post by a man in which he himself said when he was going to go on vacation. It’s good that the poor guy didn’t think of telling the whole world that he left the keys to the apartment under the rug...

There is also a risk of becoming a victim of persecution or violence. Therefore, in order to own safety, you should only plan personal meetings with virtual friends in crowded places.
By sharing frank stories about our experiences and personal lives on social networks, we ourselves make it easier for those who want to gain our trust and arouse sympathy.

If you don’t want to become a victim of scammers, keep your mouth shut. Being candid in public can make you a victim of cyberstalking, bullying, and bullying.

And placed in open access a photo can destroy a reputation, career, and even lead to litigation.

In general, the main advice that experts give regarding safe behavior on social networks is to think carefully before writing anything on your page, because someone will certainly read it!

Rules for safe communication on social networks

It’s one thing to call your friends or family members and tell them that you’ll be late at work, at a party, at a bar, etc. today. It's quite another to tell several hundred people about it, many of whom you've never met in real life.

2. Beware of publishing your personal information on the Internet

Posting details of your personal life on the Internet can lead to attackers knowing almost more about you than your immediate family. A potential criminal will collect information about you bit by bit, and for your safety, you should not make this task easy for him.

3. Don't spread information about other people

A thief who plans to rob one of your friends or relatives will be grateful to you for providing information about his potential victim. Are you going to party with your friends until the morning? Don’t tell the whole world when, where and with whom you are going. And impressions and beautiful photos better share the next day.

4. Don't report expensive purchases you make.

Who doesn’t like to show off expensive purchases and new things to their friends on a social network? Robbers are looking for potential victims who have money and expensive new gadgets. When you talk lightheartedly about expensive purchases, you are signaling to potential robbers that it would be a good idea to rummage through your apartment or car.

Robbery is a risky business. It is much easier for criminals to break into someone else’s home when the owners are not at home: take what you want and quietly leave. Don't write about when you are going to leave home. Moreover, you should not talk about the fact that you are going to and leaving the house unattended.

6. Don't share information about your daily schedule.

The more burglars know about your daily activities, the easier it is for them to plan a break into your apartment or home. In addition, knowing about your usual movements, an attacker can lie in wait for you in a deserted place.

7. Do not write any information about children

Remember! Children's safety comes first! The less you write about children – yours and others’ – the better for them. Do not talk about their habits, hobbies, location, friends, class schedule, clubs they attend.

8. Meet new friends from the virtual world only in crowded places

Perhaps you are already corresponding with this “friend” long time, and you feel like you know your online friend very well. In fact, this is an illusion. On the Internet, there is always a possibility that the person you are talking to is not who he says he is.
Therefore, always choose public places for the first meeting. This will not only protect you from possible troubles, but will also reassure the person you are going to meet.

9. Don't share details that cyberbullies and trolls can use against you.

Don't share details about yourself on social media or post photos that someone might use to tease you. Online bullying can be just as painful as in real life, if not worse. After all, everything that happens on the Internet is recorded and stored here forever. And rumors and jokes spread like an avalanche. And the scale is worldwide!

10. Don't write anything that could harm your reputation.

Stupid joke, inappropriate comment, drunk photo, political controversy, stupid antics - thanks modern technologies and social networks, you now have more opportunities than ever to tarnish your own reputation. Even if your wife or boss doesn’t see the “wrong” post, it’s likely that there will be people willing to take advantage of your vulnerability.

11. Do not insult or slander your friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues, etc.

There was a precedent in the United States when a teacher won a $3 million lawsuit against a student because he wrote on a social network that the teacher was a pedophile. Even if in your case things don't go that far. Remember: you will have to answer for slander and spreading rumors, one way or another.

“Truth is in wine,” the Romans used to say. There are few things that liberate and provoke unnecessary frankness like. And it’s better if your frankness is listened to one-on-one by one of your close friends, and not read by a hundred unfamiliar people.

Social networks used for dating and communication are increasingly becoming popular among children and teenagers, adults and older people; What is it that attracts people to virtual communication and is there any harm and addiction to social networks of dating and communication.
Social networks on the Internet, in terms of the number of their participants, can be compared with the population of an entire country, these large-scale use of social networks force many branches of science to conduct research and observation: psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, etc., in order to determine the influence of social networks on humans; his personal, psychological and emotional development and deviations from the norm; on the quality of life in general and psychopathological personality changes.

Social networks in Russia and the world

In the daily developing Internet, Russian social networks, along with global networks, began to occupy high ratings, having a huge attendance of people of different ages and social strata.
However, according to independent research, regular visitors to social networks on the RuNet are, to one degree or another, people dissatisfied with life and communication in reality, with weak and poor-quality time structuring, including those who have little normal pastime and activities that bring pleasure, as well as teenagers and people who are psychologically and emotionally immature.

Of course, in social networks in Russia there are many visitors running targeted, professional or semi-professional pages, but their motivation is clear, they need a large audience, for certain social, professional, economic and political purposes...

Psychology of Social Networks

Psychology of Social Networks is that a person, communicating and interacting online, seems to be able to safely and freely satisfy many of his natural, biological, psychological and emotional desires and needs.

Social dating networks

Many people use social networks for dating When trying to find friends and loved ones to establish close relationships, real meetings and real relationships often occur. However, correspondence, audio and video chats are usually started by people from different cities and even regions, which can complicate the desired meeting and continuation of relationships in real life.

Dating on social networks very often leads people into psychological dead ends, frequent failure to meet expectations, outright lies and exaggeration about themselves by the participants in the acquaintance, and sometimes outright fraud in virtual relationships, leads to despair, depression, psychological and emotional suffering.

Social networks for communication

Social networks for communication and created, but constant communication on social networks should not replace normal communication in reality.
Only real communication and interaction can satisfy human biological needs; true friendship and love, true close relationships cannot be conceived on social networks. In them, you can maintain existing relationships due to the impossibility of a real meeting.

The harm of social networks

Everything is good in moderation, including communication on social networks, but excessive hanging out and spending time on them brings harm to a person, both on the mental and physical level.
The harm of social networks can become quite noticeable if you stay and communicate online for too long. This can lead to various psychophysiological problems: stress, depression and neuroses; disorders in personality and social development; violations of normal perception of reality and building interpersonal relationships.

The benefits of social networks

Research shows that there are benefits of social networks. Sometimes, it is when communicating on social networks that a person who has not learned to communicate, who is timid and indecisive, who has many complexes, etc., can open up, feel like a full-fledged, creative person and satisfy some psychological needs by communicating on a social network.
However, one should not be deluded, although there is a benefit from a social network, it is insignificant, and is more suitable for teenagers during puberty than for mature people who know how to communicate in reality.

One way or another, there is no need to replace real communication, interaction, acquaintances, friendship and love with virtual, pseudo-real social contacts.

Social media addiction

With prolonged and constant use of networks, virtual communication to the detriment of real, it appears social media addiction. Replacing normal and natural human contacts, including, in addition to verbal (verbal) interaction and exchange of texts and media files, non-verbal communication, using ordinary senses: touch, smell, taste; with the help of facial expressions and gestures, posture and bodily manifestations, people often on social networks become like “social disabled people”, with SMS-based, so to speak, thinking. Those. they cannot establish normal contacts, which are so necessary for establishing real, personal, family, and even working relationships; they often cannot find a common language and do not understand each other.

The inability to perceive another person with the help of all innate senses, including all representative, sensory systems of a person, leads to the inability to find a suitable one, including for family relations and for the business partner.

Addicted to social networks and virtual communication people, even with the possible implementation of real labor and educational activities, becoming completely unsuitable for normal close relationships, both in love and in friendship. For a person dependent on social networks, not only thinking and concepts, but also feelings and emotions are replaced; many become robotic, one might say programmed zombie people, who are not responsible for their life and destiny, living according to a certain life scenario.

This, modern addiction from social networks makes people unhappy, suffering from the inability to love and fall in love, make friends and interact with business partners, build harmonious, close relationships and receive from life the real joy of being and true communication with each other.

Majority modern people registered on social networks. The most common social networks are Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. Every day, millions of users visit their pages to find out news and communicate with each other.

Differences from normal communication

Below are a few points that explain the difference between communication on social networks and regular communication:

Expectation. If during a normal conversation you expect an instant answer to your question, then on social networks you can wait several hours, or even days. Trivial questions: “How are you?”, “Where are you now?”, “How did you pass the exam?” and others may wait a very long time for an answer.

Of course, both Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte provide the ability to communicate through chats, but still the waiting time can be very long. After all, one of the interlocutors may move away from the PC, there will be a power outage or the Internet will crash;

Uncertainty. When our question is not answered, we can spend hours wondering why this is happening. For example, you wrote to the girl you like that she is beautiful, but she remains silent. Maybe she was offended, or maybe she just walked away from the computer - you can’t know for sure. We have to guess;

Full of meaning. When we use social networks, we are not able to convey the full meaning of the information being transmitted, since we do not have the opportunity to show our emotions through facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. Communication in ordinary words and emoticons significantly impoverish our capabilities;

Empathy, empathy. In direct communication, we see whether the interlocutor is ready to talk to us or not. On social networks we communicate with an imaginary phantom, imagining the interlocutor as we benefit from it. at the moment time. Of course, you can use a video call, but not everyone resorts to this and not so often.

What should I do?

Considering all of the above, it is safe to say that you should not be persistent when communicating on social networks. If you are not answered right away, stop trying to contact your interlocutor again. It may well be that he is busy or simply does not want to communicate at the moment.

Try to clearly formulate your thoughts, write what you want to convey, using emoticons and exclamation marks. Don't be upset if you don't get an answer to your question right away. We are living people and we don’t always sit in front of the computer, waiting for the next message to come to us.

How to communicate correctly on social networks

There are several general rules, following which, you can benefit from communication on Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte:

If you want communication to take place in the form of a dialogue, not only read messages, but also ask questions, express your opinion;

If the interlocutor answers your questions briefly “no” or “yes”, ask him difficult question, which must be answered with a proposal. If the same communication continues, without succinct explanations on his part, stop the dialogue, since the other party is not interested in it;

Under no circumstances should you immerse your interlocutor in your problems. You don’t like being loaded, so act the same way towards others;

Do not offend your interlocutor with rude words. In general, try not to use bad words, do not speak in a negative way. This will quickly lead to a loss of interest in you as an interlocutor.