Wildberry personal account mobile version. How to register and order clothes on Wildberries

Wildberries company presents an online store of fashion brands. The company has been operating in this market segment for more than 10 years. For the convenience of visitors, there is a Wildberries personal account.

The official website of the Wildberries company presents a wide range of all types of clothing for adults, both men's and women's, as well as children's clothing, shoes of all categories for children and adults, sporting goods, household goods, accessories and jewelry, electronics. Seasonal promotions and sales provide an opportunity to purchase your favorite product at a competitive price.

Personal account features

The Wildberries personal account allows users to familiarize themselves with and observe the entire process of sending the selected order. The conditions for ordering and returning goods are described in detail. In addition, your personal account contains very convenient additional options that distinguish the official Wildberries website from other similar online stores. Among them are the following:

Additional bonuses include signing up for a subscription, for which the user receives a discount.

Registration and login to your personal account

You can enter your Wildberries personal account by clicking on the “Login” button in the upper right corner on the main page of the site.

The registration form is available on the main page of the official Wildberries website. It is noteworthy that it is highlighted in a separate form marked for “new users”.

When registering, you must provide a minimum set of information:

  • E-mail address.
  • Password and confirm it.
  • Fill in the minimum information about yourself: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and gender.
  • The phone number to which the code will be sent to confirm account activation. It will need to be entered in the same form in the appropriate window.

When registering in your Wildberry account, you can also subscribe to SMS newsletters about new promotions and arrivals. You can also recover your password using the registration form, where there is a corresponding tab.

The store's offers are regularly updated, and as a result, some items are put on sale or sold at attractive discounts.

How does Wildberries work?

The intuitive interface of the resource allows you to independently understand how Wildberries works. All topical issues are discussed on the site’s forum, where users receive prompt and comprehensive comments from the administration.

In general, the work is built on the same principle as in any other online store: the buyer registers, selects a product, adds it to the cart, pays and receives it within the agreed time frame. The difference between Wildberries is the redemption percentage. The more orders are made and received, the more money is spent on purchases, the greater the discount for regular customers.

On a note! Until the redemption percentage reaches 20, purchasing is only possible on the basis of prepayment, which is less convenient, especially in cases where the product must be returned.

Before starting work

On the Wildberries website, you can both register and log into your account through the form in the upper right corner. “Registration” is required to gain access to your account and be able to top up your Personal Account to make safe purchases, view special offers, use promotional codes and discounts. The store allows you to check the boxes next to the desired mailings.

Only fields with red asterisks can be filled in. During the process, you enter your phone number and receive a free SMS confirmation in response. Registration is available for both Russian and Ukrainian mobile operators. Other information is provided as desired. To complete registration, you need to click the purple “Confirm” button at the bottom of the form.

Place an order at Wildberry

And now we will tell you how to order on Wildberries. Orders are accepted only through the form on the website, but not by phone. The process follows a standard form:

  1. Login to your profile.
  2. Selecting a product from the presented assortment.
  3. Adding an item to the cart (for this there is an orange “Add to cart” button on the right).
  4. Go to the catalog to view and purchase other items or further place an order through the cart.
  5. If there is a promotional code for the selected item, it must be entered in the order form. Here you can change the size, postpone the purchase, or remove it from the list if the product was added by mistake.
  6. Selecting a delivery method.
  7. Selecting a form of payment.
  8. Order confirmation and payment (if prepayment is selected).

Before placing an order for Wildberries, the user has the opportunity at the top of the page to sort the assortment by price, popularity, discounts, color and catalog update date. On the left there is a choice by general direction, style and brand. For the most informed and comfortable choice, filtering is provided by product composition, seasonality and size.

At the end, a confirmation SMS is sent to the phone number specified during registration, or the operator calls to clarify the delivery date, address or other important parameters.

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Shipping and payment

Payment upon receipt involves settlement with the courier or pickup point in cash or with a VISA or MasterCard bank card. Other card options are not accepted.

On a note! Couriers carry mobile terminals for card payments.

There are more options for prepayment. You can pay either with a bank card or with money from your Personal Account, or with electronic currency:

Delivery is free and within Moscow is carried out within 1 day, in St. Petersburg - up to 5 days, some days are required for transporting purchases to remote regions. When placing an order, you must mark the nearest pickup point or leave an address for delivery by courier. Wildberry pick-up points are available in all major cities.

Cancellation or refusal rules

There is a way to refuse an order on Wildberries if the product has already been purchased and delivered, but does not meet certain criteria:

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Returns are possible within 21 days after payment if the purchase documents have been preserved and the item is in the same form in which it was handed over to the buyer. You can refuse a product and return it only if it was unpacked in the presence of a courier or an employee of a company pickup/return point. If postal delivery was carried out, then you need to check the parcel immediately after receipt at the nearest Post Office.

Accordingly, the refusal is issued by the pick-up point or courier. Postage or courier services are paid by the buyer.

Remove item from “Delivery”

You can cancel an order before it is shipped through the store forum. There you can clarify some points regarding how to cancel an order for Wildberries. The Application Form must indicate the order number and the reason for cancellation. You can delete an item from the “Delivery” section only as long as it has the “Reserve” status next to it.

  1. Go to the “Delivery” category and check the boxes for the items whose shipment you want to cancel.
  2. Click on the “Unsubscribe” button located at the bottom of the page.

After refusal, the product status in “my orders” changes to “Return”.

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How can I change the delivery date?

Changing the delivery date may be necessary if it is impossible to meet with the courier within the previously agreed upon time frame, or because you have made another purchase that you would like to combine with a previous order. To clarify the question of how to change the delivery date for Wildberries, there is a whole forum section. There you can indicate the desired dates to which you can transfer the order, clarify which order numbers need to be combined, etc.

Discounts, promotions and promotional codes for Wildberries

Promotions in the Wildberry store are constantly held. They are limited in time, there is a timer next to each of them to find out how much is left until the end. Click on the promotion banner and you will be taken to a section where all the items that are subject to a discount are collected. A quick view form is provided, which makes it much more convenient to scroll through the list of offers. The discount policy is constantly changing, but there are several general rules on how to get a discount on Wildberries and save:

  • Discounts of the day and week. In the catalog they are indicated by a crimson circle with a number (-5%, -10%, etc.) on the right next to the product. The same things can be found in the “Promotions” section.
  • Promo codes. Registered users do not need to additionally find out how to receive a promotional code for Wildberries - it comes in a newsletter to an email address or via SMS. Sometimes codes are indicated on the Wildberries website itself. The same codes can be obtained through online coupon resources.
  • Promo code for a 15% discount on everything in honor of the client’s birthday. The promotional code is sent to your email, but only if you have filled in the relevant information about yourself, checked the box next to your consent to receive mailings, and if at least one order has been made previously.
  • 10% discount for prepayment by bank transfer.
  • Cumulative discount (from 5% to 20%), calculated from the amount of purchased goods.

Interestingly, you can use all the discounts together. That is, if there is one discount, the second one does not cancel, but only supplements the previous one.

The more purchases are made, the more profitable the Wildberry resource becomes for its customers. It is better to familiarize yourself with all the rules in advance - this will allow you to quickly receive a higher percentage of discounts and the ability to pay for orders upon delivery. In any case, knowing all the rules, working with the resource is much easier.

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Gentlemen, good afternoon. registered... why do I see tenge instead of rubles?

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Registration on Wildberries and logging into your personal account

Go to the current promotions page!

Registering with Wildberries and logging into your Wildberries personal account is a topic for those who have heard something about the incredible opportunities that open up for users of online stores of clothing, accessories, etc., but have not tried to figure out the online shopping system.

Maybe there is no time for this or the systems seem complicated? Nothing could be simpler, and if something is not clear, we have created illustrated instructions with a detailed description of simple steps that will open the doors to the world of convenient shopping and quality purchases.

What is Wideberry

You may have just heard about Wildberries, but this online store has been known on the World Wide Web for more than ten years. All kinds of goods are offered here - from clothing for men, women and children, to household and home products, accessories, electronics, and souvenirs. In general, here, like in any decent mall, there is everything.

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An excellent assortment, covering hundreds of brands, allows you to make a choice for every taste and budget, and constant discounts and sales allow you to forget about the pre-holiday crowd at the counters of offline stores and comfortably make purchases in a few clicks.

How to place an order in an online store video

Delivery to all regions of the Russian Federation is also convenient. Pickup is available, and payment can be made via the Internet using bank cards, electronic payment systems, or another convenient method acceptable to Wildberries.

All news from the world of fashion and design, as well as updated catalogs, can be viewed on the pages of the official website. Online customer support is available 24/7. Wildberries cooperates with Sberbank, as a result of which customers are provided with bonuses on the cards of this bank for purchases made.

There is a hotline where qualified consultants will always answer.

Registration Wildberries.ru, detailed instructions

If you decide to become a client of the largest online supermarket in the Russian Federation, you will need to register Wildberries.ru, instructions for which we suggest reading below.

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2. In the upper right corner, click “Registration”.

3. We fill in all the cells using your real name, because we are talking about payments with a card registered in your real name or about an electronic account in WebMoney or YaD, where real data appears.

4. Having filled in all the cells, we go down below, where on the left you are asked to indicate your phone number. By entering the number and requesting a verification code on your mobile phone, we expect to receive it.

5. Enter your date of birth. This way the system will be able to award you bonuses or notify you about promotions for birthday people on the eve of your holiday.

6. Enter the confirmation code sent via SMS to the specified number.

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7. We confirm the registration, and now you have already become a subscriber to the Wildberries system.

8. They say “thank you” to you and tell you about the capabilities of a registered user.

How to log into your Wildberry client account

When the registration procedure has completed, you can click “Personal Account” in the upper right corner. Here is the answer to the question of how to enter the personal account of a Wildberry client. It’s even easier to connect your account in one of the social networks listed on the right with Wildberries. So, you can log into your personal account through Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, etc.

Wildberries. Unpacking purchases from an online store. Link to promo code. September 2015.

How to place an order

First, add the item to your cart.

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To do this, select the product you are interested in and click “Add to cart”

Specify the size and enter a promotional code for a discount, you can get it here >> Wildberries promotional codes

Now select a delivery method, for example “Order delivery by courier to the address” or you can pick up the goods from one of the Wildberries pick-up points.

After this, you need to choose a more convenient payment method.

Almost ready, now all you have to do is confirm your order.

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Personal account Wildberries (Wildberries)

Features of your Wildberries personal account

Through your personal account in the Wildberries online store, you can order clothes, shoes, accessories, books and CDs, electronics, goods for the home and garden, sports and beauty products, jewelry and gifts, as well as various trendy products. Promotional codes for discounts are activated in your Wildberries personal account.

Wildberries company contacts

Hotline phone number:

Wildberries personal account

Personal account functionality

The Wildberries company offers its customers to purchase goods for women and men, shoes, accessories, various books and CDs, goods for the home and garden, sports accessories and clothing, as well as toys, cosmetics, jewelry, electronics, gifts and premium goods. It is convenient to make purchases through your personal account, the entrance to which is located in the upper right corner of the site. In your Personal Account you can track the status of parcels, receive personal bonuses and take part in promotions; it is also convenient to store goods that you plan to order using the cart section.

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Registration in your wildberries personal account

In order to register, you must indicate your e-mail, first name, last name, patronymic, and also specify a password. Additionally, you will need to enter the year, month and birthday so that the company can send you personal gifts, indicate your mobile phone number and, after receiving the SMS codes, enter it in the appropriate field.

New users are advised to immediately agree to receive online newsletters via SMS or email. Also, by e-mail you will be able to receive a list of promotions, urgent secret sales, as well as personal recommendations for purchasing goods; you will be regularly sent a waiting list and electronic receipts for all your purchases. After registration, you will need to click on the “confirm” button, after which an email with a link will be sent to your e-mail. After switching to it, registration will be completed.

Authorization in your wildberries personal account

For further authorization, you will need to provide your login or e-mail, as well as a password. You can log in through your phone number and social networks, the list of which includes VKontakte, Facebook, mail.ru, Odnoklassniki, Google or Instagram.

Personal account mobile application

For active users of smartphones and tablets, a mobile application is available that is slightly lighter than the full version, will allow you to save traffic, but at the same time has all the functional characteristics. In order to use the mobile application, you just need to go to the site using your smartphone or tablet, it will automatically recognize the lite version of the site and you will be able to use the store’s services online.

You can download the mobile application on Google Play or AppStore and receive an additional gift.

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Customer support through your wildberries Personal Account

Customer support operates in chat mode and 24-hour consultation; you can ask a question by clicking on the orange button in the lower right corner of the site. You can also call from the website or read the list of frequently asked questions, where you can find the answer to all your questions about placing an order, returning money or financial transactions related to the purchase of goods.

Technical support will also be able to tell you how to place an order correctly, process a return, and choose a delivery and payment method.

You can familiarize yourself with all the rules of sale, as well as the rules for returning money, on the website in the appropriate section.

By contacting the technical support service, you will have the opportunity to promptly cancel an order you do not need, adjust the terms and address of its delivery, and also change the payment method. If you encounter difficulties when choosing a product, you can also contact a technical employee who will tell you how to correctly determine the size of clothing or select accessories, as well as what are the rules for participating in promotions and receiving discounts.

How to disable your personal account?

You can refuse the services of your personal account by filling out the appropriate application after authorization. You will receive a letter by email; after clicking on the link provided in it, you will cancel your personal account on the site.

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Security and privacy rules

According to security and confidentiality rules, the data specified during registration and ordering is not distributed. Only the relevant authorities can gain access after presenting the necessary documents. Registration via telephone will allow you to control the entrance to your personal account and prevent you from placing an order without your participation.

Connecting SMS notifications about placing an order will allow you to use a payment card for regular purchases and not worry that someone else can use your personal account, since each time you log in and to confirm the order, you will need to enter a secret code that is sent to the phone.

  • Registration

A request will be sent to the e-mail address you provided; to confirm your registration, follow the link.

Password recovery instructions have been sent to the specified e-mail.

Wildberries (Wildberries, Valberis) is an online store registered in the Russian Federation and specializing in the sale of clothing, shoes, accessories, souvenirs, toys, household goods, electronics and even food. The store was founded in 2004 and over the years of its existence has been able to win the trust of many customers not only in Russia, but also abroad. As a trading platform it operates in the Russian Federation and some CIS countries. It provides its regular customers with a system of discounts through a loyalty program, as well as regular one-time discounts and promotions. To get full access to all the features of the store, you must register on the website. The main reasons why this should be done are the inability of unregistered users to buy goods (they can only view the catalog, but not purchase goods), as well as certain advantages.

Benefits for registered users

In addition to the opportunity to buy, those who register have the opportunity to take advantage of the already mentioned store discounts and round-the-clock help from Wildberries customer support, which will help find a way out of the current problematic situation. Call the toll-free number or write a message to the support staff. They will promptly assist you. For example, how to cancel an unwanted random order or issue a return. Besides, specialists are able to advise you on the process of payment and delivery of your order if the information available on the website is not enough.

Registration methods

Authorization via social networks

Represents the use of your account on one of the social networks as an information basis for creating an account on Wildberries. By and large, you only need to provide permission to access the data posted on your social network profile in order to create a personal account here. How this procedure works:
1.You go to Wildberries.ru;

2.Click on the “Login” button (it is located in the far right corner of the page) or you can first find products that interest you, add them to the cart and log in when placing an order;

4.Done! You created an account in the store using your other account and gained access to purchases. You can start virtual shopping.

Creating a separate new account

If for some reason the authorization method through social networks does not suit you, you can register on the official website Wildberry online store and create a separate account.
1.Go to the website;

2.In the upper right corner, select the “Registration” button;

3. Fill in the fields with the information about you necessary to create an account, click the “Register” button;

4.Congratulations! Registration is completed. Remember or save your login and password in a safe place on a convenient medium so as not to lose access to the store.

The most important

Firstly, if you are not going to buy anything, then registration is not required - you can view the list of products and their variety as a guest on the site.

Secondly, if you register a separate account without being linked to a profile on a social network, be sure to save your login and password.

Thirdly, read the site rules: provide reliable and correct information about yourself. Otherwise, problems may arise with payment and delivery of the order.

Fourthly, if you have any difficulties using the site or questions regarding the products displayed on it, write to the support service. They will provide you with timely and qualified assistance.

The Wildberries company offers its customers to purchase goods for women and men, shoes, accessories, various books and CDs, goods for the home and garden, sports accessories and clothing, as well as toys, cosmetics, jewelry, electronics, gifts and premium goods .

Personal account functionality

It is convenient to make purchases through your personal account, the entrance to which is located in the upper right corner of the site. In your Personal Account you can track the status of parcels, receive personal bonuses and take part in promotions; it is also convenient to store goods that you plan to order using the cart section.

Registration in LC Wildberries

In order to register, you must indicate your e-mail, first name, last name, patronymic, and also specify a password. Additionally, you will need to enter the year, month and birthday so that the company can send you personal gifts, indicate your mobile phone number and, after receiving the SMS codes, enter it in the appropriate field.

New users are advised to immediately agree to receive online newsletters via SMS or email. Also, by e-mail you will be able to receive a list of promotions, urgent secret sales, as well as personal recommendations for purchasing goods; you will be regularly sent a waiting list and electronic receipts for all your purchases. After registration, you will need to click on the “confirm” button, after which an email with a link will be sent to your e-mail. After switching to it, registration will be completed.

Authorization in your Wildberry account

For further authorization, you will need to provide your login or e-mail, as well as a password. You can log in through your phone number and social networks, the list of which includes VKontakte, Facebook, mail.ru, Odnoklassniki, Google or Instagram.

Wildberries mobile application

For active users of smartphones and tablets, a mobile application is available that is slightly lighter than the full version, will allow you to save traffic, but at the same time has all the functional characteristics. In order to use the mobile application, you just need to go to the site using your smartphone or tablet, it will automatically recognize the lite version of the site and you will be able to use the store’s services online.

You can download the mobile application on Google Play or AppStore and receive an additional gift.

Customer support via Wildberries Personal Account

Customer support operates in chat mode and 24-hour consultation; you can ask a question by clicking on the orange button in the lower right corner of the site. You can also call from the website or read the list of frequently asked questions, where you can find the answer to all your questions about placing an order, returning money or financial transactions related to the purchase of goods.

Technical support will also be able to tell you how to place an order correctly, process a return, and choose a delivery and payment method.

You can familiarize yourself with all the rules of sale, as well as the rules for returning money, on the website in the appropriate section.

By contacting the technical support service, you will have the opportunity to promptly cancel an order you do not need, adjust the terms and address of its delivery, and also change the payment method. If you encounter difficulties when choosing a product, you can also contact a technical employee who will tell you how to correctly determine the size of clothing or select accessories, as well as what are the rules for participating in promotions and receiving discounts.

How to disable your personal account?

You can refuse the services of your personal account by filling out the appropriate application after authorization. You will receive a letter by email; after clicking on the link provided in it, you will cancel your personal account on the site.

Security and privacy rules

According to security and confidentiality rules, the data specified during registration and ordering is not distributed. Only the relevant authorities can gain access after presenting the necessary documents. Registration via telephone will allow you to control the entrance to your personal account and prevent you from placing an order without your participation.

Connecting SMS notifications about placing an order will allow you to use a payment card for regular purchases and not worry that someone else can use your personal account, since each time you log in and to confirm the order, you will need to enter a secret code that is sent to the phone.