What the root folder of the game looks like. What is a directory and folder on a computer

Novice computer players often face the problem of not knowing some technical terms commonly used by developers computer games, professional gamers, programmers and other people who are not by hearsay familiar with information technology.

Why is knowing certain terms so important?

By setting new game to your computer and passing it along and across, an inexperienced gamer begins to get bored and abandons the game. A few days later, he suddenly learns from his friend that for this very toy there are various free modifications that are freely available on the Internet and are waiting to be downloaded.

A delighted gamer runs home, concealing a desire to add something new to his favorite virtual world and dive into it again. He opens a browser, finds these modifications on the network, downloads the archives with them, reads the installation instructions, which says: "Copy files from the archive to the game directory." Copying files from the archive is understandable. What is a game directory? And where is she?

Agree, knowledge of such technical terms can often make life easier for a person. V modern society which is based on information technology, such terms are an important part of the modern spoken language.

This article should help all novice players, both those who want to install modifications for their favorite computer entertainment, and all those who do not know the concept of a directory at all. To do this, it will cover as clearly as possible such issues as:

2. How to find it?

3. Where is the game directory?

If you've ever asked one of these questions, or are asking them now, then this article is definitely for you. So let's go.

What is this directory?

To understand what a game directory is, you don't need to be In simple words this concept can be explained as follows: a directory is a folder on a computer where files are stored installed application... The directory is usually specified full address application root folder, for example: "C: \ Games \ Application name".

The first letter in the address indicates the name of the section hard disk on your computer, after the first "\" is the name of the folder located in this section of the hard disk (in in this case C: \) and so on. Roughly speaking, a directory is a folder where you once installed the game.

During the installation of any application, the installer asks you to select the desired directory, by default it is usually of this type: C: \ Program Files\ The name of the developer \ The name of the game (program). Most likely, the files of your modification will have to be copied to the folder with this address.

Where to find it?

In fact, the answer to the first question about games is the answer to the second question discussed in this article. But just in case, it's worth repeating so that anyone inexperienced user not the slightest ambiguity remained.

So, since it so happened that the game directory is nothing more than the folder into which the gamer installed the game, then it can only be located on a hard disk or any other storage

How can you find it?

Having figured out what a game directory is, you can start searching for it. This is completely easy to do. If you know the address where your game was installed, then you can simply register it in any window operating system Windows.

You can also navigate through it manually. If you do not know the address, then you can use the Windows search system, writing there the name of the application you need.

However, from Microsoft there is a function of opening the directory of any application in a couple of clicks. Just click right click mouse on the shortcut of the game, the directory of which you want to open, and select the "Object location" function. You will instantly be taken to the folder with your installed game.

Now you are the game and what it is. In fact, it is not so difficult, and the information presented in the article will help even the most inexperienced user to figure it out.


Determine what is meant by the root folder in your specific context. V general case the root directory can be considered the one that contains all other subdirectories, i.e. located on the very upper level folder hierarchy. For example, the root directory of the C drive in Windows OS will be considered "C:". But if it comes, for example, about the game installed in folder with the name WoW, which is located inside the games folder on your C drive, then the root folder of the game will be the directory with the address C: gamesWoW. Similarly, the addresses of the root folders will differ, depending on whether we are talking about the web root directory, or your account on it, or one of your sites on this one.

Start Windows Explorer if you need to open the root folder located on your computer's disks, external media or resources connected to it local network... This can be done by pressing the WIN + E keyboard shortcut or by double-clicking the My Computer icon on the desktop. Open the desired root folder you can by sequentially expanding the directory tree in the left pane of the explorer. If we are talking about any of the disks, then by clicking the corresponding icon in the left panel, you have already completed the task of opening its root directory. And if you know the address of the desired folder, then instead of moving through the directory hierarchy, you can print it (or copy and paste) directly into address bar explorer and press Enter.

Run FTP-client or file-manager-provider, if you need to open the root folder your account on the server. In the FTP client, you need to connect to the FTP server using the address, login and password provided by the hoster. And if you used the file manager, then you have already logged in and connected to the FTP server through the web of this program. To go to the root folder of your account, consistently go up one level as long as possible. The server settings will not allow you to rise above the root directory of the account, so the last of the folders available to you will be the root. If you use any of the public systems site management (for example, UCOZ), then opening file manager you immediately find yourself in the topmost folder in the hierarchy of folders available on your site. This is him root directory.

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The root folder (the root partition of the disk, the root logical partition disk, root directory), it is customary to name a sequential directory of the logical characteristics of all files and folders stored in a selected group.

The creation of the root folder is done in automatic mode in the process of formatting a volume partition. The physical placement of the root partition takes place a backup copy FAT. Any object of the root of a logical partition is characterized by several 32- or 64-byte sequences, which include: - path to the "beginning" of the selected file object (address of the first cluster); - object name; - object attributes (system, hidden, archive); - object creation date; - object creation time; - etc. Disk structure displayed Windows Explorer, almost completely taken from the root folder. Of greatest interest to the user are the following objects of the root section: - boot.ini - boot file of the system. Is hidden. It is necessary for the installation of the operating system and cannot be changed unless absolutely necessary; - pagefile.sys - if it is impossible to save certain parts of programs and information files in random access memory computer, this hidden file is intended to accommodate the necessary data; - hiberfil.sys - allows you to use the hibernation function, saving all computer memory data on the hard disk at shutdown and restoring the saved information when you resume work; - recycler - hidden folder, designed to save deleted data; - System Volume Information - hidden folder used to save system cache and copies system registry... The information in this folder is required to perform the system recovery procedure. Information from restore points is contained in under folder x _restore (GUID) RPxSnapshot; - Documents and Settings - folder is designed to save user profile data.


A conditional map of the location of files on any medium can be represented as a hierarchical structure - there is one most important folder, inside which files and smaller folders are placed, and inside each subfolder there can be its own set of folders and files. The biggest folder, which contains all the others, is usually called "root". However, each medium may have a large number of directories, which in a certain context can be called root.


Determine which structure you are talking about in relation to a specific root folder. For example, for the operating system installed on your operating system, the directory may be a folder with the address C: Windows - this is where the software components OS and it is the main one in the system folder hierarchy. While for Skype programs the root will be the folder where this program is installed - C: Program Files Skype. Similarly, it may differ depending on the context and the root directories on the web where your site is hosted. If we are talking about the root folder of your account, this is one folder, and the root folder any of your sites on this account should be searched at a lower level of the hierarchy.

Run the standard file manager of your operating system, if you need to open the root folder located on any of hard drives computer, external media or available resources on the local network. In Windows OS, such a file manager is "Explorer" - it double click by the shortcut "My Computer" on the desktop or by pressing the keyboard shortcut WIN + E.

Expand the folder tree in the left pane of Explorer to go to the root directory you need. If you are looking for the root folder any disk, it will be enough to click its icon. If the required root directory is located deep enough in the directory structure, then you can type (or copy and paste) the path to it in the address bar of "Explorer" and press the Enter key. You can find out the full path to the root folder, for example, in the properties of the program shortcut placed on the desktop.

Go to the file manager of your hosting provider or open the FTP client program and connect to the hosting, if the required folder is not located on a web server. To open the root folder your account, just navigate up one level in the folder hierarchy as long as possible. The server security system is configured in such a way that it will not let you go above the root directory of your account.

The root directory (or folder) is called main folder which contains other directories and files. These subdirectories can also contain folders and files, but they are no longer root. It is also worth noting that one PC can contain several root folders.


To open the root directory you need, first decide what you specifically need. For example, if we are talking about the Windows operating system installed on your PC, the root folder will be the C: \ Windows folder. If you need the root folder of some program, for example, ICQ, it will be C: \ Program Files \ ICQ.

The root folders on the web server that hosts your site also differ depending on the context. So the root directory of your account is one folder, and the root folder of one of your sites on this account located elsewhere (more low level hierarchy).

If you need to open the root directory of one of the hard drives, external media or on the available resources of the local network, use the standard file manager of your OS. In Windows, this manager is Explorer. You can run it double click LMB on the shortcut with the name "My Computer" or by simultaneously pressing the Win + E keys.

Sequentially expand the folder tree in the left pane of the file manager in order to get to the root directory you need. If you need the root folder of a disk, just click on its icon. If desired directory located deep in the directory structure, type (or copy and paste) the path to it in the Explorer bar, then press Enter. You can find out the path to the root directory of a particular program by looking at the properties of the shortcut located on the desktop.

If the required folder is located on a web server, open the FTP client program, then connect to the hosting, or go to the file manager of your hosting provider. To open root directory your account, move up the folder hierarchy as far as possible. You will not be allowed above the root folder of your account - this is how the server security system works.

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The need to find a folder arises not only when files are unordered and are saved by the user to different local drives indiscriminately. Folders can be lost even when files on your computer are organized. You can search for the folders you need different ways.


If all folders on your computer are sorted into certain categories (for example, "Documents", "Games", "Graphics", "Music" and so on), find desired folder not so difficult, it is enough to call logic for help. But even with strict organization of files, the user is not immune to errors.

If you remember which of local drives saved the folder you need, open this disk through the "Desktop" item "My Computer". Click the Search button on the toolbar. If you do not see this button, customize its display. To do this, right-click on the menu bar and set a marker in the drop-down menu opposite the item “ Regular buttons».

Left side windows will change their appearance, now instead of information and typical tasks there will be a search box. Enter the name of the folder you are looking for in the "Part of the file name or the whole file name" field. Click on the " Extra options"And set the marker in the field opposite the item" Search in hidden files and folders "(if your folder is" invisible "). Also check the box "View subfolders". Click on the "Find" button and wait until a list of matches is generated by your request.

If you do not remember which directory the folder is located in, click the button with the arrow in the "Search in" group and select all disks on your computer from the drop-down list. In this case, you can also call the search box through the "Start" menu. After you indicate exactly where to look for the folder you need, click on the "Find" button.

In cases where you do not remember the name of the folder, specify other search parameters. For example, search for a folder by the date of the last changes made or by its size. To configure these filters, use additional buttons in the search bar. If you do not remember the name of the folder, but remember the name of any file in it, find this file in the search engine, and then just go up one level.

On the personal computer users have a large number of various files that are sorted into folders. It's hard to find specific data in this whole heap.


How can this situation be resolved? Let's say you need to find a specific installed folder that belongs to the game. In this case, use the standard tools of the operating system. Each game has a shortcut that starts the whole process. As a rule, all shortcuts are taken out on the desktop during installation. Browse the entire work area of ​​your computer desk. If there is no such label, you need to look in another way.

Go to the start menu. Click All Programs. Find the installed game in the list. Click on it with the right mouse button. Will appear context menu, in which you need to select the item "Properties". In the lower right corner in the window that appears, click on the "Find object" button. The system will automatically redirect you to that folder where the program or game is installed. Next, perform the operations that you would like to perform with the folder.

You can use standard search operating system. Open any folder... Further in top panel find the item "Search". Enter the name of the document or file. Click the "Search" button. As soon as the system finds something similar, the result will be displayed in the same window. You can go yourself to local disk"WITH". Next go to folder Program Files. All categories with programs and games are located here.

A special software, which makes it easier to search for information, navigate through folders, view various files and much more. Such utilities belong to the category of file managers. One of the common programs is Total commander... You can find it on the Internet or on installation discs... Download the program and install. Then start and use as directed.

If you are independently engaged in the creation and promotion of your site, but are not very well versed in the technical subtleties and terminology, most likely you have had to deal with the need to find the root directory of the site.

What is the root directory, or the root folder of the site

The root directory, root folder or even a site is called the main section of a web resource. It is in it that all the folders and files that you upload to the server are stored, as well as office documents.

The section name may differ depending on the provider you use and the server configuration.

Why search the root directory

It is in the root directory of the site that such essential files like Sitemaps and robots.txt. These are service files designed specifically for robots. search engines.

A Sitemaps file is a kind of sitemap for robots. It contains information about the frequency of updating the pages of the site, their location, importance in relation to each other, and so on. This is a hint for crawlers to make their job easier and to ensure that pages are indexed correctly.

Please note that you will have to add the Sitemaps file yourself, but the robots.txt file is probably already present in the root directory. You can replace it with your own.

The robots.txt file contains directives for search engines that tell which pages to index and which not. You can include instructions for specific robots of certain search engines (for example, only for Yandex or only for Google).

Thus, if you seriously intend to promote your resource in search networks, you just need to find these files and edit them.

Many novice webmasters first encounter the concept of a root directory when trying to register with the Yandex.Webmaster service. In order to confirm your rights to manage the site, you need to add the html code to the site pages or download specific file to the root directory of the site. This is where you have to rack your brains: where is this mysterious directory?

How to find the root directory

In order to find the root of the site, you should not go to the control panel, but to the hosting panel, which hosts your web resource.
Most often the directory is named www, domains, HTDOCS, / public_html. So, on the Gino hosting it is the domains folder.

Blog at WordPress root folder contains sections wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes. Seeing sections with this name, you can be pretty sure that you are in the right directory.

To go to root again catalog, find the Up button at the top of the window. By clicking on it, sequentially exit each catalog a, until the message "Disk:" appears in the address bar again. For a quick transition to root catalog disk in the upper part of the window, click on the "Folders" button. A tree of folders will appear on the right side, reflecting the structure of subfolders. Click on the disk of interest and you will immediately go to its root catalog... In others Windows versions use the same technique.

Go to root catalog in Total Commander shell If an arbitrary folder is open in Total Commander shell, pay attention to upper part windows where its contents are reflected. If there are two points, click on them with the mouse and go to the level up. Continue this action until there are these points at the top - this will be the root catalog


If a site management system is used to administer a web resource, you can open the root folder using the built-in file manager of this system. As a rule, it is enough to go to the file manager page - by default, most of them open the site directory tree in the root directory. To make sure that this is the case on your system, try moving to a higher-level folder of the directory hierarchy - site scripts will not allow the site administrator to climb above the root directory, as this requires more high level access.

When using the FTP-client program installed on the computer to access the site files, the principle of actions when defining the root folder will be exactly the same. After establishing a connection to the server, try to go up one level above the folder open by default in the directory tree. If this fails (the request will be sent, but active directory will remain the same), so this is the root folder of the site. Server scripts determine it automatically, reading the address from the hosting database using the username and password entered during authorization.

Hello my regular and new readers! I think there are people among you who have any computer education... You know for sure that most of the teachers who teach in various courses, for some reason very often forget to tell their students about one very important thing - the root of a web resource.

The reason for this lies not in their forgetfulness, but in the belief that this is already simple and understandable information for everyone. And students who do not know what the root of a web resource is, as a rule, hesitate to ask about it, so as not to look bad in the eyes of the teacher and their comrades.

If you also do not own this information, in this article I will tell you how to find the root folder of the site. But before looking for it, let's figure out what it is.

What is the root directory?

The root folder of a web site is where all the content of your web resource is stored. It is in it that all the site files that are uploaded to the server are located.

In general, this is an extremely necessary piece. To change something in the resource files that cannot be accessed from the admin panel (or) you need to go to the root of the website.

Where to look?

We figured out what the root is, now we need to find out exactly where it is located. As a rule, the main directory of a website is located in folders with the names "www", "public", "domains", "HTDOCS" (it depends).

How to find out where the basis of the resource is located on other grounds? In particular, by the presence in the directory of the folders wp-admin, wp-includes, wp-content. The directory also contains .htaccess and robots.txt files.

If you yourself cannot find the root directory of your web resource, then contact the hosting support service.

You can get to the root directory via ftp. I recommend logging in via Total Commander or FileZilla. It is also convenient to use a file manager on a hosting.

That, in fact, is all that I wanted to tell you. Now you know what a root directory is, how to find it, and most importantly, how to get into it.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

A directory is an object in the file system of a computer. This name was used earlier in computer science, but now the words "directory" or "folder" are used. The word comes from the English - directory. In the system, it is indicated as full path to the required shortcut, for example, "C: \ Program Files \ My_Program".

Regular file system contains many directories that allow you to bring the system to uniform order... This is done to make it easier for the user to find something on the disk in the operating system (OS).

What are installation directories

The installation directory is the location where this or that program is installed, it can also be called the installation path. It can be a game, program, or other utility. Each such application must be located in a specific location in the OS. Often novice gamers are faced with a problem when a game or program requires install additional files or a component in the directory where the software was installed.

Let's take an example: "C: \ Program Files \ Games \ Game_name". This is the path to the folder on the computer that the user will need to open in order to get to the place where the software is installed.

And the folder named "Game_name" is the same installation directory. All of them lie at the root of the C drive, unless a different location was set during the installation.

Root folder and how to find it

This is the name of the storage system system information, in which it is located in a strictly hierarchical order. Provides all the work of the operating room Windows systems, Linux and Document Interaction.

In Windows, these are the drive names that were created by the user on the computer. Their quantity depends on how many logical parts the physical HDD... For the Windows operating system, the root directory is usually the C drive (unless the path was changed during system installation). For Linux OS it will be "/". And there are already system files and documents.

Unlike Windows, Linux always has one root directory. In order to find it in Windows, open the shortcut " My computer"On the desktop.

What is a game directory

This is the name of the directory with the installed game. It is usually stored on the C drive in the Program Files folder, but if installed in a different directory, the location will change.

How to find a directory

Search by shortcut

The path to the place where it is located desired program or the game can be found in several ways. For example, by label:

Default search

To search you can use standard means OS:

  • go to the menu " Start»;
  • in the search bar below, type full name or part of the name of the utility. It is preferable to type only part of the name, since a single typo can prevent the system from finding the desired item;
  • click on magnifier icon;
  • the system will search among installed software and will display its location on the screen.

Computer search

The third way is to search on the computer. Go to " My computer", Open drive C, in the right upper corner enter the name into the search bar and search required files in folders. This will take more time than using the first two methods, since the system analyzes all the elements included in the selection.

How to create a directory on a computer

To create a directory on a computer, you must do the following:

Each folder has its own properties - it can be hidden from users, protected from copying, accidental change... If you right-click on it and select " Properties", Then you can see useful information: occupied space, location, date of creation, as well as how many subfolders and files it contains.

Tab " Customization»Is responsible for appearance, a " Access" and " Safety"Allow you to enable (share) access over the network and set the rights to use other local and network users.

Basic operations

There are a number standard operations that can be done on folders:

  1. Copying... To do this, right-click on the folder and select "Copy". Open the location to copy to. In the window that opens, right-click and select "Paste".
  2. Deleting... Click on the RMB object and find the "Delete" item. Click on it. Then confirm the action by clicking on the "Ok" button. It will be removed to the trash can.
  3. Moving... Navigate to location target folder, open the place where you want to drag it, move the cursor over the folder and hold down RMB. Drag to opened window, and release the mouse button, select "move" from the menu. This operation is identical to the command “ To cut", But in this case you need to select" Cut "in the context menu by pressing the right mouse button. And in the location where we insert the catalog - "Paste".
  4. Renaming... Click on the RMB object, select the "Rename" item. Enter the name and press "Enter".
  5. Opening... You can open folders to work and move other objects into them. Double-click on it with LMB and it will open.