Where to steal a phone. Is it worth advertising on the Internet? Protection with avast! Anti-Theft for Android

The first thing you need to do if your phone is stolen and the loss is discovered immediately (on a bus, train or other public places), is to call your own number, perhaps an attacker is nearby and you can figure it out by a familiar melody. In other cases, search for the device yourself a waste time. You can write SMS from another phone, asking for the return of the lost item. But this technique practically does not work, since the thief did not steal the phone to return it.

Where to go if your phone is stolen

Let's take a closer look at what to do if your phone is stolen and where to go. The first thing you should do when there is a significant amount on your SIM card account, or the owner of the phone is a contract user, is call your telecom operator and ask them to block the number.

The next step is to contact local law enforcement agencies where the theft took place. This could be a local police department, a traffic police post, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or a local police officer. The victim writes a written statement to free form. It states:

  • Full name;
  • circumstances of the theft;
  • address;
  • contact phone number;
  • At the end there is a signature and date.

Telephone documents confirming the fact that the applicant is the legal owner of the mobile phone are attached to the application. It is advisable to indicate Device IMEI(individual fifteen-digit number from the manufacturer). The application can be taken in person to the internal affairs department or sent by registered mail. After this, all that remains is to wait for an official response from the local police department.

Important nuance– after submitting the application, you should ask the duty officer incoming number, under which the application is registered in the registration journal. Using this number you can track the fate of the application and find out the name of the investigator who will lead the case. Otherwise, the statement may “simply disappear,” which is not uncommon in our reality.

Law enforcement actions

A few days after submitting the application, the phone owner receives an official response from the local police department. It specifies actions law enforcement agencies upon the fact of the application, as well as what the applicant has to do in the future. If a criminal case is initiated, the applicant is recognized as a victim and is invited to the internal affairs department to find out details that will help in finding the attacker.

At the request of the police, the victim writes a statement telephone operator, whose services I used, with a request to provide call prints of the stolen mobile phone. It indicates the mobile number and IMEI. The latter can be found in the phone documents, on the box, under the battery. All of these operations are free of charge; the telecom operator only requires a resolution to open a trust account. If law enforcement agencies refuse to initiate a criminal case, the victim has the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, or file statement of claim to court.

Phone stolen at school

If a child’s phone is stolen at school, then parents need to contact the school management. In most cases, such incidents are resolved without law enforcement representatives. But when we're talking about about an expensive smartphone and it is not possible to return it, the administration, at the request of the parents of the injured party, turns to the police.

According to the procedural code, interviewing children without parental permission is not excluded, but a teacher, preferably a school psychologist, must be present. However, you cannot search personal belongings; you can only ask them to do it themselves. But each student has the right to refuse. Searching a child's belongings is illegal and against the wishes of the parents.

Important to know. If the victim contacts the police, the perpetrators will have to bear responsibility, even if they voluntarily return the stolen property, since a criminal case for theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is initiated based on the fact, and not just on the statement of the victims. Voluntary return of stolen property and repentance can only be considered a mitigating circumstance when making a decision by the court. If the thief is under 14 years of age, then no criminal case is initiated, but the child is registered with the juvenile affairs department.

Theft of iPhone and modern smartphones

Owners expensive smartphones If their phone is stolen, they must immediately contact law enforcement officials to report the loss. Finding these devices is much easier, and this is thanks to the device location function and the ability to remote control device through a special website or program (for example, phone blocking). Special applications also provide this functionality.

All of the above options can be used if the mobile phone is authorized in the OS manufacturer's account and the attacker keeps it turned on. But, unfortunately, criminals have long known about all these features and perform flashing or changing the IMEI code.

Video shows what to do if your phone is stolen


As a rule, the active period for searching for a phone is the first month after filing a complaint with the police. Therefore, it is worth periodically asking the police how things are going in terms of finding a stolen phone. It won't be amiss independent searches in places where used mobile devices are sold, suddenly you will be able to find the device on the shelves and return it with the help of the police.

If the phone is not found within a month, it is worth leaving your phone data on special websites and forums where owners of stolen phones leave device data and their contacts. Upon discovery of a stolen item new owner must provide documents. If they are not there, then the phone is confiscated and given to the real owner.

Losing a mobile phone is always unpleasant, and only thanks to the fast and correct actions You can return the device back.

Has your mobile phone been stolen? Not the best news. Both at home and abroad, you should try to return the device as soon as possible. Modern phones and smartphones are found by built-in or preinstalled program, which allows you to track the device. Such applications have different levels of practicality. In some cases, it is necessary that your device is turned on and connected to the Internet. You can also find a phone the old fashioned way - just call or text and arrange a return.


How to return a missing phone

    Call the phone. If you are lost regular phone(not a smartphone) from which you cannot connect to the Internet, you will not be able to track the device online. A different approach needs to be taken. Start calling your number. If you are lucky, the thief may answer your call. If the phone simply fell out of your pocket (in a taxi or on the subway), the person who found it can arrange a meeting with you to return it.

    • If the call is answered, say, “Hello, my name is [your name]. You have my mobile phone. He is very important to me. I would like to return the device. Can we meet?”
  1. Write a message. Even if the call is not answered, try writing a message. Perhaps the thief will change his mind and decide to return the phone to the owner. Send short message: Provide a number where you can be reached and ask for the device to be returned. If you deem it appropriate, you can offer a reward.

    • To do this, you will need another mobile phone. Reach out to a friend. If you are far from friends and family, then try asking a stranger with a polite request.
  2. Be careful if you arrange to meet. If the person (who stole or accidentally found the phone) agrees to meet you and return the device, then take precautions. Arrange to meet in a crowded place like a central square or a busy bus stop during daylight hours. Try not to go to the meeting alone. Go to such a meeting with a friend (for company and for safety reasons). Ask a friend to take a cell phone with you so you can call the police if necessary.

    • Take every possible precaution, even if the person's tone seems friendly enough, when you communicate over the phone or via text.

    How to notify authorities and your telecom operator

    1. Contact authorities. If you contact the police about your lost phone, they will be able to provide you with limited assistance in locating your device. Call the police on a non-emergency number. The branch employee will ask you for the serial number of the device. On a smartphone as serial number may be Android ID, which is indicated under the battery (if it is removable). Android ID is a series of numbers preceded by the “IMEI” identifier ( international identifier mobile equipment).

      • When contacting the police, say something like: “Hello, I believe my phone was stolen. I noticed it was missing about 10 minutes ago near the library.”
    2. Notify the operator. If a call to your phone remains unanswered, call the operator mobile communications and report your phone theft. The company may be able to locate your device using GPS navigation.

      • If a GPS search is not possible or is unsuccessful, ask your operator to suspend service for your phone. This way, a thief won't be able to use your number and you won't have to pay potentially large bills for calls.
    3. Try looking for a phone number. Try to remember where you noticed the phone was missing and return to that place. Perhaps the thief suddenly changed his mind and dumped your device near the site of the theft.

      • Reverse your route and continue calling your number.

    How to track a stolen phone

    1. Enable apps to track your smartphone's location. On the iPhone, this program is called “Find My iPhone,” and on Android devices- “Find device”. The program will track the location of the phone and transmit the relevant information to cloud storage. First of all, you need to set up this function when you purchase the phone (you won’t be able to activate the search after it’s lost).

    2. Turn on Lost Mode. This mode can be enabled remotely: log in to your account iCloud recording or Google and activate this function. If you enable Lost Mode, the owner of your device will not be able to log into account and access smartphone data and applications.

      • If you managed to return the phone, then enter the special password code on home screen smartphone to turn off lost mode.
      • Even if iPhone device or Android is offline (no network connection), it can still be locked remotely. To do this, you will need to log into your account on the site. All changes will take effect when next connection devices to the Internet.

The funds saved are generally pleasant. A reliable template will be a lifesaver in resolving incompetence when coming up with a formal claim letter. This will open up the opportunity to save money on hiring a lawyer. Before copying the form, you should carefully look at the references to the regulations contained in it. At the time of application, they could probably lose their relevance.

In this article you will learn how to protect yourself from theft of your mobile phone and what to do if the device is stolen.

Everyone knows that today the theft of mobile phones has become very widespread. Moreover, these thefts are committed not only by professional thieves, but also by newcomers to this business. No one is immune from this.

So what to do if your mobile phone is stolen?

There are two options, essentially. The first is to be upset, but try to forget about the theft as an unpleasant everyday event, and after that acquire new phone and watch him closely, in a word, behave more carefully. And the second way is to try to return lost property. Naturally, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the phone will be returned, and you need to spend certain time and effort. But, if you want justice to prevail, it’s worth a try. Of course, you can do this only if you still have the documents on your phone, a box with unique number phone IMEI, and preferably a check. Using the IMEI code, you can track the phone, and naturally, you will have proof that the phone belongs to you.

So, if your mobile phone is stolen:

First of all, you need to call your mobile operator and ask them to block the stolen number. After this, go to the police department at the scene of the incident and write a statement addressed to the chief. The application must indicate all the details of the theft - what time it happened, where, under what circumstances, and, of course, the IMEI and number of the stolen SIM card.

You need to act very quickly, because stolen phone They usually sell in a few days, and in some cases in a couple of hours. Moreover, if you react quickly, you will have a chance to find even the person who stole your phone. Thieves also like to actively spend money in the account after stealing the phone, and then throw away the SIM card. You can also try calling your phone number and offering a reward for a stolen mobile phone, but it is unlikely that criminals will do such an act.

The information provided by the victim is sent to a special department that deals with cases of this kind. Of course, operator services are also involved. The operator finds out where and how often your cell phone. Thanks to the possibilities base stations, the location of your mobile phone is calculated. Next, law enforcement agencies analyze the information received and seize the device, if they are lucky.

In some cases, after stealing a phone, thieves reflash it and then change unique code IMEI, of course, after this it is almost impossible to find the loss. But after this, few people will buy a stolen phone, since potential buyer can check the sticker on the phone, with the original code, with the code in the phone’s memory itself. But criminals can steal your phone for other purposes, so it’s advisable to act quickly as soon as you notice it’s missing.

And finally, some useful tips:

When buying a phone, try to keep the documents, receipt and box from the phone. It is important that the package contains the IMEI code. Check the correspondence of the above code in the phone’s memory, on the sticker on the phone itself (located under the battery) and on the box from the purchased device. If you find a phone on the street, it is advisable to return it, as you may have problems, especially since you can receive a reward for the phone. It is also advisable not to store important information only on your phone, make a copy on your computer. Try not to store confidential information on the phone. And of course, be careful in all crowded places - queues, transport, events where people gather large number people.

What to do if your mobile phone is stolen?

Phone theft is an unexpected situation, so it is not always possible to respond quickly. The action plan from the SNDeepInfo service gives you step by step instructions to find a stolen phone.

1. Find the documents that the seller gave you when you purchased the phone - cash receipt and a warranty card. Without these documents, it will be difficult to prove that the stolen phone is your property.

2. Report to law enforcement that your phone was stolen. It is better to go directly to the police station and write a report about the theft of your phone. Keep copies of all documents issued to you.

3. Notify your operator mobile services that your phone was stolen. Provide copies of phone documents and statements to the police. Check with your operator to see if the stolen phone is within the network coverage area. If the phone is not available, ask to be notified when the phone is connected.

4. After this, try to get a subpoena as soon as possible, without it mobile operator does not have the right to officially give you information about the exact location of the phone. As soon as you have a subpoena from the court, the operator is obliged to provide you with information about the exact location of the phone.

5. If for some reason the above information did not help find the stolen phone, add IMEI number your phone to the stolen database LoSToleN phones. Such databases are often used by mobile phone buyers to check whether they are stolen.

Now you know what to do if your phone is stolen. We hope this instruction will help in stressful situation, respond adequately and accept necessary measures to find a stolen phone.

What to do if your phone is stolen

Got your phone stolen? Don't panic!

Law enforcement officials have been sounding the alarm for a long time: the theft of mobile phones is reaching epidemic proportions. On the shadow market they can be sold to anyone. Sales are carried out at almost any metro station, train station, or bazaar. In addition, any pawnshop accepts mobile phones as collateral, along with jewelry. All this makes phones a tasty prey for any pickpocket.

It is not always the case that robbers commit an attack in order to take a gadget from the victim: most often the theft is carried out quietly, completely unnoticed by either the owner or others. Typical example– pickpockets operating during rush hour. It costs them nothing to carefully fish out a poorly hidden mobile phone from someone’s pocket, a poorly closed bag or a backpack hanging behind their back.

Having discovered the loss, first of all, you must make sure that the phone was stolen - perhaps you lost it yourself or left it somewhere? Having clarified the situation, you can move on to decisive action.

Step by Step Actions

To get started, call your mobile operator and ask to block the SIM card. It is also recommended to request account details: this way you will find out whether the call was made from your phone, and if so, to which number. This is extremely valuable information for catching a criminal. Then contact the police and file a theft report. Only police officers have full authority to request information about the location of stolen items.

Please note: as a last resort, you can even contact the fire department, traffic police post or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Your application must be considered everywhere. Be sure to take the phone box with you, as it contains the international mobile equipment identifier - also known as IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This is a fifteen-digit number that can be used to determine the location of the phone.

If you have seen a pickpocket in person or at least suspect someone, give evidence. Describe the criminal's appearance in detail, paying attention to details: tattoos, piercings, accessories, unusual features, scars, etc.

If your SIM card is used, it will only take the police a few hours to find the pickpocket. Just call required numbers, make requests for all incoming and outgoing calls - and it’s done. If the thief threw away the SIM card and went to sell the phone, then the search process will be more labor-intensive. However, resellers need to check the functionality of mobile phones, so sooner or later your gadget will still “light up” in the GSM space.

What to do if your phone is stolen?

What to do if your phone is stolen? In such a situation, each of us may have two completely different strategies of behavior. The first is to try to forget about the unpleasant fact, be sad, buy yourself a new device, and continue to be very attentive and careful. The second is to make every effort to return the stolen phone. This will require effort and time, but there is no guarantee that your phone will be returned. Still, it’s worth trying to look for your phone. But for this you need to have a box with the IMEI code, as well as a receipt and other documents - without all this it will be impossible to track the phone.

Where to call and contact if your phone is stolen?

First, you need to call the operator cellular communication and ask that your number be blocked, this will not allow an attacker to use your funds and SIM card.

Next, file a report with the police. The application must be submitted at the scene of the incident, and it is better to do this as quickly as possible. The sooner you submit it, the more likely it is that your phone will be found. Your application must be accepted and registered at any police station. You are also required to provide your case number and the name of the investigator who will handle it in the future. After filing an application, you should be more persistent and be as interested as possible in what stage the case is at, in which case the likelihood that your phone will be found increases.

In the application form itself, you need to indicate everything in as much detail as possible - when, where, and under what circumstances the theft was committed, SIM card number and IMEI code. If you have a receipt for your phone, then attach it to your case.

Also, it is necessary to describe the attacker in detail. Distinguishing characteristics such as height, hair and eye color. Special signs are scars, tattoos, earrings, etc. Sometimes such signs help to quickly find the criminal.

Statistics show that the chance of finding a phone is very low. All this is because after a certain period of time, the search for your phone simply stops. You must understand that the next month is real time active search your phone.

When purchasing a phone, always make sure that the IMEI code is written on the box, and always save the packaging and documents for future use. To avoid unpleasant situations, you should not buy used phones, even if their prices are more than attractive. There is a possibility of acquiring stolen goods, and the consequence of this is return to the rightful owner, and communication with law enforcement agencies. Of course, no compensation is due for the seized phone.

Law enforcement officials have long been sounding the alarm: theft is reaching epidemic proportions. On the shadow market they can be sold to anyone. Sales are carried out at almost any metro station, train station, or bazaar. In addition, any pawnshop accepts mobile phones as collateral, along with jewelry. All this makes phones a tasty prey for any pickpocket.

It is not always the case that robbers commit an attack in order to take a gadget from the victim: most often the theft is carried out quietly, completely unnoticed by either the owner or others. Typical – pickpockets operating during rush hour. It costs them nothing to carefully fish out a poorly hidden mobile phone from someone’s pocket, a poorly closed bag or a backpack hanging behind their back.

Having discovered the loss, first of all, you must make sure that the phone was stolen - perhaps you lost it yourself or left it somewhere? Having clarified the situation, you can move on to decisive action.

Step by Step Actions

First, call your mobile operator and ask to block your SIM card. It is also recommended to request account details: this way you will find out whether the call was made from your phone, and if so, to which number. This is extremely valuable information for catching a criminal. Then contact the police and file a report. Only police officers have full authority to request information about the location of stolen items.

Please note: as a last resort, you can even contact the fire department, traffic police post or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Your application must be considered everywhere. Be sure to take the phone box with you, as it contains the international mobile equipment identifier - also known as IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This is a fifteen-digit number that can be used to determine the location of the phone.

If you have seen a pickpocket in person or at least suspect someone, give evidence. Describe the criminal's appearance in detail, paying attention to details: tattoos, piercings, accessories, unusual features, scars, etc.

If your SIM card is used, it will only take the police a few hours to find the pickpocket. It’s enough to call the necessary numbers, make requests for all incoming and outgoing calls - and you’re done. If the thief threw away the SIM card and went to sell the phone, then the search process will be more labor-intensive. However, resellers need to check the functionality of mobile phones, so sooner or later your gadget will still “light up” in the GSM space.

Losing your phone is as unpleasant as it is unexpected. They can steal anywhere: in a cramped minibus, on a train, on the street, in a store or even in a hospital. What to do if your mobile phone is stolen? Should I become depressed or be active, go to the police or go home, buy myself a new phone or try to return the old one? In this issue of “Technical Support” we will briefly talk about what is recommended to do if your mobile device stolen.

This step-by-step list of tips is designed to help you increase your chances of recovering your property. The list is not exhaustive, but this is the minimum that is recommended for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

Tip one: think about an action plan

At the moment when harsh reality slips an empty pocket instead of a phone lying in its place, each of us develops completely different strategies of behavior. Some become sad in the future, tell their relatives and friends about the incident, buy a new phone and promise themselves to be more careful in the future. Perhaps it’s time for such people to finish reading the article at the first tip. Others make efforts to return what was stolen. This requires a lot of time and effort, there are absolutely no guarantees. But, according to at least, it is usually possible to block an attacker’s access to a SIM card or even a phone.

If you decide to enter into a duel with your clever opponent (after all, it is so interesting), pull yourself together and start acting right now, so as not to give the offender an advantage in time. The faster you react, the higher the chances of a successful result.

Tip two: look around

If you are in a crowded place, when you discover theft, look suspiciously at your neighbors (for example, in a minibus or store): suddenly, someone will give themselves away with an involuntary movement. Then try to call your number by asking a friend, fellow traveler or passer-by to pick up the phone. If the thief did not manage to escape, you will hear a familiar melody. If you have a vibration alert instead of a call, you will have to strain your hearing a little more. There is a chance that you will hear the phone beeping in your own bag and calm down.

Tip three: quickly report to the police

If you are robbed in a dark alley, at a train station, beach or other similar place, immediately contact the nearest police station so that the patrol officers on duty will try to comb the area in hot pursuit. It is far from a fact that law enforcement officers will eagerly rush to help you, but there are cases when the police know “shady characters” in the area with whom they need to talk.

True, when my bag was stolen along with my phone and other belongings on the city beach in Anapa, the police in the nearest booth sadly cited statistics: they steal, they say, every day, but are rarely found. And ended the audience exclusively useful advice: Inspect the nearest trash cans, maybe at least throw unnecessary things there.

Tip four: block your SIM card, but not right away

You shouldn't block your SIM card right away. If the thief inadvertently makes calls from your phone in the first minutes of the theft, this will make it easier for the police to find him in the future. Contact your operator with a request to disable the SIM card service a little later, an hour or two after the theft. Perhaps only contract subscribers or those who have a large amount of money in their account should react immediately.

Tip five: written statement

Make a written statement to the police as soon as possible. This is necessary, if only because the cellular operator will reveal the position of the mobile phone only at the request of the police.

It is important that the application should be submitted not at the place of residence, but at the place of theft. The application form is free, but important details must be taken into account. In order for a criminal case to be initiated, it must be indicated that the phone was stolen, and not just “lost.” Provide your full name, contact information, details of the place and time of the theft, and information about your phone. Theoretically, any police officer is required to accept the application.

Tip six: know your IMEI

In the application, among other characteristics of the phone, be sure to indicate the IMEI (“have”) of the stolen device. The only catch with this advice is that few users know about the existence of IMEI. Even fewer subscribers know the IMEI of their own phone.

IMEI is your phone's fingerprint, a unique 15-digit number that contains information about your device. Using the code, you can track the movement of the device in GSM spaces and calculate its location. Telecom operators, knowing the IMEI code, can block a stolen phone at the level of their network.

IMEI is usually indicated in four places: “inside” the phone, outside under the battery, on the phone packaging and in the warranty card. If you do not yet know the IMEI code of your phone, dial *#06# on the screen and enter the resulting numbers in your notebook.

In many European countries, the method of finding a phone by IMEI code is used as the main one. In Russia, with this method of “calculating” the thief, the situation is somewhat more complicated. By law, the operator can provide information about movements using the IMEI code only after a request from the police, which greatly delays the matter. In addition, particularly resourceful attackers can replace the old IMEI of a device with a new one, after which it will become almost impossible to find the phone.

Tip seven: write down the application number

After submitting the application, find out the number under which it is registered in a special journal. Otherwise, just like your phone, it will disappear without a trace. By the application number, you can find out the name of the investigator who took on such a “futile case” and track the fate of the document.

Tip eight: don't get complacent

Be persistent and constantly take an interest in the fate of the investigation and your phone. It is advisable to establish connections with the police - then the chances of a successful outcome will increase several times more. At your leisure, take a walk around places you know where they sell bought or stolen goods. Suddenly, among the lost gadgets, you will see the one and only one.

Tip nine: if you do find...

After the phone has been found, call your operator and share the extremely good news: you are in touch again. You can also thank the police for the successful search operation.

Tip ten: know that you are doing great

If you couldn't find your mobile phone, congratulate yourself on the fact that you fought to the last and did everything you could. There are projects on the Internet where people whose phones have been stolen come together. In such communities, you can “bury” your device with honor by indicating on the website the brand, city, date of loss and adding a comment wishing health to the thief.

When your phone will be stolen, or whether it will be stolen at all, is even more difficult to predict than when your mobile battery will run out. If such trouble does happen - your phone ends up in the mysterious “Bermuda Triangle” - remember that no one but you is interested in its return. You can be sad and buy yourself a new phone, or you can go in search of a lost gadget and, with a successful combination of circumstances, achieve success. A month after the theft is the period when returning the phone remains a real possibility.