Trading platforms like aliexpress. "Aliexpress": an analogue of the Chinese giant in Russia

Quite a lot of buyers, having figured out how easy and profitable it is to make purchases on Aliexpress, ask themselves the question - are there other sites similar to the type of Aliexpress, on which it is just as easy, perhaps even more profitable, to buy goods?

Yes, there are sites similar to Aliexpress and there are a lot of them. As for the benefits, I can’t immediately answer - somewhere the goods are cheaper than on Ali, somewhere they are more expensive. But after monitoring the product you are interested in, on the sites below, you can choose the most profitable option for yourself.

Such shopping sites, like Aliexpress, are not only in China (for example: Ebay, Amazon and the like), but in this article we will consider only similar chinese internet-shops where you can buy goods and receive them in your country with free shipping.

More and more sites follow the example of Aliexpress every year, they are slowly entering the international trade market, which is good news - because thanks to their competition among themselves and the fact that they reduce the price, we can buy goods even cheaper.

List of sites like Aliexpress

  • JOOM - great site large quantity goods that are cheaper than on Aliexpress. Free delivery. I recommend this site.
  • is one of the largest and most visited online stores in China. It is also one of the most popular stores among Russian-speaking buyers, it is definitely worth a look here. There are a lot of payment methods convenient for you.
  • - enough good store, trades in a variety of goods, payment is made both with Visa, MasterCard, American Express cards, and using PayPal, YandexMoney or WebMoney payment systems or by bank transfer. The site guarantees the return of your money in case of problems within 45 days from the date of receipt of the parcel;
  •– another Chinese site with big election goods. Payment Visa cards/Mastercard, payment systems - PayPal, YandexMoney, Qiwi Wallet
  • one of the most popular internet shops. The store is very good and has a large number of good reviews. You can pay for your order in many convenient ways.
  • (dealextreme)– the store offers you more than 300,000 products, provides free shipping worldwide, guarantees quality and returns money in case of problems. In this store you will also find a convenient payment method for you.
  • / - two sites from one company, selling more than a million products. They work directly with manufacturers without intermediaries, which has a positive effect on prices. There are many payment methods.

The above sites are not much different from the Aliexpress site we know, of course they have a difference in design, but the principle of shopping is exactly the same.

When buying on some of them - for example, and, you can use a cashback service before buying - and, accordingly, return part of the money spent.

Others use .


If you decide to make a purchase on an unfamiliar site, approach the purchase carefully, do not immediately buy the product. I recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the work of the store:

  • get to know all buyers;
  • about how you can open a dispute in case of problems with the product;
  • read carefully the reviews about the site itself;
  • read reviews of the product you want to buy
  • and only after that, if everything suits you, proceed to the order and payment.

Happy shopping!

Today, there are so-called giant stores that act almost as monopolists in their field. These are the largest trade centers where thousands, hundreds of thousands of units of goods are sold. And these include, without any doubt, the Aliexpress store.

Analog - is there one?

Platforms that would offer customers a huge selection of goods (mainly electronics) made in China are not difficult to find at all. There are a huge number of those today, all of them are engaged in sending goods around the world, mediating between a plant in some province of Guangzhou and an end client located in Russia, for example.

What is also characteristic is the growing popularity of such resources. Each of these portals collects a huge number of buyers. Thousands of people are ready to register on them and place orders. Such an “increased demand” for such products is achieved due to a very wide range and low prices, which no analogue can offer.

"AliExpress" in Russia also has a huge number of fans. Generally this platform extremely popular all over the world.

Order scheme

Buying online is very easy. Making an order in Chinese shops is even easier. It is enough to enter your address, decide on the name and configuration of the goods, clarify the payment details, and your package will be delivered directly in 3-4 weeks (depending on the delivery method and the region where you live). Perhaps the mandatory waiting period is the only negative Chinese sites. This makes it possible to save on transportation (such stores often mark “free shipping” in the settings), but waste a lot of time on receiving.

What would happen if some solution could be found on how to speed up the process without increasing the price of delivery services. And users, if we analyze the series search queries, such is considered the opportunity to find an analogue instead of "AliExpress". Obviously, this should be a store located closer or, according to at least making delivery faster and cheaper ways. Does such a service exist?

Biggest Stores

There are simply no services that could replace the AliExpress platform. On the this moment, given the position in the market of the giant "Ali" itself, it is not worth counting on the fact that it can be pushed aside. That's too much large platform by the standards of any country in the world. Millions of turnovers of goods and constantly growing number of customers confirm this.

So does Aliexpress have an analogue? From the point of view of a standard, familiar purchase (for example, if we want to purchase an inexpensive action camera), there are many similar resources. Finding them is very easy - many are very popular and in demand. Here are the top three: DealExtreme, TinyDeal, GearBest. These resources, like Ali, sell various products made in China, which can be ordered anywhere in the world. Their prices may be similar, but there is one big difference in the model of these services and "Ali".

How does "AliExpress" and others

All the shops listed above are actually simple online shops. Their administration finds suppliers, draws up some agreements with them and sells goods on its own behalf. The Russian Eldorado and Technosila, for example, are arranged in the same way, only we are talking about Chinese products that are most in demand in Russia, Europe and the West (accessories, electronics, household goods, etc.).

But in this article, we are studying a slightly different model, according to which Aliexpress works. It is much more difficult to find an analogue (especially in terms of the volume of goods). This resource is a platform where the buyer and the seller “meet”. The first is in search of a product that interests him, and the second puts all the trading positions that he has on display. Thus, one can see, for example, the same product offered at different prices on behalf of different plants and factories. Therefore, on AliExpress, you can independently choose what interests you.

If the analogue of DX can be called “Svyaznoy” (roughly speaking), then does our “giant” have an analogue? "AliExpress" in Russia is somewhat similar to the Avito board or the Tiu resource. On the latter, by the way, users are also searching for goods offered by sellers-companies.

Product specifics

As you can see, the level of AliExpress promotion has not yet been beaten by any Russian store. Even the quality of goods, as a rule, on the Chinese resource will be higher, and the price will remain more affordable than in the case of the Russian version. Do you need such an analogue?

Moreover, all accessories and electronics are made in China. It means that Russian analogue"Ali Express" would sell what came from China earlier. Then, the question is, what is the point of looking for analogues in our country? It's easier to buy directly...

We can say that this is the specificity of the goods sold on the Aliexpress resource. It is possible to create an analogue of such a store in Moscow, but the products for it will still have to be delivered from there, which automatically increases the cost of such things. Which means it makes no sense.

The language barrier

Of course, certain difficulties in working with AliExpress are experienced by those people who do not know English language. It is on it that there are descriptions in basic version resource. However, there should be no difficulties with this - the Chinese site also has a "Russian" counterpart. "AliExpress" has different language versions.

Ad titles can be automatically translated using Google translate. At first glance, this may seem like a collection of unrelated words, but in fact, after certain period time (during which various goods will be ordered), you will get used to and begin to understand well what the seller wanted to say.

Descriptions of lots submitted in English can also be translated into Google Translate (on an individual basis). Thus, everything is provided, and you simply will not need to look for an online store, an analogue of "AliExpress".

Delivery acceleration

The second, in addition to language, is the question of how you can get your product faster. And there are several ways to do this. Firstly, you can order not free shipping via AirMail, but more expensive, but fast shipping lot via DHL, EMS or TNT. All these and many other ways will be available in the menu on the product page. The price of transportation will start from 30-40 dollars (depending on the volume of goods). Then you will receive your parcel in a couple of days.

There is more information for those who are interested in similar sites-analogues. "Ali Express" is a place where resellers often buy goods. You can buy something more expensive from them, but without having to wait for delivery. Thus, you will win, as you can receive the goods almost on the same day. Then you just need to look for stores that sell what you are interested in. And don't think about Chinese AliExpress.


Thus, let's start with the fact that there is no analogue of the Ali site in principle. It is the only site of its kind in the world. No matter how hard you try, it is not so easy to find a similar analogue in Russia. AliExpress is (in its way) a unique platform.

But you can solve the problems associated with the remoteness of the base in a different way. For example, use automatic translation site pages. If desired, you can open in parallel google translator and see all the words indicated by the seller. So there is no need to look for an analogue. "AliExpress" in Russian may well justify your requests.

Finally, one more important point is the speed of delivery. You can overcome it - order through intermediary firms in Russia, which may already have stocks of goods to solve such problems. If you are ordering something not too specific, then this method may be suitable. Finally, you can always overpay more, but order the goods through the delivery service, which will take much less time.

Are you still hoping to find an analogue? "AliExpress" is too unique and individual platform, therefore, alas, there is no really competitive resource for it yet. This company is too strong a monopolist.

Aliexpress analogues (sites similar to Aliexpress)
On the Internet, of course, there are similar sites to Aliexpress, as well as analogue online stores that also sell goods from China. We will try to make a small rating of the most popular Chinese online stores in Russian with free delivery, the main competitors of Aliexpress, where you can also pay for goods using Visa, MasterCard, Webmoney, Yandex.Money and Qiwi (qiwi wallet).

Chinese online stores in Russian with free shipping

Every day more and more you can find Chinese online stores like Aliexpress that have a version of the site in Russian and free shipping to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan .. Free shipping around the world is already becoming the norm among Chinese online stores. Below we will present sites similar to Aliexpress, where you can easily buy electronics, laptops, smartphones, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, MP3 players and...

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Analogues Aliexpress - stores like Aliexpress
Aliexpress is probably the most famous Chinese online store, but having climbed the Internet, you can often find many other online stores.
We decided to find out what are the analogues of the popular trading platform, similar to the Aliexpress website?
Below we have compiled a list similar internet stores that are analogues of the official website is a popular Chinese online store that also has a Russian site interface. Shipping for orders up to 2 kg is completely free. is a megamarket where sellers offer goods at low prices and with free delivery of goods worldwide. Orders are shipped from Hong Kong. DealExtreme is one of the most famous Chinese online stores. This marketplace specializes in selling a variety of gadgets at low prices. is a big enough online store...

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per century high technology It has become very popular to buy goods online. Via world wide web you can buy almost anything, from a variety of Chinese tea to auto parts, clothing and electronics. There are a huge number of similar sites for shopping, one of the most common is the Chinese Internet site Eyes run up from the offers on this site. You can pay for purchases without leaving your home using VISA, MasterCard, Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex.Money cards.

The largest Chinese online stores in Russian

Aliexpress is one of the largest trading platforms, which consists of thousands of sellers, not even bound friend with friend. It turns out that private stores are engaged in the sale, and the Aliexpress website guarantees the delivery of goods and its quality for buyers and conscientious payment for sellers.

All online stores are dropshippers, the manufacturer himself sends the goods to the buyer, so...

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Many users who have already managed to familiarize themselves with the AliExpress assortment and ordered something for themselves are wondering: are there other sites similar to aliexpress? The answer will be positive. But, all such sites have significant differences. We will not talk about all of them, but we will touch on the most famous ones so that you can decide for yourself whether it is worth placing orders somewhere else.

Aliexpress analogues can be divided according to two criteria:

Marketplace; Goods from China.

Some buyers are interested in finding similar sites on aliexpress, because they are interested in Chinese goods and nice prices on them. Others liked the marketplace itself, where sellers who are independent from each other display their various products. There is no other such site that would combine both parameters in itself.


If we talk about the sales system itself, then you can find the same online auctions in other countries. For example, an analogue of aliexpress in Russia is ...

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Just yesterday, on one of the news sites, I read an article that the Chinese authorities forbade selling in China, Apple tablets iPad. The reason is tritely simple - it turns out some Chinese company previously patented the name iPad and now the American "Yabloko", selling their products under this name violate the rights of others.

It became interesting to me: is the ban of the Chinese authorities valid and are they now selling on taobao apple products. I asked the corresponding request in the search and, what do you think, everything turns out to be fine and suggestions for selling iPad from taobao sellers a huge number. It looks like in China, as in Russia - if you can’t, but really want to, then you can.

Just do not think that I wanted to order this same iPad on Chinese Taobao. God forbid, order branded electronics on taobao with mail delivery to another country. They will slip a fake and they won’t ask for a name. Why am I writing this then? And to the fact that if it weren’t for this news, I would have been for a long time ...

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Sites similar to Aliexpress is one of the most visited and popular online stores that sells and delivers from China a huge number of various kinds of goods, such as electronics, clothing, jewelry. The site has become a real find for those who do not want to put up with huge overpayments for mediation. cooperates with many Chinese manufacturers that can offer wide selection original and interesting things. However, in recent times sites similar to aliexpress, which are becoming more and more, can offer conditions no worse than a well-known portal. What kind of sites like AliExpress should you pay special attention to?

This English-language site also cooperates with many manufacturers in China and is primarily famous for its low prices. Here you can find a lot of goods worth up to one dollar.

Among the conditions offered by similar sites on...

0 0 readers very often ask about the security of paying for purchases on Aliexpress, iHerb and other online stores using a bank card. Buyers' concerns are completely understandable. After all, if an attacker receives your bank card details, then at least he will be able to make a purchase of goods for himself at your expense. This article will tell you whether you should be afraid to pay with a bank card on Aliexpress, or is it all vain fears.

Is it safe to give card details to the seller on the Aliexpress website?

At first glance, everything really looks very doubtful. You seem to be giving your card details to some unknown Chinese. What will prevent him from knowing all the details of your card to withdraw all the money from it.

Let's take it in order:

When paying for goods on Aliexpress credit card the seller does not see your card data at any stage. Neither when paying, nor after confirming the order, nor after a dispute. Never! Unless you...

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Aliexpress online store, write your feedback


Reviews about AliExpress.Online store AliExpress Aliexpress. Buy in China. Goods from China. Sale of mobile phones, computers, electronics, clothing, goods for home, leisure and sports.

A great thing, I often buy there, but there is a marriage ... In this case, the money is returned. But with clothes you can fly in terms of size ...

How many things they took everything came.

This is not a store, but a marketplace for many independent sellers. So reviews can only be written about a specific seller.

I ordered a lot of times. Here you can read my review of the baby hat on the feedback service from aliexpress

I wanted to buy a smartphone for my child. Has anyone ordered goods from the Primochki online store? What are the reviews?

Order on aliexpress, there are also reviews

Finally, I decided to write a review about Chinese online store...

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Sites like Aliexpress 5.00/5 (100.00%) 4 ratings.

Quite often, online shopping fans ask themselves questions: “What is better eBay or Aliexpress?”, “TaoBao, Alibaba or Aliexpress?”. Where are the most favorable prices How are things with delivery and payment? Consider each online resource Learn more and find out which one is right for you.

Alibaba is an online wholesale platform built for small and medium businesses around the world. Purchase through this site is possible only for a certain batch of goods. Basically, payment is made directly to the supplier after agreeing on all terms of delivery. Sellers do not deliver goods. The distribution of transport costs for the delivery of goods between the seller and the buyer, the moment of transfer of risks of damage to the goods from the seller to the buyer, as well as the date of delivery of the goods, are regulated by the Incoterms international commercial rules:

Since Alibaba is an information platform, it does not...

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Does Aliexpress have competitors?

I would say in the mass character and often in the incompetence of sellers .. and also in the naivety of buyers .. everyone is open to Aliexpress and they work in best case half .. many set prices below common sense and, if there is a marketing budget, they spend it on additional financing of transactions .. and someone simply sets prices by mistake .. and closes after a while .. for example, a store that has just opened, makes sales nike sneakers for $5 with free shipping. review) .. because of such links, many create an erroneous judgment that Nike sneakers on aliexpress can be bought for $ 5 with free shipping .. sales continue (apparently, many believe that "what if it's true for 5 ...

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@Shoper68, did you catch the photo on Aliexpress? She is strange, the figure is female, the hand is female, the panties are female, and the tights are male. In my opinion, this is an example of a suspicious product that you should not buy. Well, or read the description carefully, carefully.

Transparent and colored men's tights not as common as warm, winter, plain, but they exist, and for a long time. Even men's stockings can be found. It's somehow not very common in our country, but it definitely happens in sex shops. The price, of course, is much higher than for similar products for women, so it really makes sense to order from China if necessary.

Slightly deviating from the topic - what are they for. I'm not talking about ancient times, then a man in stockings, with garters, was considered quite common; but in modern times, a man wears tights and stockings for several reasons.

1. Warming. This is in the same category as underpants, leggings, lined trousers, etc. But: in a heated room in trousers and...

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Good afternoon! I want to order for my mom Flip Phone, maybe someone ordered, what's with the buttons? are they with Russian letters? It's just that the Russian keyboard is often written in the description, and in the photo the letters on the keyboard are English and Chinese dashes

I can say only for Aliexpress.
If the description says that the phone is Russified, then this is most likely true! Perhaps in the firmware they will grammatical errors, but this does not affect the operation of the machine.
Can I write a letter to the seller and clarify if there is a Russian font on the buttons? If he confirms, then at the time of ordering, in the comments to the product, you need to write that Russian letters are required on the buttons.
Before buying, read the reviews carefully. If there are few Russian-language reviews (i.e. from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan), then it is better to refrain from buying from this seller.
Look for a seller whose reviews are left in Russian. Read them carefully! If they are written more or less correctly, then you can trust them. BUT...

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June 18, 2015 at Russian market another major Chinese retailer came - online store. This company is the second in terms of trading volume after Alibaba Group, which owns the famous AliExpress and Taobao. has launched a Russian-language site and is ready to compete for buyers with sites that have been operating in the post-Soviet space for a long time.

We studied Asian online stores, read customer reviews about them and compiled the top most-most. The list is not ranked - it's just a dozen sites with the best assortment, service and prices. If you want, arrange the sites in descending order in the comments yourself.


It is the largest trading platform in China. A kind of wholesale and retail online hypermarket, where thousands of sellers and hundreds of thousands of goods are collected. AliExpress is often compared to eBay: you can buy individually or in lots, you can buy immediately or participate in the auction, and the conditions and quality depend on the particular seller. Only AliExpress does not sell used items.

AliExpress has a Russified version of the site (not to be confused with product descriptions by sellers), where prices are displayed in rubles. Mobile applications have been released for more convenient and efficient shopping.

Another of the pluses is the ability to communicate directly with sellers and a buyer protection system. The money goes to the seller only when the buyer confirms receipt of the goods. Thanks to disputes, you can return what you spent or receive other compensation in case of marriage or unfair trade.

There are many payment methods: from bank cards to electronic payment systems. Shipping is usually free. But it depends on the seller. On AliExpress, various sales are constantly held, and they also operate.

AliExpress is focused on the external market, and this is its main difference from another subsidiary of Alibaba Group - Taobao has the same huge assortment: from a paper clip to a computer. But in order to register on the site, which, by the way, is entirely in Chinese, you need to have a working Chinese phone number. In addition, you can only pay for purchases with cards issued in China. In other words, in order to buy something on Tao, residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries have to resort to the services of intermediaries. Fortunately, there are plenty of them:, and so on.


Accessories for gadgets, phones, Appliances, home goods, clothing, jewelry, bags, cosmetics - what is there in this multi-product online store. More than 30 thousand positions in total.

Banggood launched in 2004 and is headquartered in Guangzhou. The store has several warehouses in China, the US and the UK.

Users note the adequacy of prices, as well as good service. That's it Vkontakte community", where you can get an answer to your question in Russian (the site is also translated). For those who are more comfortable making purchases via their phone or tablet, there are apps for iOS and Android.

Bank cards, PayPal, Yandex.Money, QIWI or WebMoney are accepted for payment. Delivery is free by default, but it is possible to choose EMS. A tracking number for parcels is relatively inexpensive - $ 1.7, and for orders over $ 25 it is issued free of charge.


"Buy for a penny" - this is the translation of the name of this online store. It's really cheap there. Especially when you consider free international shipping (only Africa, Italy and India were unlucky).

They sell accessories for computers and phones, goods for sports and home comfort, as well as cosmetics, jewelry and various beauty items. It is not for nothing that girls fell in love with BuyInCoins.

The resource interface is adapted for Russian-speaking users. There are social media groups In contact with" and " Classmates”, through which it is convenient to track discounts and promotional codes.

Transactions for unregistered users are carried out only through PayPal. After logging in, you can use just cards or a QIWI wallet. Free shipping by China Post, Hong Kong Post or Malaysia Post. For those who want to receive a parcel quickly, EMS costs from $20. The tracking code costs $1.90, but if the order amount exceeds $30, then you do not need to pay extra.


An online store that mainly stocks electronics. Chinese phones, tablets, components for computers, USB devices - there is plenty of this stuff. But not without clothes, accessories, cosmetics and household items.

The store has been operating since 2014. He earned the respect of users due to low prices and fast delivery.

Payments are accepted through bank cards and payment PayPal. Regular delivery without a tracking code is free, but you will have to pay a little extra for speed and special care for the package.


This popular online store was called until 2012. But after a redesign and other internal transformations, it received a shorter and more sonorous name -

The site presents various categories: "Clothing", "Beauty", "Home", "Hobby" and so on. But among Russian-speaking users, has an unspoken reputation as a gadget and electronics store. There are really a lot of them. And you can buy as normal Chinese trinkets and some branded items.

On the site, you can turn on the Russian language and switch the currency to rubles. Payment by Visa and MasterCard, as well as via PayPal and WebMoney. Delivery by China post is free, EMS - from $15 (express delivery can be selected only if the order amount exceeds $30). The tracking code is provided free of charge if you buy for $15 or more.

As elsewhere, there are discounts, promotional codes and an affiliate program.


Chinese online store with free worldwide shipping and funny dinosaur logo. Buyers note high quality goods. In addition, sellers never forget to include small gifts, samples, discount coupons and other amenities. But the pricing policy is different from other sites in big side. It should also be noted English-speaking, but responsive and competent support, working 24/7.

For Russian-speaking users, the resource is practically not adapted: minimal translation from Google and display of prices in rubles.

But the assortment is simply huge: about two million products, from devices to wedding dresses. There are products like Chinese manufacturers, and goods of world brands (Lenovo, Toshiba, Dell and others).

DinoDirect has its own buyers club. Regular customers are charged bonus points, provide discounts for express delivery and goods for testing, as well as give various presents. In addition, the site regularly holds sales.


More than 70 thousand items of goods, almost 100 various categories, seven years of experience - all this is the FocalPrice online store. In the Russian-language version of the site, the assortment seems to be more modest than on other sites (oh my, there are no clothes and cosmetics!). But the prices are surprising. There is even a section "Everything for $2". There are a lot of trinkets that you want to add to the basket in batches.

By the way, about Russian version. Unlike many competitors, FocalPrice translates everything, right down to the product description. And not bad, almost without errors.

Payment bank cards, as well as through PayPal and WebMoney. Delivery either free via China Post or EMS. At the same time, delivery to the addresses of intermediaries and splitting the order into several parcels is possible.

You can get a discount by using a promo code or by joining an affiliate program.


A large Asian online hypermarket where you can buy various techniques, clothes, shoes, interior items and other things. There are more than a million items in total, which are updated daily.

The site supports several dozen languages ​​and currencies, including Russian and rubles. The multilingual support service is also pleasing: you can ask questions and receive answers in Russian.

For a more comfortable shopping, you can use mobile applications.

Prices for lovers of freebies will seem high. But the descriptions of goods and high-quality photos please. LightInTheBox warehouses are located in the US and Europe, and shipping is chargeable. Its cost depends on the region. For shipping, as well as for goods, there are often discounts. Only PayPal is accepted for payment.

LightInTheBox has a "little brother" - MiniInThebox, also well established in the market. They have a common owner and a very similar interface. The difference is in the assortment and that the latter has free delivery to the CIS countries.


This is a Hong Kong-based online store that opened in 2007. It is one of the top five Asian retailers in terms of the number of items. Gadgets, clothes, jewelry, household goods - the choice is huge.

The site of the store is Russified, prices can be displayed in rubles. TinyDeal is becoming more and more integrated into the post-Soviet space every year: it works with Russian payment systems(“Yandex.Money”, WebMoney, QIWI) and bank cards, actively leads groups in social networks “ In contact with" and " Classmates". There are also mobile applications.

Free delivery. But you can choose the express method, where you will have to pay extra for the speed from $10 to $40, depending on the weight and dimensions. A package tracking tracker is provided free of charge if the item costs more than $33.

Promotions are held from time to time, and affiliate users are awarded bonus points.

tom top

This is an online store founded in 2004, and two years later won an award from Alibaba - Gold Supplier ("gold supplier"). On the site, you can select the Russian language and set prices in rubles - it's easier to search for what you need.

The selection of goods is impressive: mobile phones, tablets, clothes, shoes, toys, sporting goods, fishing tackle and much more. TomTop has several warehouses in China, Germany, UK and USA.

Prices are very democratic. There is a section where goods can be sorted within certain limits: up to $0.99, up to $1.99, up to $2.99, and so on. There are also sales, various promotions are held regularly. There is an affiliate program and dropshipping.

Payment is made through PayPal, and tracking codes are only paid. Express delivery is via DHL and is subject to availability in the UK warehouse.

Fit all retailers into one, even very big top impossible. For your convenience and in order not to offend other noteworthy trading platforms, we have collected popular Asian online stores in a pivot table.

Score Range:
1. Gadgets and electronics.
2. Clothing, jewelry and cosmetics.
3. Home and hobby.
Free shipping Payment:
1. Bank cards.
2. PayPal.
3. WebMoney or Yandex.Money.
Availability of a mobile application Russian language
AliExpress 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Aurabuy 1, 3 1, 2
banggood 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Bestofferbuy 1, 2, 3 + 2
BuyInCoins 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 +
BuySku 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3
China Buy 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Chinavasion 1, 3 1, 2 +
Clothing-Dropship 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 +
Color shopping 2 1 2 + 1, 2
DealExtreme 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
DinoDirect 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 + +
Eachbuyer 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 +
eForchina 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2
Everbuying 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2
FocalPrice 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
gearbest 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 1, 2, 3 + 1,2 + +
Jollychic 2 1, 2 +
Jollyhome 3 1, 2

"Aliexpress" has won popular love due to the widest range and affordable prices. Despite a long wait for delivery and sometimes products that do not meet expectations, this marketplace continues to be in the top of online stores for many years.

How Aliexpress works

Aliexpress is a trading arena with huge amount sellers offering various Chinese goods. Here you can buy absolutely everything, from clothes and cosmetics to appliances, household items and musical instruments.

The rich assortment is clever principle work that unites different stores on one site. In fact, "Aliexpress" is an analogue of the American site Ebay. However, a huge advantage of the Chinese site is an attractive pricing policy, which becomes especially relevant in the context of the financial crisis.

Also, for most entrepreneurs, such sites are a profitable source of bulk purchases. It is possible to create your own online store, reselling Chinese goods at a double or triple price.

Chinese counterparts "Aliexpress"


Despite the fact that prices on Aliexpress seem prohibitively low for the Western world, there are sites with even cheaper products, such as TaoBao. Initially, it was created exclusively for the population of China, so the site on Chinese and does not include international shipping. But due to high demand, a lot of Russian-speaking intermediaries have appeared who, for a certain percentage, will guide you from choosing a product to payment and delivery.

Free shipping is quite rare on Aliexpress. The ChinaBuye analogue wins in this regard, as it delivers free of charge to anywhere in the world. The store specializes in the sale of equipment, clothing, cosmetics, but the assortment is inferior to its competitor.

Another Chinese online store is, which sells electronics, auto parts, clothing, toys and household items. Benefits include free shipping and a good choice, to the minuses - there is no payment via Webmoney.

Russian analogues "Aliexpress"

Recently, the news spread on the Internet - the Russian Post is launching a domestic "Aliexpress", an analogue Chinese giant and American Ebay. This project can compete with its foreign rivals in the first place fast delivery. As for the assortment and price list, Postmarket is clearly losing here.

Another Russian analogue of "Aliexpress" is Huge selection goods (more than 700 million) of various subjects, low prices, frequent discounts up to 70% on delivery. This platform is also attractive for entrepreneurs, as there is an opportunity for bulk purchases.

Similar sites with free shipping

Many are interested in the analogues of "Aliexpress" with free shipping, since in the first mail forwarding sometimes exceeds the cost of the ordered goods. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of such sites, but it should be noted that delivery is often already included in the price of the goods.

One of these sites is Benefits other than shipping include Russian-language interface, variety of payment methods, low prices, nice and clear design. By cons - come across dishonest sellers Therefore, before placing an order, carefully study the reviews about a particular store.

Another store with free shipping Convenient interface, site translated into 18 languages, affordable prices, dropshipping system. The site specializes in the sale of electronics, auto parts, household accessories, beauty products; there are no clothing and footwear categories.

Summing up, it becomes obvious that it is rather difficult to find a replacement for the Aliexpress service. There is an analogue of this site, but only a few can compete, since Aliexpress combines a win-win policy minimum cost goods and the widest range.