Curriculum for the profession of "make-up artist". Virtual stylist, makeup artist - everything for a beautiful look



Volume - 52 academic hours

Currently there is new specialty– “makeup artist-stylist” (from the French word – visage – face), i.e. This is a specialist in creating an artistic image for the customer using makeup products. Fashion is constantly changing, so when applying makeup, a makeup artist must take into account not only the client’s individuality, but also reflect fashion trends, emphasizing his general style - the way he dresses and behaves in society. Work on creating an image requires appropriate careful preparation Therefore, a specialist needs to know the basics of cosmetology, take into account the physiological mechanisms of massage and be able to correct the client’s image. The qualified approach of teachers allows you to get necessary knowledge on the theory, types and psychology of color (colorimetry), on the selection of hairstyles and types of makeup using visual and technical means.

Our listeners learn all this and much more. Training center under this program. Teaching methods are based on the active involvement of students in the educational process using high-quality teaching materials. Classes are taught by teachers with extensive experience practical work at a time convenient for applicants. Thanks to the knowledge gained, graduates have the opportunity to independently develop new types of makeup styles, taking into account the latest technologies in this area, and participate in competitions for makeup artists and stylists.

Upon completion of training, graduates receive a standard certificate and can successfully find employment in elite beauty salons, medical centers and hairdressing salons specializing in “make-up artist-stylist”.

1.1.Introduction to professional decorative cosmetics.
1.2.Tools for doing makeup
1.3.Psychological skills of communication with the client
1.4.Equipment and organization of the workplace
1.5. Rules of hygiene and sanitation.

2. Correction or modeling of the oval of the face
2.1. Proportions of the face and its parts
2.2. Face types (triangular, round, square, oval)
2.3. Principles of modeling the oval and facial details
2.4. Using a highlighter
2.5. Using dark tones
2.6. Makeup base, use of correctors and concealers
2.7. Features of working with blush when correcting the face
2.8. Methods for applying foundation and powder

^ 3. Eyebrow shaping (demonstration, practice)
3.1. Eyebrow correction. Stylistic forms
3.2. Eyebrow tinting technique

4. Eyes (demonstration, practice)
4.1. Structure of the eye
4.2. Techniques and techniques for vertical eye makeup scheme
4.3. Techniques and techniques for horizontal eye makeup
4.4. Working with close-set eyes
4.5. Working with Wide Eyes
4.6. Deep-set eyes
4.7. Modern views eyeliner

^ 5. Lips (demonstration, practice)
5.1. Procedure for lip makeup
5.2. Various shapes lips and their correction
5.3. Types of cosmetics for lip makeup and working with them

6. Color types
6.1. Spring
6.2. Summer
6.3. Winter
6.4. Autumn

7. Preparing your face for makeup
7.1. Makeup remover
7.2. Makeup sequence

8. Various options makeup (demonstration, practice)
8.1. Natural glossy makeup "NUDE"
8.2. Evening makeup with an emphasis on the eyes
8.3. Evening makeup with an emphasis on lips
8.4. Business/day makeup
8.5. Smoky Eyes makeup (smoky eye)
8.6. Elements of wedding makeup
8.7. Elements of age makeup
8.8. Contrasting makeup
8.9. Makeup using pigments and glitters (decorative sparkles)

Test (interview).

Non-profit educational institution of additional professional education "World of Nails" CURRICULUM educational - program documentation for advanced training Thematic plans and programs for the specialty “Makeup Artist” G. Pyatigorsk 2012 Approved by the Director of the NOU DPO "World of Nails" __________ N. G. Karakhanyan CURRICULUM Professional training Profession - "Makeup artist" Duration of training 1 month Minimum level of education, Education document: Diploma Certification form: qualifying exam No. 1. Name Topics Theoretical training 1.1. Makeup 2. Sanitation and hygiene. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 Industrial training 2.1. Consultations 2.2. Qualifying exam 6. Total Total hours 1-4 Total hours for the course of study 4 4 128 2 2 88 12 12 140 Director of the Non-Governmental Educational Institution of Further Professional Education and PC “World of Nails”_________________________/Karakhanyan N.G./ Thematic plan and work program subject "Makeup" No. 1. Total: Topic With a month's preparation Make-up 4 hours 4 hours Topic No. 1 Study of the structure, shape, proportions of the face. Modern classification of face shapes. Characteristics of the seven main face shapes. Shapes of facial details and their characteristics. Concept of face reading. Rules and inventive means of makeup (daytime, evening). Topic No. 2 Picturesque makeup techniques. Identity of inventive means in painting and makeup. Features fashionable makeup (color scheme, design). Topic No. 3. Technology of simple and complex makeup. Correction of facial shapes and details. Modern fashion trend in makeup. Characteristic features of evening (specific) makeup, decorative cosmetics necessary for its implementation. Topic No. 4. Technology of modern (daytime) makeup, decorative cosmetics necessary for its implementation. Program Technical plan and program of the subject “Sanitation and Hygiene. Fundamentals of Microbiology" No. 1. 2. total Topic Sanitation and hygiene Basics of microbiology At 1 month. preparation 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours Topic No. 1 Introduction The concept of sanitation and hygiene. The importance of sanitation and hygiene in the work of a makeup artist. Topic No. 2 Fundamentals of microbiology. Microbiology and microbes. Classification and physiology of microbes. Concept of infection. Sources of infection: patients, bacteria carriers, external environment (air, water, soil). Insects are carriers of infections. Immunity is the body’s self-defense. Immunity is natural, artificial, congenital, acquired. Topic No. 3 Asepsis and antiseptics. The concept of asepsis and antiseptics. Antiseptic agents (chemical and biological), methods of their use. Processing of tools and materials for beauty salons and rules for their storage. Thematic plan and industrial training program No. 1 2 3 Topic For 1 month. Preparations Introduction Exercises with makeup tools Studying and mastering the work of a makeup artist Total 4 hours. 20 o'clock 104 hours 128 Topic No. 1 Introduction. Types of services provided by beauty salons, hairdressers, etc., basic and additional services. Familiarization with the qualification characteristics and training program for the profession “Makeup Artist”. Premises, equipment, arrangement of beauty salons. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for beauty salons. Inventory, tools, linen, consumption rates. Workplace and its equipment. Sanitary requirements for the makeup artist's workplace. Topic No. 2 Exercises with makeup tools, studying and mastering the work performed by a makeup artist. Types of facial skin, their characteristics. Cosmetic imperfections of the facial skin: dry, oily, porous skin, acne, dry and oily seborrhea, moles and other benign neoplasms, age spots, hypertrichosis, facial redness, freckles, etc. Recurrent changes in facial skin: wrinkles, changes in oval shape and complexion, laxity of facial muscles, recurrent non-malignant formations, double chin. Cosmetic facial imperfections by age group: Up to 20 years (adolescent): acne (adolescent, millium, red), dry and oily seborrhea, oily and porous facial code, freckles, youthful warts; 20-30 years: Acne (all types), seborrhea, dry and oily; skin - porous, oily, warts, pigment spots, hirsutism, premature wrinkles; 30-40 years: wrinkles, dry skin, swelling and puffiness, sagging, nasal folds, redness of the face and nose, hypertrichosis, telangiectasia (dilation of small vessels) from 40 years: wrinkles. Dry flabby skin. Pigment spots. Age-related non-malignant formations (filamentous and senile warts), excessive growth of facial hair (menopause). Topic No. 3 Study and mastery of the work performed by a makeup artist. Study of the structure, shape, and proportions of the face. Modern classification of face shapes. Characteristics of the seven main face shapes. Shapes of facial details and their characteristics. The concept of "face reading". Makeup rules and inventive means. Types and purposes of makeup (daytime, evening, wedding, business). Picturesque makeup techniques. Identity of inventive means in painting and makeup. Color scheme and harmony in makeup. Technical makeup products: decorative cosmetics, tools and materials. Features of facial skin care when using decorative cosmetics. Technology of simple and complex makeup. Correction of facial shapes and details. Modern fashion trend in makeup. Characteristic features of fashionable makeup (color scheme, design). Technology of modern (specific makeup), decorative cosmetics necessary for its implementation. Technology of modern evening (specific makeup), decorative cosmetics necessary for its implementation. Use of darkeners, blush, powder, highlighters. Correction of skin imperfections. All types of eyebrow shaping. Correcting the distance between the eyes using eyebrows. Correction of eye shape (various eyeliners), rules for using mascara. Lips. Lip makeup. Lip shape. Changing the size of lips using makeup. Color types. Determination of color type. Spring woman. Summer woman. Autumn woman. Winter woman.

The educational program was developed in the direction of “Makeup - beauty secrets” of the fashion studio “Style”, in the Municipal institution additional education children "Center children's creativity» with children 14-16 years old. The program promotes the development of students' interest in the professions of cosmetologist and makeup artist and is aimed at gaining experience in caring for their appearance. The course provides an opportunity to consolidate in practice all the theoretical topics presented in the program, which significantly affects the perception and assimilation of the material by students. The program this direction is aimed at developing in the child a position of recognizing the value of health, a sense of responsibility for preserving and strengthening his health, expanding knowledge and skills in hygienic culture, hairdressing, and applying decorative makeup. The program “Makeup - beauty secrets” is designed for 144 hours, 4 hours a week for a year, with a group of no more than 12 people.



City Department of Education of the Abakan City Administration

Municipal budgetary institution additional education of the city of Abakan "Center for Children's Creativity"

Adopted at the meeting Approved

methodological council By order of the director

Protocol No. ___ dated "___"_____ 2017 No. "___" dated "____" ________2017

______________/L.G. Morudenko/

Additional general education general developmental

artistic program

"Beauty and Health"

Student age: 13-15 years

Program implementation period: 1 year

Additional education teacher

First qualification category

Abakan, 2017

1. A set of basic characteristics of an additional general education general development program.

1.1 Explanatory note.

The general educational developmental program was developed in the direction of “Beauty and Health” by the fashion studio “Style”, at the Municipal Institution of Additional Education for Children “Center for Children’s Creativity”.

The focus of the “Beauty and Health” program is artistic

Currently, the specialty “makeup artist-stylist” is becoming relevant. Fashion is constantly changing, so when applying makeup, a makeup artist must take into account not only a person’s individuality, but also reflect fashion trends, emphasizing his general style - the way he dresses and behaves in society. Working on creating an image requires appropriate preparation, so you need to know the basics of cosmetology and be able to create a person’s image.

A distinctive feature of this educational program from those already existing in this area are that after analyzing the programs that lay knowledge in the field of health, this course designed in such a way that it allows you to complement and expand children's ideas about beauty and health from a health-saving perspective.

The program is focused on the use of a wide range of practical hours during which students do makeup, do hairstyles, and perform exercises to maintain health), gaming technologies thereby making classes interesting and varied. Competitions are held with demonstrations of hairstyles and makeup, as well as the creation of a certain image.The basis of practical work is the implementation of creative tasks to create hairstyles, makeup, as well as the creation of a certain stylistic image.

The course content is combined into three thematic modules, each of which implements a separate task. All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of activity-based practical experience. Practical tasks contribute to the development of children's creative abilities and the ability to create stylistic images

The Beauty and Health program is designed for students aged 12-15 years. Children 12 years old are able to complete the proposed tasks of doing hairstyles, applying makeup and creating a stylistic image. And also do physical exercise.

The volume of the program is 144 hours, 2 times a week for 2 hours. The duration of the program is 1 year.

Form of study: full-time. Types of classes include organizational, theoretical and practical parts. The organizational part must ensure the availability of all materials and illustrations necessary for the work. The theoretical part of the lessons during work should be as compact as possible and include necessary information about the topic and subject of knowledge.

Basic teaching methods:

  1. Verbal: story, conversation, explanations.
  2. Visual: showing photographs, magazines, demonstrating elements of work, examples.
  3. Practical exercises
  4. Analytical: observation, comparison, self-control, survey.
  5. Incentives: encouragement, awards, participation in competitions
  6. Problem-solving and creative.

Main forms of training:

  1. Individual work
  2. Teamwork
  3. Competitions to consolidate acquired knowledge.
  4. Pair work
  5. Gaming technologies

Training sessions (combined and practical) are conducted in the form of a heuristic conversation-dialogue, a business game, and a practical lesson. Effective for creativedevelopment of children is the introduction of new theoretical material, which is caused by the requirements of creative practice. The child must be able to formulate the problem himself; new knowledge of theory will help him in the process of solving this problem. This method allows you to maintain a high creative tone in the classroom when referring to theory and leads to a deeper assimilation of it.

The selection of theoretical material follows the principle from general to specific, and the development of practical skills from simple to complex.

During the implementation of this training course Teenagers need to become more motivated healthy image life, the need for hygienic behavior must be formed.

1.2. Goal and objectives of the program

Program goals: formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, an individual way of physical self-improvement, self-control and programming of one’s health promotion activities.


1. Create a system of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

  1. Give theoretical knowledge in the subject “Beauty and Health” and teach basic practical skills and techniques for doing makeup and hairstyles.

3. To provide initial knowledge on the theory, types and psychology of color (colorimetry), types of makeup using visual and technical means;

4. Develop creative thinking and imagination;

  1. Cultivate accuracy, responsibility, patience, and the ability to overcome difficulties.

6. Contribute to the formation of ideas about professions related to creating a person’s image: makeup artist, cosmetologist

  1. Develop artistic taste in this field of knowledge. Prepare for conscious self-determination in choosing a further educational profile;
  2. To contribute to the formation of ideas about professions related to creating a person’s image: makeup artist, cosmetologist.

Subject results of students.

Students should be able to:

1.Use everyone necessary tools(scissors, combs, hairpins, bobby pins, hair dryer, varnish...), observing safety precautions.

2. Make a sketch of a fantasy image, create a variety of hairstyles.

3. Understand cosmetic products, properly care for your skin, body, and hair.

4.Choose correctly color scheme depending on the type of appearance. Perform various types makeup.

5. Perform exercises to maintain health.

Students should know:

1. Main types of hair and skin.

2. Stages of creating a hairstyle.

3. Body care rules.

4. Ways to maintain health.

5. The influence of alcohol, drugs and tobacco on the human body.

6.Types of makeup and methods of facial correction using decorative cosmetics.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory: formulate an educational problem, perform search actions, select the optimal solution to the problem; offer technological solutions and methods for performing certain types of makeup from those mastered; select the materials and tools most suitable for completing the task; carry out current and final control of the work performed,
Cognitive: Search and select the necessary information to solve educational problems
tasks in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, the Internet; process received information: compare and classify facts and phenomena; determine the cause-and-effect relationships of the phenomena and events being studied, use it to perform proposed and life tasks; draw conclusions based on generalization of acquired knowledge and mastered skills.

Communicative:formulate your thoughts, express your point of view; listen to others, respect their opinions; cooperate

Personal: the formation of a personal emotional attitude towards oneself and the world around us, the desire to carry out educational activities, to use fantasy and imagination when performing educational activities.

1.3 Contents of the program

The additional general education general development program “Beauty and Health” was developed in accordance with the curriculum of the MBU DO “CDT” and contains:

Curriculum for program implementation

Topic name

Total hours





Attestation Forms


Preparatory stage of work

Proper nutrition.

Conversation Analysis

The role of vitamins minerals in nutrition, their connection with health status.

The importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the nutrition of adolescents. How to monitor your weight. Therapeutic nutrition for excessive thinness

Skin care.


Types of leather. Skin types. Functions of the skin. Skin color. Color types of appearance.

Colorometry is a theory about the types and psychology of color.

Skin cleansing. Masks are used as a nourishing and therapeutic skin care product.



Job Analysis

Mini competition

Hair structure. Hair types and hair care. Determination of hair type.

Hair masks.

Stages of creating hairstyles.

Types of hair dryers. Types of hairstyles (dressy, business, teenage

Correcting your face shape using your hairstyle.


Mini competition

Types of makeup. Types and complexion.

Eye makeup. Correction of eye shape with makeup. Makeup secrets. Changes in facial features. ..

Strategy and tactics for facial harmonization. Types of makeup..

Makeup techniques.

Hiding facial imperfections with makeup.

Body care



Facial massage and gymnastics. Basic massage techniques. Self-massage. Gymnastics for the face.

Royal bearing Slender legs.

A set of exercises for the spine. Disease prevention.

Gymnastics for legs. Choosing shoes.

Hand care

Nail design.

Job Analysis

Hand and nail care.

Manicure Nail shape.

Equipment, tools, cosmetics.. Regular manicure.

Pedicure. Nail design.

Nail design technique. Foot decoration

Your own doctor


Gymnastics and its health benefits.

Massage of eyes, eyelids, face, hands, body. Hardening, bathing.

Nicotine, alcohol and drugs are formidable enemies of beauty.

Herbal medicine, aromatherapy Selection of cosmetics. Perfumes and deodorants


Your image


Secrets of models. Image.


Project Creating your own image.


1.3 Contents of the program.

Introduction to the program.

Familiarization with the work schedule and the school year plan. Safety precautions.

Section 2. Proper nutrition is the key to health.

Topic 2.1 Rational nutrition. Separate meals.

Theory: Therapeutic nutrition for excessive thinness. - principles, advantages and disadvantages..

Topic 2.2 The role of vitamins and minerals in nutrition.

Theory: The connection between vitamins and health.

Topic 2.3 The importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the nutrition of adolescents.

Theory: How to monitor your weight. Combination of products.

Section 3. Skin care.

Topic 3.1 Skin structure.

Theory: Types of leather. Skin types. Treatment of skin diseases.

Practice : Determination of skin type..Test.

Topic 3.2 Care different types skin.

Theory: oily, dry, normal skin.

Practice: performing a face mask.

Topic 3.3 Colorimetry - theory about the types and psychology of color.

Theory: Four types of female appearance: “winter, summer, autumn, spring.” Color range of each type.

Practice : Determination of the type of female appearance.

Topic 3.4 Skin cleansing

Theory: Types of skin cleansing. Makeup removal, washing, water compresses, steam bath, water massage, peeling.

Topic 3.5 Masks - as a nourishing and therapeutic skin care product.

Theory: Methods of applying masks

Practice: Applying a mask to the face.

Section 4. Hair

Topic 4. 1 Purpose and structure of hair.

Theory: Hair structure. Hair types.

Practice : Determination of hair type.

Topic 4.2 Hair diseases

Theory: Hair diseases, hair care. Folk remedies from hair loss.

Practice: Hair masks.

Topic 4.3 Different types of hair styling

Theory: Vertical installation. Wet styling. Ways to comb hair. Blow dry.

Practice : Perform hair styling according to the scheme.

Topic 4.4 Creating a hairstyle.

Theory : Stages of creating hairstyles Types of hairstyles (dressy, business, teenage)

Practice : Correction of face shape using hairstyle. Doing hairstyles.

Topic 4.5 Evening hairstyle.

Theory : Hairstyle technology. Cascading and standing curls.

Practice : Doing your hair.

Topic 4.5 Fantasy hairstyle.

Theory: Hairstyle technology.

Practice : doing a hairstyle.

Topic 4.6 Braiding.

Theory: Braiding technology. Types of braids

Practice: braiding.

Section 5. Makeup.

Topic 5.1 Preparation for procedures using decorative cosmetics. (2 hours)

Theory: Professional palette. Tools and decorative cosmetics. strategy and tactics for facial harmonization.

Practice : introduction to the palette.

Topic 5.2 Choosing cosmetics

Theory: World of creams. Requirements for modern cosmetic preparations.

Practice: excursion to a cosmetic store.

Topic 5.3 Makeup and color types

Theory: Cold and warm color types. Differences in color types based on basic parameters. Color types: spring, autumn; decorative cosmetics, makeup features. Color types: summer, winter; decorative cosmetics, makeup.

Practice : Execute test.

Topic 5.4 Sequence of makeup.

Theory: Types of makeup. Makeup secrets.

Practice : Performing makeup (daytime, evening, avant-garde)

Topic 55 Hiding facial imperfections with makeup.

Theory: Brows. face correction using eyebrows. Eye makeup. Correcting the shape of the eyes with makeup.”

Practice: Make a table various types faces, describe each type.

Topic 5.6 Epilation, correction of eyebrow shape.

Theory: The concept of hair removal, correction. Eyebrow shape.

Practice : Perform eyebrow correction using the “Beauty Salon” program.

Theory : Project method of organizing activities.

Practice: Implementation of the project "Author's Makeup". Sample topics: “Prom”, “Evening with friends”, “Evening at the theatre”.

Topic5. 8 Final lesson. Protection of completed work.

Practice: Student performances take place on following forms reporting: abstract; presentation using ICT.

Section 6. Body care.

Topic 6.1 Massage.

Theory: Demonstration of self-massage techniques, sketching of “Massage Lines” sketches. . Facial massage and gymnastics

Practice : Self-massage techniques

Topic 6.2 Royal posture.

Theory: What is posture? Flying gait. Slender legs.

Practice : Exercises to lose weight and create an ideal figure. Beautiful gait. A set of exercises for the spine. How to sit, walk, stand, lie, and carry weights correctly. Gymnastics for scoliosis.

Topic 6.3 Foot care.

Theory: Slender legs. Varicose veins. Frostbitten feet. Flat feet, abrasions, calluses. Disease prevention.

Practice : Gymnastics for legs. . Choosing shoes

Topic 6.4 Hand care.

Theory: Basic rules for hand care. Protect your hands while working. Prevention of frostbite. Nail care.

Practice : Gymnastics for the arms. Performing a set of exercises, massage.

Section 7. Nail design

Topic 7.1 Nail care.

Theory: Hand and nail care. History of manicure...

Practice : performing manicure, pedicure. Nail art design.

Topic 7.2 Nail shape.

Theory : Equipment, tools, cosmetics. Regular manicure

Practice: Choosing a nail shape. Nail decoration.

Topic 7.3 Nail design technique.

Theory: Nail design. Nail repair..

Practice: Nail design.

Topic 7.4 Pedicure.

Theory: Pedicure. foot decoration.

Practice : Pedicure. Decoration for feet.

Section 8. Your own doctor.

Topic 8.1 Gymnastics

Theory: Gymnastics and its health benefits. A set of exercises “Morning”, “Clear head”, “Digestion”. Massage of eyes, eyelids, face, hands, body. Hardening, swimming, glasses. Calluses and cracks. Hair removal. Caring for teeth and lips.

Practice : doing exercises, massage.

Topic 8.2 Nicotine, alcohol and drugs are formidable enemies of beauty.

Theory: Why do people smoke? How does nicotine affect the body? Smoking or health. How to quit smoking. Why do people drink? Where does drunkenness begin? Stages and forms of intoxication and alcoholism. Alcohol and the developing body. The deadly “union” of alcohol and tobacco. About the dangers of drugs for the human body.

Topic 8.3 Herbal medicine, aromatherapy Theory: Technique for applying herbal masks. The use of herbs for different types skin. Natural biostimulants. Medicinal herbs and fruits used for skin care. Music heals. Aromatherapy and art therapy.

Practice : making herbal masks

Topic 8.4 Perfumes and deodorants

Theory: The power of spirits. Eau de toilette. Decorations.

Section 9. Your image

Theory: Secrets of models. Image.

Practice: creating your image.

2. Complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

2.1. Calendar training schedule(see appendix to the program)

2.2 Resource support.

a) Program staffing. A teacher of additional education proficient in the specified techniques and methods.

b) Logistical support of the program.

Workplaces are equipped electrical sockets, lighting, a set of tools (scissors, tongs, curling iron, hair dryer, combs, curlers, hairpins, clips, decorative cosmetics, towels, paper, colored pencils, photography magazines, literature, VCR, video cassettes.,).

c) Information and methodological support.

To organize and implement the pedagogical process according to this program, a certain financial technical base. Methodological support educational process is achieved through didactic material accumulated in all sections of the program:

Visual material- sketches, albums, photographs

Handouts- cards, tests, technological maps

Information and methodological material- “Hairstyles” magazines, textbooks

Diagnostic material: cards with tasks for sections of the program, tests, questionnaires

Health-saving games: “Correct your posture” “Trained grasshopper”

A game to develop cognitive skills. “Guess the word” “Words in reverse”

Conducting conferences on the topics: Music heals. Aromatherapy and art therapy. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs are formidable enemies of beauty. The importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the nutrition of adolescents.

Conducting excursions on the topics: Selection of cosmetics. Perfumes and deodorants.

Electronic learning tools- SPO "LEKO" disks, specialized computer programs in the field of image creation, electronic training manual on the topic "Makeup" electronic program“Virtual stylist”, electronic products in the form of educational games, electronic control tests.

d) Network, departmental, interdepartmental interaction work with parents.

Work with society is carried out not only in educational process, but also in the learning process and consists of:

Interaction with society

Form of interaction

Event theme

Purpose of the event


Result of interaction

Working with parents


Introduction to the “Beauty and Health” program

Show parents the need and advisability of a healthy lifestyle


Familiarization with the operating mode and content of the program


Disease Prevention

Attract the attention of children and parents to joint activities


Preventive measures

Practical work

Face correction using hairstyle

Introduce parents and students to the laws of choosing hairstyles.


Master class on facial correction using cosmetics


Massage, hardening, bathing

Draw the attention of students and parents to their health status


Test “Am I healthy?”

Age periods and related problems

Identify ways and conditions for using opportunities environment in the development of the child’s personality.


Conversation with a psychologist

Working with the public.

Beauty salon "Estel"

Master class

“Facial cleansing using modern technologies”

Getting to know modern technologies in cosmetology.


Participation in a master class

City competition "New Year's serpentine"


Aqua makeup

Creating an image for a carnival costume


Participation in the competition

Beauty salon "Laira"

Master class

Doing an evening hairstyle

Meeting masters of hairdressing


Master class on doing hairstyles

Internet resources

Internet competitions

Creating an image

During the year

Participation in the competition

Master of nail design Strelnikova E.V.

Master class

Nail design

Introduction to nail design technology


Master class

2.3 Organization of intermediate and final control of the program.

The program is provided with control materials, which are offered in the form of incoming (September), intermediate (December), final (May) control. The materials are developed in the form of tests and questions for incoming, games, crosswords, competitions for intermediate and practical tasks, shows and competition for final control. (see appendix)

2.4. Final assessment materials(Appendix 5)

3 . Regulatory and legal support of the program.

  1. Federal Law on Education in Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.
  2. Concept for the development of additional education for children (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r).
  3. P Resolution of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs"
  4. Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated September 8, 2015 No. 613n.

Professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children.”

  1. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2015 N 09-3242 “ Methodical recommendations on the design of additional general developmental programs (including multi-level programs).”
  2. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2014 No. 41 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions of additional education for children.”
  3. Charter of MBU DO "CDT".
  4. Development program of MBU DO "CDT" for 2017-2020.
  5. Educational program of MBU DO "CDT" for 2017-2018.


4.1 Literature for teachers

Datskovsky B.M. Plants and cosmetics. – Perm, 1990.

Zagotova S.N. Valeology. Schoolchildren's Handbook - Donetsk, 1998.

Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. – SP b.: Aksident, 1998.

Zaitsev G.K. School valeology. – SP b.: Aksident, 2001.

Zinets I.I. Health and nutrition. - Perm, 1991

Ki Sheng Yu “Healing touches. Energy massage along lines and points" Vector2014
Kudasheva V.A. A wonderful diet, or how to become slim. – M.: Education, 1991

Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse among schoolchildren. – Perm, 1998.

Tatarnikova L.G. Valeology of a teenager. – SP b.: Petrogradsky and K., 1996.

Tchaikovsky A.M., Shenkman S.B. The art of being healthy. – M.: Physical education and sports,

E. Dobrova “Luxurious hair. Care, styling, hairstyles.” Centropolygraph.2013

4.2 Literature for students.

Adamchik N.V. “Conversations about beauty and health” Minsk, Modern writer, 2000.

Irons D. “The world's best beauty secrets.” M. Grand.2003.

Dribnekhod Yu. “Advice from a cosmetologist.” St. Petersburg. Peter.2002.

Ignatenko S. “Nail design.” Rostov on Don. Phoenix.2001.

Topic: Makeup.

  1. Is it possible to draw eyebrows with a solid line? (No)
  2. List what types of faces do you know? (winter, spring, summer, autumn)
  3. Is it possible to use foundation often? (No)
  4. At what age is it recommended to use cosmetics? (from 20 years old)
  5. What should I apply first, mascara or eye shadow? (shadows)

Topic: Skin and hair care.

  1. How many hair types do you know? (oily, dry, normal, mixed).
  2. How many times a week should you wash dry hair? (2 times)
  3. How many times a week is it recommended to wash oily hair? (every other day)
  4. Does the health of the entire body affect the condition of the hair? (Yes)
  5. How often should you make therapeutic and preventive hair masks? (2 times a week).
  6. Is it possible to wash my hair hot water? (No)
  7. In what order should skin care be performed?

Exfoliation (2)

Toning (3)

Cleansing (1)

8. Can I use alcohol lotions to cleanse dry skin? (No)

9. Which skin is prone to acne and pimples? (fat)

10. Is it possible to go to bed without washing off your makeup? (No)

  1. Is contrast shower good or bad for the skin? (useful)

12.Is it possible to squeeze out pimples? (No)

Final certification:

Card task No. 1

  1. Need to visually lengthen a round face
  1. Make a square face more graceful
  1. Visually shorten a long face.

Card task No. 2

  1. Make thin lips look fuller.
  1. Reduce plump lips.
  1. Enlarge the upper lip and reduce the lower lip.
  1. Lift the drooping corners of your lips.

Card task No. 3

  1. How to enlarge eyes with heavy eyelids?

Card – task No. 4

  1. Apply makeup according to your eye shape.
  2. How to apply makeup to wide-set eyes?
  1. How to apply makeup to close-set eyes?