How to clear a post from google cache. Why you need to clear the cache

According to statistics, at the time of this writing, Google Chrome is the most popular browser of all. Therefore, we will try to devote appropriate attention to it on the pages of our magazine.

Today's article is devoted to one of the most pressing issues - we will consider how to clear the cache in Chrome.

The cache is an instantaneous intermediate buffer that contains copies of the data that is stored in memory with less than quick access but with greatest opportunity you can request it from there.

Why do you need to regularly delete the cache?

As mentioned, the cache is the data that is stored in memory about all the work you have done in the Chrome browser. Such data includes the history of downloads and views, cookies, passwords and saved information of web forms.

Cached files take up a lot free space on the hard disk, as a result of which the computer may freeze, there is not enough memory to load some data, so from time to time it is necessary to clear any browsers, not only Chrome, from unnecessary information.

The procedure for clearing the cache in Chrome

In order to clear your Google Chrome browser from stale and unnecessary information, you must follow these simple steps:

First you need to open Google chrome... In the right upper corner there is a settings icon that you need to click on.

By clicking on it, you must select the line "Settings" from the dialog box that opens.

After you clicked on the "Settings" line, all the Chrome browser settings will appear.

Going down, we find the item - "Personal data", under which there is a button - "Clear history". Click on it. We have a dialog box in which, in addition to clearing the cache, there are other possibilities.

If you look closely then in the line - "Delete the following items", you can select the period of time required to clear the contents of the cache. It is best to choose the item - "For all time", but you can also choose to clear the cache for the past week or any other item. In our case, we choose for the entire period.

And then it is already necessary to press the button - "Clear history". I would also like to note that you can simultaneously clear along with the cache, for example, and cookies. To do this, just put a tick next to the corresponding line. Clearing Chrome Browser will take from 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the amount of information preserved for this entire period.

With the help of such simple steps, the cache data that was stored in the Chrome browser for the entire period of its use were cleared.

And in the end, advice to all users of the Chrome browser - it's better to do it yourself, for example, in a month, repeat the above steps. Because by deleting the cache files, you can free up a lot of space on your hard disk, which, you see, you may always need (well, don't forget).


Google Chrome is a very popular browser with which you can view sites of interest, and generally work on the Internet. This browser has many advantages, but its principle of operation was not developed from scratch, but was borrowed from pre-existing Internet browsers. It also has cache, cookie support, etc.

In some cases, these functionality are the source of problems, which will be discussed below.

Cache in the Google Chrome browser - how it works and possible problems

In the process of opening a site, page elements are automatically saved in the browser cache. If a video is also viewed through the browser and audio is listened to, then it is also cached, and subsequently it may remain "dead weight" in the cache.

And if nothing is done about it, then the cache can grow significantly, taking up a decent place on the hard disk or SSD storage... And this will directly affect the performance of the browser itself, because every time you open any page of the site, the browser will have to check the entire huge array of elements stored in the cache for the presence of those related to the viewed site.

As a result, the cache will not speed up page rendering, but slow it down. In this situation, it is worth clearing it. This procedure will not cause any deterioration in the operation of the browser, but it will return its former performance.

Cookies in the Google Chrome browser - a possible source of problems

Cookies in both Google Chrome and any other browser are responsible for "identification". Having entered this or that site, having entered the login data, you can subsequently avoid this procedure, and all because the data is saved in the cookies, thanks to which the site "recognizes" you and does not require you to re-authorize. Cookies are stored in an encrypted database in the browser. And if it gets damaged, incorrect data will be written into it, then authorization on a particular site may end in failure, although the entered username and password are correct.

Instructions for clearing cache and cookies in Google Chrome

It is worth saying that if you need to clear the entire cache, but at the same time you would not like to clear the database with cookies completely, but only for a separate site or several sites, then in the history clearing window you need to uncheck the box Cookies ...

After clearing only the cache, you should use the material.

This concludes the material, which tells in detail about cleaning the cache and cookies in the popular Google Chrome browser.

Google Chrome uses cache memory to store various temporary information. The browser saves here all images, site pages, video materials and audio tracks that users include while browsing the Internet. Thanks to this system, re-viewing the content will be much faster. In addition, thanks to the cache, the load on the Internet channel is reduced and system resources personal computer... This article describes how to view and clear Google Chrome's cache memory and how to increase the maximum cache size allowed.

The size of this file strictly limited. Therefore, the new data is saved instead of the oldest, deleting the previous one. This process happens continuously as you work with Google Chrome. However, if during such a replacement, any failure occurs on the computer or in Chrome itself, the information may be damaged. This will lead to the fact that the browser may start to work incorrectly - video and audio will slow down or not load at all, the pages will start to freeze.

To fix this problem, you just need to clean google cache... To clear it, you need to go to the browser settings:

Typically, cleaning takes only a few seconds. It will also be useful to clean the Chrome browser in this way every few weeks for more stable work the browser.

In the same way, you can clear your browsing history, saved passwords and data for autocomplete text fields, as well as clear the cookies of various sites.

View content

Before you start clearing data, you can find out what files are on this moment saved in the Chrome cache. The browser has a dedicated browsing interface. To do this, launch a browser and enter "chrome: // cache /" or "about: cache" in the address bar. Press Enter to go to the service page. Here you will see a list of all the information stored on your disk. Sorry to clean separate entries across this service impossible.

How to increase the cache size

Google Chrome does not have built-in tools for throttling cache size. However, users can increase it in another way - manually through the shortcut settings. To do this, you need to do the following:

To revert the parameters to their defaults, you just need to clean up the changes you made to the object properties.

The Internet is spreading so rapidly that there is probably not a single family left that could not take advantage of the opportunities that are provided. The global network... Some users spend days on the Internet, others visit the network once a week, just to check their correspondence. Some users only use the Internet for work, others for entertainment.

When working on the Internet, a user must have at least basic skills and knowledge. The ability to use the main tools for work - Internet browsers, is a fundamental factor, it determines the efficiency of working with a web resource, the convenience and speed of receiving and processing data.

Basically, individual user, absolutely no need to know the intricacies of data exchange, the principle of operation computer networks but perform routine actions, for example, enter a page address, delete browsing history, clear cache in chrome, make a bookmark, regular user must. In addition, he must understand why all these actions are performed, and what will happen as a result of his actions.

Today the information industry offers many browsers for surfing the web, but rightfully one of the fastest, popular browsers is considered the browser Chrome, which was created by the Internet giant Google.

What is browser cache and what is it for

Not every user knows that when they browse the web using Chrome browser However, as with the use of another browser, some of the information from any resource is automatically saved on the hard drive of the computer. This approach allows you to reduce the page load time without downloading static elements (pictures, videos), but loading them from hard disk user. This data is stored in special files which are called browser caches. From time to time, these files should be deleted, because when the cache becomes full, some elements may disappear from the pages being viewed, certain functions may not work. Therefore, the user should know how to clear the cache in Google Chrome. Naturally, these recommendations should be followed for any browser, the principle of clearing the cache in them differs only different names settings pages.

Each browser stores cache files in a specific folder, which is defined by the developers specific browser... It is quite difficult for a user to find this folder, as it is located deep in the directory tree and often the user does not have permission to change it. Therefore, browser manufacturers have provided certain order actions to clear the cache.

How to clear cache in chrome

In order to clear the cache in google chrome, on the top, on the toolbar, find the icon (icon), which depicts a wrench, click once on it with the left mouse button. Then, in the menu that appears, select the "Tools" item, a submenu will open, there click on the "Clear browsing data" item. You will have a form in which you need to tick the data that you want to clear. In our case, we tick the line "clear cache". To execute the cleaning command, click "Delete browsing data".

Your cache is now empty and ready to load data for the pages you viewed.

If you decide to clear the cache in Chrome, then in this article you will find recommendations and screenshots to help you remove temporary files from the cache of your web browser.

Internet browser cache is a place where copies of previously read and browsed Internet pages are saved on the computer. That is, all files that were played in open browser- pictures, music or videos - are saved in the cache of the web browser.

Cache - computer memory.

The operating system can access the cache much faster than the computer's random access memory.

A huge number of similar temporary files may not the best way have an impact on the productivity of the entire system. As a result, in order to avoid troubles with its work, it is extremely important to systematically clear the cache.

The process of clearing temporary files (cache) on a computer "obeys" the browser the user uses. Since the cache is located in different places for different Internet browsers. describes how to do the same operation in a moss. But how do you clear the cache in chrome?

The lightest, fastest and most affordable way Is the function of cleaning (deleting information about the viewed web pages) in the Chrome Internet browser:

Where is the Chrome cache stored?

Decided to delete temporary files, but not in the know, where is this cache of Chrome stored? Now is the time to open the secret about the location of the cache in the Internet browser.

Google Chrome is one of the few internet browsers that does not have settings for modifying (size) and locating the cache. And yet, where is the Chrome cache stored - you ask? By default, the cache is located in the user profile directory (for example, in the C: \ Documents and Settings \ Admin \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ Cache directory)... Its size is dynamic, that is, it changes. However, these parameters can still be set, but not in the settings of the web browser, but in the boot parameters of Chrome. To do this, you need to choose from context menu shortcut to launch the browser item "Properties", and in the "Object" field specify desired parameters to set the location of the cache and its size. For example, like this:
"... chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir = "D: \ Cache" --disk-cache-size = 1073741824,
where the parameter "disk-cache-dir" indicates the full "route" of access to the folder in which the cache will be located, and the parameter "disk-cache-size" indicates its size (in bytes).

How to increase cache in Chrome

How can you increase the cache size without a command to resize the cache? Learn the following tips for increasing the cache size in Chrome.

As mentioned above, in the web Google browser Chrome is missing an option to change the cache size. For this purpose, one should resort to using a special command - "disk-cache-dir".
You can increase the cache in Chrome in the following way:

  1. create new folder, which will house the increased cache of the Chrome web browser. In particular, C: \ Google Chrome \ Cache;
  2. from the context menu of the shortcut "Google Chrome" (click right click mouse - RMB) select the "Properties" submenu;
  3. in the "Object" field add the "disk-cache-dir" command with the new cache size (in bytes). So, for example:
    "C: \ Documents and Settings \<Ваше имя пользователя>\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe "—disk-cache-dir =" D: \ Google Chrome \ Cache "-disk-cache-size = 1000000000;
  4. click OK.

In order for the Chrome cache not to automatically delete all data from its memory, but to leave it on the hard disk of the user's computer, you need to write down the cache size in the Chrome settings - at least 512 MB, and also turn off various options with the property - "Clear cache when closing the browser window ".

We hope that now you can easily and easily clear the cache in Chrome.