Asus laptop gets very hot what to do. The laptop gets very hot when playing or working

Learned about heating or overheating of the computer.

When a large number of parts are hidden in a small "box" without enough space for air, heating is inevitable.

Considering that some laptops have heat-conducting body made of aluminum or other material, you can fry eggs on such a laptop.

But a hot laptop does not mean that the computer is in trouble, although one way or another you need to do something about it.

A bit of history

For the first time, the problem of overheating laptops attracted a lot of attention around 2006, when several news reports spoke about computer fires in several countries.

Bad batteries were the problem, and companies like Dell, Sony and Acer recalled large quantities of their laptops.

But for the most part overheating problem not related to batteries... However, some computers get so hot that they can damage the hard drive.

Why is the laptop heating up?

But if the problem isn't with the batteries, then where?

You may have noticed that any electronics get hot if you use them for a while. Electronic devices generate heat while working, and the laptop is no exception.

There are two main reasons why laptops run hotter than personal computers (PCs):

1. Laptops are much smaller in size and all components are tightly "packed" inside a small case. This means that there is not enough space in the laptop to dissipate heat.

Considering that over time the cooling system becomes clogged (dust, small debris), then heating occurs even faster. In this case, it is better to take the laptop to the master, who will clean it and apply a special thermal grease.

Replacing thermal paste

* Thermal grease is a substance transferring heat from the processor to the heatsink... Over time, it loses its properties and it needs to be changed... Experts are divided over the frequency of replacing thermal paste, but if your computer gets very hot, then it is worth checking the thermal paste and other components of the cooling system.

* Too much thermal paste should not be used as this insulates the processor instead of removing heat from it. A small drop of thermal paste is enough... The main thing is to distribute it evenly.

Processor is warming up

2. Another issue is power. Since with each new laptop its power becomes more, first of all, because new operating systems require more power, more heat is generated inside the case.

Of course, laptop manufacturers are aware of these issues, so they install various appliances in the laptop case to cool the laptop as efficiently as possible - coolers, vents, radiators.

But sometimes it just isn't enough. Excessive heating can occur if, for example, the cooler does not work as it should, but more often than not, the problem is with the user himself, and not with the computer.

Is your laptop just getting hot or overheating?

As already mentioned, all laptops heat up in one way or another, but if your computer turns off by itself, or slows down very much, then you are faced with a more difficult task. You might want to take your laptop to a workshop.

The laptop turns off by itself

Most laptops today have protection system- they simply turn off at the moment when the temperature inside them has almost reached a dangerous maximum.

Where there is no such protection, it can be installed. There are programs likeCore Temp CPUthat monitor the temperature of the processor in the laptop and shut down the computer if the temperature is too high.

You can install a program that monitors the temperature of the processor, and also provides a lot of other useful information. One of these programs is called Open Hardware Monitor (HWMonitor) and it can be downloaded from the official site for free.

Other useful programs:


You can also find out the temperature of different laptop devices (processor, hard drive, motherboard):

Find out in the instructions or on the Internet what temperature limits should be set on your laptop model, and set 10 degrees less than this limit... Enter the data into the program.

You can also slightly decrease the CPU performance to keep your laptop cool:

How do I cool my laptop if it overheats?

If your laptop is not overheating, it can still be quite hot to the touch, which is also not very good. There are several ways to keep your laptop cool:

Cleaning the laptop from dust

Check (and clean) the cooler

When the laptop is hot, reach out to the vents - if hot air is blowing out of them, then the cooler is working, but if you hardly feel the flow of warm air from the vent, then the cooler is clogged with dust or simply does not work.

1. Power off the laptop (unplug) and remove the battery.

2. Unscrew the bolts and remove the cover.

3. Find a cooler and get rid of the dust with a toothbrush or paintbrush, or replace with a new one (if the cooler stops working).

* Stationery knife you will need to remove the cooler cover.

* You may need ethanol to clean the remaining dust in the cooler and grease (you can use bicycle chain lubricant) to lubricate the cooler.

* You may also need glue "Moment" or superglue to secure the cooler cover.

How to clean a laptop (video):

What to do if the laptop overheats?

It's not worth working in the heat

High air temperature and direct sunlight also affect laptop overheating. Even if your laptop doesn't get very hot, high summer temperatures can pose a problem for your computer - the battery or even the hard drive could be damaged.

Keep your laptop in the shade if possible.

Laptop cooling pad

The laptop is designed to use on a flat surface... On its back can be found small rubber feet that not only allow it to remain stationary, but also lift it up so there is room for airflow.

If you hold the laptop on your lap, the laptop case will get very hot and may even burn you a little.

When buying a laptop, users often wonder about the quality of its cooling system. Therefore, guided by the principle “the more expensive the better”, the most expensive devices are bought. But even expensive laptops get warm. What to do in this case? How to prevent overheating of the device and avoid damage to it?

Why does my laptop get warm?

Both a computer and a laptop, in the process of their work, consume a certain amount of electricity. Part of it inevitably turns into heat. This heat is emitted by components such as:

  • CPU;
  • Video card;
  • Chipset (if any).

The heat emitted by these components is pushed out of the case by a radiator with a cooler, and cooled air is returned to the parts. However, the greater the load on the video card and processor, the more they heat up and the cooling system does not cope with its task. This can be seen in the example of launching a modern heavy game.

However, it should be noted that every year the following trend can be traced: video cards and processors of a new generation are produced according to a delicate technical process. The cooling system is also being improved and the parts heat up less. However, older notebook models get hotter. The same applies to gaming laptops, which, even after purchase and the first hour of use, heat up to 70 degrees and above.

The situation is different with budget notebook models. They have little processing power, but they also heat up much less. Therefore, when purchasing an expensive model from Asus, Aser or another manufacturer, the user should take care of the high-quality cooling of the device in advance. To do this, you should buy a laptop stand, a removable cooler and clean it from dust and other accumulations every 6 months.

What should I do if my laptop gets very hot?

The laptop can warm up under various conditions, and therefore the solution to the heating problem depends on each specific situation.

Option 1. The laptop gets very hot during the game

If the laptop gets very hot while playing or working with a heavy program, then the standard cooling system is not enough to cope with heat transfer. You need to buy a special stand for the laptop or raise its back of the case. If the heat sensors show more than 80 degrees, then some part of the cooling system has a defect. It is worth cleaning and lubricating the cooler, check the heatsink for dust.

Also on sale there are external coolers that are inserted into the side openings of the ventilation system.

Option 2. The laptop gets very hot, freezes and cracks

If the laptop makes a crackling noise during operation and this crackling does not come from the hard drive, it is worth cleaning the cooling system. Lint and dust often clog the cooler. As a result, the clogged axle bursts with dust and the fan speed decreases. The laptop heats up, starts to freeze and slow down.

You can clean the laptop from dust yourself or by contacting a service center.

Option 3. The laptop gets very hot and turns off after turning on

Once turned on, the laptop cannot turn off for no reason. If the laptop was noisy and hot before such a problem occurred, it means that the cooler did not start at the start of the system. As a result, the BIOS reacted to such a problem and issued a black screen warning, turning off the device to prevent overheating and damage to one of the components.

If the cooler does not work, you can try to lubricate or replace it.

Option 4. The laptop heats up, makes a lot of noise and after a few minutes it turns off abnormally

If the laptop is noisy, heats up, and after a few minutes it turns off abnormally, then the thermal paste on the processor, video card or chipset is dry and needs to be replaced.

To do this, it is better to contact a specialist, since replacing thermal paste alternates with removing a radiator with a cooler, a processor, and these components must not be damaged.

How to prevent overheating of the system?

In most cases, the laptop heats up due to dust and lint that clog the heatsink and cooler blades. Following a few simple rules will help avoid overheating and damage to the device.

  • It is not recommended to work with the laptop on soft surfaces. Lint in carpet, bedding or tablecloths can clog the cooling system.
  • Most of the dust in the room settles at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor. It is advisable not to leave the laptop on low pedestals, tables, especially to work on them.
  • It is not recommended to work with the laptop in the room where the repair is being carried out.
  • As a preventive measure, every 6 months you need to clean the device from dust and lint.
  • To prevent the laptop from overheating, it is worth buying a special stand.

Overheating is the most common problem faced by owners of portable devices such as a laptop or netbook. Let's try to understand why a laptop can overheat and what to do to extend the life of a computer assistant.

Clogged ventilation openings

In the vast majority of cases, overheating is caused by insufficient (ineffective) ventilation of the laptop. Each laptop has grill-style vents on the bottom and side, through which cold air is drawn in and warm air is blown out. Thus, heat is removed from the processor, video card and hard drive - the main sources of heat in a laptop. It is clear that with insufficient ventilation, for example, with strong dust, heat dissipation will be unsatisfactory and the laptop will start to overheat. To quickly check if the ventilation system is working on your laptop, place it on a flat, solid surface, such as a table, and turn on the device. Place your palm near the air vents (usually on the side), and if a sufficiently strong stream of warm air comes out through them, then the ventilation is fine. If you practically do not feel the movement of air, then the laptop is probably clogged with dust and the fan simply cannot blow out excess heat through the holes blocked by the dust. In this case, you will need to clean your laptop.

It is quite difficult to effectively clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it, but, nevertheless, at home it is quite possible to remove some of the dust and improve the performance of the cooling system. For this you need a compressed air source. In computer stores, you can purchase a special can of compressed air, but in extreme cases, a vacuum cleaner with an air blowing function is also suitable. Direct a jet of compressed air directly into the air vents, both the exhaust and the air inlets, where the cooler sucks in air (usually located on the bottom cover of the laptop). This will blow out a significant amount of dust, so take appropriate precautions or carry out this procedure outdoors. Naturally, you won't be able to blow out all the dust, but the main part that interferes with normal ventilation will probably be removed.

Cooling fan failure

The laptop can get very hot for the simple reason that the cooler is completely out of order and stops rotating. In this case, you will not feel the movement of the blown air at all, as well as the characteristic sound of the rotating fan. And the presence of vibration and strong noise from the fan indicates its probable malfunction. The cooler can only be replaced by a service center; it is better not to perform such work independently without special knowledge and skills. If you do decide to perform this procedure yourself, read the appropriate instructions.

Replacing thermal paste

Often, a laptop heats up, and often turns off, due to the degradation of thermal paste under the heatsink for cooling the processor and video card. Thermal grease is a special viscous heat-conducting mixture that serves to fill micro-gaps between the heating source (for example, the processor surface) and the metal heatsink of the cooler, thereby allowing more efficient heat transfer. If this layer has lost its viscous and heat-conducting properties, has simply dried up, then it no longer fills the gaps, and, therefore, inefficiently transfers heat from the processor to the cooling radiator. As a result, your laptop gets very hot, slows down and may even turn off. In this case, the processor or video card chip is exposed to overheating, the temperature of which rises, but the air blown out at the same time is barely warm.

You can check the temperature of laptop chips using free utilities such as Fan-Speed, CPU-Z, GPU-Z, AIDA64 and others. And if they show a high temperature of the components (above 70 degrees), and the blown out air is slightly warm, then the cause of overheating is the thermal paste that has lost its qualities.

Correct use and preventive maintenance

Another reason for overheating is the mechanical blockage of the ventilation openings. This is a common mistake of incorrect operation of a laptop, associated with its main advantage - mobility. Thanks to the mobility on a laptop, you can work not only at the table, but also lying on the couch or sitting in an armchair. In this case, very often the ventilation holes are blocked by a soft surface. As a result, the laptop does not cool well and overheats quickly. To eliminate this, you should use a flat stand under it. Even a wide hardcover book will do.

In some cases, the cause of laptop overheating lies in the software area. You should pay attention to those applications, when they start up, intense heating occurs. Open the "Task Manager" and see the processor load of various processes. If one or several applications constantly load the processor above 20-30%, then this leads to its intense heating. Here you should do the optimization of processes, disable unused services, defragment the hard disk (if it is an HDD), check your computer for viruses (viruses often overload the processor), etc. Well, if very resource-demanding applications are often used, then you should purchase a special cooling pad for your laptop. Two or more fans are located on it, which will cool the entire lower surface, and contribute to more efficient heat dissipation. As a result, working on a laptop will become comfortable, especially in demanding applications and at high temperatures in the room, for example, in summer.

In order to keep the laptop from overheating, it must be properly operated. Do not work on soft surfaces, especially at a table and do not obstruct ventilation openings. Also, do not place the laptop near heating appliances. It is not recommended to operate in demanding applications for extended periods of time and in high ambient temperatures without additional cooling. Still, the cooling system of mobile computers is not as efficient as that of a desktop computer. Clean your laptop regularly, at least once a year. Also, monitor the temperature regime of the laptop, checking the temperature of its main components every six months to assess the condition of the thermal paste.

If you do not know and if you are not the first to notice that its case is very hot, the cooler inside the laptop makes a very loud noise, and your laptop, previously fast and reliable in operation, now often slows down and malfunctions and, perhaps, it suddenly began to turn off during your work and you just cannot understand what is the reason for this behavior of your computer, then it is quite possible that the root of the above troubles lies in the overheating of the laptop itself, which, ultimately, can lead to the final failure of your device. In this article, we will look at the causes of your laptop overheating, give tips on how to avoid it, and also consider methods for cleaning the cooling system, which will make your PC reliable, fast, and durable in operation.

What is "laptop overheating" and what to do if it gets very hot?

During the operation of the laptop, its electrical components consume electrical current, some of which is converted into heat, helping to raise the temperature inside the PC case. Therefore, the greater the load on the central processor and video card, on the north and south bridges (chips) of a laptop - the more heat will be generated inside your computer, the more noise the cooler will make, the more your computer will overheat and crash.

Note that older laptops heat up significantly more than modern models, which is due to the use of less efficient cooling systems. Modern innovations and improved quality of overheating control allow improving the cooling process of modern laptops, making the operation of such PCs more efficient and reliable. Plus, modern processors are manufactured using advanced power-saving technologies that can significantly save power consumption and reduce processor heat dissipation.

Why is my laptop overheating?

There are several reasons for laptop overheating, we will consider the most common of them. So:

A significant load on the system components of your laptop, causing overheating, can be caused by many simultaneously running utilities, tabs in the browser, as well as powerful modern computer games that use many of your computer's resources. Moreover, the use of such programs on office laptops that are not intended for powerful and resource-intensive games, contributes to significant overheating such computers.

Cooling system contamination

A typical laptop cooling system usually consists of a heatsink, cooler (fan) and heat pipe, as well as vents on the case.

Contamination of these holes, the accumulation of dust and all sorts of fluffy parts of matter there can cause the inability to fully release hot air from the laptop case, leads to its concentration inside, which can cause overheating and malfunction of the computer.

If the user practices the careless operation of his laptop, keeps it in dusty rooms and on various fleecy surfaces, does not clean the cooling system, then the laptop will start to overheat, and then it may even fail, and this can happen within a year or two after it purchases.

Breakdown of the cooling system

The laptop cooling system may break down, the fans (coolers) will fail, the thermal paste, whose function is to remove heat from the hottest elements of the system, will dry out, and the heat pipe may also break. Usually, the elements of the system do not fail at one moment, there is a gradual decrease in their performance (the cooler begins to hum and vibrate, the system starts to shut down periodically, etc.). Therefore, if your laptop cooler is working loudly or the system suddenly turns off - it is worth checking the functionality of the cooling system, and if necessary - replace defective elements.

How to deal with laptop overheating?

To guarantee the long-term and reliable operation of your computer, it is worth focusing on the basic methods of dealing with its overheating. Namely:

Reduce the load on the processor

Try not to run many applications and web pages at the same time, this significantly increases the load on your laptop, leading to it " slowdowns", Overheating and so on. Various virus programs that work hidden from the user and significantly load the processor also contribute to overheating of the computer. Conduct an anti-virus scan of your computer, do not run many resource-intensive applications at the same time, do not try to overclock your "office" laptop for resource-intensive gaming programs - and your laptop will be able to avoid high-quality overheating, will work reliably and efficiently.

We clean the laptop cooling system from clogging

It is necessary to adhere to the correct technique for operating the laptop, do not work with it on all sorts of fluffy and soft surfaces (sofa, bed), as particles of wool and dust enter the ventilation holes of the laptop and clog them, preventing fresh air from entering the inside of your laptop. Therefore, it is better to keep your PC on level surfaces (for example, on a table) or on your lap in such a position that the ventilation holes are always open and fresh air can flow in unhindered.

It is also necessary to regularly (with a frequency of at least once a month) clean the ventilation holes in the housing from clogging. To do this, you need to remove the bottom cover of the laptop, unscrew the mounting screws, remove the cooler, and then use a brush to clean the ventilation holes, removing balls of dust and wool from them. Then you should put the cooler back in place, tighten its screws, and then close the bottom cover. If you do not feel sufficiently prepared for such a procedure, then contact a service center or an IT specialist with a similar request, and they will help you, for a nominal fee, to clean your laptop from clogging.

Change dried thermal paste

Typically, thermal paste, which effectively removes heat from the central processor, is applied to its surface and hidden from the user's eyes by a cooler attached to the processor surface. Typically, the lines of work of thermal paste is several years and depends both on its quality and on the thickness and area of ​​application of the layer. It is recommended to change the thermal paste every 1-3 years so that it does not dry out and the processor does not overheat.

We buy a cooling pad

To reduce overheating of your laptop, you can purchase a special cooling pad for your laptop. Versatile stand models are easily adjusted to fit your laptop, and the heat dissipating surface of the stand and built-in coolers will help to effectively cool the underside of your computer.

Limiting the power of the processor

It is also possible by means of the operating system to limit the power of the central processor, setting the maximum of its work to 60-80%, which will help to reduce its overheating. To do this, go to the control panel, click on "system and security, select" power supply ", and then" set up a power plan ". We press "change additional parameters", then select "processor power management", then "maximum state" and set the indicator, for example, to 60% of the network and battery.


The quality and speed of a laptop directly depends on the functionality and reliability of its cooling system. It is necessary to regularly clean it from clogging, take care of maintaining its high performance, change the failed elements of the cooling system - and then the likelihood that your laptop will serve you for many years will increase significantly. If necessary, you can contact your local service center, where specialists will clean your system from dust, change thermal paste and test other computer components.

Now you know, what to do if the laptop gets too hot and remember that regular and timely prevention of computer breakdowns is a necessary guarantee of its high-quality, reliable and long-term operation and good luck to you.

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In this article, we will tell you what to do if the laptop heats up, makes noise, and periodically turns off.

In recent years, ordinary users are increasingly abandoning the use of desktop computers, opting for laptops. This is due to the fact that the laptop is more compact and mobile, and its performance does not lag behind a standard PC.

In turn, such a device has a specific structure, which is characterized by a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is a strong heating of the case during operation, accompanied by intense noise. There are many reasons for these problems, and you need to fix them in the shortest possible lines. More detailed information about this is presented below.

What to do if the laptop gets warm?

The presence of various kinds of distortions on the display of a working laptop, excessive heating of the lower part of its case, as well as extraneous noise are alarming signs and indicate the presence of an internal malfunction. Such problems must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there is a high probability of overheating of the processor, graphics adapter and other parts, which can lead to their complete inoperability.

The laptop can overheat for two reasons:

  1. Your laptop is clogged with a layer of dust, which also causes a lot of noise and heating of the entire laptop system.
  2. There is no thermal paste on the central processor, or it just dried out and dried out.

But nevertheless, we note that both cases involve the disassembly of the device.

Dry or missing thermal grease on the processor and adapters

Thermal paste located on the coolers of the video card and the central processor. It must be replaced with a new paste using a plastic card. If you have not performed such actions before, it is better to ask for help from specialists, since the replacement procedure is specific.

The outer part of the fan is clogged with a layer of dust

Dust formation is usually associated with the active operation of coolers. Very often it accumulates on the cooling grids and obstructs the passage of air. Therefore, it is advisable to remove dust regularly.

The hard drive has become unusable

Continuous operation of the laptop in some cases leads to the appearance of clicks that are not typical for its operation. These are symptoms of a broken hard drive or malfunctioning cooling radiators.

In most cases, a hard disk failure requires its replacement, since the resource of such devices is limited. Shocks and mechanical damage also negatively affect the condition of the disks and sometimes can even lead to their complete inoperability.

Fans (cooler) clogged with dust and debris

If the source of extraneous noise is a cooler, it is necessary to check whether debris or foreign objects have fallen into the housing, and whether the grease on the bearings has dried. Accordingly, you need to lubricate the bearings with a specially designed compound and carefully clean the housing.

What should you do if you find abnormal noise on your laptop?

  • If the slightest signs of a device malfunction appear, promptly eliminate their cause.
  • If it is not possible to clean the device yourself, contact the service center for help.
  • Monitor the health of the CPU, video card and hard drives. Ensure their repair in time in cases of frequent heating and other malfunctions.

Well, this is where we will probably end our article today.