Make real money on paid surveys. The most important step is filling out the questionnaire

Nowadays everyone has computers and smartphones, even children. Despite this, few people know that on the Internet you can not only communicate with friends and look for information, but also make money - the most real.

Today we will talk about how to make money on the Internet by taking surveys... The most important advantage in this type of earnings is that it is very simple. Any person can cope with such work, regardless of the presence of a higher education, any special experience, etc.

Also, this type of earnings does not require investments and the income is several times more than on buxes and similar resources.

The amount of payment for completing one survey is from 10 to 50 rubles, depending on the volume of questions.

Now grab a mug of tea or coffee and make yourself comfortable! You can use the content and go to the section that interests you.

Who pays for the surveys and what gets from them?

Questionnaires are required for marketing and sociological research. Website owners are companies that need to study the point of view of the most ordinary people on a particular issue, for example, about the quality of canned food from a recently opened factory.

After conducting such a study, it becomes clear what you like and what, on the contrary, you don't like in the company's products and, consequently, what needs to be improved. As a result, the organization has the opportunity to offer what potential consumers of goods and services are waiting for, thanks to which the company increases its profits.

Be careful! For this type of earnings, no investment is required. If you come to a site where you need to pay at least 1 ruble, then leave it - these are scammers.

Procedure to start making money on surveys

In order to make money, you must:

✔ Create email and e-wallet (if not already there).

✔Choose a suitable site.

✔ Complete the registration procedure on the website.

✔Take part in surveys.

How do I create an email and e-wallet?

In all search engines, including Google and Yandex, you can make an email. It will receive letters with invitations to take surveys, as well as other letters from site administrations ( with confirmation of the registration procedure, with instructions for recovering the password to your personal account, etc.).

As for the electronic wallet, there are also several options:

If you work not only on Russian, but also on foreign web resources, you will have to create not one, but two electronic wallets - one of those listed above + PayPal. Free e-mail and e-wallet creation.

When choosing a site with surveys, focus on your interests - there are general topics, and there are on the topic of jurisprudence, medicine, construction, etc. If you don't really care what questions to answer, I advise you to register on several sites at once.

How to go through the registration procedure on the site to receive more invitations?

To complete the registration procedure, you will need to clarify personal data:

✔ last name, first name and patronymic;

✔day, month and year of birth;

✔ country and city (or settlement) of residence;

✔ education (basic general education - 9 classes, secondary general education - 11 classes, secondary

✔ professional education, higher professional education - bachelor's degree, higher professional education - master's degree, higher professional education - specialty);

✔ position;

✔ email and e-wallet.

Based on what you specify on your page, emails will be sent to you inviting you to complete surveys.

for instance, an organization that produces cosmetics and care products, it makes no sense to interview men who work in factories for the production of equipment for miners, they are aimed at a female audience. By providing your profile information, companies can find the right people for their research.

In order for you to receive more invitations, the profile form must be filled in as much detail as possible!

A few words should be said about the fact that letters of invitation may not reach. The fact is that sometimes they end up in the folder " Spam". To fix the problem, you can check this folder from time to time. But it would be better to add the address of the site you are working on in " White list».

Top 17 best sites to make money on surveys

While these sites all share a common purpose, they differ from one another. In particular:

✔ The amount of payment for one questionnaire;

✔Duration of one survey;

✔Number of questionnaires;

✔The minimum withdrawal amount and a set of supported electronic wallets (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal, bank cards, etc.).

It was these criteria that were used in order to compile a list of the best sites on which you can make money.


If you find out about any other survey site, read the reviews before using it. Unfortunately, on the Internet you can not only make money, but also face scammers who will try to extort money from you.

And so, below you can find a complete list of survey sites. All the sites reviewed have passed my personal verification and are honest, you do not have to worry about the money you earned, they will definitely be paid to you!

Today, a huge number of people are looking for remote work, preferring not to go to the office every day, but to work directly in their own apartment. Indeed, the Runet offers a huge selection of ways to make money. However, do not forget about one important circumstance: in attempts to improve your financial situation, you can stumble upon Internet scammers who may not only fail to pay for labor, but also lure out the “last” money.

Today, the activity of conducting a survey is gaining popularity, but for many, the question remains open as to whether earnings on surveys are really not cheating. Well, there is no consensus here. Advertising constantly flashing before your eyes informs that making money on surveys is an easy and quick way to get rich: they say, in a couple of months of your work, you can get a tidy sum, which will be enough for a trip to the “azure” shores. Is it really so? Will earnings from surveys improve your financial situation? Reviews of pessimistic people, of whom there are many, indicate the opposite. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What is an Internet survey

Conducting surveys is getting answers from a respondent in order to find out: how he relates to the quality of certain goods (services).

Naturally, the “interviewee” receives a monetary reward for this. On the Internet, this work is carried out online.

Who initiates the procedure for questioning respondents on the RuNet? First of all, between the manufacturer of the product and its consumer. The fact is that large suppliers are interested in knowing what opinion the buyer has about the quality of their products: perhaps there is a need to use additional reserves to increase demand. In this case, the consumer also wins: earnings from surveys bring him a certain income. To put all this into practice, the manufacturer enters into an appropriate agreement with an intermediary agency.

What do we have to do

Are you counting on making money on the Internet through surveys? Then you must enter an e-mail address in your name and register on special resources that will send you questions for a survey.

Also, you must create a wallet for yourself in the electronic money system - your salary will be transferred to it.

Remember that in the first months, online earnings from surveys will be small. In addition, you will not always be among the right respondents. For example, you received an assignment, and suddenly, at some stage of the survey, you are told that you cannot take further part in this survey, because you do not fit in age. Naturally, you will not receive money for it.

The registration process on survey sites takes a huge amount of time. You will have to provide a significant amount of contact information about yourself, ranging from your profession to your hobbies.

Work specifics

After completing the registration procedure, do not think that you will be overwhelmed with work on the same day: at the first stage you will receive about 3-4 surveys per week. You only have to choose one of the suggested answers.

All profiles will be sent to your email address.

Benefits of work

Of course, income from filling out surveys, along with the above disadvantages, has an advantage: you can fill out the questionnaire at any time and in any place where there is Internet access. Also, this is notable for the fact that everyone can do it, regardless of education level, gender, age.

Things to Remember

Keep in mind that making money on social surveys is not an easy job. Perseverance, hard work and responsibility will help in this matter. If you think that in just a few hours of such work you can earn 4-5 thousand rubles, then you are mistaken. To get the above amount in a month, a beginner will have to “shovel” about a hundred questionnaires, registration on which takes a lot of time.

Statistics show that only one user out of twenty achieves serious results in the field of questioning. In any case, earning money from surveys is characterized by painstaking and focused work that takes a long time. Perhaps, with a responsible approach to business, it will be possible to earn 40 - 45 thousand rubles in a year.

Beware of "dishonest" employers

When looking for money on the Internet on surveys, you can easily run into scammers who defraud money. As a rule, gullible and naive people become their victims. However, individuals who are overly greedy and wanting easy money fall into their networks. All scammers know that a person loves to get money for nothing, and they manipulate this by advertising ads with the following content: “For an hour and a half of work, I got 6,000 rubles.” But, as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. And that is not always the case.

Don't fall for the lie

Some dishonest businessmen, offering earnings on paid surveys, promise fabulous profits. However, in order to get it, you need to pay an entrance fee in the amount of 1000 - 1500 rubles.

According to the fraudster, this amount is mandatory, since the questionnaire is considered elite, and access to it is limited. Of course, "experienced" people will immediately suspect that there is something amiss in this. Naturally, clean water. After you succumb to the intruder's tricks and give him your hard-earned money, the principle of your work will remain the same: you will answer questions with even greater persistence in the hope of making big money, but after you reach the minimum withdrawal amount , the application will be ignored.

Surely there are newbies who think that in a couple of days of work they will be able to gain financial independence.

They see an advertisement that says that they will be paid 50 rubles for one, and if you register on 30-40 survey sites, you can count on a big profit. However, this point of view is erroneous. Firstly, there is a high probability that you will come across scammers, and secondly, there are not so many bona fide Internet portals in the survey environment.

And you should register on such sites.

How much money can you actually get?

If it is advertised on a verified Internet resource that you will receive from 300 to 3000 rubles for one questionnaire, then it is not a fact that in reality you can count on this money. Why? The fact is that questionnaires, the price of which is 3000 rubles, are usually offered by foreign portals, and their share in the total mass of surveys is quite small. The situation is complicated by the fact that the participants in such questionnaires are mainly residents of the United States and Europe, and among them the selection is very strict. That is why it is almost impossible for a Russian to be among the respondents to polls offered by foreign companies.

There is another unpleasant incident that should be remembered by a person who makes money from surveys. A huge part of the sites adhere to the rule: one respondent cannot take part in surveys on the same topics too often.

To summarize the above, we can state the fact that for a month of "sociological" work you can earn at best 4 - 5 thousand rubles, taking into account the fact that questions will be sent to you by large and popular Internet questionnaires.


To increase your survey earnings, there are several guidelines you need to follow. First, register exclusively with reliable companies with positive reviews. Secondly, don't pay anyone anything (for a list of survey sites, registration, and so on). Remember that all survey sites are available free of charge - they pay you money for the time spent and the work done, and not vice versa.

Well, a Russian person cannot live without a freebie! Probably, this is inherent in our genetic level: to believe in what you can earn without making any effort. Comrades, remember! You can't easily catch a fish from the pond!

Since a hellish mixture of all sorts of blood flows in my veins, including Russian, I am also constantly looking for sources of freebies, that is, additional (preferably passive) income.

My ordeal through the Internet in search of easy money prompted me to think that making money on surveys and online questionnaires is quite a good idea.

Naive, what can you do. And here I am, with my usual rabid, I would even say nerdy enthusiasm, began to register on all questionnaires indiscriminately, killing many hours of my life for filling out a portfolio and passing the qualifying stages.

In general, I am sharing with you my invaluable experience, how I tried to make money on questionnaires and surveys without investments and with the withdrawal of money, and what came of it in the end. Everything that will be said next is true.

Please note that you will hardly be able to earn at least 20 thousand rubles a month on online surveys. No, I'm not a pessimist, I'm just a real user (and still am, by the way) who knows what he is talking about.

Of course, you can break all your veins, register on hundreds of sites and spend 8-10 hours a day filling out questionnaires to earn the notorious 20 thousand wooden ones. But with the same success, you can go to a real job, get an official job and receive at least one and a half times more.

But a couple of thousand a month for "candy" - yes. Really, and without much investment (not counting the effort, the time spent, the cost of electricity and computer operation), working on three or four verified questionnaires.

When you create a profile on any online survey, remember: you cannot talk about your beggarly existence. Just don't be indignant here: if you are looking for ways to earn extra money on the Internet, it means that you are clearly in difficulty with finances. Well, or you're just greedy, like me. Marketers / survey organizers are interested only in the opinion of the PERFECT CONSUMER.

What is the ideal consumer?

  • A resident of a megalopolis (Moscow or St. Petersburg, the rest of the half-dead cities of Russia are not interesting to sponsors).
  • He is in the prime of his life (25-45 years old).
  • He has a higher education.
  • He has his own apartment and dacha / cottage outside the city.
  • He has two children of different ages, but he is planning another child.
  • He has a high salary (100-200 thousand per month).
  • He is the head of the household and makes major purchasing decisions.
  • He cannot imagine his life without television, Internet, radio and expensive magazines.
  • He spends less than 25% of his monthly income on utilities and food.
  • He has a good job (middle manager, builder, engineer, technical specialist, IT specialist, who makes the main decisions at his work or influences their adoption. This is important, we will return to this issue later).
  • He spends a lot and buys a lot, including expensive equipment.
  • He loves and knows how to have fun.
  • He takes care of himself, looks after his appearance and health.
  • He smokes, but wants to quit, but he can't.
  • He drinks alcohol, including elite spirits, at least a couple of times a month.
  • He has a lot of things, but he would not mind getting something new, more modern.
  • He has a good car, no more than 5 years old: not a luxury, but not an economy one either. However, he is seriously considering buying another car.
  • He regularly flies domestic and international, both for business and leisure.
  • He has a mini-zoo at home: cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, fish.
  • Despite the material security, he is a completely sick person. He has gastritis, myopia, dandruff, allergies, excess weight, caries and problems with potency. However, he has no rare, severe or incurable health problems. He regularly visits both the regional state polyclinic and private doctors.
  • At the same time, he is an ardent fan of sports, preferably extreme sports (because the equipment there is expensive - can you feel it?). He goes in for sports at least three times a week.
  • He has a bunch of insurance and loans, he actively uses banking products.

Advice! When filling out a portfolio in an online survey, you must create an image of the ideal consumer, even if you are not.

There is no need to exaggerate greatly, indicating in your data that you are the CEO of an oil company and you have a Jaguar car (because such people do not sit on online questionnaires in the hope of cutting a couple of hundred free rubles).

Your task is to present yourself as a successful person, a typical representative of the middle class of the population with a stable (rather high, but without fanaticism) income. The more closely you match your ideal consumer image, the more often you will be invited to take surveys.

This is how my personal questionnaire looks like on one popular online questionnaire, from which I consistently receive one survey once a week, and sometimes two (yes, accept it, surveys will rarely come, and this is normal!).

Life hacks and personal best practices

Life hacks I personally worked out when filling out virtual questionnaires to participate in marketing research on the Internet:

Always remember what you have specified in your profile. Screening surveys, which usually make up half of the study and are designed to collect basic information from you without paying, are very insidious.

They ask you test (control questions) from your profile, in order to then ruthlessly weed out you from passing the survey due to the inaccuracy of the information you provide.

For example, if you indicated in your account that you live in St. Petersburg, and in the most paid research you write that you live in Moscow, do not be surprised that you will be removed from the passage.

Never indicate that you or your family members work in commerce, marketing research, trade, retail, manufacturing or related fields! Usually this question will be at the very beginning of the study. It looks something like this: "Do you or your friends work in one of the listed areas ...".

Your answer should be “Other” or whatever you indicated in your profile (engineer, builder). The organizers of the study are interested in the opinions of different consumers, not their own colleagues.

Carefully read and memorize the questions asked when filling out a paid Internet questionnaire. Even if you have passed the qualifying stage and are admitted to the research, in the middle of the process you may be asked a security question to check your attentiveness and identify inconsistencies in your answers.

If you get lost, you will be removed, and in some cases, your rating will be lowered and no more polls will be sent.

When you are asked a multiple-choice question (for example, which cosmetic brands you know), do not check all the options in a row - it looks suspicious, and there is a high risk of being dismissed.

Try to choose the brands that are most popular and in demand among the middle class (the ones advertised on TV) - as a rule, they are the ones who sponsor the study.

How to cheat the Internet - questionnaire

“What are you doing ?! How did you get this into your head ?! You need to play by fair rules! ”- you will never hear such a thing from me. Since Internet research can exclude you after 30 minutes of taking the survey (yes, get used to it, it will be so in most cases), then you can deceive "them" a little. You will need:

  • Ideally: two or even more personal computers (stationary, laptop, netbook).
  • At worst: one computer with multiple browsers that do not store browsing history and collect cookies.

All this can be set in the browser settings. Often, sites simply do not open if you have specified a prohibition on the collection of "cookies" in the settings. In this case, do not be lazy every time before opening the survey site, clean up your browsing history and cookies.

I personally generally use the anonymous browser "Tor" to take surveys so that sites have no chance of tracking my IP.

Let's say you have already chosen an online survey to your liking (I will provide a list of reliable resources below) and decided to work on it. From different browsers, using different e-mail boxes for registration, you can create two completely opposite profiles: one for men, the other for women, of different ages and living in different cities.

Of course, you will have to keep in mind the data of two questionnaires at once (remember that such questionnaires periodically ask control questions from your profile), but the end justifies the means - twice as many surveys and money. I do not advise creating more profiles on one Internet survey - you will quickly get confused and "burn" yourself. Your account / s will simply be blocked.

If all your “characters” have “caught on” on the website of the online survey, do not rush to rejoice. Because we still need to resolve the issue of how to withdraw hard-earned kopecks.

You cannot specify the same withdrawal method on two different profiles - you will be suspected and blocked. Before registering, always check the ways in which the platform withdraws funds.

If there are several (withdrawal to mobile, virtual wallets, card), then feel free to create several profiles, remembering to specify different withdrawal methods in the settings.

If the portal offers only one withdrawal method, then it is better not to experiment with different accounts. Or create several e-wallets for yourself in advance on the appropriate resource, if this is not troublesome for you.

The best questionnaires for making money on the Internet

I do not know what other people write on different sites, I share my personal experience with you, I subscribe to every word and guarantee its authenticity. All online profiles listed below PAY. They do not require additional financial investments from you, and registration for them is free.

Internet questionnaire

The very first and, as it turned out, the most generous online survey is the Internet survey. There are many negative reviews about this project, but I know for sure that they are all about nothing (I will provide a screenshot of the payments just below).

It's just that impatient people could not wait until they had the minimum withdrawal amount (500 rubles), and quit participating in this project, having previously scribbled angry reviews wherever possible.

Platform advantages:

  1. With the correct filling of the profile (and I taught you how to fill out the profile), the questionnaires come with enviable constancy - once a week or more often.
  2. Expensive polls - from 50 to 400 rubles, however, can last from 15 minutes to three hours.
  3. The portal offers to install an additional browser extension, for which you will also be charged 10 rubles per week. The extension monitors your online activity. I personally did not install it.
  4. The minimum withdrawal amount is collected in a couple of months. I think if you install the extension, it will be faster.
  5. The money is received to the wallet within 7 days. Often - on the third or fourth.
  6. Customer support. Applications are processed quickly (about a day), my question has never been ignored.
  7. Consolation 5 rubles to the account if the system rejected you for further completion of the survey.
  8. Several withdrawal methods:, mobile phone, donation to a charitable foundation.

Cons of the platform:

  1. Registration is by invitation only. I was able to sign up for a banner ad online (on the dating site Mamba).

- a good questionnaire with a low minimum amount for withdrawal - 300 rubles.

Pros of the Project:

  1. Very often (several times a week) polls come.
  2. The cost is 20-40 rubles, it lasts 15-30 minutes.
  3. The payment takes place the next day after the withdrawal request is made.
  4. Withdrawal methods: Webmoney, PayPal, charity donation.
  5. Extensions for different browsers with notifications for new polls.
  6. There is a referral program like “invite a friend - get extra points”.


  1. The funds are credited to the balance for participation in the survey only after 14 days, when the sponsors of the study check your answers for quality. Half of the polls you complete are unpaid, even if you think you weren't cheating and answered honestly. For this reason, I eventually stopped participating in this project.

Is another online project of paid surveys that undeservedly received a lot of negative reviews. It's strange, because the platform really pays out.

Moreover, it was on this site that I opened two different accounts, and withdrew funds from both. True, the first, in the end, fell under suspicion, and my rating was lowered to 70%, polls began to come less often, but I still collected for the minimum wage (500 rubles).

Pros of the project:

  1. There is a community on Vkontakte, where administrators are trying to convince users around the clock that their project is not a scam.
  2. Three withdrawal methods: Webmoney, mobile phone, donation.
  3. A referral program that credits 15.50 rubles for each freebie seeker that you attract to the project.
  4. Withdrawal of funds takes up to 14 days.


Platform advantages:

  1. Low minimum withdrawal amount - 250 rubles.
  2. There is a mobile application for taking surveys from the phone.
  3. Withdraw funds to PayPal, Skrill.
  4. The payment takes place one day after the application for the withdrawal of funds is submitted.
  5. Referral program - 20 rubles for each new recruit.


  1. Rare and cheap polls (10-40 rubles).

I cannot speak about another online questionnaire without regret. ClixSence. A foreign questionnaire, on which I sat for a long time and firmly for several years, withdrawing $ 8-10 weekly from three different accounts.

It was a glorious time ... I managed to "hack" them, that is, to reveal the secret of how you can go through the same polls several times from one account, and I had three! I filled out 20 surveys every week on this site!

But then the site changed. They first canceled the withdrawal to PayPal, then began checking the profile information through their own channels.

In particular, if you indicate the place of work of Lukoil, they create a request to the company (or in some other way) to check whether it is true that you work there. Then the sponsor of the polls changed, and it became impossible to pass them from different accounts.

I know that the portal is used by a lot of people all over the world, because it really pays out. You can familiarize yourself, and if the conditions for participation in the project suit you, then register without hesitation. You will definitely be paid.

By the way, the activities of the project are not limited to invitations to participate in online research. It offers several ways to make money on the Internet without investments, in particular, by viewing ads.

The Toluna and GlobalTestMarket platforms also pay money to participate in online marketing research. But their payments are so scanty and accumulate for so long that I quickly abandoned these projects.

Scam and divorce

I can’t say for sure that the online profiles below are scam and divorce, due to the fact that I haven’t figured it out to the end. But I didn’t find it out to the end because invitations to polls from these projects come a couple of times a year at most.

  • JTN Panel
  • AskGfK

My opinion. By the way, this is really a scam. When the amount of accumulated points approaches the minimum to receive a prize (no money is given), your account is simply blocked. Technical support answers that "your account never existed in the system" and offers to register again. Yeah, of course. How did I receive invitations from you to the post office then? No, the portal does not throw, on the contrary, it pays money (100 rubles minimum wage), only 4 months after the application for withdrawal of funds is filed, when all hope has already faded.

A new way of cheating on questions and polls has appeared. Scammers offer big bucks for simple answers. More details on the link below!


Unfortunately, making money on paid questionnaires and surveys on the Internet remains at the theoretical level. It seems possible, but in practice, who knows ... The offered questionnaires are mostly long, boring and cheap.

To earn at least twenty thousand rubles a month, you will have to hunchback on these polls worse than a milling machine operator at a pipe rolling plant.

Today, I personally participate in online research only in order to somehow compensate for my monthly expenses for the Internet and telephone, I cannot count on more. However, even a couple of thousand a month will not be superfluous.

You already have a list of verified online questionnaires. Go for it if you have nothing else to do!

Hello dear readers!

Among others, today I want to highlight the Works on polls. EThis is a fairly popular topic in which the opinions of many people are contradictory, some say that they earn, others say that this is pure divorce.

Let's finally figure out who should be trusted and who shouldn't.

Russian shops, banks, cafes are ready to pay generously for your opinion. This is an invaluable contribution to the business, an opportunity to become better and attract more customers. Think: if you just make a product without looking at users, no one will need such a product.

Who pays money for surveys?

Questionnaire sites paid by research companies pay for your opinion. The research company is paid by the company's marketers to get an opinion. True, sometimes, the questionnaire is a research company, it itself communicates with marketers and conducts surveys.

There is a certain company, say, Megafon. The marketers of this company order research from a research company. Those conduct a survey of users and process data for the company.

What it looks like:

It turns out that real companies pay, and besides the opportunity to earn money, you make the world a better place.

How much can you earn?

From almost every such service, questionnaires come 2-3 times a week. For each of them, on average, they pay 15-50 rubles.

If you register on 10 sites, you can receive 20-30 questionnaires per week, in the worst case, there will be 10-15 questionnaires per week. Well, now let's take at least, multiply 10 by 30, we get 300 rubles a week.

But you can register a questionnaire for each family member, that is, not one, but two or three, you can even register five. Thus, earnings can be increased as much as 5 times, which is 1,500 rubles per week.

But not everything is as simple as it seems. It all depends on what city you live in, what your social status is and a lot of other factors. In half of the surveys, it is possible to remain dropped out because you do not fit the research criteria.

How to start?

  1. Register your mailbox and check it regularly. This will prevent invitations from getting lost among other letters - this makes them easier to read. It is better to register an account with Google, then important emails will definitely not go to spam.
  2. Register for the maximum number of questionnaires below with a newly created e-mail.
  3. Complete the profiles on the questionnaires. Better to answer truthfully.
  4. Check mailboxes, take surveys and withdraw money. Each questionnaire has its own methods of withdrawing money, usually displayed on a phone or wallet.

If you invite friends, you will receive a percentage of your earnings - almost every survey has an affiliate program.

TOP 9 best survey sites

Here I want to present a list of questionnaires that I use myself.

NameAverage payMinimum for withdrawalGradeThe country
1 I-Say2 euros1 ruble10+ RF
2 Global Test Market1 dollar1 rubles10 RF
3 Internet questionnaire70 rubles1000 ruble9+ RF
4 Internet survey40 rubles500 rubles9+ RF

Working on the Internet allows you to forget about traffic jams, work schedule, "evil" bosses and other delights of "traditional work". It's no surprise that more and more progressive people are starting to freelance. A relatively "new" way to make money online is through paid surveys. A distinctive feature of this type of freelancing is that everyone can make money on surveys.
In addition, taking part in paid surveys has a number of advantages over “traditional” freelancing:

  • No need for specialized narrow-profile knowledge;
  • You don't need to be creative or have a commercial streak;
  • No financial investments;
  • Immediate result - money can be earned immediately.

Keep in mind, however, that the internet is full of scammers. Paid Surveys are no exception. That is why this article has collected the top 10 best survey sites with which you can make money relatively quickly.

How to make money on surveys and not be deceived?

The first thing that pops into the minds of most people who want to do it is polls for money - who pays for it? The question is reasonable, if only because understanding the essence of the work performed is the guarantee of its quality. Therefore, first there will be an explanation of where the money comes from, who pays it and why all this is needed. And, only then - directly the top 10 best survey sites, with a detailed description of each.
Regardless of where the polls are taken, the research departments of marketing companies or large brands pay. This is due to their desire to know the desires, values ​​and opinions of "loyal" and "potential" customers. In addition, paid surveys for money allow CEOs to understand how effective marketers are.

Everything you need to know for those who want to make money on surveys - in detail and "on the fingers"

Of course, each specific service that offers to take surveys for money is unique. Accordingly, the working conditions are different. However, in general, it all boils down to the following:

  • An employee of a research company or brand provides a service questionnaire with a list of questions of interest to his company and criteria for the target audience;
  • The system compares the profiles of users who decided to register with the criteria of the target audience of the customer's company;
  • Users go through surveys for money on sites;
  • The time required for filtering the robots passes;
  • The money goes to the account of the user who answered the questions;
  • Upon reaching a certain amount of 1000 rubles, for example, the user displays the earned.

Alas, because of doubts about whether it is realistic to make money on surveys, many are lazy to “finish off” the minimum threshold for a week. Therefore, not only questionnaires are presented below, but also their description. So that everyone can decide whether the conditions of a particular service are suitable for him and whether he can make money on it.

And so, the top 10 best survey sites with guaranteed payment

Before listing the list of the best surveys, it is advisable to cover the topic of how to make really big money from surveys. The problem is that most Internet surveys, on average, pay about 2 rubles per survey. Accordingly, as experience shows, earning even 300 rubles (the average withdrawal threshold) is problematic. There are exceptions - when one question costs 10 or 50 rubles. But the withdrawal threshold on such sites is also higher.
The conclusion is obvious. To quickly make money on surveys, you don't need to get stuck on one service. Moreover, the questionnaires do not come around the clock. If you register yourself on all the services listed below, you can make 1000 rubles or more daily.
Now that all the "tricks" are known, let's go directly to the list of services that allow you to quickly make a lot of money on surveys:



Wed price

Wed number of def.

Withdrawal threshold



mo "web GmbH

4 euro (1-10)


20 euros.

PayPal, to Visa / MasterCard

100 rubles per month for installing the application

My opinion

100 bonuses


500 bonuses


Large selection of prizes!


50 rub



Contact, WebMoney, mob. CIS operators

No English required




150 rub

WebMoney, Yandex-Money, Visa, Bitcoin

There are other options for earning

Big Question



50 rub



1$ (0,3$-3$)


$ 2 (first withdrawal)


Founded in 2008 Paid out + $ 25,000,000

Paid Poll





Lots of "expensive" polls







500 rub

WebMoney, mob. operators

An excellent analogue of the "Questionnaire".
Has been working since 2014.




150 rub

PayPal, Ozon certificates

Founded in 1999!

Answering the question of those who were worried, is it really possible to make money on surveys. In addition, services are willing to pay money, not only for the pigs, but also for the installation of applications that scan the user's interests. And - constantly, and this is a full-fledged passive income. However, a solid approach is needed.

The survey services listed in the table are the best, but not the only ones of their kind. You can make money from surveys and from other sites. However, if an unfamiliar service offers to go through the selection questions, you better pass by.
Also, always check reviews of services that allow you to make money from surveys. And even more - take positive reviews critically. Remember how often you write positive reviews, even if you are happy with some service.
It is safer to work either with already proven services, or on the recommendation of loved ones. As a last resort, study the opinion of the owners of thematic blogs - especially if the withdrawal threshold is too high.

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