Vk public page. Which is better: a public page or a VK group?

Before every user thinks about what to choose: a public page (public) or a group. What is most suitable for the chosen topic?

In fact, this issue is very important and we need to approach it very seriously. The future fate of the community depends on this.

In this article we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of community. You will also find out which topics the group is applicable to, and which the public page is applicable to.

Public page (public) - an official platform for an organization (company), brand, personality or specific topic. The direction of the public page is to promote the brand or personality itself.

Advantages and disadvantages of a public page (public):

  • All materials are open to access - any user can view them;
  • Only admins of a public page can publish posts on the wall, but users can either leave a comment on a post if they are open;
  • The " ", "Photos" and "Audio" blocks are located on the right side of the public page;
  • On a public page you can ;
  • There is no section on the public page "Latest News", but it is possible;
  • It cannot be stored on a public page, since there is no corresponding section;
  • There is no function in the public page "Invite friends";
  • Each subscriber has a block on the page under the "Friends" section "Interesting pages", where the logo of the public page is indicated, which attracts the attention of other users;

Group- a community where users can exchange information with each other. The direction of the group is to unite people with similar interests. The group is popular due to its privacy (): you can unite your friends, fellow students, and classmates into a group. Although you can do no less than in public.

Advantages and disadvantages of the group:

  • A group can be open (anyone can view news), closed (to view entries, an application to join is submitted) and private (applications to join are sent by admins);
  • If open, then users can publish their entries. The wall can also be limited (you can leave comments on a post) or closed (you can only view posts);
  • The “Discussion”, “Photos” and “Audio” blocks are located at the top of the group (under the news);
  • You cannot create events in a group;
  • In the group you can publish the latest news in the appropriate section;
  • The group has a section "Documents" where you can store files various formats;
  • You can join the group via special function(any subscriber can invite their friends, which greatly influences promotion);
  • Each subscriber has a page under personal information there is a list of groups, but this does not really attract the attention of other users (compared to the public page);

Impact on promotion

As already mentioned, public pages lack the function "invite friends", in this regard, the group wins. But on the day you can invite up to 40 people, so for a competent approach to this function you need to have many friends.

List of groups can be found under the personal information of subscribers, but no one pays attention to them and the user can at any time :

As for activity, there is still less of it in the group, since the public page is directly aimed at promoting and mutual PR. Although when the right approach You don’t have to give in to the public.

There is a psychological point: users join public pages more willingly than groups, especially when it comes to entertainment topics. The era of groups is passing and many consider it fashionable and relevant to join public groups.

In any case, it all depends on the community leaders. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a group or a public page, if you don’t take any action to promote it, nothing will happen.

Some time ago appeared on VK new type communities - public page. What is the difference between a group and a public page? Let's find out.

A group is an official platform, a community where people communicate with each other. This is the most old look communities, which is available on VKontakte.

A public page or public is an official platform for a person, brand, organization, company, etc. Accordingly, information about the company itself or the person to whom the public is dedicated is presented here.

What are the differences?

A public page is called such for a reason - it is truly public and cannot be hidden from others. So, if you can make a group private, say, for your friends, then this trick will not work with a public one. Moreover, a public page cannot be hidden in the list of communities on a user’s page, which is what many people do - this way more users are attracted. What do you say to the fact that it is impossible to hide a public page even from users who are not registered in VK?

Another important difference is that all posts on the public wall can only be published by administrators. Users in groups can do this if the administrator grants such rights. At the same time, users can comment on posts in the public, as well as offer their news by clicking on the button of the same name. Comments can be left both there and there, and they can be disabled.

Groups have the ability to customize menus, which is a big advantage for some administrators.

It is believed that there is more activity in publics than in groups, since this is due to the fact that publics are focused on promoting the group. This is partly true, but not in all cases.

What to choose?

If you decide to create a community and don't know what to choose, just familiarize yourself with the main differences between communities. It is worth noting that administrators are increasingly choosing public pages.

Most VKontakte users believe that public and group are one and the same. However, there are differences.

Although some users are aware of these differences, they still consider them not significant. Indeed, if you are an ordinary VKontakte user who is in free time scrolls through the feed of your favorite communities, it doesn’t matter to you whether it’s a public page or a group.

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But if you are the creator of a group or planning to promote something through your community, then it is important for you to know these differences, as they greatly affect the progress of promotion.

1. The first thing we pay attention to is the location of the sections.

If you paid attention, all the main sections in public pages are located on the right.

Therefore, to pay attention to the “discussions”, “photos”, “videos” sections, you need to scroll down the feed a little.

In groups, the listed sections are located at the top above the post feed. Although this difference may not seem significant, if you think about it, this point can significantly influence the promotion process.

If you decide to promote something commercial through the community, then the group here will be more attractive, since a visitor to the community will immediately turn their attention to these sections, where there may be photographs of goods and services, discussions of the offers that your company offers.

In public pages, these sections are located lower, so the visitor does not immediately notice them, and since it is necessary to scroll through the feed, the user may not pay attention to these sections at all, as he will be distracted by community posts.

2. Another significant difference is privacy.

In the group settings, the administration has the ability to change the types of its community. For example, a group can be open, where anyone can visit it and join if they like the content. Two more types of groups are “closed” and “private”. By making a group closed, you can only join it if the administration accepts the application.

In some cases this may be useful to prevent non-members from joining the community. target audience, as well as bots and fakes. In this case, the content will not be visible to those who are not members of the group.

And private groups can only be joined by invitation from administrators. This function may be useful for some narrow circle of people with interests that they do not want to disclose to others.

There are no such settings in public pages. Therefore, the public page is always open by default. Anyone can enter and join the public.

3. Another important point that affects the promotion of these two types of communities is the methods of promotion.

Groups have a distinctive “invite friends” feature. Thus, anyone who is in a group can invite their friends to it (no more than 40 people per day).

This is one of the methods for promoting groups, since through fake accounts you can add people as friends and then invite them to your group. In public for some reason this function absent. Many people think this is unfair, but this does not affect the promotion of public pages, since public pages tend to promote themselves. Thanks to what?

You may have noticed that on each user's page there is a section " interesting pages" IN this section there is a list of publics to which the person is subscribed. This section contains only public highlights, there are no groups there.

It turns out that if a person subscribes to a public page, then in a sense he takes part in the PR of this community, since his friends and all visitors to his page see this community. And in general, VKontakte users are more willing to subscribe to public pages.

The section that lists the groups that a person has joined is located in the header of each page, in additional information user. However, the downside to this is that most people block access to their additional information and it is not available to others.

Taking these points into account, most community creators first create them as groups in order to invite people to them, and when they reach 9,900 subscribers, they change the group to a pvblick so that it can promote itself. By the way, you can change a group to a public one or vice versa only up to 10,000 subscribers, and once a month, after which this function is absent.

So, to summarize, groups are more suitable for commercial promotion. Public pages are more relevant for entertainment content, and they are most often created to make money from advertising.

What is the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page? Which is better?
In the article we will look in detail, What is the difference between a group and a VKontakte page?, let's touch on the most important points, we will give useful practical recommendations.

Before answering how pages differ from groups in contact, let’s clarify basic concepts.
Public page on VKontakte is a place created to inform interested subscribers.
Group is a place on the social network VKontakte, created primarily for the interaction of participants with each other.

Public subscribers are interested primarily in reading posts, but group members, in addition to reading posts, are also interested in communicating with other participants.
If we draw an analogy between the types of communities on a social network and the types of sites, then a group is a forum, and a public page is a blog.
Understanding how a group differs from a public VKontakte page in its essence, you can already understand with a fair degree of confidence what is better suited for promoting your project.

We've got the basics figured out. Let's deal with key points, which are worth paying attention to. Let's find out exactly how they influence promotion.

Key points: how a group differs from a contact page.

1) Invitations.
They are available in the group, but such a function is not provided for the public page. Previously, when you could invite people freely from VK search, invitations to groups were the main way of promotion. Now you can only invite someone to a group if the person is your friend.
Despite the fact that the process of inviting (sending out invitations) has become more complicated, it is still actively used to promote groups. You cannot use this promotion method for a public page.

2) Discussions.
In a topic group, you can allow creating ordinary users. Discussions are located in the main block in the center of the page. In the public, only the administration can create topics, and the discussion block itself is located in the side column at the bottom, it is less noticeable.
It would seem that these features do not have any effect on promotion, although in fact this is not the case. There is a moment that almost no one talks about. This is traffic collection low frequency queries group topics. Low-frequency queries are queries that are written infrequently in searches and competition for them is usually low. You have probably often come across topics from VKontakte groups in the results of search engines such as Yandex and Google. Topics created by participants are indexed search engines and collect search traffic. By choosing a group, you get more opportunities to collect traffic for low-frequency queries. In addition, queries can be selected in advance and topics can be created based on them. By the way, you can use to collect and write turnkey topics. It was originally created for forums, but can also be used for VKontakte groups.
Systematizing all of the above, we can say that if your topic contains great opportunities for collecting low-frequency search traffic, then a group is better suited for this than a public page.

3) Wall.
IN open group Participants can write on the wall. In a public page, subscribers can only suggest news; they cannot write posts on the wall themselves.
There's one here too interesting feature, which few people talk about. Posts on the wall from regular participants reposting will not work, but suggested posts will be reposted by public subscribers. Therefore, if you expect to promote yourself by reposting suggested posts, then would be better suited public VKontakte page.
It is also worth noting that open wall in a group requires more attention than the wall of a public VK page. If you allow writing on the wall, then be prepared that you will need to clear out spam.

These are the 3 most important points What is the difference between a page and a VK group? .
There are a number of other differences, but, in our opinion, they do not have a significant impact on promotion.
It is also worth mentioning separately that VKontakte has the opportunity to transfer a group to a public page and vice versa. This can be done no more than once a month.

If you decide to move the group to a public page, please note that all invitations will be canceled at the time of the transition. The discussion block will change position and the participants will no longer be able to create discussions, although the topics they created will remain. But posts not from group members will be automatically deleted, and the news block and documents will also become unavailable.

When transferring a public page to a group, subscribers will lose the ability to suggest news. The proposed news will remain. Also, all sections included on the page will be disabled in the group; they can be enabled, but the content will not go anywhere.

Here are the main differences between a group in contact and a public page.
Both formats can be effectively used for your purposes. Usually, at first, most people choose public, since it is somewhat easier to manage.

It doesn't matter which format you choose. It can be changed one way or another if necessary. It's much more important to ensure that the community regularly posts interesting content. Any community, if it is empty, will not be interesting to the visitor, regardless of what format you choose. Therefore, after you decide on the format, think over a content and development strategy. If necessary, our team is happy to help you with .
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A public page on VKontakte (or) is a type of community on the VKontakte social network for disseminating news and information, as well as promoting a brand.

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A public page can be compared to the press center of a company or celebrity. With his help, society is kept informed of what is happening in the company or life of this popular person.

Public page on VK: what is it?

One of the most visited sites on the Internet is social network VKontakte. This platform is used not only for personal communication and sharing news with friends and family, but also for self-expression, building a career, networking, and finding users interested in your product or services.

There are two types of communities you can use when promoting your brand.

This is either a public page dedicated to your brand. The public can also be used to disseminate news from famous person, whose opinion is interesting to subscribers.

What is the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page?

Although a group and a public page are very similar, they have a few significant differences.

In a public page, users are not actually members of the community, but simply its subscribers. They can't just post their information in the community.

The group status may be closed. This means that news and other information are available only to its members. Information posted in the public is available to everyone, including those who are not registered users.

You cannot invite friends to a public page, which complicates its promotion. However, the user's five most popular public pages are displayed on his page.

Creating a public page and changing the community type from group to public

To create a public page on VKontakte, you first need to:

  1. be registered on a social network;
  2. go to the list of groups you are a member of;

3.select “Create a community”;

4.and mark the points you need, following the instructions.

You can also change the type of an already created community on VKontakte.

When you change the group type, you will not lose subscribers, only its functionality will change. However, you should remember that you can change the community type no more than once a month.

There are also the following limitations and consequences:

  • you must be the creator of the group; to change the type it is not enough to be a moderator or administrator;
  • the number of participants in the group is no more than 10,000 people (otherwise the decision is made by support);
  • all posts on the wall not on behalf of the group will disappear.

So, how to make a VK page public:

  1. Join the group.
  2. Under the group avatar in the drop-down menu, select the appropriate item:

3. Mark the points you need, following the instructions.

What is better: a group or a public VKontakte page?

To understand what type community being created best suited for your business, you need to determine how you want to communicate with your audience. The VKontakte group implies equal communication and the ability to propose topics for discussion by participants. This works well if you want to know your audience's mood and interests.

The public page is more official channel. Topics for discussion are offered here on behalf of the public. This good option to promote a business and manage its image.