Recover email. Recover email address by phone number


To restore your login email you will need the help of friends and acquaintances. While using the email box, you could exchange messages and files with them. All you need to do is find one of the messages you sent to them and extract the login from it. You can also analyze your message history in social network. If you have a message search, enter your email domain in the search bar, for example, Once you know your email login, proceed to the next step.

Go to your email site. Next to the login and password input field there will be a button to restore access to the mailbox. When regaining access to mailbox, located on the website, this is the “Forgot?” button. Click on it, after which you will be redirected to the password recovery page.

Enter your login and select the domain where your mailbox was registered. On next page you will be prompted to enter a response to security question specified for registration. If you remember this answer, enter it in the appropriate field, after which you will be prompted for a new one. Otherwise, contact service technical support by clicking on the appropriate link.

Complete the password recovery form, paying special attention to all fields marked with a red asterisk. In addition, be sure to fill out the field additional information, as well as the address of a working mailbox to which you can write. You will be contacted later. To recover your password, provide all requested information, carefully following any instructions you receive.

After recovering your email account password, log in to your email using the login and password you received as a result previous actions.

Video on the topic


  • how to change login on mail
  • What to do if I forgot my password or my account

Social networks are taking up more and more space in our everyday life. We come to our favorite resource every day and log into our account automatically. And suddenly some kind of failure occurs, you try to log into the site and discover that the settings are messed up and your login you forgot. It's unpleasant, but fortunately, you can restore it in two ways.

You will need

  • You will need internet access.


Please note

Useful advice

If you have changed your login from your email address to some other one, either write it down, or it should be associative for you and easy to remember.


Often, many sites on the Internet offer their visitors to register. And then in the process you will be able to log in under your login and password. The situation is similar with email or online games. However, if you do not use your login, it is either lost or forgotten. In such cases, you have to use the recovery system.

You will need


For example, if you have lost your Rambler mail login, then you need to do the following. Reach out to people you've messaged before. They definitely have your past correspondence saved. They should contain headings that indicate your login. This way you can quickly recover your data. Such actions can be done on any website, not only on Ramblere. You can view your browser. Many of them save data such as password and login. This can be done quite quickly in Mozille. Go to the "Tools" section. There, select “Settings”. Go to the “Protection” option, and then select “Saved Passwords”. By default, the browser saves all passwords and logins. Find the one you need.

If data has been lost from any social network or other site, do the following. Go to your email and look for the registration form that they usually send. It will contain your login information to the site. In addition, you can use . He will always help. Refer to it from the page. Write a letter asking for the recovery of lost data. If you have forgotten your login, try your address instead. Sometimes this move helps. Using email you will restore your login.

If you have forgotten your login information to the site, use the recovery form. There is a “Forgot?” button for this. Some offer assistance to their users. Find information to contact the administration. Call and ask for help. They will help you. Data such as login and password for entering the game may also be lost. To restore your account, you need to fill out the form provided. In it you indicate your mailing address and other information that is required. You will receive a message containing a recovery form. Fill out and submit all requested data again. In this way you will recover your data and be able to enter the game.

Nowadays, a lot of information is concentrated in email. It happens that you forget password from the mailbox. But there are several ways to restore it.


Restore the forgotten password by providing an additional email address. This is the e-mail you use when you register your mailbox. After which a message is sent to the specified Internet address, which confirms that such an e-mail will be auxiliary for restoring the main e-mail account. If you forgot password mail, then after a request to the address specified as an additional one, a letter will arrive with recommendations for recovery.

Give the answer to the security question. This traditional way to recover your email password. You indicate the answer to your secret question when registering your email. It can be standard - from the proposed list - or your own. For example, " Maiden name mother" or "Your beloved". After all password, consisting of simple dialing characters are easy to crack, so the questions should be unusual and easy to remember.

Use your mobile number if you have lost your email password. Often, email services prompt you to enter your mobile phone number, which you provided during registration. Usually the last four digits are requested. Your request will receive a message with a code that gives access to the password recovery system.

Contact the site administration if you do not remember the answer to your security question, have not registered an additional email address, or have not indicated the number mobile phone upon registration. Remember, you must prove to them in your letter that you have the unique right to use your email. There is a lot of information required. For example, date last time use of the mailbox and the information provided during registration. Try to use all the suggested options.


  • forgot my email password

Tip 5: How to recover your password if you forgot the answer to a question

If you cannot access your mailbox for any reason, and when you try to restore password can't remember answer on question- don’t worry. It is enough to write a letter to the technical support service, confirm your identity and prove that you are the owner of this e-mail.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - copy of passport (if necessary).


Enter in address bar your internet browser ( Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or, for example, Safari) domain on which the mailbox is located. Next to the form for entering your email address or login, find the link: “Forgot”, “Remember” password"or "I don't have access to my account", enter your username and click "Next". After this, the system will request the information specified during registration, namely answer to secret question. Type any combination of letters or numbers and click “Next”.

Information will appear in the window indicating that the entered data is not valid. answer match those indicated in the profile. After which you will most likely be asked to enter information about yourself: an additional email address and/or mobile number. In case of correct answer Yes, you will have access to change your password. Otherwise (for example, you changed or did not specify a second mailbox), to restore access, write a letter to Users Support by filling out the request form. The answer will come within 3-5 days.

If the information you sent is not enough, write another letter. Include more than detailed information, which will help confirm your rights to this mailbox. These could be the names of the folders you created, addresses saved in the address book, the approximate date of registration, IP addresses from which access was most often made, etc.). If you provided your correct information during registration, send a scanned copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

Useful advice

Try to remember as much information related to your mail as possible. If possible, check by phone or in person the addresses of your friends and colleagues whom you included in address book. Remember on what days you sent them letters. If you use Mozilla browser Firefox, then you can find your email password quite easily, just go to: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Protection” - “Saved Passwords” - “Display passwords and find the one you need.”


  • - statement;
  • - money to pay for services.
  • Instructions

    Domain Registration Authorities typically set recovery periods during which domains that are deleted due to non-payment can be returned. At the end of this period, the domain enters the deferral stage, where it cannot be restored. To find out what period your domain is in, log into the control panel at the address specified in the contract and on the Domain Registration Center website. Upon completion of the removal procedure from the registry and the end of the deferment period, the domain can be re-registered by any person. Please note that the procedure for restoring your domain is expensive and lengthy – up to 5 business days or more.

    If you are registered as a domain administrator, please pay to restore and renew your domain registration. Also send a recovery request via email with your domain name. In response, you will receive a link for authorization, which is valid for 24 hours. By clicking on it, you confirm your consent to restore the domain and pay for the relevant services. You will be informed about the restoration and renewal of the domain by e-mail, the address of which you indicated in the contract. For recovery details, see the instructions on your domain registrar's website.

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    For some users, the situation seems hopeless when they discover that they do not remember either the username or password for their email account. And if it should come important letter or confirmation code, the situation seems completely deplorable.

    How to return or find your login

    Let's start with something more important and simpler:

    1. Remember to whom you sent letters or documents from a forgotten mailbox, ask these people to rummage through their archives - perhaps someone will find your address.
    1. Many resources ask you to provide an email address to log in or to link to it. Therefore, you can find out your login by looking at the parameters of your other accounts.
    1. If you are still using the same browser on your PC or laptop that you used to register forgotten mail, or the accounts on the browsers of your devices are synchronized with each other, this can significantly help you. Go to home page the desired email client - perhaps the device itself will “enter” the forgotten one into the window.

    If previous methods did not help, you can contact technical specialists. support. Describe your problem as accurately as possible. In this case, the wait for a decision may take a long time - it all depends on the workload of the service.

    There is also a possibility that specialists will not be able to find your address in the system or will not find the proper grounds for this.

    After the login has been received, it is advisable to start “reviving” the password code:

    Majority mail clients they ask you to attach a current one to your mailbox mobile number– just to facilitate the “password resurrection” procedure.

    Enter correct address mailbox, and then click on “Forgot your password?”. The system will offer to restore using a mobile phone. It will come to your phone digital code, which needs to be duplicated on the recovery page. Then you ask New Password- and the problem is solved.

    Another common way is to respond to Security Question. When registering a mailbox, this item always appears, which also helps in the future to recover the password code.

    The questions are simple, with logical answers that only you know: “What is your pet’s name?”, “Your mother’s maiden name?” etc. It is likely that you will remember the answer to it and, thus, will be able to use the box again.

    You can try to reset your password by linking it to a different email address. As in the case of a telephone number, a digital code will be sent to it to restore access. Unfortunately, this method is not always effective, since many users ignore the possibility of establishing such a link.

    As with the address, the most last method– contacting technical support. You will be asked to fill out an access restoration form, to which you will need to attach a legible photo of yourself with your passport open on the main page.

    In this case of recovery, try to log in from the device and browser from which you used the lost mail - the new IP address may be the reason for the rejection of your profile.

    To prevent this situation from happening in the future, try to write down your important data, or better yet, clues to it in a safe place. If your device is protected against unauthorized access, activate autofill for email login in your browser. We hope that the article helped in solving your problem.

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    Sometimes not so much experienced users there is a situation when, after registering their own email, they rarely use it, as a result of which they can easily forget their own address Email. But in this case, you can still find out your email address in several ways. in different ways. In this article I will tell you about these methods. The more actively you used your own email address, and not only to receive make money on the Internet , the much easier it will be to do this.

    How to find out your email address if you forgot it

    So let's start in order. Perhaps the most in a simple way To find out your email address if you have forgotten it, ask your friends to whom you have previously sent letters from your email. If this was the case, then they should easily find your letters in their letter history and will tell you about it.

    But what should you do if you haven’t written to your friends from your email address? Or did your friends delete your letters over time?

    Let's look at several ways to find out your email address:

    1. The easiest way. There is a possibility that you still have access to your email because you did not log out of it. Everything you need in in this case- this is to go to Email or another mail service on which you created your own mailbox. Your email address will be presented there:

    2. Also a fairly simple method. Various Internet browsers provide a function automatic filling forms If you have not disabled the automatic completion function, then when you navigate to different sites, you will receive hints. Try clicking on the Email input line and maybe you will get the hint you need:

    By the way, it was this method that helped me remember my own Email when I just started trying earnings from games . To register for great games with withdrawal real money And I had to remember my own Email this way.

    3. If you use GoogleChrome as an Internet browser, then look at the saved passwords in its settings. The whole point here is that when you save any passwords in this browser, then your email address is also added. Open GoogleChrome and command line enter: chrome://settings/passwor ds. In the window that opens, see if your mail is there, which you might have saved for some site:

    4. If you registered on any website, Internet project, for example on , etc., then almost everywhere an email address is required for registration, which will then be registered in your profile. And this can be of great help to you if you have forgotten your email address. Just go to these sites, of course, if you remember their login and password, then go to settings and look for your own email address there. For example, the popular social network Odnoklassniki also stores your Email address. Go to the settings under your avatar and look at your Email there:

    5.At any postal service A password recovery function is provided. You can use this function and remind your own email address. Very good way to find out your email address by your phone number:

    6. Your email address may be available in Google search. Go to Google search engine and enter your details there. Please provide all details to search query was more accurate. You can also add the word mail to this information:

    7. If you use modern smartphone on Android and have been authorized in it, then your Google account must be connected in its settings. Open it, so you can see your Gmail email address:

    How to remember your email address

    It seems that at least one of the methods discussed will help you remember your own email address. If none of the above methods can help you, then write to the technical support of the mailbox where you registered your mail. Technical support staff should help you resolve your email problem as quickly as possible. as soon as possible. If suddenly this doesn’t help for any reason, then you always have the opportunity to get yourself new address email, only in this case try not to forget it in the future. Now you know exactly how to find out your email address or remember your own email address if you have forgotten it.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    What to do if we forgot the password to our email? Our article will tell you how to restore password mail via phone. Let's start with the fact that we will definitely need access to the Internet. Otherwise, it’s no more difficult when information is accidentally deleted from it.

    How can I recover my Mail password via my phone?

    On the page we can find instructions for password recovery. Click on the link “Forgot your password?” and enter our login, and also indicate the domain from the drop-down list.

    The specific recovery method depends on what information we provided when registration e-mail. For example, we can answer a security question. If the answer is correct, we will be asked to enter a new password. If we don’t remember the answer, we should select the “I don’t remember the answer” option, and we will be offered an alternative method.

    If we specified an additional email address when registering the main one, a link to reset your password can be sent to it. Enter your email and click the “Restore” button.

    If access to additional address We don’t have it, but there is a link to a mobile device, you can request a recovery code. Choose telephone number and click “Receive code via SMS”. Enter the sent code in the appropriate box. After this, we will be able to create and enter a new password.

    After recovery, we will also be asked to verify your personal data. This is necessary so that in the future we can just as easily recover the password if the need arises. Let us add that you will need to confirm all data on the page without exception.

    Now let's talk about how to recover your mail password via phone using other methods. And they undoubtedly exist.

    How to recover your password Mailbox via phone if we forgot it?

    So, you can solve the problem that has arisen online by answering the security question, requesting an SMS code, or using an additional email address, specified by us when registering the main mailbox.

    There is another method that will help us restore access through mobile device. We can fill out an online support form right on the website. To do this, go to the following address: and select from the list the problem that we encountered. This method is relevant if we were also unable to recover the password using any of the above methods. A response from the support service should be received within three days.

    Email is one of the most popular services on the Internet. It appeared in the mid-70s and has been constantly developed and improved since then.

    The main condition for the operation of any mail is security and confidentiality. For example, when registering on, you must come up with a password consisting of at least six characters and including capital letters and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. However, such complex password easy to forget.

    Typically, you can restore access to your mailbox in several ways. As an example, let's try to recover the password on

    Quick navigation through the article

    Password recovery

    First of all, you need to open the “Password Recovery” window and provide all the necessary data. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • First you should go to the website;
    • Then follow the link “Forgot your password?” (you can immediately open the window;
    • Enter your login in the appropriate field;
    • Specify the required domain in the drop-down list;
    • Click the “Restore” button;
    • Select one of the proposed password recovery options.

    Answer to security question

    If upon registration postal address If the answer to the secret question was specified, you can use it when recovering your password. To do this you need:

    • Indicate the correct answer to the security question;
    • Enter the code from the picture in the appropriate field;
    • Click “Recover Password”;

    Spare mailbox

    If there is an additional mailbox that was specified when registering on, then you can recover the password using it. To do this you need:

    • Enter the address of an additional mailbox;
    • Click “Restore”;
    • Follow the link that will be sent to an additional email address;
    • Create and specify a new password.

    Recovery using a mobile phone

    If you specified a mobile phone number when registering on, you can use it. To do this you need:

    • Enter your phone number in the appropriate field;
    • Click “Receive code via SMS”;
    • Wait for a message on your phone;
    • Enter the received code in the appropriate field;
    • Create and specify a new password.

    Technical support

    If none of the proposed options suits you, you can contact technical support. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • Go to the website;
    • Fill out the form to contact the “Technical Support Service”;
    • Indicate the approximate date of mail registration, login, time of last use;
    • Wait for a response from the Support Service (usually it takes 3-5 days);
    • If the decision is positive, a new password will be issued to the mailbox.