A magazine about gadgets and technology. New interesting gadgets

All of these futuristic films we've watched over the past 20 years may soon become reality. And proof of that - 15 incredible gadgets that were recently demonstrated at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Let's see what the future holds!

FZERO1 concept car

Faraday Future showcased the single-seater car of the future. The creators boasted of the FZERO1's ability to predict the driver's intentions and adapt to his needs. Of course, the FZERO1 has a lot to go through before it becomes a reality, but it has the potential to take cars into a new era of safe and environmentally friendly vehicles.

Vivitar Speaker Smart Bulb

This bulb from Vivitar has a speaker and the ability to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth. With the help of a free application, you can turn on music through a light bulb, and it will pulsate to the rhythm of the selected song. You can also choose the degree of lighting, color, and even set a timer. A smart light bulb will cost between $ 15 and $ 30.

Foldable home theater

The Royole-X is a foldable home theater that went through many prototypes before finally perfecting it and putting it up for sale. Music, movies, video games - Royole-X is ready for anything. It is equipped with noise canceling headphones, and the coolest thing is that the helmet allows you to adjust the focus for the visually impaired. For $ 600, buyers should be happy!

Segway Ninebot

One of the coolest and most innovative technologies ever presented at CES this year. This Ninebot Segway is more than just a vehicle. He is also able to independently move around the house and serves as a security system, warning that someone has entered the house. He draws a map of the house for himself, so he will never bump into walls or turn furniture over. Ninebot fully interacts with the user and communicates with him in real time, almost like a real person.

Bulbs from Sengled

The presentation of this product at CES 2016 definitely shed new light on the capabilities of good old fashioned light bulbs. The Sengled light bulb has various properties that it exhibits when connected to Wi-Fi. It can be used as a security camera when you are not at home, it will notify residents if a fire alarm is triggered or a child cries, and it will also read out reminders to you when you enter the room.

Hairmax laserband

CES attendees were shocked to hear how far hair care products have gone. The Hairmax Laserband is a wireless hair loss treatment device. This “bezel” emits a weak radiation that stimulates the scalp cells. It can be used by both men and women, and most importantly, there is no need to make an appointment with a doctor for this!

Minibus Volkswagen BUDD-e

Volkswagen unveiled the electric car of the future at CES 2016. Externally, the car looks like a cross between VW Beetle and Kia Soul. Inside, the car looks like a real living room. The passenger seat can be deployed to face the passengers at the rear. All rear seats fold down and unfold depending on the needs of the owner. There are no more switches on the dashboard, they were replaced by three monitors that can be customized. This is a small step for Volkswagen and a giant leap for the future of cars!

Voice-activated alarm clock

Today, almost no one uses an alarm clock anymore - it is being successfully replaced by a smartphone. But perhaps they will return to fashion thanks to this creation of the French company Bonjour. This alarm clock reacts to the user's voice commands and shows him the weather, traffic information, time (of course) and plays music. The price hovers around $ 200, the miracle alarm clocks will be sold by the Christmas season this year.


NeuroMetrix introduced the Quell neurostimulator to relieve chronic pain. At the time of a painful attack, the device stimulates sensory nerves that send a signal to the brain, which in turn blocks the pain. The device is attached to the leg and can be easily hidden under clothing. The creators ensure that Quell improves sleep and pain relief 24 hours a day.

Sports equipment from ADIDAS

Most people associate ADIDAS exclusively with sportswear and footwear. But this year the company decided to fall for the general fashion and released the SmartRun watch and the SmartBall. The watch is designed for joggers - it supports GPS, monitors the heartbeat and calculates the distance covered. The battery lasts for 8 hours of active work. Also at CES 2016, ADIDAS introduced the SmartBall, a soccer ball that collects information about the speed, strength and trajectory of a strike. After training, you can view the information on your smartphone or other device.

Washing machine Marathon Laundry

The startup Marathon Laundry was created by Glenn Reed, who had previously worked for Steve Jobs for six years. He also called his brainchild "Tesla in the world of washing machines." The Marathon Laundry washer-dryer features an A9 processor, 1GB RAM and a touch panel. The machine can be controlled using an application on a smartphone via a Wi-Fi connection. Sales are due to start this year for approximately $ 1200.

Orée accessories

Sustainable and organic lifestyles have made their way to the tech accessories sector. At CES 2016, Orée unveiled its line of chargers, keyboards, trackpads and the like, all made from wood and leather. At first glance, the objects in the photo may seem like prototypes, but visitors to the exhibition tried out the keyboard and were convinced that they were really working models. Smartphone cases have already been assembled from these materials, but Orée has taken it to the next level.
Klaxoon Networking with colleagues or working on a shared academic project using only the Internet can be challenging. To get the desired result, you need to constantly communicate, download and upload files, compare records. Klaxoon is a device that lets you do all this without an internet connection. At the same time, up to 40 people can connect to this gadget from their devices, and information from the cloud is available to a thousand.

Presence Home Security System

Netatmo is a French company that has set itself the goal of creating only the best and most advanced home products. This year, they developed a smart CCTV camera that detects movement in the yard and uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine whether it is a car, an animal or a person. If a stranger is hanging around the house, she will inform the owner of this by sending a message to her smartphone, and even show him the recording in real time.

Smart scales Polar Balance Scale

For a long time, the scales were the silent inhabitants of the far corner of the room, who watch with silent reproach as we eat a packet of chips. But now that's a thing of the past - Polar has released a scale that we love and enjoy working with. The Polar Balance Scale is paired with a bracelet that collects information about the user's movements. Based on this information, the scale calculates which exercises the user should do in order to burn the most calories, how to achieve the best results, and even on what day the extra cookies can be eaten. For $ 100, you get more than just a scale, but a friendly helper.

The world of technology does not stand in one place. Everything is changing, and "smart" gadgets are gradually filling the life of every person. And the surprising thing is that every year there are so many of them that sometimes it is impossible to keep track of all the new items.

This article will present the most interesting gadgets of 2015, as well as some of the announced new items for the next year.

Controlled electrical appliances

It is becoming easier to use ordinary household appliances. appear everywhere, and you can control your home directly from your smartphone.

Talking about, first of all, I would like to note the new lamps from General Electrics. This company was created by Thomas Edison. Yes, the very man who invented the first carbon filament lamp.

Following the path outlined by its founder, the company continues to amaze the world with high-quality and high-tech products.

C Sleep by GE

Lamps that turn on and off from a smartphone are no longer news. Although they are rarely found in Russia, there are already technologies and more modern ones. General Electrics is engaged in the latest line of "super smart" bulbs - C Sleep and C Life.

Devices of the first model change their glow color during the day, duplicating the light of the sun: in the morning - pale blue, during the day - yellowish, in the evening - close to orange. Due to this, natural street lighting from the sun almost completely matches the light from the C Sleep lamp. Thus, every day the nervous system and eyes are not subject to irritation from constant changes in lighting. According to the company, using such interesting gadgets for home in the bedroom, it will be easier to wake up in the morning, the light will increase activity during the day, and it will be easy to fall asleep in the evening.

C Life by GE

The second C Life model shines with only one yellowish tint, like a regular light bulb. It is recommended to install it in all other rooms.

With the help of wireless technologies, having bought such interesting gadgets and installing the appropriate application on a smartphone, you can control three lamps at once without using any additional means of communication.

In addition to turning the light on or off, you can set its intensity (brightness). This setting is quite convenient, especially with increased irritation of the eyes, which have been looking at the computer monitor for the whole day and have had time to get inflamed.

It is noteworthy that these interesting gadgets for Windows 7 are not suitable and work only on the "Android" platform.

Ankuoo unveiled a line of smart switches

We continue to consider interesting gadgets. Turning the lights on and off from your phone is a good thing. But there are devices that help increase safety.

How many times in your life have you caught yourself thinking that you forgot to turn off the iron, stove, kettle or other household appliances from the network? Every year there are many fires in apartments and houses for precisely this reason, when residents forget to turn off the electrical appliance at night or when leaving the premises.

It is quite expensive to buy every household appliance that will be equipped with smart technologies, what to do in this case? Ankuoo has solved this problem. She presented the gadget in the form of a special patch socket equipped with Wi-Fi technology.

You just need to connect it to a regular one - and the outgoing current will be under your control. By installing a special application on your phone, using the Internet, you can turn off or turn on the electricity supply to household appliances.

This is truly an irreplaceable thing of the new century. You no longer need to worry or rely on your memory, just turn on the program and turn off the power in the outlet with a couple of clicks on the screen of your smartphone.

Do you like cleanliness?

The most interesting gadgets should be not only advanced in the technological spectrum, but also devoid of the shortcomings of devices of the past.

How many bacteria and germs do you think are on your smartphone? There are billions of them. From the moment the first cell phone was released until today, it has been difficult to find one that would be completely safe from the point of view of personal hygiene.

Fingers and palms are carriers of various microbes due to the fact that we constantly touch something with them: money, door handles, other people. During the day, we touch our phone more than once. And the best thing we do with it is wipe the screen with a cloth so that no greasy marks on the screen are visible.

Take some soap and wash your phone anytime you like!

The Japanese company Kyocera decided to eliminate this shortcoming and developed the Digno Rafre smartphone, which can be washed right under the tap with water. This is really amazing, the phone can withstand water temperatures up to 43 degrees, and is also completely waterproof, and its material does not deteriorate from ordinary soap. This protection is due to the IP58 technology.

With a bit of humor, this gadget comes with a special duck with which the phone can float in the bathroom. Other technical characteristics of the phone are not very different from mid-range smartphones, and therefore there is no need to cover them in this article.

It is hoped that such technologies will be used in all high-tech equipment, and there will no longer be any need to be afraid to flood something with water or ruin it with household detergents.

Miracle flashlight

Interesting modern gadgets are not limited to household appliances and smartphones. New technologies have even made their way to conventional flashlights. It would seem that insert the battery and use it - is it even easier? Even a solar-powered flashlight is already far from the modern world of technology.

A new breakthrough in the field of powering devices was made by an inventor from New York. He managed to create a flashlight that works from the warmth of the hands. It's amazing! Such a gadget is environmentally friendly, and, one might say, it will always work without requiring an additional source of energy. Simply place your thumb on the special panel that instantly converts the heat from your hand into electrical energy.

Everyone should have such a device just to be on the safe side. This is a really handy thing, especially when the mobile phone is dead and there is nothing to highlight. It will also be very useful in multi-day hikes and travels far from civilization. An endless light source can help out on any dark night.

Device for bachelors

Are there any interesting? Of course! There is a special Sansaire Sous Vide Circulator that is designed to help bachelors prepare delicious food for themselves. Stop eating bad food! Sandwiches, chips and crackers are all terribly harmful, it's time to take care of yourself.

All you need for any simple dish is a vacuum bag, ingredients and the above device. Put, for example, meat in a bag and put it in a container of water. Dip the gadget into this water, install the program and wait a little. Within 30-40 minutes you can have a delicious meal.

The plus is that any dish will not become dry or overcooked. This is the essence of sous vide technology. In addition, dietary fiber and nutrients are not destroyed during such cooking, so the food will be even healthier. Eat to your health!

Smart technology is the future

Of course, there are much more worthy new products in the high-tech world than are listed in this article. There are also keyboards that are projected by a laser onto any surface, virtual reality glasses and others.

Time does not stand still, but moves forward. Perhaps technology has never developed so quickly. The technologies we have today will be outdated tomorrow. Having bought a modern gadget, you will be faced with the fact that in a year you will be the owner of an outdated thing.

Should you make this purchase now? Of course it's worth it. After all, technology makes it easier and safer for our lives. No need to wait for a newer phone model, and then the next one, and so on. and new interesting gadgets will definitely help you make life more interesting and exciting.

However, never forget that such devices are only meant to make life easier. There is no need to make a cult out of gadgets, as is the case, for example, with Apple products, when any new product is immediately swept from the windows.

Imagine a world where you don't have to physically do anything: you sit on the bed, and from your phone you program cooking, robots that clean your apartment, control the light and water. In this situation, a person has a lot of free time, which with pleasure and benefit can be devoted to learning, family and loved ones.

2017, like previous years, will amaze us with super-technology and super-electronics. Top 10 gadgets of 2017 will tell you how the developers will surprise us this year.

10 Sleep Nubmer 360

This is a smart smart bed that can adapt to the sleeping owner, providing him with good sleep and proper rest. The bed itself determines and changes the level of rigidity and shape, depending on the body movements of the sleeper. The bed is divided into two sectors, each of which can be adjusted independently of each other. There are also three additional functions: a raised headboard (a way to prevent snoring), a warm zone (heating in the leg area) and a built-in alarm clock.

9 Dring Smartcane

This is an intelligent cane with a conventional look and an unusual "filling". The smart handle hides a gyroscope, accelerometer, GSM-module with a speaker. The cane controls the movement of the owner, and sends the results to the cloud. The processed and analyzed data can detect the initial stage of the disease in time. The SOS button, which is hidden in the handle of the cane, will send a signal to a preprogrammed phone number.

8 Apple Wireless Battery

The device operates within a radius of 2-3 meters. To recharge the device you need, you just need to place it in a special charging area. However, recharged devices will discharge a little faster than with the usual method of recharging. The process of charging devices from the Apple battery will take place more often and take a little longer.

7 Smart glasses

Carl Zeiss has created smart glasses with a head-up display on the lenses. The bow of the glasses will hide the battery, processor and other necessary details. They will connect to a mini OLED display located at the junction of the temple and lens. The polycarbonate glass that projects the image onto the screen acts as a reflector. At the moment, work is underway on the software for the device.

6 Razer Project Valerie

This is a laptop, the uniqueness of which lies in the presence of three screens, the total resolution of which is 11520x2160 P. The main screen of the laptop, of course, is located in the center. Additional two screens slide out on the sides using a hinged special system. Each IZGO screen has a diagonal of 17.3 inches. Together, the screens provide an almost panoramic view. The weight of this unique device is 5.4 kg.

5 Game console Nintendo NX

The console allows the user to play the game on and off the TV. You can start the game outside the home, and continue already sitting on the couch in front of the TV. The console will be supplemented with a docking station, which is responsible for connecting to a TV and recharging the device. The game console will feature Nvidia's Tegra processor, removable controllers and a touchscreen.

4 Royole FlexPhone

It is a smartphone with a flexible structure designed to be worn on the wrist. This super-thin smartphone, 5 mm thick, weighs only 100 g. The device fulfills its usual purpose (telephone, Internet access, viewing media content), and is also equipped with additional functions - monitoring and control of the wearer's physical condition (breathing rhythm, heart rate) ...

3 Vivo Xplay

This is a transparent smartphone, the screen of which will be equipped with a sensor on both sides. The memory of the device is 128 GB of constant and 6 GB of RAM. This unique smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. The Chinese company Vivo plans to create this model as a supercomputer in a mini version.

2 Samsung Smartphone with Flexible Structure

The South Korean company Samsung prefers to create unique devices. This year she is going to introduce her new smartphone model with flexible structure, equipped with an OLED display. The smartphone folded in half will have a display diagonal of 5 inches. In the unfolded state, the diagonal of the device will reach 7 inches.

1 Smart contact lenses

Sony plans to introduce contact lenses to prospective wearers this year that combine several positive qualities and talents. The lenses will be equipped with an antenna that transmits information and power to the lenses. The lenses will have a camera, gyroscope, accelerometer, wireless module, display for video playback, built-in memory and external. In a word, the lenses will replace fitness trackers, glasses, watches, scanners, cameras, etc. Special movements of the eyelids will bring the lenses to work.

Our top 10 shows that this year, too, manufacturers will be able to impress users with their rather interesting and unique gadgets.

Choosing a laptop for study or work, the technical component is considered not the most necessary selection criterion. It is fundamentally to take into account the quality of the wireless module, the comfort in using the device, active abilities and, of course, the price-quality ratio. Apart from this, quality and operational potential are considered a necessary nuance. We tried to make the task easier by using the laptop rating for study. This collection is compiled on the basis of customer reviews who have already considered the outstanding qualities and defects of the options outlined below.

Criterias of choice

Battery capacity. It is worth paying attention to devices with a capacious battery, which will last at least three hours - otherwise, you will have to constantly look for a power source.

Display options... If the laptop is used by a schoolboy or student, then you can pay attention to more compact devices with a screen of 11-14 inches. If you need a device for home use, then it is already worth taking options for 15 and even 17 inches. It will be pleasant not only to work on them, but also to watch films.

Technical specifications... The criterion that is not very playable and depends on the format of the subsequent problems. If you need a device for office-type work, then the most common one will do. Now absolutely any device will support the work of office programs. For people who work with graphics programs, it is already worth looking at something more serious, where the amount of RAM will be at least 8 GB, and a powerful graphics accelerator will be installed. This will also affect the viewing of heavily rendered films.

Built-in storage volume. For optimal performance, your laptop should have at least 256GB of free HDD space. Such devices are inexpensive. However, if you still have a larger amount, then you can fork out for an SSD format hard drive, its presence will affect the speed of the system, especially if you need to install a large number of applications.

Price. Of course, this parameter is important for any purchase, but its importance in this rating is obvious. Laptops for study have modest parameters, which is why they cost a little, but you should not save much, because you can take simple equipment, but at the same time a low-quality case that will last a short time.

8th place - ASUS X553SA 3.5

The ranking of the best notebooks for study is opened by the product of the Taiwanese company ASUS.

The model is suitable for those who want to purchase a small-sized device for home or school use. It will be enough for many tasks: work, study, watching movies, surfing the web, and more. Thanks to the high-quality monitor that demonstrates rich and rich colors, which makes it possible to comfortably watch films and read books. In addition, there is a special mode that reduces eye strain. At the same time, the laptop weighs no more than one kilogram, which will be generally great if you are going to transport it often with you.

Price - 15,000 rubles.

  • simple control;
  • high-quality screen;
  • small dimensions and weight;
  • practically does not heat up;
  • anti-reflective coating;
  • sensitive touchpad.
  • the display itself is too small;
  • small amount of internal storage.

7th place - Lenovo V310 15

The product of the well-known Chinese company Lenovo continues the rating of the best notebooks for study.

This product is cheap, but very good in terms of performance, and the build quality is different. The outer shell is in no way inferior to more expensive devices. The technical parameters of the device are characterized by a Core i3, i5, i7 processor, although now we are considering the first option, since it is not the most expensive and ideal for study. More powerful chips for other purposes are simply pointless. There are also various modifications for video cards. The most expensive options contain a GeForce, which is enough for fast work and even for playing games, but still with a powerful processor. The laptop has a comfortable keyboard, in fact, which will be extremely important for students or schoolchildren. Additional features: the presence of a fingerprint and excellent sound from the built-in speakers.

Price - 22,000 rubles.


  • excellent construction quality;
  • affordable price;
  • highest power;
  • high-quality display;
  • convenient layout.


  • works only with Windows 10;
  • difficult to change the configuration;
  • there is no Wi-Fi on the layout.

6th place - ACER ASPIRE 3 (A315-53G-39QL)

A virtuous laptop for any day, equipped with a dual-core Intel Core i3 microprocessor with an NVIDIA GeForce MX130 video accelerator. Obviously, it will not be called a game option, but it will be enough for some heavy programs and applications, nevertheless there is 6 GB of RAM. Even at maximum loads and downloads, the installation literally does not heat up.

It is possible to boldly put him on his feet and watch his favorite film. A 1TB hard drive is enough to store a lot of information. Everything about this laptop is excellent, but not the screen. The low resolution of the monitor does not allow you to enjoy the image in the greatest detail. Apart from this, color rendition is considered not the best.

  • Price - 28,000 rubles.


  • acceptable external performance;
  • excellent technical part;
  • a large number of external interfaces.


  • display;
  • small battery capacity.

5th place - LENOVO IDEAPAD 330 15 INTEL

The fifth position in the rating of laptops for work and study belongs to another product from LENOVO.

And again, a cheap model in terms of cost, but by no means in terms of functionality. The internal stuffing is able to satisfy the needs of advanced users. It has the usual form factor, which is why the weight is still considerable, just over two kilograms. A bit heavy, but in most cases this will be a satisfactory indicator for such, in order to use it for such purposes. Characteristics according to traditional features, right down to screen sizes. The diagonal is 15.6 inches. Excellent, but still low resolution, low quality matrix and thickened frames around the perimeter still spoil the overall impression.

Despite all of the above, a satisfactory Core i3 chipset coupled with 8GB of RAM shows a remarkable degree of power. In games, it can be helped by the GeForce MX150 video accelerator. At the same time, even under powerful loads, the structure does not heat up, and the cooling system does not produce loud sounds at all. The integrated speakers, which sound very "juicy", have all the chances to help feel all the capabilities of the laptop. But the indicator of autonomy is rather low here. The device quickly discharges if there is no permanent power source.

Price - 35,000 rubles.


  • traditional design execution;
  • good hardware;
  • good cooling system;
  • satisfactory sound from integrated speakers;


  • low display resolution and thick bezels around the perimeter;
  • small battery.

4th place - Lenovo IdeaPad 110 15 AMD

Users have chosen this option for its good graphics capabilities. It attracts with a good speed of work in general, regardless of the type and number of tasks launched. Based on customer feedback, the battery lasts for three hours. This is probably not enough if you are going to take the device with you. If you need fast work, it is possible to purchase an SSD hard drive. The gadget is predetermined for learning, and will cope with this very well.
The price is 19,000 rubles.

  • quiet work;
  • comfortable layout;
  • high quality construction;
  • fingerprint sensor;
  • excellent display with a matte finish.


  • not enough memory.

3rd place - LENOVO IDEAPAD 330 17 INTEL

This device stands out just by the diagonal of its own display, which goes by 17.3 inches. Thanks to this parameter and the FullHD format, it turns out to be able to see the small details of any movie or game. By the way, about the games. Everything is in order with them, for example, the smart microprocessor and the GeForce MX150 video card are capable of carrying out many loads. There are practically no lags and freezes, not all times it will be necessary to set the average graphic options, but this precedent is not considered an obvious disadvantage. Since the installation is absolutely silent under heavy loads and practically does not heat up. But nevertheless, the laptop is discharged quite quickly, and its case is very easily soiled. Personal nagging, however, almost all users who bought a gadget do not miss the moment not to mention them. The end result is a virtuous accessory at your own expense. Not without minuses, of course, but also with a tremendous number of pluses.

Price - 25,000 rubles.


  • traditional external design;
  • good hardware;
  • a huge display with good color rendering and contrast;
  • literally barely audible when working;


  • the laptop discharges quite quickly;
  • the installation gets dirty quickly.

2nd place - DELL INSPIRON 3542

Among the best economical laptops is this model, which gets more and more admirers among users any day. The demand for the gadget is possibly caused by a good match of active quality parameters and affordable cost. Allows you to run not only demanding programs, but also some games. Lures with unrivaled features for working with graphics programs. Literally does not heat up and amuses with excellent speaker quality. In parallel with this, the device has a discreet and elegant appearance. The cooling system copes, taking into account that it starts to be active only when you start games. The problem is, in fact, that you can find a fake that will differ significantly from the original.

Price - 17,000 rubles.


  • fast system operation;
  • power;
  • high-quality keyboard;
  • the structure is assembled at a high level;
  • capacious battery.


  • the touchpad does not turn off;
  • counterfeits come across.

1st place - HP 255 G3

This is ideal for study and uncomplicated work; of the special defects, one can only note a lack of memory and quiet speakers. For the rest of the parameters, it is rather difficult to find a better option. The capacity of the work is not much, but you cannot call it small either, 100% charge is enough for 4–5 hours of work. Even if you work with graphic programs, then this laptop may also, in principle, be enough. In general, 2 GB of RAM and a microprocessor is enough to work with office documents and applications. Thus, the gadget meets its own value. The elegant design and comfortable layout serve as a bonus.

Price - 15 990 rubles.


  • speed of work;
  • ergonomic layout;
  • acceptable price;
  • high quality build;
  • no frills design.


  • not enough memory;
  • quiet sound.

Gadgets - technical gadgets for completely different purposes - are man's best friends. According to statistics, for everyone living on Earth there are at least three technical devices, that is, a useful gadget. Being completely different and designed for different purposes (watches and phones, docking stations and microphones, projectors and miniature robots), gadgets greatly facilitate the life of a high-tech person and do not let him get bored.

Usually the answer to this question is sought by smart guys at the round table in a program on one federal channel (albeit in that case they have a box), but today we decided to ask it to you. Let's say right away: this is not a nuclear briefcase; and no, our editor-in-chief is not going on vacation. To be honest, the contents of this case surprised even us, and we have seen many different gadgets and wonders over the past 10 years.

Major retailers are committed to using the latest technology to improve customer service and overall productivity. The largest in