Deleting undeletable files and folders. How to delete files that won't delete? Removal using the uninstaller utility

Hello. Today we will move a little away from the topic of creating, maintaining and making money on a blog, as I once again encountered a small problem.

The fact is that there are undeletable files on the computer, which cannot be deleted using the usual methods using the Recycle Bin, and they gradually became more and more numerous, which ultimately led to additional errors in the operation of the Windows OS. I am sure that each of you has encountered a similar problem with protected files. Only someone turned a blind eye to this, like I did before, and someone tried to solve this problem.

After all, we all want our computer to work quickly and without any glitches. And I have more than one such assistant, as I talked about in the article “My computer equipment.”

How to remove protected files from your computer

Of course, before we get ready to clean anything on the computer, we first close (or rather, finish) the program being deleted, and only then get rid of it. But there are situations when the program seems to be closed, but still does not want to disappear.

This is what happened to me once again. No attempts were made to remove the unnecessary file archiving program “Hamster Soft”, but they all boiled down to the same result. The following message popped up from my actions.

Whatever I tried to do, you right-click on the file, select delete the file, but out of spite it still doesn’t move to the trash and this error pops up. But after several attempts, I finally found a great method to solve a difficult problem.

Easy way to delete windows files

If you also have a similar situation, first of all find out whether you have definitely removed the program from the system. To do this, go to the Windows section under “Add or Remove Programs”.

We are looking here for our program that we want to get rid of; as a rule, the operating system perfectly cleans the PC of any files from this panel.

If this method does not help, go further and check whether the process of an unnecessary program is still running. To do this, go to the “Windows Task Manager” by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” buttons, and for Windows 7 you will need to select the line “Launch the task manager”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Processes” section and look for the process associated with the protected file that is to be deleted.

As you can see from the screenshot, there was still an unfinished process hanging in the system, which was generating the error. We complete it and try to delete the undeletable file again.

If this action does not help you, then move on to the next method, which gives a 100% guarantee.

Unlocker is the best file deletion program

If the above methods did not help you to cope with the problem, then I suggest using the free Unlocker program, which I have recently kept always at hand.

Unlocker is a program that is designed to delete protected files or system folders of the Windows OS. It will easily detect all unfinished processes or handles that prevent the user from getting rid of the file once and for all.

With simple steps, you show the Unlocker program a file, it will unlock it and then delete it. Everything is simple and clear.

You may have encountered this program before, since it is always available on bootable system disks, but you did not pay attention to it. You can safely take any boot disk that contains the main programs for the operating system and install it from there.

If you don’t have the disk at hand, then I suggest downloading it here. Let me remind you that the Unlocker program is free with a Russian interface.

After you download and install Unlocker, a program icon will appear in the Windows system tray.

The program will begin to do the task assigned to it. Namely, it will find all unfinished processes or handles due to which it is impossible to move, rename or delete protected files.

I received the following message, which required me to first unblock all found processes.

Then you need to select the delete function.

Then select all unnecessary files and click “Delete process”.

We wait until the program copes with the task and are happy with the result. As you can see, there are no undeletable folders, files, or other unnecessary junk on your computer, and Unlocker deals with them in one go.

If you have any questions, then watch the video on the topic of today’s post.

That's all for me. Now you know that there are no files on your computer that you can’t get rid of, because there is a proven way to say goodbye to them.

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Very interesting, in what ways do you get rid of protected files? I look forward to your comments. Bye!

Removing undeletable files using special programs

Users of personal computers often encounter files that cannot be deleted using OS tools. Such data is blocked by residual program processes. The system assumes that the document is still in use, when in fact the application that used it has already been closed. How to delete an undeletable file? Information about this is further in the material.

IMPORTANT: Before deleting a blocked document, you must make sure that it has nothing to do with the system. Changing system elements (which are blocked) will lead to problems with the OS. Up to complete loss of performance.

Special programs (utilities) will help you remove the blocking. The majority of such programs allow you not only to delete blocked data, but also to monitor the processes that impose this blocking.

Five programs stand out among other similar software: Unlocker, FileASSASIN, LockHunter, Free File Unlocker and IObit Unlocker. Their descriptions will be given below. Now let's look at ways to get rid of blocked data without using programs.

Before using the utility to unlock the object, or if you do not have access to it, you can try to remove it manually. There are three ways to do this - task manager, system safe mode and editing the system registry.

Removing processes in Task Manager

This is a quick way to kill a process that is interfering with file deletion, but it only works when you know which specific process is interfering. For example, we have a video that has just been viewed in the player. After viewing it, it must be deleted, but the system displays a message that the file is occupied by another process and cannot be deleted (although the player is closed).

To remove such a lock, you will need to open the task manager. This can be done using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Escape.

In the manager window there will be a “Processes” tab. In the list of processes you need to find the one that is responsible for the mentioned player. Select it and click “End Process”. After these manipulations, the document should be deleted without any problems. If this does not happen, then the problem is deeper.

Cleaning the system registry

Sometimes processes remain in the system registry. Editing it manually without special knowledge is a dangerous business. You can inadvertently delete important elements, which will have a detrimental effect on the operation of the entire system.

There are also special utilities for cleaning the registry. The most common among them is CCleaner. An easy-to-use program allows you to effectively clean the system registry without any consequences.

If after using CCleaner the object is still not deleted, you can resort to the help of special utilities, which will be discussed further.

Removal in OS safe mode

Undeletable files can be deleted in another way - by booting the OS in safe mode. It only loads essential services and processes, so there is a good chance that the blocking process will not be loaded.

To enter safe mode, you must do the following:

  • Turn on the computer;
  • Before the OS starts loading, press F8;
  • In the startup menu, select “Safe Mode”;
  • Confirm launch in the specified mode.

Next, the system will boot with support for only basic services. Working with the conductor is still available. All that remains is to find and try to delete the unnecessary document. If it is not removed even from safe mode, then you will need a program to remove undeletable files.

Programs for removing undeletable files

To help PC users, special programs have been developed that allow you to unlock data involved in background processes. With their help, you can delete, move and rename problematic documents.

Among the many similar utilities, we can highlight the top five with optimal parameters. Familiarization with this list will allow you to choose which program to delete undeletable files.

FileASSASIN is a freely distributed utility

The utility is distributed as free software, which means you do not have to pay to download or use it.

A simple and effective tool for dealing with undeletable files. The inability to remove an item is a sign of malware. FileASSASIN allows you to get rid of such data without any problems.

There are two ways to delete files using FileASSASIN: instant disposal or deletion upon system reboot. The second option is useful when there is no time or an important long-term process is taking place on the computer. To deal with an unwanted file, just drag it into the input line or specify the path to it through Explorer.

FileASSASIN is good software, but it has two significant drawbacks. Firstly: no one bothered to localize the utility into Russian. The interface is only available in English. This circumstance is compensated by ease of use. Secondly: work on the project has stopped. The last update was released in 2007. But not all users work with the latest software and equipment, so FileASSASIN is still in demand.

Before deleting a non-deletable folder, it is better to install another utility, because FileASSASIN does not have such a function.

Free File Unlocker - free software that integrates with Windows

The software is absolutely free. Free File Unlocker works with all versions of Windows. The degree of integration with the operating system is generally excellent. Firstly: the software is built into Explorer and becomes available from the menu by right-clicking on the file.

Secondly, Free File Unlocker can be called from the command line, which speeds up the pace of working with it. The utility allows you to delete not only blocked data, but also processes that are responsible for the lack of access. You can perform any actions on unlocked files (rename, copy, move). In addition, it is better to trust this utility to delete undeletable folders.

Integration with the operating system occurs through Explorer and the ability to work on the command line. Significantly increases ease of use and the presence of a portable version.

Free File Unlocker has the same drawback as the previous software - the lack of Russian localization of the interface. However, the principles of working with it are intuitive, so even Russian-speaking users who do not speak English should not have any problems.

IObit Unlocker is a simple and powerful tool

System messages like “Access denied” will no longer prevent you from getting rid of an unnecessary file.

IObit Unlocker is a simple and powerful tool for overcoming difficulties with deleted files. A small program allows you to unlock a file and move, rename or even delete it.

The application is supported by major versions of Windows 7 and 8. The utility is available for free download. In addition, it was marked with special ratings from CHIP magazine and the Softpedia portal. The interface is extremely simple. You can add data for processing by simply dragging and dropping or adding a path through the explorer.

IObit Unlocker can remove blocking processes along with the file. The main thing is not to try to delete system data. Critical data is protected by the system from being deleted. Therefore, when dealing with another non-deletable document, you need to make sure that it is definitely not related to important system data.

LockHunter is the best informative utility for deleting folders

The most informative utility. By clicking the “What is blocking this file?” button integrated into the explorer. the software provides comprehensive information on processes blocking access to the file. In addition, LockHunter is the best program for deleting unremovable folders.

Once they are detected, you can begin to remove them. After getting rid of unwanted processes, the previously locked object can be deleted.

The peculiarity of IObit Unlocker is that the deleted data is sent to the “recycle bin” and can be restored. This increases the safety of working with it, since erroneously deleted system data can be painlessly restored.

Main functional features of the program:

  • Display information about blocking processes;
  • The ability to stop (not delete) the process that is blocking access;
  • Complete and irrevocable cessation of the mentioned process;
  • Combination with OS Explorer and the ability to access from the context menu by right click.

The software successfully integrates with the OS Explorer, but operation via the command line is not supported. IObit Unlocker allows you to successfully get rid of locked data in both 32-bit OS and 64-bit versions. In addition, the unlocker is distributed free of charge.

Unlocker is a popular free utility

You can delete undeletable files using unlocker. Its functionality comes in handy in the following situations:

  • When it is necessary to delete an object or directory that is occupied by third-party applications;
  • If necessary, delete a document to which access is prohibited;
  • When a message appears about a full, protected or inaccessible disk;
  • If it is necessary to delete a document that is shared with other users of the system;
  • In other similar situations.

With the help of Unlocker you can successfully fight not only blocking, but also malicious software. Virus programs protect their components from destruction in a similar way. Unlocker helps to overcome this protection.

The utility is free, so it is widely used among experienced users. “Gentleman's sets” of programs of many specialists also cannot do without Unlocker. It is built into the OS explorer. There is a special “assistant” that keeps the program active constantly and allows you to quickly call it from the system tray.

How to delete an undeletable file

Many files in the Windows system are blocked from deletion, as they can entail a series of changes. Deleting such files and folders is highly not recommended so as not to harm the entire operating system, however, if you are an experienced and confident computer user, you can try to get rid of such files. In addition, many programs and applications leave behind undeletable files, which, in turn, can take up an impressive amount of memory. This “garbage” from programs must first be unblocked with special software, only then can it be deleted like a regular file. In this article, you will learn how to remove residual files, as well as eliminate the causes of some blockages.

How to delete an undeletable file: check processes in task manager

You cannot erase even a simple photograph or picture while it is running in the system processes. For example, you just watched a movie and want to delete it from your computer, but Windows gives an error. Most likely, your video file remains running in the player and simply cannot be deleted for this reason. Go to the task manager and make sure that you do not have any processes open that might be using the undeletable file.

  • Press the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination on your keyboard. A window called “Windows Task Manager” will open in front of you. Here you can see all running applications, stop them or close them altogether. Go to the "Processes" tab.

  • Take a close look at what processes you have open. Perhaps one of them is using the correct file. To close this process, left-click on it once and click on the “End process” button in the lower right corner.
  • The process will be stopped and the file will be freed. Now delete the required file as usual. Windows won't bother you anymore.

How to delete an undeletable file: cleaning the registry

A file that remains in the registry or is somehow associated with it cannot be deleted from the computer. Before cleaning the registry, think carefully about whether you have the skills to do it. There are two cleaning options: do it yourself and through specially created computer cleaning programs. The first method is suitable for experienced users, it is more reliable.

Cleaning the registry yourself

Open the search bar by clicking on Start in the Explorer menu.

  • In the search bar, write “regedit” and press Enter to start searching. At the top you will see the file you are looking for, click on it with the mouse.

  • The Windows Registry Editor will open in front of you. You need to work with this window very carefully and know for sure which files are preventing you from deleting a folder or other file on your computer. The essence of the work is as follows: you find in the registry the folder that has not been removed from the program or uses the required file and delete it.
  • Folders are divided into system, program and user. Find the one you need using the menu on the left and delete.

Cleaning the registry with special programs

To save precious time and not delete unnecessary things, there are special utilities for working with junk on your computer. One of the most popular such programs is called CCleaner. Download it from the developer’s official website to completely remove programs, clean the registry, clear browser caches and other utilities.

  • Visit the official website at and click on the field to download the program. It is possible to download two versions: portable and regular. The portable version is not installed on your computer, and you can transfer it to a flash drive or disk for use on other computers.

  • Installing the software will only take a couple of minutes. Just follow all the instructions on the screen.
  • Open the program after installation and go to the “CCleaner” tab. There will be a “windows” section here, in which you need to check the first five items in the “windows Explorer” section and seven in the “System” section. This way you will clear the cache, recycle bin, registry and other unnecessary files that slow down your computer and also prevent you from deleting files.
  • Click on the “Run Cleaner” button and wait for it to complete. Try deleting your file now.

How to delete an undeletable file: Unlock the file

Many programs lock their files so that they cannot be deleted even after the software is completely erased from the computer. Typically, these files are designed to store information about the previous settings and program logs so that you can restore them if you want to install the software again. You can unlock such files only with special utilities; here is a small list for your choice:

  • FileAssassin is a free program that is distributed freely. It will be used in this article as an example.
  • Unlocker is the most popular program for unlocking files; it can even remove the block from some system folders and files.
  • LockHunter allows you to work in the program also as in the task manager, stopping all unnecessary processes.
  • IObit Unlocker. The program supports Russian language.

Go to the official FileAssassin website to download and click "Download".

In the folder where all your downloaded files are saved, find and double-click on the file FileAssassin.exe

The installation process is not much different from other programs:

  • Select the installation directory.
  • Agree to the license agreement.

After the installation is complete, check the box next to the words “Run FileAssassin” and click “Finish”.

The program will open itself. On the first line you need to specify the file that is not being deleted. Click on the three dots on the right side of the window.

Select the file and click Open.

Make sure that “Attempt FileAssassin’s method of file processing” is selected and the first three sub-items are checked. Click "Execute".

That's all. The lock on the file is completely removed, you can erase it like a regular file using the Delete key.

How to delete an undeletable file

First, a little background or where non-deletable files come from, don’t worry when you see the long instructions, a lot has been written, but there’s only 2 minutes to do

Access to the specified device is denied

There are situations when you downloaded a file and cannot do anything with it: neither delete, nor rename, nor run... Similar glitches occur more often on Windows 7 or after switching to Win7 from XP, when you lose access to existing files on other drives, but the latter option is cured by editing the access rights, while in the first case you cannot even change the rights and cannot become the owner of the file. Whenever you attempt to interact or delete, you receive the message: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied. You may not have the necessary access rights to this object. Thus, as a result of the peculiarities of the distribution of access rights in Windows 7, you get an undeletable file. It can also be obtained in case of hard drive failure.

In this situation, we will use the rescue utility from Microsoft ERD commander. Launch the ERD program for your version of Windows, in the main menu, at the bottom click the link Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

So we come to the main thing, now everything is simple, in Explorer we find the undeletable file, select it with the right mouse button and select delete. (see picture below)

How to change file permissions

If you still need a non-deletable file and you can’t delete it, but you just want it to work, then the best option would be to change the access rights to the file. The easiest way is to rename. Yes, yes, the most common file renaming. Just select Rename in the context menu and change at least one character in the name (don’t touch the extension), after the reboot you will get access rights to the non-deletable file

Well, if you don’t want to rename it, then let’s go the long way. In the context menu, select the bottom line of the property - Properties. Here you can set the properties of the file: readable, hidden, archived, compressed. But we go even further, click Permissions

And edit access rights for each user

How to become the owner of a file in windows 7

After any of the above procedures, the system becomes the owner of the file. In order to obtain unlimited access rights to the former non-deletable file, we need to become its owner. To do this, boot into windows, right-click on the file and select properties. Go to the Security tab and click Advanced at the bottom

It doesn’t matter who the current owner is, click change

In the window that opens, select your account and apply

Congratulations, you have become the owner of the file. Let's summarize: If you do not have enough access rights to a previously recorded file after reinstalling the system, then we simply become its owner or edit the access rights.

If you downloaded the file and you do not have access to it in any form, then using ERD Commander we delete the non-deletable file, rename it or edit the rights with the same program.

Http:// 7 lessons First, a little background or where non-deletable files come from, don’t worry when you see the long instructions, a lot has been written, but there are 2 things to do minutes Access to the specified device is denied There are situations when you downloaded a file and cannot do anything with it: neither delete, nor rename, nor launch... Similar glitches occur more often on windows...WINBLOGS.RU Computer for dummies

How to delete undeletable files and folders - TOP programs

Almost every Windows user, at least once in their life, had a situation where, when erasing a file or folder, they could not be deleted. Usually in such situations the system writes that “the file is occupied by another process” or is simply blocked.

As a rule, to solve this problem, it is enough to close the program that prevents you from deleting the file. But the system does not always provide comprehensive information about what exactly prevents a specific action from being performed, for example, deletion. And quite often there are situations when even after closing the blocking process, the file cannot be deleted.

There are many reasons why a file may be blocked by the system or some program, here are some of them:

  • Access to the file is closed by the administrator
  • The file or folder may be in use by some process
  • File sharing error, i.e. it may be occupied by another user
  • The disc is write protected, i.e. You can’t write anything to it, and you can’t delete anything.
  • And other reasons

In this article we will look at three programs for removing locked files and one way how this can be done without installing additional software

It is possible that you need to delete a folder, but Vidnovs 7 prohibits you from performing this action. Errors appear with the text “The folder is already in use.” Even if you are absolutely sure that the object is of no value and needs to be removed urgently, the system does not allow you to complete this action.

Most likely, this problem is caused by the folder being deleted being occupied by a third-party application. But even after all applications that could be used in it have been closed, the folder may not be deleted. For example, an electronic data storage may be blocked due to incorrect user operations. These elements become “dead weight” on the hard drive and uselessly take up memory.

Method 1: Total Commander

The most popular and most functional file manager is Total Commander.

Method 2: FAR Manager

Another file manager that can help you delete undeletable objects.

Method 3: Unlocker

Unlocker is completely free and allows you to delete protected or locked folders and files in Windows 7.

Method 4: FileASSASIN

The FileASSASIN utility can remove any locked files and folders. The principle of operation is very similar to Unlocker.

There are a number of similar programs that you can familiarize yourself with using the link below.

Method 5: Folder Settings

This method does not require any third-party utilities and is very easy to implement.

Method 6: Task Manager

Perhaps the error occurs due to a running process located inside the folder.

Method 7: Windows 7 Safe Mode

We enter the Windows 7 operating system in safe mode.

Now we find the required folder and try to delete it in this OS mode.

Users often encounter the problem of a file being refused to be deleted due to its use by another application, blocking by malware or some process. “Unblockers” will help solve this problem, removing all restrictions from the file.

In this regard, in this review we decided to consider programs for deleting non-deletable files, the functionality of which will help to “free” objects and allow access to them for the necessary actions. Such utilities can not only “clean”, but also optimize the OS.


Russian language







Yes Free 9 Yes Yes
No Trial 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 8 Yes No
Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 8 Yes No
No Free 7 Yes No

The utility stops or eliminates files occupied by an application or some process. Unlocks the file, after which it can be copied, renamed or deleted. In addition, the functionality allows you to display data about the interfering process, stop it, and remove it from the hard drive. If information was accidentally deleted, you can find it in the trash. LockHunter works on 32 and 64-bit OS.

A high-quality application for unlocking files and folders that have been locked by programs or system processes. Finds processes that are blocked by files, stops their work and opens access to the resource without affecting the operation of the system. A “manual mode” is available to close “braking” actions, stop the “activities” of viruses, spyware and Trojans, unlock encrypted files and DLLs, as well as integration with Windows Explorer.

The functional program removes the ban on moving and deleting files or folders, displays the status of each object and provides access to them for further manipulation. IObit Unlocker processes data efficiently and accurately and removes restrictions when OS treatment is necessary. In a clear and accessible menu, you can easily move an entire folder or a separate file to unlock it by moving it.

The compact software unlocks files “occupied” by applications or processes for their further deletion, moving or renaming. The unlocker finds the blocking process, and the user decides whether to stop it or close it. The utility is integrated into the context menu, and with a built-in assistant it will be easy for beginners to get acquainted with and work with.

The software uninstalls installed utilities, cleans the startup operating system, configures and eliminates “uninstallable” programs. Functioning as an analogue of the standard “Add or Remove Programs” option, Aninstall Tool monitors hidden or recently installed software, removes “busy” objects, searches for utility updates, and also configures startup programs and classifies them by parameters. You can note the “forced removal” and “uninstallation” functions, convenient for completely irreversibly cleaning the material. The only downside is that the free version lasts 30 days.

The program carries out a complete removal of software and its components, clears history in the browser and registry, and cleans additional folders and files that clog the system. Revo Aninstaller analyzes the OS, identifies the software to be removed, determines its location and provides a report with information about unnecessary components. In hunt mode, you can drag a shortcut into a floating window to identify all the options associated with it. In addition, the product cleans office applications, disks and startup manager data. Users note the optimization and accelerated operation of the system after the operation of the utility we are considering.

In the life of every personal computer user, sooner or later the question arises: how to delete an unremovable folder or file? There are times when you really need to remove an element, but Windows does not allow you to do this, reporting problems. This could be an unknown folder, an unnecessary, outdated or memory-consuming object - the only important thing is that the operating system, for one reason or another, prohibits deleting this item. In this case, what matters is the methods and methods of getting rid of such folders and files, and not the reason for the ban.

Causes of problems when deleting files

One of the main causes of the problem is the involvement of the file in other processes.

A file that cannot be deleted may be involved in other processes

But there are exceptions when the element is not deleted even after closing the corresponding program. An example is files that are blocked due to improper use. Such files are saved on the hard drive and fill up the memory.

The file cannot be deleted due to failures during its installation or writing, resulting in the item being partially retained. In this case, the operating system restricts access for security reasons.

Thus, the main reasons for this problem include the following:

  • the file was blocked by the antivirus. For example, when an item is quarantined or when treatment is delayed;
  • the file is being used by another program;
  • The user does not have administrator rights, so deleting an element is impossible;
  • the element can be used by another person via a local network;
  • file usage by the system;
  • write protection of a device, for example a memory card;
  • an empty folder may contain hidden files or the user has limited access;
  • Some viruses can masquerade as a DLL file.

Ways to delete undeletable files

There are many ways and methods to help solve the problem of files and folders that cannot be deleted.


The essence of the method is to restart the personal computer and try again to remove the unnecessary element.

The step-by-step process of rebooting your PC consists of a few clicks

Task Manager

Let's consider the option of deleting files by deleting the folder with the contents of the program (using Skype as an example).

The method can be used for all similar situations.

Safe mode

If any object on your PC is infected with a virus, it will not function in safe mode. To activate the mode when loading the PC, you must frequently press (do not hold down) F8 on the keyboard. After this, a menu will appear in which you will need to select “Safe Mode”. Now you need to find the undeletable element and delete it. Restart your computer.

There is another way to enter safe mode:

Unlocker program

Unlocker is a simple, secure and free utility for unlocking files used in Windows. The program reflects the processes that are blocking the item and has the ability to delete, move or rename the file that is blocked. The installation does not take much time and is no different from the installation process of other software.

Unlock a file using Unlocker

Let's look at step-by-step instructions for using the program using the example of uninstalling Skype.

If the message “Folder is not empty” appears, you can create a new folder on the same drive, move the non-deletable items to a new location, and delete the corresponding folder using Unlocker.

DeadLock is a similar program that can unlock and remove unwanted item from PC.

Delete a file using the Deadlock program

If, when eliminating a file, a message pops up stating that it cannot be deleted, then the corresponding element is added to the list through the “File” menu. Using the right mouse button, an object can be unlocked, moved or deleted.

Undeletable folders and files can be deleted using the Deadlock program.

File managers

Total Commander is one of the most famous and used file managers, which is able to bypass certain Windows restrictions. To delete files:

  1. Launch file manager.
  2. Find the corresponding file in the list of directories.
  3. Delete it.

In the case of a non-deletable folder, you need to go into it through the program and see the problem. When a hidden element is detected, you need to launch the task manager (Ctrl+Esc+Shift), go to “Processes”, find the file you are looking for and end it.

Video: how to use Total Commander


In certain situations, deleting files is impossible, since the PC is infected with viruses that can penetrate from the Internet or external drives. To remove a supposedly infected item on a flash drive, you need to scan it with an antivirus program. If unsuccessful, it is recommended to format the memory card.

Format the memory card to remove the infected element


To use the method you need:

If it is not in the list, then you need to disable everything and click “Apply”. Restart the PC and try again to eliminate the undeletable file.

Access level

The method is suitable for a network directory, that is, for PCs connected via a local network. The administrator creates some shared folders to store information. To prevent unauthorized deletion, access rights are limited.

To obtain full rights, you must do the following:

By checking the two boxes associated with deletion, the local user does not delete either the folder or the objects it contains.

Selecting the “Delete subfolders and files” sub-item does not delete either the folder or the objects in it

System Restore

To perform a system restore:

  1. In the Start menu, hover over “All Programs”.
  2. Click on “Standard” - “Service” - “System Restore”.
  3. In the “Restore system files and settings” window that opens, click “Next”.
  4. In the list of recovery points, select the point with the date when the file we want to delete was not yet on the computer. Click “Next” and “Yes”.

Video: how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7

Using a different OS

To apply the method:

  1. Try booting from a removable disk with a different operating system.
  2. Delete the file/folder.


In some cases, a rather primitive method can help - drag the folder onto a clean memory card and clear it.

Transfer the file to the memory card

Removing an unwanted item using the command line

You can open the Command Prompt in the following ways:

  • The Win+R key combination opens a window into which we enter “cmd”;
  • “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “Command Prompt”.

The first way is as follows:

  1. Type the combination chkdsk c: /f/r in the line and press Enter. In combination with: - this is a hard drive that needs to be checked. If you want to check another drive, then change the letter (drive name).
  2. A message about checking the disk upon reboot will appear - you must enter Y and press Enter. If another disk is checked, the process starts immediately.
  3. Now the unnecessary element can be deleted.
  4. If drive C is checked, then you need to restart the PC and delete the object.

The second method is to use short names if the element contains invalid characters:

  1. You need to go to the storage location of the object and find out the short name. To do this, use the command “DIR/X” or “DIR/X/N”, which will display the short names of the elements in the folder.
  2. After this, you can use the “DEL” or “RDMIR” command to eliminate the unwanted object.

Video: How to Remove Unwanted Items Using the Command Line

The above methods are suitable for any version of Windows 7.

Every personal computer sooner or later contains objects that cannot be removed in the usual way. However, there are ways to get rid of unwanted files, after studying which the user will have every chance to independently eliminate undeletable items from the PC.

In most cases, when working on a computer, no problems arise with deleting folders, documents and other files. They can be easily deleted with the “Delete” button, from the menu by right-clicking the mouse, or by dragging them onto the “Trash” icon.

However, in some cases, programs and files become deeply embedded in the system or have some restrictions that prevent you from getting rid of them in the usual way. The question immediately arises of how to remove an uninstallable program from a computer, what programs and system capabilities can be used for this.

It should be noted that any problematic files and programs can be removed. The only question is how tightly they hold onto the computer and how much effort will have to be spent on the whole process.

Why are the files not deleted?

Often it will never be possible to fully find out what exactly was the initial reason for the inability to delete a program or file.

The most common reasons are the following:

  1. The file is currently in use by an application and cannot be deleted until that program is closed
  2. The program or file was blocked by the antivirus from performing any actions for security purposes.
  3. The file will not be deleted if it is used or launched on another computer from the local network (the same restrictions apply as in the first paragraph).
  4. The file may be required and used by the system itself.
  5. Restrictions may be placed on the system itself - for example, write protection on the device.
  6. There are simply no administrator rights in this account required for deletion.

Important! Files, applications and actions that require administrator rights in Windows 7 and Windows 10 are marked with a corresponding icon and display a pop-up window when you try to uninstall, informing you that you do not have rights to do this action.

Simple solution

As always, the most ingenious solutions to a problem are also the simplest. If you have problems deleting something, the first action is to simply restart the computer.

At the time of reboot, several reasons for the inability to remove files are eliminated: programs that could use it are closed, the number of system processes and programs used by them is reduced.

Safe Mode in Windows

If a regular reboot does not help, you should try removing unnecessary items in the system’s safe mode. In Windows 7, the ability to select the operating system boot mode appears after pressing the F8 key when starting the computer. In version 10 of Windows, entering safe mode is a little more difficult, but usually there are no problems either.

If all this does not help and persistent files continue to take up space on your computer and do not want to leave it, you will need a program that deletes undeletable files.

Important: As already mentioned, there are many reasons for problematic files. It is not always possible to guess what is needed and you can eliminate it on the first try. You may need to use multiple programs. Plus, some older versions of programs may not work correctly in Windows 10.

Total Commander

At its core, Total Commander is a file manager, and not a program for dealing with problematic files. However, this particular program is distinguished by a clear interface and the ability to bypass a number of restrictions of the operating system, including in Windows 10. If the problem was precisely the prohibitions on the part of Windows, using Total Commander the selected file can be easily deleted.

If you need to delete undeletable files, the first thing that comes to mind is a program called Unlocker. After installing it, when you right-click on the file, a new item will appear in the menu with the corresponding inscription.

After clicking on the “Unlocker” option in Windows 10, a window appears with a list of processes. These are processes that are currently using a specific file, preventing it from being deleted.

There are two solutions here:

Terminate the process completely, allowing you to perform any actions with the freed file.

Unblock a process, preventing it from imposing restrictions on the executable file. This option is preferable, although in some cases deleting a file in use will still damage the progress of the process and cause it to close.


If the question of which program to use to delete a file remains relevant, the next program on the list should be FileASSASIN.

The program is also built into the Explorer menu after installation and makes it possible to delete folders and files used by any processes or applications.

Works both for restrictions on the part of system processes and for user applications.


LockHunter is a great option for deleting files, suitable for almost all users. As with other programs, a file deleted using LockHunter will never bother you again.

But at the same time, the program has system protection, that is, when looking for a solution to how to remove an uninstallable program, the user will not be able to delete the necessary Windows files and thereby harm his work.

IObit Unlocker

A program that copes well with any errors when, when trying to delete, a window pops up with restrictions: the file is busy, in use, anything else? IObit Unlocker will easily bypass the restrictions and erase the file from the system.

All programs discussed in the article for removing blocked files, programs and their traces have their own characteristics and functionality. Personally, I use the unlocker program for these purposes.

How do you delete undeletable files? I look forward to your answers in the comments.