Throws a system service exception error. Ways to Fix System Service Exception Error on Windows

There are many features that characterize absolutely any operating system from Microsoft. Of course, these include various variations of the legendary death screens. Such troubles arise with especially serious conflicts, which are quite possible even on the seemingly most modern operating systems, such as the seventh and tenth series. One of them, namely, containing the message "system service exception atikmdag sys", we will try to disassemble today.

So, we are faced with the task: how to fix the system service exception Windows 10?

Or as a special case of it - System service exception Windows 7 - how to fix it?

We are required to find an effective solution that can be applied by any user at home.

Analyzing possible causes

The search for the root causes is a very important step, since it allows you to exclude unnecessary actions from the treatment procedure and focus only on effective methods that allow you to exclude the blue screen of the system service exception in the future.

Therefore, initially we will come to an understanding of what the system service exception error means.

The best experts worked on solving this problem, so we were able to quickly identify the possible root causes of the system service exception Windows 10 error. There are not many of them, but you can still make a list:

  1. The user installed, installed the drivers, but did not re-install. That is, the installation of important files failed.
  2. Strange as it may seem, but the solution to the system service exception atikmdag sys problem can be found by trivial removal of viruses.
  3. The crooked-handed build of the owner's body could lead to the deletion of critical system files or damage to the registry.
  4. Damage to the hard drive or RAM, which has served faithfully to its owner for a long time.

This is actually what can lead to a system service exception error. Well, then everything is simple - there is a list, so you can start fixing the situation.

System service exception error treatment

We will solve the problem in the order described above.

How to determine if a Windows 10 system service exception is related to poorly delivered drivers? Easier than ever! It is enough not to run around the apartment shouting “everything is lost”, but to look carefully at the screen and try to find the name of one of the files in the information provided.

For example, a blue screen might contain data like this:

  • System service exception if40fs64 sys.
  • Or their analogue is the error system service exception netio sys.

If the user sees something like this, then the following steps should be taken:

  • Restart your favorite computer calmly.
  • Press the necessary buttons in time to enter safe boot mode.
  • Open the device manager and, necessarily in manual mode, update the driver.

For the most responsible users who do everything on a piece of paper, there is an alternative. If you see a "system service exception win32k sys" message, you can roll back the system or get it back to point by running the recovery tool.

The next item is viruses. I think that even an inexperienced teapot can figure this out. What do you need to download? Install and run? That's right - antivirus program, fresh and up-to-date!

  • We start the command line.
  • We drive "chkdsk c: / f" into it.
  • We enjoy the result.

Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, the most unpleasant thing is possible problems with the drive and the installed RAM. In the first case, one of the programs can come to the rescue, for example Victoria or its close analogue. In the second - no less specialized software. You can try MemoryTest.

If it was not possible to solve the arisen complication by software methods, then, as it is not regrettable to say, you will have to get the hidden money out of the linen closet and run for new products. On memory, you can try to save money if the computer uses several strips at the same time. To do this, you will have to sequentially disconnect them from the motherboard and test the operation of the PC. Observation of stable operation will immediately indicate the product that needs to be replaced.

By the way, you can also watch a very entertaining and instructive video on this topic:

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is not uncommon, but it still happens. One huge improvement is that the BSOD now displays useful information about a system crash. The SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION error occurs for several reasons: GUI errors, corrupted system files, and issues with outdated or corrupted drivers. Our main focus is on updating drivers and checking the Windows 10 file system for errors. In this article, let's take a look at how to fix the SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION error in Windows 10 with a stop code 0x0000003B... Follow the steps below in order until the error disappears.


1. Update Windows 10

The first thing to do is check that Windows 10 is fully up to date. Outdated system files can cause unexpected errors. Checking for an update is a quick and easy way to find out if this is the cause.

2. Updating system drivers

Windows Update updates system drivers. Usually, when checking for updates, Windows will automatically download the latest drivers for your devices.

  1. Click on Win + R and enter in the dialog box devmgmt.msc to get into " Device Manager".
  2. In the list, if there is a yellow exclamation mark, then you need to update this device driver by right-clicking on it and selecting "Update driver".

Note:Otherwise, you can search the Internet for a program to update all drivers at once. I think Driver Booster can handle this solution.


We will use two tools: CHKDSK to check and repair the hard drive, and SFC to restore system files. Do the steps below in order. The first thing you need to do is run command line as administrator and enter below commands in order.

  1. Enter the command chkdsk / r... This will launch the CHKDSK tool and check your hard drive for errors.
  2. Then enter DISM / ONLINE / CLEANUP-IMAGE / RESTOREHEALTH... Checks the integrity of the file system by comparing files with the microsoft database.
  3. Enter sfc / scannow... Checks and tries to restore system files.

Note: You can familiarize yourself with these tools in more detail on the site. Read how to repair your hard drive and check system files.

5. Install the official Windows patch from Microsoft

There is an official Windows fix for the SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION error. However, the fix relates to the stopping code 0x0000003B.

  1. Go to the Microsoft website and click on "Hotfix Download Available".

6. Reset Windows to its original state

If all else fails, you can use Windows 10's reset feature to update system files. Resetting Windows 10 replaces your system files with a completely new set of files and theoretically solves the problem related to your SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION error.

  1. Remember which programs you recently installed and uninstall them in order. Programs can give various failures with incompatibility. Especially when it comes to pirated software.
  2. You can analyze the Blue Screen of Death errors in Windows in order to more accurately and quickly understand what is happening and identify which driver or program is failing.

Today, you will learn how to fix the Windows 10 System Service Exception and learn about the causes of this new problem, which refers to the famous blue screens of death, the so-called BSoD.

Why does the error appear

Blue screen problems are often caused by conflicts between hardware and drivers, or drivers and software. It is very difficult to solve these problems, often by updating the driver of the conflicting device or replacing it with an older one that did not cause conflicts.

If reinstalling Windows 10 does not solve the problem, and replacing the driver version is impossible or unsuccessful, you should try a few classic recommendations that can eliminate the source of the error.

A huge list of events can cause a System Service Exception, the most widespread of which is a conflict in the operation of a driver with a hardware or software shell... To pinpoint the source of the problem, you need to send a memory dump to Microsoft support. The function is available with the installed update KB307973.

BsoD elimination methods

First of all, it is necessary to trace the pattern of the appearance of System Service Exception:

  • launching an application that heavily loads the video card;
  • overheating of one of the PC components;
  • updating the driver, Windows or any software;
  • connecting a new device.

What you should try before settling on the option of resetting Windows 10 to its original state or reinstalling it.

1. Check the system disk for bad sectors using the Check Disk program.

Open the "Properties" of the system volume, in the "Service" tab, click "Check", then again click "Check", selecting the error elimination mode. We agree to perform the scan after reboot. The "chkdsk c: / f / r" command does the same.

2. Check the integrity of the Windows 10 files by running the "sfc / scannow" command.

3. Check the cooling of the system components, for example, using the HW Monitor utility.

4. Test the RAM modules, for example, via MemTest86.

5. If there are several RAM strips, remove them one by one and work until BsoD appears, if this happens. Perhaps one of them is damaged or has contact problems (clean the dust, wipe the contacts with a regular eraser).

6. Pay attention to the overclocking of the processor / video card: if they operate at frequencies or at a voltage higher than the nominal, the cause of the problem may lie in this plane.

7. Reset BIOS settings programmatically, or with the computer turned off, remove the CMOS battery for a few seconds.

8. Create a new account and work from under it, probably the source of the conflict is something in the current user profile.

9. Try to rollback Windows 10 to a time when there was no System Service Exception error.

If BSoD occurs during the boot phase, start your PC in Safe Mode to follow the instructions above.

One of the features of all operating systems from Microsoft is the so-called screens of death. They usually arise when some equipment or software, when attempting to operate, causes a serious conflict situation. The most recent versions of operating systems from this manufacturer are also not immune from such a nuisance. For example, the appearance of the message "system service exception atikmdag sys" is very popular both on the seventh and tenth series of this OS.

The natural desire of absolutely any person is to search for answers to the question - how to fix the system service exception Windows 10? And of course, a similar situation for an older, but still very popular OS:

System service exception Windows 7 - how to fix it? It is quite logical that any method of treatment involves a preliminary search for the causes of the disease. It is from this stage that it is necessary to begin correcting the situation in which the system service exception blue screen occurs.

Root Cause Analysis

So what does the system service exception mean? Unfortunately, a very large number of different factors can manifest such a nuisance.

To find the fastest possible solution to the system service exception atikmdag sys problem, you should determine exactly which of the listed root causes is the one that leads to the trouble:

  • An unexpected failure occurred while installing the drivers, which disrupted this critical process.
  • The system service exception Windows 10 error can easily appear if one of the many viruses has been introduced to the computer through negligence.
  • The user could accidentally erase important system files.
  • The hard disk or one of the installed ramps began to malfunction.
  • Damage to the registry can also cause a system service exception error to appear in front of a person's eyes.

Now, constantly keeping the above list in mind, you can actually begin to correct the situation that has arisen.

Healing the system from the blue screen of death

It is quite simple to determine that the system service exception Windows 10 system occurs precisely because of a poor-quality installation by the driver. The user is required not to panic ahead of time, but to carefully study the information that can be read at that moment on the screen.

For example, if the provided data contains the name of a file:

  • System service exception if40fs64 sys ..
  • Or system service exception netio sys.

If a person knows what kind of hardware the specified file belongs to, then you can try to restart the computer in safe mode, go to the device manager, remove the problematic driver and try to install it again, but correctly.

Unfortunately, a person does not always have such an opportunity. Fortunately, there is always an alternative solution if there is a system service exception win32k sys message or its equivalent:

  1. Try to roll back the system to a state where everything was fine.
  2. Run the built-in recovery tools for the operating system, which can also help, of course, if the user has fixed points up to this point.

If the cause of the trouble is something else, then it is recommended to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Launch a fresh version of the antivirus program and thoroughly scan the system for malware.
  2. If the system service exception stop code occurs after any user action with the system files, then it is necessary to start the analysis and search for damaged elements. For this purpose, the command line is launched, where you should enter "chkdsk c: / f"

Completes the treatment procedure by checking the effective performance of the installed RAM and hard drive. In the first case, it is recommended to use MemTest. In the second - MHDD or Victoria.

You can also diagnose a possible memory failure in manual mode. To do this, you need to turn off the PC, open its case and gain access to the brackets installed in the motherboard. If the computer uses several memory elements, then you should take them out of the slots one by one, then turn on the computer and check if the above error appears or not? If it is precisely established that the cause is precisely memory, then, unfortunately, it will have to be replaced. Of course, these are unforeseen financial expenditures, but without this it will be impossible to find the optimal solution to the task.

Summarize. For a positive solution to the issue that has arisen, it is necessary to do:

  1. Analyze the data in the message itself and solve problems with the working files of the equipment, if the problem lies in them.
  2. Free the PC from the possible presence of viruses.
  3. Restore the correct registry data.
  4. Run hardware diagnostics.

Strict adherence to this instruction will ensure that it takes a minimum of time and effort to achieve the desired result for a person. With a successful combination of circumstances, you don't even need help from computer specialists, who can ask for a rather substantial reward for their services.

The limitation of the functionality of the operating system is often the result of a system service exception error. It occurs due to a failure in the interaction of the software and hardware of the computer.

Reasons why the system service exception error occurs in Windows 10

All structural components of the PC must function in harmonious symbiosis. Failures in the working cycle will inevitably lead to errors. The reason for the limitation of the functionality of the operating system as a result of the system service exception can be many factors:

  • Violation of communication processing in the registry.
  • Erroneous deletion of certain system files.
  • Operating system crashes responsible for the operation of the north bridge. It facilitates the interaction of hardware components, especially RAM, central microprocessor and hard disk.
  • Use of pirated software, integration of malicious programs into the system.
  • Failure of drivers or their absence, incorrect installation.

We will tell you what you can do if the “blue screen of death” starts to appear on the monitor regularly and how to fix the system service exception in Windows 10.

By restoring the registry entry

The operating system provides an automatic registry backup function. The system service exception error caused by registry violations can be resolved in the following way:

To avoid repeated registry failures, you must make a copy of it yourself with optimal system functionality. These manipulations are quite simple to perform:

If a system service exception error occurs as a result of a registry violation, you just need to copy the data using the above method. It would be advisable to activate the function of automatic creation of restore points.

Cleaning the system from viruses

System restore to checkpoint

If the system service exception netio sys error appears in Windows 7, and you do not know how to fix it, you need to restore the system to the checkpoint.

We go to the control panel.

We select "Recovery".

We pass to the item "Start System Restore".

After that, the "System Restore Wizard" is launched. There are 2 ways of further action here. The first option - the system offers to choose a restore point that was created in automatic mode. Second - you need to click "Choose another restore point". In the second option, you can select a restored point, created independently or from a list of automatically created points.

Next, you need to confirm the action by clicking "Finish". After that, the recovery process will start and the device will automatically reboot. The system service exception problem should be resolved.

Disk cleanup

A system service exception can crash due to numerous unnecessary files on the hard drive. The system is able to independently cope with deleted and temporary files that clutter up disk space and prevent the normal operation of the OS. To start cleaning you need:

Updating Drivers

If a system service exception stop code appears, the cause may be outdated programs. It is most convenient to update drivers when a system service exception error occurs by using the special Drive Booster program:

Checking system files

If the screen shows a system service exception error code in Windows 10, you need to take the following steps:

Installing updates

Checking the hard drive for errors

Checking RAM for errors

To analyze RAM for a system service exception, you can use the tools of the Memtest86 + program.
Run the exe file from the archive and create a bootable USB flash drive. To do this, first select the desired drive, then click "Write".

Confirm the action.

Next, you will see the process of creating a flash drive with the program.

Now you need to restart your computer, go into BIOS and set up a boot device - a USB flash drive.

After rebooting, the program will start its work. After checking and identifying any problems, you need to replace the RAM. If the device is equipped with several strips, you need to remove them one by one to determine the inoperative component part.